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Stocking stuffers your kids actually need?


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I need to go get a few things for stocking stuffers, but we are trying not to buy a bunch of junk this year. Our house is too small! Our big gift is that we are taking the girls to Florida to see Winter, so we aren't doing a ton of gifts.


What are some things I can put in their stockings??


So far I have toothpaste (which we always do) and one nail polish (requested).


What else are you putting in stockings that isn't a toy??

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I have no idea how old your girls are so...


hair stuff, gel, barrettes, ponytails

fun soap, shampoo, doeodorant, brush, comb



favorite food item, bottled drink

book marks

gift certificates to do things in FL or to favorite restaurants

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Band-aids and scotch tape are always hits with my kids. New toothbrushes too. Hair doodads for DD. Nail clippers/files. New crayons/markers/colored pencils. Fun socks. An extra pair of small gloves if they need them. Flashlights. Batteries for things that need batteries. Individually packaged snacks, like goldfish crackers; they could take those in the car on the trip.


ETA: As someone else said, definitely chapstick/lip balm. For some reason, all of the kids (well, not the baby) think this is the best. Small bottles of hand lotion might be good too.

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I usually do food goodies in stockings, so my kiddo's stocking will include fruit leather, fruit snacks, hot cocoa and marshmallows, etc.


Have fun in FL! What an awesome present for everyone. We were lucky to see Winter the year before the movie was made, so it wasn't crowded. I also suggest taking one of the nearby dolphin tours out in the Gulf or Tampa Bay!

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Here it is gloves and a flashlight. We nearly always do a new pair of work gloves for Christmas for everybody, and flashlights were a request item. Last year I included a pack of nice watercolor pencils for each.


Hey, for Florida, a decent pair of sunglasses and some sunscreen would be a must.

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Mine are teens and things I've done through the years:


Beef Jerky


Gift cards

Glowstick shaped flashlights

Bath & Body Works hand sanitzer

fuzzy socks


Jeweler's Screwdriver set


drum sticks

guitar picks



I always try and put in a high interest magazine or book that will be a distraction in the morning before we open gifts. When my boys were younger that was often along the lines of a Foxtrot comic book. This year my kids are getting drum, guitar, and a One Direction teenie bopper magazines.

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When we traveled for our big Christmas gift, most of the stocking stuffers were related to the trip: Sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm, snacks for the plane, activity books/small drawing pads, card games, colored pencils in a travel pouch, flip-flops (hung from the stocking hanger since they didn't quite fit).



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In the stockings this year are:

Carmex or Burt's Bees lip balm

Holiday socks


An umbrella (first one)

Chocolate balls

Candy cane with Hershey's kisses

Sidewalk chalk

Colored pencils

Christmas pencils


Glue sticks

A Christmas card for each daughter with $4 each in it


My parents had a tradition of putting either an orange or a pomegranate in the toe of each stocking. My husband bought oranges last night, so today I'm going to unpack the stockings and stick an orange in each one, LOL. 'Cause I've got nothing better to do two days before Christmas. ;)


My girls also like these items BEFORE Christmas:

A cheap box of Christmas cards

Christmas stickers

A roll of ribbon

A roll of clear tape


They spend the week before Christmas busily writing out cards to everyone (multiple times). Ribbon and tape and stickers flying everywhere, what a riot.



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Chocolate (considered a staple food in this house!) :D


Other items:

Movie gift certificate

Fuzzy socks


Paper that says that $ was donated in their names to a wildlife fund (for a specific type of animal that is special to them)

Flashlight (because when the dc went to a nighttime corn maze, I realized we had almost no working flashlights in the house)

Salty snack (chips)

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Some of this isn't *need* but will certainly get used:


Nail clippers--I don't know how we manage to lose so many every year

plastic shot glasses or those tiny paper cups (in the picnic section at my local Kroger)--my dc love this for ketchup or veggie dip

straws--because we just love drinking through straws


nail polish

fun bandaids

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