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THIS is why people make fun of Christians!!!

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I know your post was meant to be serious, and I agree with much of what you wrote, but the "holy spirit wrapping paper" comment literally made me lol:lol:! Because I KNOW.
That's the other thing. Jesus and Saint John said that the Holy Spirit would teach and guide each and every believer, not that we should listen to what someone else says the Holy Spirit is teaching them.
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Yes, which is why discernment is a big deal. If someone's convictions align with scripture, then they're worth considering. If they're just someone's opinions wrapped in a holy spirit wrapping paper, then they're not. I've had enough of my mother's and exmil's "convictions from the Lord" to last me several lifetimes. I believe in wise counsel and seeking out those who are wise for counsel when it's needed, but I do NOT believe that every word from the mouth of those who claim to profess Christ is from God. Everyone has an agenda, be it a good one or a bad one. I prefer to look at who the person is, where they're coming from and how they live before I take their word or convictions seriously.


You do realize that there are (and I would say a majority) abusive churches, organizations and even cults that claim they base all teachings on the scriptures, and you can look up the scriptures and verify them?

What Lovedtodeath said. It's very easy to twist scripture and make scripture say or support anything. Trust me, I've experienced more than you can know. This is one reason I am NOT sola scriptura (but that would be another thread ;) ).

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Pdally, I agree with the rest of your post.


But I wanted to comment on this.


I hear SO many Christians say this. "I don't need YOU to convict me; I have the Holy Spirit. HE will convict me. Keep *your* convictions to yourself".


I simply do NOT agree with this.


Has the Lord *never* used a Christian brother or sister's words to convict you about ANYTHING? Really? 'Cause I know the Lord's done that to me PLENTY.


Isn't that the point of listening to another Brother's teachings/preaching? To grow in the Word, to learn? Certainly to be encourage, edified, supported. But also sometimes for conviction, for clarity, for direction, right? Isn't that why the New Testament instructs the older women to counsel the younger women?


I'm saying that yes, surely the Lord does convict us by reading of His Word, at quite times in our prayers, and by his Holy Spirit as our counselor and guide. But scripture also says that we are to exhort and correct one another as Christian brothers and sisters. In love, surely. But we ARE instructed to do so.


If we are not open to that, both to instruct AND be instructed, we are missing out on growth in the Lord.


Yes, sometimes it's painful. Sometimes, its humbling. But it can also be for the glory of God when we humble ourselves to the word brought to us *from* the Lord, *through* the counsel of other believers.


Yes but as others have posted after me - they are few and far between. Seriously, the holier than thou stuff I get from most Christians that have tried to 'counsel' or 'convict' me? Just no, thanks. I have found the truest test of MY personal convictions on if something is good for me and my family come from God/Holy Spirit himself. Yes, He has used people to reach me but there is always something else that works with that. Never by the words of another Christian alone. I wanted to homeschool our kids from the start. DH did not. God made no other way - keeping them in the local schools was impossible and we could not afford private. Now DH does agree it's the best choice - for us. Every Christian I knew was telling us we had a duty to put our kids in school to be 'salt and light'.


Please remember where I am geographically. It has more holier than thou Bible thumpers per square inch than just about any place I know. I have yet to hear of one person being brought to Christ because they were metaphorically beaten over the head with God's word. God's love shining through people and AUTHENTIC faith will draw more people than shaming and pointing fingers ever will. I will always believe that.


So I have no problem with celebrating Halloween or not. Just don't dress it up and call it something else. Jesus really had issues with hypocrites. Because we are human we will be hypocrites at some point in our lives - it's human nature. I hope I am not going to hell for being human but I do try to live my life as free from hypocrisy as possible. My literal minded children need to me to do so.

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You do realize that there are (and I would say a majority) abusive churches, organizations and even cults that claim they base all teachings on the scriptures, and you can look up the scriptures and verify them?


Yes, which is why knowing what scripture says and what it means is important. And yes, I realize there can be hermaneutical arguments (I may have spelled that incorrectly) about what it means. I do think it's pretty easy to spot when scripture is twisted, taken out of context, or expanded on. If someone from the First Church of Lawn Chairs comes to my door and shows me a scripture that sort of hints at the spiritual blessings of lawn chairs, I think it's going to be easy enough to dismiss what they have to say. Clearly, that's an extreme example, but I think the meaning is clear.


And honestly, I think we fight (we=Christians) over the silliest things. I think the bottom line is Christ. I think we get to know who He is via scripture primarily, and via how He's working in people's lives. Can God do things that aren't mentioned in the Bible? Certainly. Does He do things counter to what scripture says? No, I don't believe He does. To me, the rest is gravy. I think God has a lot more mercy and grace than what we're capable of knowing.

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What Lovedtodeath said. It's very easy to twist scripture and make scripture say or support anything. Trust me, I've experienced more than you can know. This is one reason I am NOT sola scriptura (but that would be another thread ;) ).


It certainly can. I completely agree with you. And, I'm not as sola scriptura as I used to be. ;) I think a lot can be learned about the Christian life by looking at other's lives, the lives and struggles of the saints. A lot of encouragement can be gleaned from learning about those who've gone before us.


I love my church, but it does make me sad that this part of Christianity isn't acknowledged as much.

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Yes, which is why knowing what scripture says and what it means is important. And yes, I realize there can be hermaneutical arguments (I may have spelled that incorrectly) about what it means. I do think it's pretty easy to spot when scripture is twisted, taken out of context, or expanded on. If someone from the First Church of Lawn Chairs comes to my door and shows me a scripture that sort of hints at the spiritual blessings of lawn chairs, I think it's going to be easy enough to dismiss what they have to say. Clearly, that's an extreme example, but I think the meaning is clear.


And honestly, I think we fight (we=Christians) over the silliest things. I think the bottom line is Christ. I think we get to know who He is via scripture primarily, and via how He's working in people's lives. Can God do things that aren't mentioned in the Bible? Certainly. Does He do things counter to what scripture says? No, I don't believe He does. To me, the rest is gravy. I think God has a lot more mercy and grace than what we're capable of knowing.

:iagree:I just want to add that if you try to read the context of every scripture... at least 3 verses at a time and even the chapters surrounding those verses, and any scriptures from the NT that are referenced in the OT scripture, (like here) then it is often cleared up.

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Yes, which is why knowing what scripture says and what it means is important. And yes, I realize there can be hermaneutical arguments (I may have spelled that incorrectly) about what it means. I do think it's pretty easy to spot when scripture is twisted, taken out of context, or expanded on. If someone from the First Church of Lawn Chairs comes to my door and shows me a scripture that sort of hints at the spiritual blessings of lawn chairs, I think it's going to be easy enough to dismiss what they have to say. Clearly, that's an extreme example, but I think the meaning is clear.


And honestly, I think we fight (we=Christians) over the silliest things. I think the bottom line is Christ. I think we get to know who He is via scripture primarily, and via how He's working in people's lives. Can God do things that aren't mentioned in the Bible? Certainly. Does He do things counter to what scripture says? No, I don't believe He does. To me, the rest is gravy. I think God has a lot more mercy and grace than what we're capable of knowing.


Amen sister. :001_smile:

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Well, I certainly wasn't trying to embarass us further but somehow I don't think this situation is unique to my school. I see this stuff every where in the states. So my post is more of plea (disguised as a rant as it was still fresh at that point) to Christians to PLEASE STOP DOING THIS.


Oh, I completely agree that it isn't unique to your school. It's everywhere. (And it's one reason we don't celebrate Halloween.... no matter what people might call it. :tongue_smilie: )


And I don't mind if non-Christians see it because I want them to know that those people do NOT represent the whole of Christianity. I want them to know that not all Christians think like that. That is my way of educating people on the topic.
That is a good point.


Reformation day would not work as we have Catholics both as students and on staff. I think that would be just as unpopular as Halloween.
Another great point. :lol:
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You do realize that there are (and I would say a majority) abusive churches, organizations and even cults that claim they base all teachings on the scriptures, and you can look up the scriptures and verify them?

The single most important reason I love the RC Magisterium.

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FWIW, I agree with you... it's ridiculous and makes us look like hypocrites, or at least non-thinking. But I do have to wonder why, if you're embarrassed about the fact that some Christians celebrate Halloween w/o calling it Halloween, why you would post it among a group of non-Christians. It just gives them more ammo against Christians, yes? So why embarrass us further?



Most people who aren't Christian are not anti-Christians looking for ammo. Neither are they blind to thoughtless hypocrisies in the church. Chances are they know about the very same things Heather was ranting about.


What they might not understand is that Christians can be just as frustrated as they are. That we're a big diverse group that doesn't subscribe to group think on these issues.


I'm a mainline moderate Christian and I used to have some very narrow views of conservative Christians. Part of dismissing those narrow views was seeing posts very much like this from conservatives and realizing that they were a group that had disagreements and arguments and were as diverse as the whole of Christianity is. It was nothing but good for me to see them "embarrass" themselves and now I've dropped many of the automatic stereotypes that used to come to mind.


Humans get frustrated with other people in their groups. Christians are humans. No need to hide that from "outsiders".

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That's sweet of you to say, Bethany. Thank you. :)


I really do value you as a Titus 2 lady in my life. There is another lady on the board who I view the same way; I'm pretty sure she knows who she is. :) Unfortunately, I only have ONE older lady in my life right now that I consider a Titus 2 woman; and I don't even get to see her very often. She is very busy right now taking care of her VERY elderly mil.


I have many good Christian sisters IRL, but they are all the same age/life stage as me. And I really, really love their fellowship and support in my live. But older women who have been there/done that, have experience, have been walking the straight and narrow for quite some time? They are INVALUABLE to us slightly younger ladies.


So thank you for taking time to share with us here on the forum. :)

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The thing about Harvest parties is-we HAVE Harvest celebrations. They're called the County Fair. So to call a party in late October a Harvest celebration when we just had a big blow-out in September kind of seems a little...excuse giving.


I don't care if a church wants to have a party on Halloween night and call it whatever they want. But I do want them to realize that it's going to be seen as a Halloween party. It's kind of like one specific friend I have, who complains about people saying "Merry Christmas"-but then has a big tree visible in her front window, has decorated stockings for her kids, and pretty much does the entire Christmas thing. She may believe the Star of David on top and using Blue and silver stockings makes it kosher, but to the rest of the world it's more like "OK, so YOU can celebrate Christmas, but I can't??"

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Guest brookshanes

The difference between Christians and non-Christians are that God saved the Christians and loves the non-Christians just as much.


Any other difference we try to make - renaming our holidays/holy days, renaming our songs to include Jesus to get Christians to buy them (see also the 1980's/90's), putting labels on things to get more sales in a Christian store...


It's all just a way to make Jesus more safe, more American, and it's simple to summarize in one word: idolatry.


If people don't feel 'safe' celebrating a holiday that's created by Hallmark to sell more cards, then that is OK. See Romans 14. If they are OK with celebrating it, then all good things are created by God - every single day - see also Romans 14.



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And Mrs. Mungo, I put your poem as my status, giving you credit--hope that was okay. :D


Yes, LOL!


So what do you all think of dogs in costumes? My clients want to know...:lol:


I disapprove of dogs in costume. They always look SO sad. Maybe that's just my dog when dh and the kids dress him up. He mopes around looking at me until I take it off of him.


You even included Ant Man!


We are really big nerds here, big nerds.


1st - Kudos to Mrs. Mungo and I think it would be brave to mix the Marvel and DC heroes. Very ecumenical! World Peace. :D


Agreed. Sort of like being UU for the super hero world. Of course, half of the people in my family consistently start Facebook posts with dates in the Shire reckoning. So, maybe I'm the wrong person to ask.


5th - Good Gravy! 30 pages and no cupcakes or Johnny Depp in a kilt. I honestly did not think this was achievable.


Well, we did rename the days of the week and use it as an excuse to post pictures of Thor. So...


6th - I want to see the picture of the Mrs. Mungo costume and failure to post is a grievous, grievous sin. :lurk5:


It requires a really curly wig...and a dictionary. ;)

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There is a difference between nerds and geeks. So you'll have to stand with the authentic geeks if you want to use that term. ;):D:lol:



We have both! You figure out which is which.


Dh - wears a lab coat with pocket protectors when teaching our 4-H club members and while lighting off homemade rocket fuel in his crucible in the church kitchen.


Boy #1 - sported yesteday - LONG FLOPPY HAIR AGAINST MY EXPRESS WISHES AND IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD, Hawaiian shirt - much faded and refuses to surrender - chain around neck, one large out-of-style watch on one wrist, two cheap bracelety things around his other wrist, high water jeans because they are his favorite pair and he doesn't want to surrender those either, favorite tennis shoes with prominent hole repaired with duct-tape, mismatched argyle socks not of the same color scheme, and carried around a briefcase with some of his best artwork...and God Bless the long-suffering pastor, he let my son lead youth worship last night while wearing that get-up!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Who is the geek? Who is the nerd? Do we need a poll?



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The difference between Christians and non-Christians are that God saved the Christians and loves the non-Christians just as much.


Any other difference we try to make - renaming our holidays/holy days, renaming our songs to include Jesus to get Christians to buy them (see also the 1980's/90's), putting labels on things to get more sales in a Christian store...


It's all just a way to make Jesus more safe, more American, and it's simple to summarize in one word: idolatry.


If people don't feel 'safe' celebrating a holiday that's created by Hallmark to sell more cards, then that is OK. See Romans 14. If they are OK with celebrating it, then all good things are created by God - every single day - see also Romans 14.




:iagree: I like this. :D

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A thread titled, "THIS Is Why People Make Fun of Homeschoolers" would set my teeth on edge, regardless of whatever silly thing that thread had singled out about homeschoolers. And "THAT" is why this thread title bothers me even though I don't really care what people do or do not call the parties they do or do not have in late October.

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A thread titled, "THIS Is Why People Make Fun of Homeschoolers" would set my teeth on edge, regardless of whatever silly thing that thread had singled out about homeschoolers. And "THAT" is why this thread title bothers me even though I don't really care what people do or do not call the parties they do or do not have in late October.


Seems extremely sensitive.


I can think of about 10 things right off that I could add to a thread with that title.

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That's me, evil to the core. *snort* :rolleyes: Nothing summons Satan to a party like tiny little packages of Smarties.


:001_huh: I'm supposed to wear something for ritual? :001_huh:


I really didn't know the Holy Ghost had a weenie, until now.


I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


Thanks to all of you for a much needed giggle today!!! I'm now going back to my regularly scheduled housework. While reciting the days of the week and wondering if I could summon Satan to my Halloween party with PB Cups. I'm not a fan of Smarties.

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My favorite strange Halloween meets Christianity tale was way back when I was a sweet, naive seminary student serving as youth pastor at a church in the South (south with a capital "S" by the way.) One of our youth sponsors asked if we could take the kids to the local haunted house for Halloween. The kids were enthused. I, being in the Halloween-is-not-antiChristian camp, thought it was a great idea. So we advertised, gathered our kids, piled in the church van, and the sponsor gives me directions and we arrive.


We arrive at the "This is What It's Like in Hell" House. I'm not kidding. There were people sitting drinking wine in one room, then the next room would have them being tortured by fire in grotesque ways. Then a room with people playing cards, dancing, kissing, playing dungeons and dragons, and several others I can't remember now. Each was followed by those same people (or ones who looked very similar) being tortured in different ways (fire, poked with tridents, locked in chains with food just out of reach.) It was awful and disgusting.


I was speechless. Now I would have a lot to say. As a first year young female (!!!) seminary student, I just watched wide eyed and horrified. There were small children there crying and it was just gruesome.


Surprisingly there were no rooms with people being judgmental in them. Must have been an oversight.



Wow! This is kind of awesome- like a chick tract diorama- human size!!! :D

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Wow! This is kind of awesome- like a chick tract diorama- human size!!! :D




How on earth could anyone think that is going to be effective with smal children??


And the kissing people... Even if they were kissing for the show, wouldn't that still be a sin in whatever religion this is?? I mean, you wouldn't get a pass for doing it in front of an audience would you??


I get that the "wine" was probably grape juice or whatever but how do you cover the kissing? Fake kissing? :lol:

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"Stuck in the 80's" is what it says on your location. I guess you've got Jimmy Swaggart and Peter Popoff in there with you? :D


Sorry, forgot I changed it! :lol::lol:


I'm in Southeastern NC. Trust me. It's full of fire and brimstone Chick tract leaving types.

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