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Update of dd with tumor and hubby recovering from heart attack.

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First hubby. It has been two months now and he is doing great. He is going to cardio rehab which is helping both physically and mentally. He started Welbutrin and we are hoping to see results there soon. He is eating better and losing weight. I think that crisis is over for now but the entire family is still worried out of their minds.


I had to go to the dr. because my BP was high and I was having chest pains. He did an EKG and ran blood work and they are good. He thinks that is just the extreme stress I am going through right now. He did not give me meds for BP because we didn't want to add another med to my cocktail when we know my heart is good and all of my bloodowrk is good. I am pretty happy about that because I really don't want to any more meds.


I was also having a problem with losing my balance, walking into walls and slurring my words a little or just not making any sense. My eldest described it as if I had maybe one drink too many. Dr. looked at my meds and said he wassn't surprised because I was taking enough meds to tranquilize a horse. I told him that I wanted to lower some of them but my last appt. with my pdoc was a phone consult and she just wrote my prescriptions as normal. SO he lowered one quite a bit and it should help without causing any problems.


Finally, DD#2. She was having abdominal pain so she went to the ER. After running a ton of test they found an 8 mm mass around left overy. They sent he to a gyn specialist. I can down for appt. I was really expecting him to say that it was just as cyst and that they would drain or remove it and everything would be just fine. They did an ultrasound and said that her uterous and overies looked perfect but she has this mass hanging out between the back of her uterous and her tailbone (for giving my spelling and lack there of. I am just too tired to figure it out right now). Anyhow, he said he had no idea what is was but it was certainly over his head and he passed us on to a GYN/Oncologist.


He doesn't really know what it is either but apparently he is very qualified to remove it regardless of whether it is attached to the reproductive system, the bowel or something else. He said it can not be removed laproscopically because it is too large. So I have to deal with an open wound in the hospital. He guesses in order seem to be a teratoma, a benign cyst, or a cancerous cyst. He is going to his very best to protect all reproductive organs given her age and that he doesn't think it is a repro problem. He thinks it may be attached to the bowel and she may lose a small part of that.


She begin her pre-op prep tomorrow and has surgery on Tuesday. We won't really have a lot of answers until then. My eldest dd and I have been going back and forth between TN and GA for two month now. She has made three trips to my house and I am on my third to hers. We are both very tired and worn out. My littles wanted to come but I just didn't have the emotional bandwith to try and deal with them while I was in the hospital all the time and Lord forbid something goes wrong.


Money is tight. The bills I have been getting for these two make me want to throw up. I have decided that we are going to call them all and explain the circumstances and arrange to work out a paymeny plan once everything is all done. I have got all the girls school clothes but they still need shoes and some sort of tech. They both have tablets and netbooks so I am trying to figure which will be for school and which will be personal. The school recommends a laptop because the kids will need to write and take notes as well as use someother programs not on a tablet.


I don't know that I will be back for awhile so please send prayers and warm wishes.

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I'm glad to hear that your heart is fine and that they lowered some of your medications. Cardio rehab works wonders for restoring a heart attack patient, but it still takes time to start feeling confident and normal again. Don't worry, one day soon, you'll look at him and be mad at him for something small that always irritated you before the heart attack, then you'll know that you're getting there. Small steps.


You still have a lot to deal with, but it sounds like you're getting there. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You need some real hugs and somebody to tell you that you're doing a super-human job of keeping it all together even if it doesn't feel like it.

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You still have a lot to deal with, but it sounds like you're getting there. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You need some real hugs and somebody to tell you that you're doing a super-human job of keeping it all together even if it doesn't feel like it.





I've been thinking of you.

Hope you get good news on Tuesday and the surgery goes smoothly.

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That is TERRIFIC news about your dh! I hope he continues to do beautifully.


I am sorry about your dd. I somehow missed this was happening to her. As an AWESOME member here recommended to me, please take care of yourself the best you can. In order to be there for everyone, you need to be strong and well yourself.


I hope and pray that all goes well on Tuesday. Please update us whe. You can.:grouphug:

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