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How much do you spend on curriculum?

Darcy in FL

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I've been making my list for next year for a 6th grader and 3rd grader. DH and I were reviewing what I needed to get (he is OK with all of it) but he asked me what the "average" was that people spent. So I'm asking the "hive"--How much do you spend on average in a school year.


This next year I'll be spending about $800-$900 - that is if I bought everything new using Rainbow Resource/CBD or individual companies. Of course, I do buy used on things that I can so I don't think I'll spend quite that much. But that doesn't include field trips or co-op fees and such.


So please share-- what do you spend in a year and for how many kids?

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I would think this depends from year to year and each family's age range...


My kids are back to back grades, so we reuse most things immediately and other subjects we actually share, so I think we are pretty cheapo...


for fall we are using :

SOTW w/AG and CD's. ~$100 if paid full price

MUS(alpha and beta) I have the Alpha teacher book already. ~$75

ETC books( about 5 to buy between them both) ~$35

have FLL already

have OPG for youngest already

Science will be Easy Classical Grade 2 ~$135(schedule and all needed books

HWT 2nd grade book for youngest ~$6.95


more art paper and music books....?


so I will spend about $400 for this fall. IF I decide to get the new writing stuff then perhaps more.....

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Are we supposed to count the curriculum we buy and never use? How about the stuff that we think we'll use, but don't know when to fit it in? Or better yet, the stuff that we bought, thought we'd like, and then can't bear to part with because we'll lose too much money?


I have $1200 a year budgeted, but that doesn't count all of the books we buy or any sort of lessons. Two of the girls take piano and they all have a PE class once a week, which is $40 a month.


Probably, I spend a lot more, but I'm going to plug my fingers in my ears now because I don't want to think about it.

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We spend about $600-900 once a year at Rainbow Resource for the bulk of our materials including extras like games, posters, experiments, etc.


Buying books quarterly for TOG, $100-300 depending on what books we choose. I get the more expensive books cheaper by buying used or through BookMooch.com


And of course field trips, fun stuff we find that we just have to have...

It's probably $2000 a year that we spend but I don't buy much clothes unless we need them, I don't buy toys unless it's a birthday or it's educational and we don't miss the money.


I do now that I put this out there, :p

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I think I spend too much on the young ones, but then compared to what I spend for my high schooler.... This semester I spent $1200 on classes and $450 on books for my ds17. I didn't spend nearly that much for the little two.


I think we all spend what we can afford. I am just now trying to put my homeschool spending on a budget so I have no real idea how much I normally spend. I have always put money aside for books and the hs stuff has normally come out of that, but this category is out of control so I am going to try to do better.


Ask me next year how much I spend. Hopefully I will know by then.

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Thanks for asking this question. I'm going to show my husband everyone's replies when I present him with my wishlist for next year. :D


I try and keep it around $500 a year for curriculum, and I buy used as much as possible. I also make copies of consumable workbooks so my younger son can use them too. That doesn't include sports, zoo and museum memberships, field trips, 4-H, piano lessons, etc.

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Last year was our most expensive ever, mostly because I had two at home, one of whom was doing high school. She was interested in pursuing a few subjects that I felt inadequate to teach and for which I could not find acceptable frugal resources. So, we ended up enrolling her in two distance education classes, both of which required multiple texts. The whole package for her that year was close to $1000. And the irony was that we ended up dumping both of the correspondence classes.


This year, I just got the younger one at home. He's 9 years old, and I think I spent under $300 on texts, books and curriculum. Part of that is because I was able to recycle a few items his big sister used in previous years. The only other major expense is the homeschool classes at the science museum. If we add the tuition for those, we'd be over $500 for this year.


Next year, I again anticipate spending right around $300 on book-type stuff for him. Again, I'll be able to recycle a few things left over on my shelves, and I've been very lucky already with finding things on sale. We're not sure yet whether he'll continue the science center classes. If so, we'd again be up to about $500 for the year.


Now, that doesn't count the less obviously "educational" outside classes and activities. For example, he takes five dance classes a week, which adds up. He sings with a choir and takes piano lessons and occasional drama classes. But I hesitate to count those as part of his curriculum, since they are things that parents who send their children to school would pay extra for, anyway. And the tuition for the current drama class was actually one of his Christmas presents.


Since you have two and are buying new, your current estimated price tag sounds pretty reasonable.



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Well, I used to spend a lot more on books than I do now. When you first start out, you need everything, but as you accumulate and save things to use again, you get to the point where you don't need teacher's manuals any more, just a new student text perhaps. I've never bought many of our literature books, as I try to get most from the library.


So, I can't recall exactly, but I initially probably spent about $500-$600 a year on my older son, moving down to more in the neighborhood of $200-300 until I started incurring the expense of farming out his coursework in his last year home and that was more expensive. Since I saved all my stuff for my younger son, my costs for him have only been in about the $300 range since I started schooling him.


I don't include costs for classes and field trips during the year in this. This is just for books and other materials.



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Our biggest expense was art camp over the summer, and 3 art classes throughout the year. We spent more for the art museum membership and tuition than for text books.


History - most expensive, $100 - 150 if we buy go alongs. Our rural library is new and has a small collection. Not yet homeschool friendly.


Math - $35 - 50 per kid depending on if I can find the texts used.


Science - We get Discovery Educ Streaming free. I've spent about $35 so far on books about planets, sun, earth. My kids will work together on this.


Lit - $50 - $100 in read alouds. Read alouds will be combined.


Language - about $75 for spelling, writing, copywork, dictation, phonics.


Latin - $50.


Another $50 in misc books.


So... I guess that's about... $400 in curriculum. Another $400 in art classes. $200 combo membership to local zoo, historical farms, science center.

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But for straight curricula/books, I'd guess abt $2500/yr lately (combined) for 2 schoolage (3rd & 5th) who do history, LA and science together and abt $100/yr for the pre-Ker (who is recycling most of her stuff from the olders, which is why it's so little -- we only need consumable workbooks for her). Abt $500 of that total is probably books that could easily enough be gotten from the library if you had the time and a great library system. (I have neither.)


That doesn't include any outside lessons/tutors/classes etc. We spend abt $5000/yr for music lessons (3 dc, one who plays two instruments) and abt $3000/yr average for instrument upgrades, music, etc. (Not including this year when we had to buy the concert grand harp. You don't want to know how that whacked our budget -- but think of it as a very nice car.)


We don't do classes much outside the home except for music (and sports teams).

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This is a tough one to answer! There's always some huge unexpected or one-time expense every year.


Years 1,2: A ton of used history and science books for supplemental reading. All of it you could find at the library but I just wanted a small library of my own and I was starting from scratch. This did turn out to be a good idea.


Year 2: Got worried that Singaporemath would discontinue its 3rd edition and bought up the entire series way in advance for all three kids in one giant purchase. My youngest was still in diapers.


Year 3,4: Spent more than I intended to on "Research and Development." Sometimes a program looks perfect and it just doesn't implement well.


Year 5,6: High school quality microscope and slides and related supplies.


Year 7 is coming up and we are well settled in what works and what doesn't for most things, but it looks there will be a big expenditure on chemistry lab equipment and supplies as well as having to buy for two kids 5 grade levels of a curriculum that's about to go out of print.


In general, the costs seem to be more for the first kid and much less for the younger ones since you already have so much and have a better idea of what you do and don't want to teach and how you want to do it.

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It's too scary to think about! I have one in high school and curriculum is just more expensive (I think). For instance, one Chalkdust course can run more than $400. And we've added outside classes in the hs years, and they can be pricey--even when they are "reasonably" priced. (But I think it's important to demonstrate that your child can earn a grade from someone else in the hs years.)


On the other hand, I spend very little for my younger son. We either already have it or it's being passed down from someone. There are a few things I pick up for him--like a new workbook for math--but not much.


For both, including classes, I'd guess around $750. Still way cheaper than private school.

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We have 4 that we school. One is a preschooler, so hers really doesn't count as I don't buy much for her. Our figure for next year is about $1000-$1500. I usually ask DH what he thinks before I buy, but he always responds that I am schooling them everyday so I probably know better than him. Fortunately our convention falls in May after we recieve our tax refund. This works really well since I don't have to take it out of our regular budget.


I will usually buy a membership to the local science museum or zoo at some point in the year. We switch off between those two each year. Other than incidentals like paper, pens, markers, etc. that is pretty much it for the year.


I do buy new because I try to get it all at once. I get everything I can at our convention. If I can't find it there I wait until our local homeschool supply store's 30% off teacher day in July or order online.

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I was around $2100 last year including the cost for 3 kids in CC-Foundations co-op class.


This year I only have two in that co-op and my oldest is taking 3 classes at another co-op. Curriculum/books alone totaled about $916. With the tuitions it totaled about $1,550 but that's after deducting what I'm getting paid for tutoring the Foundations class.


Next year might be more as I might only have one in Foundations and two in a couple of other classes. ug.



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for curriculum including all supplemental readers, math manipulatives and any other things like that we'll need. I also include our subscription to Discovery Streaming in that money as well.


What that $600 does not include...a zoo membership and 1 museum membership a year (We have so many museums here in Houston, so I will rotate where we buy a membership yearly.) Materials for hands-on history and science projects that come up throughout the year and any extra field trips.

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I spend about $1,000/year for three. This year, the bulk purchases were Rod & Staff math for the third and second graders and Sonlight 5 for the sixth grader. I found a new A Beka Math 6 workbook for him for 50 cents, so his math was reasonable. I bought some books from the Ambleside Year 1 list as well.


I also budget $50/month for copies, field trips and other supplies, and if I don't need it right then I try to roll it over for bigger purchases, like books for next year.


I've found several of the things I need for next year on the For Sale board here, which will save me a considerable amount of money. I am counting it toward next year's budget. Sonlight will last us two years, so we won't be making a huge curriculum purchase, but we likely will invest in a wireless laptop so the budget will be about the same.

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I added ours up and for all three kids it will only be $270. I am a very thrifty mama. I am reusing as many things as I can. I only have to buy stuff for my oldest and middle. They will be doing the same history, science, and Latin. So, that helps cut down our costs. We also get free piano lessons. I haven't decided if I will put the two older in Latin class or not. If so, that would be almost another $80 a month. I am hoping to do it all on my own. We will see!:)

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I've been making my list for next year for a 6th grader and 3rd grader. DH and I were reviewing what I needed to get (he is OK with all of it) but he asked me what the "average" was that people spent. So I'm asking the "hive"--How much do you spend on average in a school year.


This next year I'll be spending about $800-$900 - that is if I bought everything new using Rainbow Resource/CBD or individual companies. Of course, I do buy used on things that I can so I don't think I'll spend quite that much. But that doesn't include field trips or co-op fees and such.


So please share-- what do you spend in a year and for how many kids?


I have 3 children who are 12, 9 and 6 and spend around $1200/year on curriculum. Which is right in line with what you're spending for 2 kids. Most of it I buy new unless it's out of print. Usually, by the time I pay shipping for individual used items, it's as much as it would cost from RR with free shipping. So, I generally only buy used when I need just one component (that doesn't sell separately usually) or when something is out of print.


I agree that costs are more for the oldest child. We've now reached a point where I only purchase extra workbooks/activity pages for the younger kids, so, their curricula isn't that pricey. However, the cost for eldest keeps going up since now we're on to purchasing a microscope, telescope, rosetta stone, etc.


That doesn't include any of our activities, museum/zoo memberships, etc but we would do those even if they were in public school.

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Funny, I was just now typing up our final paperwork to submit to dh's employer for reimbursement... I came up with US$2897.93 for both kids, about $1000 of that is for tuition at Clonlara, so a little under $2000 for books. Understand, too, that I have to buy all the books they'll need for general reading, etc. because we don't have a decent English library nearby, so that ups the cost a bit.



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For four children: $6800 for secular curriculum and extracurricular activities (paid for by charter school), and around $1800 for Catholic curriculum, online programs, and other items. Around $500 of the $6800 is for hardbacked books that will be returned to the charter school.


I don't know if you would be able to (or even want to) convince your husband to spend that kind of money on homeschooling--it's a different feeling when it's "someone else's money." There are certain restrictions on the things I can buy (nothing religion-based), which is why we use our own money as well.


When we first started homeschooling we didn't have any interest in charter schools--we were afraid that it would be intrusive. We have since discovered that the relatively small inconvenience of a monthly meeting with a teacher is more than balanced out by the flexibility we get from having so much money to spend on things we couldn't otherwise afford (ballet, karate, art classes, writing coaches, etc).

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$40 - Alpha (2 student workbooks)

$55 - Delta Student & Teacher Package

$15 - Primer student workbook


Language Arts

$40 - R&S English 4

$15 - R&S Preschool

$14.45 - R&S Spelling 4

$15.30 - Pathway Readers Grade 4

$7.25 - Italic Handwriting Book F

$7.25 Italic Handwriting Book A

$7.25 - Italic Handwriting Book B

$7.25 - Italic Handwriting Book C

$5.95 - Explode the Code Book 1

$5.95 Explode the Code Book 2

$5.95 Explode the Cook Book 5

$15.95 - Ready Get Set Go for Code A, B, C

$20 - Writing Strands Level 3

$29.95 - English from the Roots Up


History, Science, Bible, Art

$305 MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures - Grade 4

$200 MFW 1st Grade (2 students) ?


Foreign Language

$199 Rosetta Stone Level 1 Spanish

$199 Rosetta Stone Level 2 Spanish


The total is approx. $1230. This doesn't include extra curricluar activities, of course. And it's for 4 kids.

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I spend more for my older child than my younger and I try to buy things that can be re-used for the younger child.I don't re-use workbooks.About $500 in the past for workbooks,textbooks,and spines for history and science.At least that much more for books and kits to supplement.

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And we average about $200 per year. I think our most expensive year was $300. We use the library a lot (well, we did until we moved), buy everything we can used, and compromise a lot on what supplies or curriculum we will use based on cost and/ or availability. I also ask for homeschool items as gifts for the kids. The kids always get a few books for their birthdays or Christmas, so I recommend books I think the kids will like by authors I would like them to study. We have also been given a microscope, money towards supplies and special classes for the kids (art, music, swim lessons, etc) as gifts.

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I average about 1000.00 a year, no matter if I have 2 kids or 4 kids that I am buying for. This year I am doing things differently though. I plan to only buy the bare necessities and put most of the money in my bank account. Then as things come up I am going to buy what I need. I will also add about $50 a month to the account to keep it from depleating. I am hoping this way, I don't get bored half way through the year after buying a full out curriculum.



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We spend about $1000 on ds13. A few of his programs add up fast. Between just Omnibus, and TT we are down about $500.


Then add swim team $2000 for practice only and another $2000 for meets.




Dd9's curriculum runs about $500-600. Her sports run me about $700-1000 a year.


Art Museum, zoo, OMSI= $300.




$1600 for curriculum

$5000 for sports that would be almost free if they were through the PS system

$ 300 for field trips.




BUT...if they were in private school still, I would have paid $17,000 this year, so I think this is a bargain!

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Are we supposed to count the curriculum we buy and never use? How about the stuff that we think we'll use, but don't know when to fit it in? Or better yet, the stuff that we bought, thought we'd like, and then can't bear to part with because we'll lose too much money?>>>>


LOL! Yep, can I NOT count the many things I've bought, used for a week, then decided I didn't like? Or all the things waiting to be sold?


I would guess I spend around $600 per year, for just one DS, 11.5 years old. It's hard to be sure, because at any given time, I have stuff to sell, I'm buying something used, and I'm looking for something else.

Michelle T

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A lot.


I typed up a post for a similar question on one of my local hs email loops last year. I'll also do the same thing for this year so you can compare.


Note: This made my post go over the length limit, so I'm going to put this year in another post.


LAST YEAR - my kids were 13.5yo (8th), 11yo (6th), and 8yo (3rd)


history/literature - $300


Sonlight Core 7 IG, history, readalouds, and readers purchased from SL, Rainbow Resource, and Half-Price Books for about $300. I purchased everything from the cheapest source I had between the three listed above. If the cost at Rainbow Resource and at Sonlight was the same, I ordered from SL. I already owned some of the books.


science - about $150 (this includes experiment supplies)


Scott-Foresman 3rd grade science student and teacher editions of text/lab book/activity book and audiocasettes that read the entire text and videos of all the experiments for $35 on ebay. I estimate $20 for experiment supplies for the year.


Prentice Hall Science Explorer, middle school science program - I bought this 1.5 years ago off of ebay, so the student and teacher texts are not in this year's budget. I got 10 of the 15 student books for $40 and then got 12 of the 15 teacher books for $40, all are from the 2000 edition. The teacher books aren't at all necessary, but are nice to have. I ordered the workbooks from the publisher at $3 each, all are 2003 edition. There hasn't been any problem with using different editions. This year my 11yo and 15yo will go through 4 of the books each. The teacher and student books are nonconsumable. The workbooks are consumable, so all that I have to spend now is $12-15/year/kid, depending on whether they go through 4 or 5 of the books. I do need to make sure to buy the current edition of the Astronomy book next time we use it because a lot of that information has changed. I have probably spent an average of $10/book for experiment supplies. I


English for 13.5yo and 11yo $265


Institute for Excellence in Writing TWSS and SWI. This is a video-based writing program. I bought the teacher videos (TWSS) 1.5 years ago (so it doesn't count on this year's budget) for $80 on the UsedHSStuff email loop. I got the student videos (SWI) for levels B and C from ebay this summer for just $40 altogether. I also spent $30 at the IEW website getting the student notebooks. Only the student notebooks are consumable. We will finish SWI level B in two weeks and then just use the principles in IEW to do our writing for the rest of the year. I will have 11yo and 13.5yo work through the lesson plans for the level C videos next year.


Megawords spelling/vocabulary program for 11yo. This is entirely consumable and she'll go through 2 books/year. I don't bother with the teacher guides. The workbooks are $8 each. Teacher guides are $6 each.


Flashkids 5th grade LA workbook bought at Barnes and Noble for $8. I am probably going to move her to Hake 6th grade Grammar&Writing. My oldest is using this program and I really like it, but I spread each level over two years and then skip the level in the middle. This is what all the people I've talked to who use the program do. This is $60/level new.


Calvert's 8th grade spelling cd-rom, purchased used from WTM swap board for $15.


Hake 8th grade grammar&writing. I got this for $35 total for both the teacher and student text from the WTM swap board. This is completely nonconsumable and I am going to have 13.5yo use it stretched over two years. I'm not going to use a formal grammar program anymore after this level.


Vocabulary from Classical Roots for $21 new. This program only lasted two weeks before we abandoned it. We may come back to it later.


Roots of Language Series: Word Builder, $12. This workbook is not a full-year program. 13.5yo started it in August and will finish it in two more weeks.


Word Roots A1 from Critical Thinking Press, $17. 13.5yo will be using this when she finishes Word Builder above. I will probably move her back into Vocabulary from Classical Roots after this.


Reading/spelling/all LA for 8yo $185


Spelling Power for my 8yo, but I bought that many years ago so it doesn't count on this year's budget. It was $50 new and completely nonconsumable. I used it with my oldest for 2nd-4th grades and with my middle for 5th grade.


Flashkids 2nd grade LA workbook from B&N for $8. I started this with 8yo back in June, but it was too hard for her then. I'm using the Flashkids Test Prep book (also $8) with her right now. We will start the LA workbook when she has finished the Test Prep book.


DIBELS reading passages online for reading fluency practice - free. When 8yo finishes all the 2nd grade level passages on the DIBELS website, I will have her use the Flashkids 2nd grade Reading Skills workbook ($8) for fluency practice.


Phonics for Reading student and teacher workbooks from Curriculum Associates. This is $30/level. She started level 2 back in February and will finish it soon - that level was on last year's budget. I will get level 3 for her next.


Reading assessments with a local tutor. I am working with a tutor in the Steiner Ranch area who is assessing 8yo's reading every 6 months and then giving me recommendations on what to do next. This is $60 each time.


Reading textbooks. The tutor recommended that I get her a couple of 2nd grade level reading textbooks that have entire books printed in them. I got Window to the Sky and Make a Splash at Goodwill for $5 each. They are 2nd grade reading texts from McGraw Hill and are collections of 2nd grade level books like Henry and Mudge, Amelia Bedelia, etc. The tutor recommended these so my dd would be reading more than just the fantasy books that she likes.


Math $180


Singapore 6A/6B for $32/level for a total of $64. Only the student workbook is consumable.


Jacob's Algebra for $40 from WTM swap board. I got the student book, teacher book, and test bank. Completely nonconsumable.


Singapore 2B/3A. Level 2B cost me $32 because my other kids didn't use Singapore until level 3A, so I had to purchase the textbook and the instructor guide also. Level 3A only cost me $8 for the student workbook because I already owned the textbook and instructor guide. After this, Singapore math will only cost me $16/year for the consumable workbook.


8yo also needs a separate program for drill, so I got Professor B levels 1 and 2 from the WTM swap board for $35. I'm using a page protector on the worksheets, so I'll be able to sell all of it when I'm done. Level 1 is for K-2nd grade. Level 2 is for 3rd-5th grade.


Foreign Language $30


I bought Matin Latin 1 from the UsedHSStuff email loop back in March for $25, but we abandoned it in September. I just didn't have the time to devote to it since I needed to learn it myself at the same time. This was on last year's budget, but we did use it for part of this school year, so I figured I should list it.


11yo is using Rosetta Stone for Spanish through the Cedar Park Library website at no cost. It was very frustrating to her though because it's an immersion program and she needs explicit instruction. I found Expresate at Goodwill for just $30. It is a two-year middle school Spanish program. I got the student and teacher versions of the texts, lab books, lesson plans, and workbooks. I teach from this 2-3days/week and she does Rosetta Stone on the other days. This has been working out very well.


13.5yo is learning Japanese through a cd-rom that she got several years ago and several Japanese books that she got as gifts or bought herself. None of these were on this year's budget. She has been learning Japanese on her own for several years now. I would have her use Rosetta Stone, but the library's free program doesn't offer Japanese.


Total costs for this year for three kids in 3rd, 6th, and 8th grades = $1115

This includes 8yo's reading assessments with a tutor 2x/year. Without the reading assessments included, it would be just under $1000 for the year.

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I tried to put last year's costs and this year's costs in one post, but it was too long, so I split them up.


THIS YEAR - girls were 14.5yo (9th), 12yo (7th), 9yo (4th) at the start of the year


history/literature - $505


Sonlight Core 100 (complete core) for 9th grader. I ordered it before the 2007 catalog took effect and without the History of US books, so it was $355. I got the History of US books from Rainbow Resource for $125 (instead of $175 from SL). I also got History of US tests from Hewitt for $9.


My 7th and 4th graders are doing a heavily modified Core 5. I already own this Core, so history/literature didn't cost anything. I added Country Study Lapbook from homeschoolestore for $15.


science - $200


Scott-Foresman 4th grade science student and teacher editions of text and workbook for $40 on ebay.


Prentice Hall Science Explorer for 7th grader. I already own all the books, so this cost me nothing. I also already purchased all the workbooks. I will need to buy new workbooks for my youngest when she uses the series.


Prentice Hall Biology for 9th grader - $160. I bought as much of it as I could used on amazon or ebay and got the rest new from the publisher.


Writing - $50


US History-based Writing Lessons volumes 1 and 2 for 9th grader - $50


4th and 7th graders using IEW methodology. I already own TWSS


Grammar - $15


Hake 8th grade grammar continued for 9th grader. This is a holdover from the previous year, so didn't cost anything.


Flashkids LA workbooks for 7th and 4th graders - $7 each.


Spelling/vocabulary - $65


Megawords for 7th and 4th graders - $8 for each workbook and $6 for each teacher guide - total of $28.


Word Roots cd-roms for 7th and 9th graders. The 7th grader is using the cd-rom the 9th grader used last year, so hers doesn't cost anything this year. 9th grader is using a new level of Word Roots, so hers cost $25.


Sequential Spelling for 4th grader - $10


Reading Assessments for my dyslexic dd - $180


Reading assessments with a local tutor. I am working with a tutor in the Steiner Ranch area who is assessing my 4th grader's reading every 4 months and then giving me recommendations on what to do next. This is $60 each time.


Math - $125


Jacobs Geometry for 9th grader - $65 from sale/swap board


Jacobs Algebra for 7th grader - I already owned it from my older dd using it the previous year.

Kinetic Books Algebra for 7th grader - free download


I ended up trying Moving with Math level B for my youngest last year when I found it on ebay for just $40. She started it in May and finished it in January. Now she's trying out MathSteps, which was recommended by the reading tutor. MathSteps was $20 for the teacher edition and the student edition combined on amazon (used teacher edition was only $1+$4 shipping on amazon).


Foreign Language $0


I have abandoned foreign language for all but the oldest. She has worked on several free programs for Japanese, Irasshai on Georgia PBS and Pimsleur Japanese through netlibrary. She liked Instant Immersion Japanese the best, but she finished it and there isn't a level 2.


All of this adds up to $1140 if I didn't miss something when I was adding everything up. Without the $180 I spend on taking my 4th grader for reading assessments/recommendations, it would be just under $1000.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Motherof3Boys1Girl

On my 5.5 year old son, with some Pre-K for my 4 year old son and 2.5 year old daughter.


But I do :














But, we home school 6 days a week, year round so it is a lighter schedule.


For Science we read one page, do some notebook and possible lapbook and that's it. Math is 12 problems. Handwriting is half a page. Geography is two questions.



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