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Prayer needed!!

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We, as a family, are in crisis and could really use some prayer.


Our boys are both special needs, each presenting with some significant difficulties that are rearing their heads this weekend.


My one boy has gotten himself in some legal trouble. He is intellectually delayed and is taking the fall for something a group of boys did. I'm sick over this and am praying the truth is revealed.


My second son is a RAD boy with huge anxiety issues. We had a huge episode yesterday (after two hours of sleep dealing with son number one) resulting in him now staying for a few days with our friends for respite. This situation seems to have no solution.


I am stretched beyond belief dealing with this and feel guilty that our daughter suffers with us through all this.


On top of that my sister is having heart surgery in the morning.


Prayers are appreciated!

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Thanks for the prayers. I'm heading to bed but last night had a very fitful sleep (just full of fear with all the uncertainty).


You know when we adopted our kids we knew they had some special needs (although we did not know they were FASD until recently) but we didn't know the extent of them or how it would look in the teen years. It's really tough. My faith is solid but we could sure use a break dealing with all this.


I really value the prayers and thoughts. Thank you all.

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We, as a family, are in crisis and could really use some prayer.


Our boys are both special needs, each presenting with some significant difficulties that are rearing their heads this weekend.


My one boy has gotten himself in some legal trouble. He is intellectually delayed and is taking the fall for something a group of boys did. I'm sick over this and am praying the truth is revealed.


My second son is a RAD boy with huge anxiety issues. We had a huge episode yesterday (after two hours of sleep dealing with son number one) resulting in him now staying for a few days with our friends for respite. This situation seems to have no solution.


I am stretched beyond belief dealing with this and feel guilty that our daughter suffers with us through all this.


On top of that my sister is having heart surgery in the morning.


Prayers are appreciated!



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Oh, Rose!!! What a heavy load you are carrying!!!


Do you think maybe your RAD needs residential treatment?


i'm s sorry for all of you!!! P,ease take special time away with your dd regularly. I swear this is how dd12 and I stay sane.



Yes I think so. We're trying to figure things out. We're under tremendous pressure/stress right now.

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