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Poll: Do you have a world map on your wall?

Do you have a world map on your wall?  

  1. 1. Do you have a world map on your wall?

    • Yes, in our school room.
    • Yes, in a shared living space.
    • Yes, in a child's room.
    • No.
    • Other

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Because we school at the dining room table we have two very large maps on our dining room wall. A world map and a USA map. We also have some IEW posters up there as well. :D It's actually quite funny as our dining room is rather neat and formal...and yet here is all this school paraphernalia everywhere. Nicely displayed of course. ;)


Any visitors definitely know we home school! :D

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We just hung one up in our living room, and I know several other homeschoolers with prominently displayed world maps. How about you?

Ours used to hang in our living room when the kids were younger (before we started officially hsing them) but once we started hsing we moved it to the room that became the school room.

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We actually have 2. One is laminated and in our school room. The other is framed and when my dh is on deployment when he calls or emails us to tell us where he is the kids and I stick a pin in that spot on the map. The pins are also color coded so we know what ship he was on when he went there.

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We have the National Geographic Laminated World Map in our hallway (I linked to the mural size so you could see it but ours is the smaller size). It will be joined by the matching US Map as soon as it is delivered.


I love that the colors look great in the house (keeping the homemaker side of me happy) but we have a great map hung at the kids eye level.


Oddly-this was my planned blog topic for this week so check the blog on Thursday and you should hopefully have some results on my map and our political geography curriculum.


I saw this one at someone's house this weekend and it was very nice looking! I wish I had a big enough wall for it myself.


I voted no because I haven't put it up yet. I'm going to paint the new school room and then get both my world and U.S. maps up. At least that's the plan....;)

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Ours isn't exactly on the wall. It's one of those pull down maps they have hanging over the chalkboards in the PS's. Dh was putting in new HVAC units for a school and spotted it in the dumpster. Dh went dumpster diving for it. There wasn't anything wrong with it.:)


He hung it over our bay window. It is very convenient to get to and works as a GREAT shade when the sun is shining bright in the room!:D

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DH really does not like the look of maps up on the walls. I suppose he would capitulate if they were nicely drawn, sepia-colored maps that had frames. Um, and didn't take up entire walls. LOL


I've tried everywhere - living room, dining room, kitchen. (School room doesn't have one wall large enough for any of our maps.) Even under a clear cover on the dining table (kids loved that one - DH hated it more than the other places - go figure).


So, now, it's taken on a life of it's own. Like that song "The cat came back, the very next day. oh, the cat came back, no it wouldn't stay away". When we're feeling silly, we'll hang it in the strangest places -- In the closet, the bathroom, the basement, over his work table. :tongue_smilie:


Mostly, though, it lives, rolled up with the other maps, and we just take it out and tape it to the floor when we're going to use it. That seems to meet everyone's needs pretty well. For now.

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I voted "child's bedroom" and "school room" which technically isn't true. Ds11 has a world map with flags on his wall. But my school room map isn't actually hanging on the wall at this moment. It is the giant National Geographic mural map, and when we rearranged our basement, I lost a place to hang it. And, we rarely use our basement school room anyways. I would like to move it upstairs to where we actually do school, but it is just so very large. And dh is already unhappy about the school stuff taking over the house. I liked another poster's idea about hanging the maps in the master bedroom. There is enough wall space there, but it just might push dh over the edge....


Maybe I just need to buy a smaller map?

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Yep - our world map is in the kitchen on the wall and a map of our country (Canada) is on the wall in the hallway. The world map isn't all that big or fancy, but it's better than nothing. The Canadian one is quite large and colourful. :)


I actually want a US one as well but can't find one for sale anywhere around here.

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Just noticed the poll, sorry I'm chiming in late.


We had a huge, and I mean *huge* world map wallpapered on the long wall of our basement playroom. Ordered it from a catalog for business travelers that DH picked up from the airplane seat pocket, and had pro wallpaper-ers put it up.


Looks great, and I can quickly point out locations when we're doing read-alouds in the basement, while the boys play with the Lego World we seem to be accumulating downstairs.

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We have turned our TV/Playroom into the "Map Room". On the wall is a large map of the world. We'll soon be adding maps of the Ancient Mediterranean, Italy during the Republic, and the Urbs Herself.


On the other walls in that room we have a Pope chart and some artistic renderings of Hadrian's Villa, Mycenae, and Delphi.


At some point I'll put up maps of the US, Texas, and Louisiana. But for now they're just decoration


I do need a good globe, though...


Okay, I've officially hit TMI in this post... ;)

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We have both a world map, and US map hung in our TV room- not quite a living room- just a little space with a sofa and TV. It's a great place to have the maps too, because we like to watch animal planet, History Channel, and Discovery-and whenever a place is mentioned that we don't know about, the kids can look for it on the maps.


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My ds(10) has a world map, U.S. map, and a poster with the flags of all the countries on his walls. They've been there for a few years now and starting to look ragged, but he refuses to remove them. He loves them . How can I argue with that?:001_smile:

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I voted other. Ours is decoupaged to our coffee table in the living room. I can't tell you how handy that is. When we're watching a show and the boys ask where's that, just move your drink, please, ah, there it is! I've gotten lots of compliments too. The only thing is that I cut up one big map and tea stained it and ripped it first so everything is in the right place but not to scale.

Huck has a map of the solar system hanging in his room.

And we've had a huge map live in the study and in the kitchen/playroom (it's a big space). I just painted though and plan on putting up a new, smaller map in the fall.


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If only we had wall space--all of our walls are taken up with windows and doorways.


So we'll be trying to figure out how to mount our giant maps that currently stay rolled up. We'll have to find a solution that is portable and can be stashed somewhere. Where, I have no idea.:glare:

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No. We only have two maps hanging at the moment. I found digital files of old, beautifully illustrated maps of England and Ireland (from which my husband's and my relatives came). I printed them in a sepia tone and framed them for our entry hall.

If I could find a lovely sepia world map, I would love to hang it in the living room.

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If I could find a lovely sepia world map, I would love to hang it in the living room.


DH would probably not even mind! Seriously. If you ever do find something like that and decide to make some, let us know what you'd charge.

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We have one on our kitchen table. I covered it with a clear table cloth. Because of the clear plastic (to protect the map) it is easier to wipe off the table. I killed two birds with one stone.


Lunch and dinner time is really fun. We sometimes trade seats so that we can look at other parts of the "world."



This is what I plan on doing with our map :001_smile:

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We've just got to have a world and U.S. map on our wall! I dream of a wall-sized mural......sigh....someday...when I have grandchildren.


Ours hang in the dining/school/office room (LOL)> While I read aloud, my boys will go to the map and point out any geographical areas that are mentioned in our books.


We have never studied formal geography from a book. Just da maps.




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We just hung one up yesterday in fact! We found two different sets of 3 maps at Costco for $19 each set.


One set includes:


North America

United States


The other set includes:

Animals of the World

Prehistoric World

Ancient World


As we are currently reading Story of the World Vol.1 (Ancients), we hung up the Ancient World map. It has hundreds of tiny little cartoons to illustrate important events/features of the Ancient World. The kids love it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We sometimes play games at mealtimes with it, taking turns finding bays, places with "land" in the name, countries that end in "a", mountain ranges, etc. Whatever idea somebody comes up with. The last one to name a place wins. It's a good mealtime game for us.


The US map hangs on a wall near the kitchen.

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DH loves maps. I believe the two that aare still up, he brought home from somplace. One hangs sideways and I have a hard time tilting my head to read it!

Oh, BTW, they are in teh entryway behind the door, and you can only see them if you sit on the sofa and look at that wall..we invite our guests to sit on the loveseat facing us and then only we can see the map!

I am tryign to get DH to take it down, but so far, he likes it there!

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  • 3 years later...

I am so happy that I've FINALLY figured out where to hang a map in our livingroom, and I've ordered a world and US map.


I wanted to hang a map where it would be easily accessible (in a central location) and low enough for the kids to look at easily. We have a small house and no big stretches of wall space (walls are covered with glass-door storage cabinets, piano, etc.


I considered putting it on our coffee or table top covered with plastic. I considered cutting it in strips and hanging it across the front of several cabinet doors next to each other. I considered a rug.


But I've decided to hang the maps across the front of a built-in bookshelf in our livingroom, using lathing strips and cup hooks as described in this blog post (it's a long post - scroll down to "Hanging a Map with Little Wall Space"). It will cover some shelves, but we don't access those books all that often, and when we want to, we can lift or move the map. We can reverse the map, or take it down and carry it to the table.


If I can fit a map in my space, then anyone can! If you want to hang a map, I encourage you to get creative and think beyond the wall!


ETA: Oops, I didn't realize this thread was so old! Well, maybe refreshing it will let somebody else see it who was also looking for map ideas!

Edited by songsparrow
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We have one on our kitchen table. I covered it with a clear table cloth. Because of the clear plastic (to protect the map) it is easier to wipe off the table. I killed two birds with one stone.


Lunch and dinner time is really fun. We sometimes trade seats so that we can look at other parts of the "world."



What a great idea!:001_smile:

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