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s/o What grammar or spelling mistakes annoy you?

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The one I hate the most happens here in my own home from Dh. His family (bless their hearts) trained him to say it. He uses 'shoulda did' or woulda went' instead of 'should have done' or 'would have gone' and other variations of the same error. I call him on it every single time b/c I don't want our Dc trained the same way. :D


A close 2nd is my MIL's use of the word 'pixture'. As in, "that pixture turned out good." Curiously, she doesn't 'ax' questions. :lol:

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My husband says "aten." :glare: "I haven't aten breakfast today."


It's one of those things where he said it by accident, I pounced and made a big stink, he started saying it constantly to annoy me, and now he doesn't know how to stop.


Let me also add - "could of went"

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it's vs its (contraction vs possessive)

good vs well (if paired with a verb)


Those are the ones that grated most when I moved to the US.. now I've seen both variations so many times that I have to stop and think whenever I see them (which, really, is what annoys me most :tongue_smilie: ) .

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Guest submarines

I spent two days at a workshop where the presenter used the word "an unjust" every 5 minutes. I came home, and started using it with DH as a joke. I think I'm in trouble. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!

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When someone says "I could care less," I almost verbally say, "You could?" I don't get it out (well, I have on occasion but the person gives me such a blank stare that it isn't worth it.)




:iagree:I'm not very good with grammar but that makes me want to scream.


Using que when you mean queue.

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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!


This made me laugh out loud. I've never seen that one!

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I am trying to figure out what the presenter meant????


I spent two days at a workshop where the presenter used the word "an unjust" every 5 minutes. I came home, and started using it with DH as a joke. I think I'm in trouble. :tongue_smilie:
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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!


This. Sometimes one does actually see "Viola!" It makes me imagine a stringed instrument being waved around to get the conductor's attention.

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I am trying to figure out what the presenter meant????


Me too. :confused:


I particularly dislike 'then' instead of 'than' but I think I might have done it here once just b/c I was typing fast.

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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!


This. Sometimes one does actually see "Viola!" It makes me imagine a stringed instrument being waved around to get the conductor's attention.


ETA: "Nucular" used to bug me, but not so much these last four years.

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This. Sometimes one does actually see "Viola!" It makes me imagine a stringed instrument being waved around to get the conductor's attention.


:lol: Now I'm wondering if I've ever done this one b/c if you're typing fast, spell check won't catch it.

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using the present tense to describe something that happened in the past. for example, pretend this is a fb status: Yesterday I go to the mall and I see the most amazing purse ever. I tell dh that I have to have it. he says no. I buy it anyway."


see how it should have been: went instead of go, saw instead of see, told instead of tell, said instead of says, and bought instead of buy?


I used to speak like this, but dh pointed it out every single time, so now I always notice when other people do as well. posting from my phone, so the lack of capital letters and any other mistakes are blamed on it.:lol:

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  1. Starting every post with "So, anyway, ..." :banghead:
  2. Saying "lie-berry" for library
  3. Saying "should have went" instead of "should have gone"
  4. Using "it's" for "its" and "its" for "it's" (think of all those poor, innocent, dead kittens)
  5. Using "your" for "you're" and "you're" for "your"
  6. Using "than" for "then" and "then" for "than"
  7. Using "good" for "well" and "well" for "good" (as in, "She ate good" [My mother says this])
  8. Saying "Revelations" when referring to the Biblical book of "Revelation"
  9. Saying "Please turn to Psalms 100" instead of "Please turn to Psalm 100"
  10. Literally -- There's nothing wrong with this word, literally, but we once attended a church where the pastor said "literally" just about in every sentence. Throughout the entire sermon. Literally. :tongue_smilie:

So, anyway, :svengo:that's my short list.

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using the present tense to describe something that happened in the past. for example, pretend this is a fb status: Yesterday I go to the mall and I see the most amazing purse ever. I tell dh that I have to have it. he says no. I buy it anyway."


see how it should have been: went instead of go, saw instead of see, told instead of tell, said instead of says, and bought instead of buy?




:iagree: I have a child who does this (talk in the present tense about a past event).... I think she is "time-challenged." :lol:


I also agree with others who have already mentioned....


"have went" instead of "have gone"


Subject-verb agreement (where is my shoes? Is you going to the store? AGH!!!)


and when "pitcher" and "picture" are pronounced the same. (No, I don't want you to take a pitcher; I want you to take a piCture.)

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I'm way to poorly educated myself to let little errors (and they're all little in the scheme of things) bother me.


I try to focus on the meaning rather than the style.


Here's a joke:


Local Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from?"


Harvard grad to Yokel: "I'm from a place where we don't end our sentences with prepositions."


Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from, Jackass?"

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I'm way to poorly educated myself to let little errors (and they're all little in the scheme of things) bother me.


I try to focus on the meaning rather than the style.


Here's a joke:


Local Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from?"


Harvard grad to Yokel: "I'm from a place where we don't end our sentences with prepositions."


Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from, Jackass?"




Grammatical mistakes that annoy me? Their ain't nun :D.


I always assume someone is tired or has a kid nagging them while they are typing ;). Or at least, that's MY excuse!

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A couple of the ones that bug me are rediculous and retarted. Usually those are in the same sentence posted online by someone trying to insult another person.


Most mistakes people make don't bother me. If those mistakes are made when the person is trying to insult another I find it amusing. Personally, I'm cautious about never ending a sentence with a preposition, using well and good correctly, and not starting a sentence in the same paragraph with the same word. Sometimes when I'm typing and it is chaotic here, mistakes happen, so I assume that it might be the case for someone else.

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I'm way to poorly educated myself to let little errors (and they're all little in the scheme of things) bother me.


I try to focus on the meaning rather than the style.


Here's a joke:


Local Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from?"


Harvard grad to Yokel: "I'm from a place where we don't end our sentences with prepositions."


Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from, Jackass?"

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Too many to post, but I type fast and sometimes find myself on the offending end, so . . . :D. Also, auto-correct is out to get me :D


On another board I used to visit, an ex-PS teacher would regularly speak out against homeschooling whilst using poor grammar and spelling. Sometimes I almost had to sit on my hands to keep myself from taking a proverbial red pen to her posts.

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I take notice, but not enough to annoy me. I make mistakes too. When I read the board, I'm usually in a hurry. I read a thread quick, reply quick and off I go. Like a PP, I find it rude when mistakes are pointed out in front of others.


(It does annoy me on FB though. I actually kind of cringe when I see high school or college age kids continually mix things up such as you're/your, their/there, etc. I feel like they are fresh enough out of school (or in) that they should be able to differentiate.)

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For me, the WORST spelling & usage offenders are you're vs. your , sale vs. sell, and did vs. done (as in "I did that yesterday" vs. "I done that yesterday").


When I see/hear them, it's like nails on a chalkboard.


Some of the runners-up are (in no particular order):


y'all vs. ya'll

there vs. their vs. they're

its vs. it's

Revelations vs. Revelation (book of the Bible)

curriculum vs. cirriculum

maceroni vs. macaroni

definite vs. definate


Occasionally when I rant about one or more of these, someone is offended because they think I'm being hypercritical of other people's typos. Not at all! I make plenty of typos myself--as I'm sure most WTMers do (hence the booK threads, etc. ;)). But a typo is just a slip of the finger, not a way of life! I get frustrated with the people who consistently mess it up. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm irritated by the increasing prevalence of people using an apostrophe followed by an s to form plurals. "The book's are..." "We got two new kitten's."


I'm not sure why it's become really common lately. I have a friend from high school who I know used to know how to correctly form a plural. Lately she adds an apostrophe every time she writes a plural on Facebook. I even see it on this board, and it drives me nuts!


Does anyone know why it's becoming more common? Is forming a plural really that hard?

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Incorrect use of the reflexive drives me insane.


"Please turn your paperwork in to Mary or myself!"


It's "Please turn your paperwork in to Mary or me!"

I strongly dislike that. Very strongly.


But what I dislike even more?


"Please turn your paperwork in to Mary or I."


I hear incorrect use of pronouns all the time, and this one makes me want to scream.


Here's a story you ladies might like: Someone gave my husband some handwritten Bible verses (from memory?) the other day, about how one must believe in God's only begodden son. I laughed for a while. And it was on the back of a practice quiz in which the person had gotten 50/100 points. I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up.

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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!



Local Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from?"


Harvard grad to Yokel: "I'm from a place where we don't end our sentences with prepositions."


Yokel to Harvard grad: "So, where you from, Jackass?"



Drives me nuts when people say ".... and I" when it should be "and me." Susie carpooled with Janie and I. :banghead: Then there is the reverse: (or is it inverse? :D ) Me and Susie are carpooling with Jane. That one bugs me more than Susie and me are carpooling with Jane..


See my sig thingy for my excuse for typos...

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Oh, I have another one.


Wah-lah. The French word that looks a little like the word 'viola' when spelled properly and means "Eureka!" or maybe, "There you go." But nobody knows the real word or where it comes from because they've only heard it spoken on television, so the common spelling is wah-lah.


The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then I started seeing it all the time. It is now in the Urban Dictionary, and no, I didn't put it there!

Oh my goodness, YES!!!

Sometimes I see 'Walla' - and I'm like.... :001_huh: I literally have to read the whole thing over again to figure out what a walla is. :lol:

"Irregardless" instead of "regardless." I don't know why, but that irritates me to no end.


supposably :blink:

And both of these.


Too & to - I see a lot of 'Give them something to look forward too!' :svengo:


Not particularly related, but some text talk drives me nuts when it makes its way onto facebook. My sil posted a status and her little sister (middle school or so at the time?) commented: 'wut' ......... really? Because wHAt would have been too much work? :D :lol: Oh, and the ? would have totally been too much, too.... :D

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I'm irritated by the increasing prevalence of people using an apostrophe followed by an s to form plurals. "The book's are..." "We got two new kitten's."


I'm not sure why it's become really common lately. I have a friend from high school who I know used to know how to correctly form a plural. Lately she adds an apostrophe every time she writes a plural on Facebook. I even see it on this board, and it drives me nuts!


Does anyone know why it's becoming more common? Is forming a plural really that hard?


I was going to post the same thing. I don't get it. It drives me crazy! And think of all the innocent little kitties who are dying over it!


I have a friend who uses quotation marks all the time inappropriately. I was looking through her photo album and every caption was like this: Me and "Baby" at the park, or, "Daddy" and I on a date.



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I've started having my young in laws ask me, "How is you?" Now, English is not their first language, but my husband assures me that this is something they do teach correctly in school. He thinks I should correct them. However, I am just puzzled. Do they think it's cute? Am I missing something? (Mind you, they wouldn't mind being corrected, and some like to "correct" my pronunciation....:lol: )




I have a friend who uses quotation marks all the time inappropriately. I was looking through her photo album and every caption was like this: Me and "Baby" at the park, or, "Daddy" and I on a date.



When I was abput 8, I remember being at this lady's house by her pool and reading a sign on the diving board about how "it is 'dangerous' to dive into the shallow end of the pool" -- like it really is perfectly safe?!

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