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Have you ever pulled an all nighter to get the house in order?

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I've done it on a Friday night when I knew dh would be around the next morning to look after the littles... I've done it on the night before a holiday, when I had to get sorted and packed and I could sleep on the journey the following day... and I've also done it when I've been so unbelievably stressed that I couldn't sleep anyway.. that wasn't so good.


I wouldn't say it was a great idea really, but then I do have problems with energy levels and sleep, so maybe I'm not the best person to judge!

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This isn't stuff the kids have let pile up - that's mostly confined to their bedrooms which I'm pretty good about keeping them on top of. This is more stuff I just need to put away and organize. It's like a deep de-cluttering to give a fresh start, but it's overwhelming me because all over the house and I'm the kind of person that needs a big chunk of time to sort it and put it away properly. I'm slow and methodical and a decade of motherhood + 3 kids + 2 years of homeschooling hasn't changed that. I can't concentrate during the day when everyone is around me and there are so many distractions. I'm also thinking of moving the computer to our bedroom closet upstairs to make it less accessible...or at least it would be painfully obvious and not sustainable for me to escape and be cloistered there throughout the day :lol:

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Yes, more than once.


For me, it was therapeutic. I like the alone time to "process". In addition, having a clean, fresh, organized start energized, encouraged, and focused me.


Thank you. This gives me courage to try it. Maybe even tonight since we have co-op (I'm not teaching) and park day tomorrow and I could probably stumble my way through all that and then take a nap when we get home in the mid-afternoon.

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Yes, more than once.


For me, it was therapeutic. I like the alone time to "process". In addition, having a clean, fresh, organized start energized, encouraged, and focused me.


I haven't done it since having a family, but it is totally my kind of thing, and I would find it oddly refreshing for these reasons right here. I am sure I will do it at some point :D


I'd find a good audio book or something fun to watch on Hulu or something while I worked.


My one serious word of caution is to watch out if you have to drive the next day (which it sounds like you do). Driving while overtired is as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. I know you don't want to endanger yourself or others, but it is a true risk, so do be careful.


So other than that warning, have at it!

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I haven't done it since having a family, but it is totally my kind of thing, and I would find it oddly refreshing for these reasons right here. I am sure I will do it at some point :D


I'd find a good audio book or something fun to watch on Hulu or something while I worked.


My one serious word of caution is to watch out if you have to drive the next day (which it sounds like you do). Driving while overtired is as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. I know you don't want to endanger yourself or others, but it is a true risk, so do be careful.


So other than that warning, have at it!


I couldn't have anything else going - I'm no good at multi-tasking.


I'm thinking about pulling a half nighter instead, so I can catch a few winks before I have to drive, since that's a very valid concern.

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I keep toying with the idea of drinking coffee all night and organizing stuff (piles, files, books, laundry, etc.) while everyone sleeps? Has anyone done this, and if so, was it worth it?


Are you kidding? To clean the house? NO!


To have fun, play board games with friends all night, write papers back in school? Yes.


Plus I always keep it somewhat neat, so I can do supercleaning in small bursts here and there. Also, that's what teens are for!

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I haven't done an all nighter, but I have done some midnight/1am nights cleaning and organizing. Those nights I slept better because I knew things were in order.

:iagree: I've done this a couple of times. Dh and the kids sometimes go to bed as early as 8, so it gives me a good 4-5 hours if I stay off the computer.:lol:

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I totally did that when my twins were colicy infants.. if I knew it was going to be a rough night.. I would just brew the coffee, get started on the scrub fest and notify DH that he will be on baby duty in the a.m.


Now, when the house gets out of control, I am the mean mama that calls family wide clean day.. no fun till its done.

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Yes, more than once.


For me, it was therapeutic. I like the alone time to "process". In addition, having a clean, fresh, organized start energized, encouraged, and focused me.


Its usually coupled with real stress about something I haveno control over so it gives me the illusion of control. Or maybe that should be delusion? Anyway - its well worth it to me to get something accomplished that just wont happen with the kids roaming around.

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I'm anxious to hear how it went! Please let us know when you can. How late did you stay up? Did you get a lot of your goals accomplished?


I have a lot that needs cleaning, organizing, and sorting/putting away right now. I would LOVE to get it all done by the weekend because my sister is coming Monday afternoon, and her house is awesomely clean.

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I'm turning the computer off momentarily, drinking green jasmine tea, and working until I get too sleepy...



I hope you got a lot accomplished!


I have done half-nighters until 1 or 2...and I have also done a family cleanup day where I direct everyone. (My family hates those...lol)

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Guess what happened? I went to bed early! :lol: After I had put away a bunch of laundry, I felt totally depleted of my physical energy, and since I had turned off the computer, I had no easy outlet for my mental energy...I gave up, went to bed at 10:30, read my Bible and the Book of Common Prayer until 11ish and then passed out.


The funny thing is that my outlook on the mess/chaos was much improved by a good night's sleep :) Now I've made my peace with tackling the house in shorter bursts until I'm blessed with a longer one during the day. It also brought out my real issue - too much time online - so I've decided to ration my screen time. Primarily it will be when the kids have theirs and a portion of the evening, not right before bedtime.

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See my post on Prednisone...lol. Only on Pred...when I'm in an insomniac phase and productive. Why not clean all night? That was back in the honeymoon phase of my using that steroid once in a while for mild autoimmune issues. I still only use it once in a while, but I just get edgy, mean, sleepless, and depressed. No cleaning any more.


In my normal frame of mind? no. I can much easier go without food than sleep. Without sleep I'm practically a dead girl, or nearly wish I was.


I wish I could do that... would be so productive to be Martha Stewart with her few hours of sleep per night.

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I've never stayed up all night to clean but thanks to this thread I had a strange nightmare last night about trying to get a house cleaned & stuff put away so my grandparents could go to sleep. For some reason in the dream all the stuff was on their bed.:confused: it was bizarre. :lol:

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I have done it before. More often, I just stay up a couple hours later than usual. I'm too old to do a true all-nighter. When my 3 were in the toddler years, it was often the only way to make any progress when things got out-of-control.



We did some marathon cleaning today, and the kids alternated being my helper and playing. It worked out very well, and our HSing/family room space is back to cozy and inviting.



For piles of stuff that only I can really go through, I box it up and hide it. Then bring out one box per day until it's done...or just let it stay hidden until I need the space. (I should read more decluttering threads.:tongue_smilie:)



I'm glad you got some sleep, and a good start. That's probably the better way.

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I'm a night owl. I pull late-nighters/early mornings all the time, as in I get to bed between 3 and 4 a.m. quite often. I used to actually accomplish more house cleaning, but now it's when I do my school/schedule planning, hanging out reading books or online, and just generally having me/quiet time. I try manage more housework during the early evenings or on weekends because I don't want to spend my quiet time on *chores*.


I still do floor scrubbing in the wee hours, though. I HATE when someone walks across my nicely scrubbed floors (hands and knees, not a mop) and leave footprints. I even lock the cats up!:D And I will spend it on cleaning if need be, ie: company is coming the next day.

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I'm a night owl. I pull late-nighters/early mornings all the time, as in I get to bed between 3 and 4 a.m. quite often. I used to actually accomplish more house cleaning, but now it's when I do my school/schedule planning, hanging out reading books or online, and just generally having me/quiet time. I try manage more housework during the early evenings or on weekends because I don't want to spend my quiet time on *chores*.


I still do floor scrubbing in the wee hours, though. I HATE when someone walks across my nicely scrubbed floors (hands and knees, not a mop) and leave footprints. I even lock the cats up!:D And I will spend it on cleaning if need be, ie: company is coming the next day.


I can relate to all of this, down to the cats :)

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yes. more so when my youngest was a baby. I had to be up for frequent feedings anyway so I just stayed up and got the house pristine. I have not done it in a long time but I am thinking about it when the bigs go to their dad's place. They will be gone and my youngers sleep untiil 10-11 anyway and are happy to just colour and watch a video etc if I take a nap. Can't do that with the bigs, and I can't leave oldest unsupervised.

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