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Prayers please....SIL just involved in head-on collision

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with a motorcycle. About 1 hour ago, as SIL & her boyfriend were travelling home, a motorcycle with his lights off, crossed into her lane and hit them head on while they were each going roughly 55-60mph. She said she didn't see him until seconds prior to impact because there were no oncoming lights. :crying:


They are incredibly fortunate to be alive and relatively unhurt but the motorcyclist died immediately. It was obvious that he was dead (I don't want to be graphic). Her car is completely totaled- they are ok, but being checked out at the hospital right now due to the severity of the crash.


Please pray for that persons family tonight...I can't imagine and my heart is just aching for the pain that family will be experiencing soon. Its selfish, but that could have been our family getting that call tonight...a few more feet/inches in one direction and it would have been- I'm so incredibly thankful that its not, but my heart just literally hurts for the family that IS getting that call any moment now- Please pray for them, whoever they are....


SIL (who is one of my best friends) and her boyfriend are physically ok, but I'm aware of what lasting trauma this will be for them (for anyone)...they are both very gentle, sweet people and I shudder at what they have been thru & have seen tonight. Please lift them up as well....



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SIL (who is one of my best friends) and her boyfriend are physically ok, but I'm aware of what lasting trauma this will be for them (for anyone)...they are both very gentle, sweet people and I shudder at what they have been thru & have seen tonight. Please lift them up as well....



:grouphug: As horrible as it might seem at first, I have seen people positively influenced by such events. A life-is-short wake-up call. I hope this is their reaction.

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Thank you for prayers for this situation...:grouphug:


It seems that it was likely a dirt bike, hence why no light/tags etc and mercifully the rider was killed instantly (or at least knocked unconscious). SIL stated that 1/2 a second after she saw him, the airbags deployed.


Police/Fire first responders were shocked that SIL & boyfriend were able to get out of the car, and truly amazed they were unhurt (I saw pictures of the car and still have chills), I am so thankful for her safety, but still so heartbroken for the tragedy of the situation.

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