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Large Families- how many grandkids do your parents/in-laws have?


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Dh's grandparents had 5 kids, 12 grands and 22 greats (5 of them are ours- they had 1 dd and 3 grands that purposefully did not have kids).

We have 5 kids and I hope our record is a bit better than theirs.


In-laws had 3 kids and 9 grands.

My parents had 3 kids and 11 grands.

Camp Grammie- love that!

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I honestly don't know about my parents. Last I'd heard, my younger bros each had an only...but that was a while ago, so someone may have had another by now. So, based on last count, there were 4 of us, eldest bro has 2, I have 5 (another on the way), younger bro had one, youngest bro, one. So, 9 in total.


Wolf was adopted, and raised as an only. So MIL just has our kids. We honestly don't know how many kids are among his birth sibs...there were 7 of them at last count, but there's probably a few still missing. Other than our kids, I can only think of 4 others.

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We aren't a large family (yet) but I come from a large family. My mother only has 7 grandkids across 7 kids. My in-laws only have my kids (DH has one brother).


My paternal aunt has 71 grandkids, from 12 kids, and a couple dozen great-grandchildren, and at least one great-great-grandchild.

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My parents had 8 children. they currently have 13 grand kids, and 3 due early next year. I have 2 younger brothers still in their early 20's that haven't started a family yet and one who's just starting his family. so they will probably end up with many more.

My in-laws had 4 children . they have 14 grandchildren and are unlikely to have any more.

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Man, I so want that to be me! I can't wait to have Camp Grammie. I am going to be the most awesomest gramma ever.



OMG you so are. I wish I had more kids just so one day I can have swarms of them :lol:


My mom is an awesome grandma.


I don't have a big immediate family.

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My parents have 15 grandchildren and one great grandchild, and there were only 4 of us. My siblings ALL have more children than me, I chickened out at two. Dh's parents also had four and only have 5 grandchildren. My father, and Dh's father, however both came from these mondo big Irish families (13 and 7, respectively) and can't reliably count all of our first cousins. I always forget someone and Dh would never attempt to keep track.

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My husband and I are each one of six. my only brother died in childhood though so between the five girls we have 28 children. All my sisters are done so anymore would have to come from me(I have a three week old. No comment on if there will be more ;-)!) my oldest niece had a baby two weeks before me so they have one great grand child.


On my husbands side there are 26 with one more due in the spring. I think most of his siblings are done except the youngest who is the one expecting. And maybe us ;-). No greats on that side yet.

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My parents had five children, who in turn added five grandchildren. Those five grandchildren have added eight great-grandchildren (so far).


My husbands parents had four children, who in turn added five grandchildren. So far, there are seven great-grandchildren.

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My mother has 5 children and 6 grandchildren, 2 of whom are mine. 2 of my siblings did not have/will never have kids. Her mother, on the other hand, had, at her death 2 years ago, 6 children, 34 grandchildren and 99 great-grandchildren.


Dh has 1 brother. His mother has 8 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Dh has 2 grandchildren.

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I'm one of seven kids, but my mom has only 12 grandkids. My siblings have all only had 1 or 2, I come in with the most, having four kids. My youngest brother and sister could still have more, but I doubt it.


My mother was one of 10 kids, and her parents had around 30 grandkids.

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I have 32 first cousins on my mom's side (she's one of 8, and 2 had no children), but only 4 on my dad's side (he's one of three). My DH is one of 10 cousins, and his grandparents have 14 great-grands, with two coming this spring.


In Feb, my parents will have a grand total of one (with more to come, hopefully!), and my ILs will have 4.

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My paternal grandfather is one of 14 kids and my dad is one of exactly 100 grandkids on that side. My mom is one of 50 grandkids on one side and thirty something on the other. My Grammy has 10 kids, 25 grandkids, and is up to approx. 55 greats (I haven't heard lately and I know there have been severals after 50). My parents only had 3 kids but will have 11 grandkids this spring, God willing. I'd like to have at least one more and the others might have more. I'd say they are getting a good return on their investment even though they'll never get close to 50 grands. :tongue_smilie:

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My parents each come from families of 7 kids and I have between 30 and 35 cousins on each side, although it's been awhile since I counted and I have forgotten. My first cousins range in age from 49 to 3. I come from a family of 5 kids, and so far my parents have 9 grandkids. They probably won't have more than 12-13 total.

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12 grands for my parents. I am the baby of 9 (8 living) and we each had 0-2 kids each so the number isn't proportioately high. Of those 12 grands, 2 of them have already had 3 each, so 6 great-grands so far.



My grandmother had 7 kids, Each of them had 4-7 kids. I know she has 40+ grand kids but I don't know the exact number. I think she hit 100 great-grands.

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Dh has 30+ first cousins, I just counted 33 total, but may be leaving someone out.

I couldn't begin to tell you how many kids all the cousins have, there is always someone pregnant in his family and 4 or more kids is the normal.




I have 56 first cousins on one side of the family.




OMG. How many siblings do those cousins come from? That sounds like *heaven*.

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