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Do you have middle-of-the-night teA parties??

Do you have middle of the night teA parties?  

  1. 1. Do you have middle of the night teA parties?

    • What? No way.
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I have lots of friends who have this as part of their lives. For me? No Way. I have enough trouble falling asleep to be dealing with that, thank you very much. If you wake me up, you had better be a baby/toddler or be sick etc. I am not in a good mood if woken up.


But.... dh goes to bed earlier than I do and wouldn't complain if I woke him up. ;)

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We used to, before we had kids.


Now every second of sleep is precious, and when I wake up in the middle of the night it's usually because some child or other is crawling into bed and kicking me in the head whilst doing it.


Exact opposite. We never did before kids. Now? It is a great reason to get away from the squirmy ones in our bed. :)

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Not with regularity, but it's been known to happen.


:iagree: The big obstacle for me is that within a few minutes of waking up, I usually have an urgent need to...uh...powder my nose. It's so not conducive to middle-of-the-night tea. As DH often says, I need all the stars (and bodily functions *sigh*) in alignment before tea will work for me. I often feel like such a freak because of it :blushing:

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Once asleep, we are done for the night. Sigh. Getting old...


But I have read that setting the alarm to wake up after 90 minutes of sleep can be good timing for a middle-of-the-night teA party.


:lol: Waking me after 90 minutes of sleep is good timing to get a knuckle sandwich! I feel horrible if I'm awakened after only an hour or two of sleep, and then I'll never get back to sleep after that. No, I'm not a good candidate for late-night tea party, I'm afraid. I wish I was though!

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:iagree: The big obstacle for me is that within a few minutes of waking up, I usually have an urgent need to...uh...powder my nose. It's so not conducive to middle-of-the-night tea. As DH often says, I need all the stars (and bodily functions *sigh*) in alignment before tea will work for me. I often feel like such a freak because of it :blushing:


I hear ya. I require teeth-brushing for morning teA. Mine and his. Sorry it's interrupting the moment, but I can't reach a rolling boil with that green cloud in my face. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, because it's when the teens are asleep, LOL




Often I'm too tired when we go to bed, but if I wake up to use the bathroom during the night I'm refreshed from the sleep I've had and ready to go. Or sometimes he starts things while he is still half a sleep, and I stay mostly asleep until things are fairly progressed. If i'm really to asleep to get into it he will give up and fall asleep.

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I said yes, but.... I'm hard to wake up, so I'm sure it would have happened more often if I weren't such a sound sleeper.


Well someone is just being picky.



We've had kids from the start. Middle of the night is the least likely to be interrupted mid brew :lol:




Of course!


Brew me now, honey! I can sleep when I'm dead! :tongue_smilie:


Spoken like a true fellow insomniac!


I can't believe the question! (no offense to op of course)

To me that's like:


Do you make tea after 30? (serious question my bff asked my mom when we were in 7th grade. I still tease her about it bc I laughed my butt off even back then!)


OMG. You have tea during the day?! (a serious question from a cousin)


Umm.. Yes to all the above. Dh and I are starting to think when people ask us, "you know what cause that, don't you?" they might actually be needing clarification on these questions.:tongue_smilie:

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yep. frequently. But we both are typically asleep when it occurs and neither one of us knows who initially started it :lol: mid-dreaming tea is sweet!


This, only not as frequently as we might like (that is, not that often, since we have to wake up early, sigh). It's a very nice way to be woken up!

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Other: the last time we had one, DS was unexpectedly conceived. Personally, I would rather sleep. It's rare that I actually sleep through the whole night w/o being woken up by one child or another.


That being said, before the advent of electricity, there was First Sleep and Second Sleep. Ppl would go to bed soon after dark, wake up in the middle of the night, socialize in various ways, then go back to sleep until morning. I remember reading an article about it sev yrs ago.

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Other: the last time we had one, DS was unexpectedly conceived. Personally, I would rather sleep. It's rare that I actually sleep through the whole night w/o being woken up by one child or another.


That being said, before the advent of electricity, there was First Sleep and Second Sleep. Ppl would go to bed soon after dark, wake up in the middle of the night, socialize in various ways, then go back to sleep until morning. I remember reading an article about it sev yrs ago.


That would be this article per chance?



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occasionally . . . sometimes i'm too tired by the time he comes to bed, or he was too stressed out when he came to bed. Probably only 1-3 times/year, but its a fun variation. I clearly remember it on our wedding night, too - except we had NOT been too tired when we went to bed :lol:

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I am beyond shocked at the results. What is wrong with you people? No way! I get mad if he tries is in the morning before the kidlets have a chance to wake me up. Between his alarm clock, two kids, and his need for brewing on the othe days, I don't think I've gotten I wake up on my own since DS1 was born.

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I am beyond shocked at the results. What is wrong with you people? No way! I get mad if he tries is in the morning before the kidlets have a chance to wake me up. Between his alarm clock, two kids, and his need for brewing on the othe days, I don't think I've gotten I wake up on my own since DS1 was born.


:001_huh: Calm down, calm down :lol: What *is* wrong with us? Well, I suppose some people just get thirsty in the middle of the night. (and not having such young kids also helps)

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