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I understand the history. I really, really do and I could get behind a very well done musical representation of GB. The problem I have is that it was very, very disjointed. It really was not smooth; it did not flow. It felt as though the ceremony sort of jerked from one topic into the next without continuity.


Yes, the flow could have been better.


Of course, all this is very sujective. However, the one thing that is apparent is that the film director did not have a clear picture of what it means to design a production for live performance. It sooooooooo clearly catered to the camera and yet, unlike a film in which there is a LOT of editing to make the film flow, to adjust camera angles, to adjust for optimal optics, etc. this was filmed live - a completely different proposition all together. The organizers would have been far better off to have contracted with a well-known producer of Broadway shows than a film maker.


Or, for that matter, a producer of West End musicals..... I agree, he didn't work well with a live performance.


Also, some things were just :001_huh:. The big giant baby, Mary Poppins battling Voldemort - while entertaining to some didn't seem very well planned, and THE CHOICE OF MUSIC WAS.... Okay, yes I get that you want to highlight GB's rock music history, but some of it was just way out there for an olympics and there were NO reasonable transitions. Seriously, whomever chose to run some of those key signatures consecutively without some breaks, key changes, transitions of some kind, needs to head back to music school. It created a "grating" sensation and contributed to the feeling of the production being disjointed.


I think you have a finer ear for music than do I. The performance did feel disjointed, but I couldn't have pointed at the use of music as one of the reasons for this.


That said, it could have been AWESOME because at the heart of it, was some pretty sweet raw material. Instead, it was just okay for a lot of us. However, every culture has its own unique flavor and while many, many countries may have found it lacking, the people of GB may be totally in love with it because it is their taste in style, format, flow, and music.


This is an interesting one. Should the opening ceremony be designed:


a) so that the host country can present a picture of what it thinks is interesting/unique/important about it, or


b) to produce a show that is most likely to please a world audience.


I didn't see the Beijing ceremony (we were in the process of moving country at the time, and in fact were lucky to get our household goods out of China, such was the chaos caused by the Olympics) but I rather suspect that it didn't contain too many long passages of Chinese opera.... Any run-down of important Chinese performance art forms would definitely have this high on the list, but it wouldn't play well to a world audience.... Nor would extended Er-Hu solos.....

It is memorable for its own sake and I don't mean negatively. It was different, creative, and innovative. It will be remembered for that and frankly, it would have been an act of futility to try to top Beijing...at some point, the one-ups-manship had to end and the GB organizers understood that and should be commended for not "going there".


That was a stated aim: not to top Beijing but to do something different.


Still, couldn't there have at least been a few men in kilts?????? :D


But would that have been the best of British? Answers should be in a five paragraph format and contain specific examples to support all argument. Photos acceptable.





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I loved it. I love British rock music. I love Mary Poppins. The children's choirs were amazing. Mr. Bean was hysterical.


I think it is fun that the athletes are recording it from their point of view. The ones with their iPads were funny.


I love Olympic based commercials. I told my kids that one of them needed to become an Olympic athlete so Tide could make a commercial about me.


40 percent of the athletes are women this year. Saudi Arabia sent women athletes this year. The USA sent more women than men this year. (Go Title IX!)

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Obvious favorites were the Queen skydiving and Mr. Bean, but also the transition from pastoral to industrial and the NHS/children's lit scene (minus the nightmare moments). I loved the fact that there were real nurses/doctors up there, that so much of the show was performed by volunteers (how exciting!), and that the people who built the stadium got to take part.


My least favorite parts: the commentators and the commercial interruptions. I thought it was ironic that after making the point that the Olympics go beyond politics, the commentator had to mention the politics of so many nations while they walked by.


Since we watched a prerecorded program, why did we have to miss so many of the nations, and just have a flash of 3-5 countries that had gone by while we were stuck with advertisements?


(Can you tell I don't usually watch tv? I am just not used to those interruptions!)

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(Can you tell I don't usually watch tv? I am just not used to those interruptions!)


Isn't that the truth? We don't watch TV either (we do DVD's or iPad streaming on some stuff). I was shocked at how many commercials there were!

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My least favorite parts: the commentators and the commercial interruptions. I thought it was ironic that after making the point that the Olympics go beyond politics, the commentator had to mention the politics of so many nations while they walked by.


Since we watched a prerecorded program, why did we have to miss so many of the nations, and just have a flash of 3-5 countries that had gone by while we were stuck with advertisements?


(Can you tell I don't usually watch tv? I am just not used to those interruptions!)



:iagree::iagree: I know!! I was so irritated about all the negative remarks from the commentators about the other countries. It was just rude. And the commercials were out. of. control. My kids fell asleep sometime around Brazil :|

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Saudi Arabia sent women athletes this year.


So did Qatar and Brunei (which said it didn't previously prohibit women). Saudi Arabia's women choices look a bit sketchy, though -- a woman with a Saudi father who has only lived in the US, and a judo player who started two years ago. Well, anyway, I wish all the athletes the best.


I love love love the parade of nations -- it really disappointed me this year.


Way too much interpretation by Matt Lauer and all the rest. I am so sick of having to explain everything to the viewers.

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:iagree::iagree: I know!! I was so irritated about all the negative remarks from the commentators about the other countries. It was just rude.


... and here's Rwanda.... genocide... child soldiers... costumes..... Tunisia.... Arab Spring.... civil unrest..... costumes....


By the end, Calvin and I had the giggles and were inventing disasters for all possible countries:


...... United States..... unsuspected alien invasion imminent..... costumes....



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So did Qatar and Brunei (which said it didn't previously prohibit women). Saudi Arabia's women choices look a bit sketchy, though -- a woman with a Saudi father who has only lived in the US, and a judo player who started two years ago. Well, anyway, I wish all the athletes the best.


I love love love the parade of nations -- it really disappointed me this year.


Way too much interpretation by Matt Lauer and all the rest. I am so sick of having to explain everything to the viewers.


Yes :glare:.

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We absolutely loved it. Thought it was wonderful.


Personal favorites : Kenneth Branagh reciting Shakespeare, 007, historical montage leading to the industrial revolution -- we watched that part twice, celebrating centuries of frightening children. Hated the Matt Lauer commentary.

Edited by EmilyK
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I may have misheard, but my jaw dropped when they commented that Germany had been England's enemy. Really? We need to be reminded of that?


I'm kinda hoping that it was just a Benadryl induced auditory hallucination though :glare:

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So did Qatar and Brunei (which said it didn't previously prohibit women). Saudi Arabia's women choices look a bit sketchy, though -- a woman with a Saudi father who has only lived in the US, and a judo player who started two years ago. Well, anyway, I wish all the athletes the best.


I love love love the parade of nations -- it really disappointed me this year.


Way too much interpretation by Matt Lauer and all the rest. I am so sick of having to explain everything to the viewers.


Did every country have at least one woman? I thought I read that, and it certainly looked that way, but I'll admit to not watching every second.

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I loved the British quirkiness. Thank goodness they can laugh at themselves.


I remember really enjoying the Beijing opening ceremony, but also remember thinking that none of the performers looked to be enjoying themselves. It was awe-inspiring, but so very rigid.


Lets hear it for some western freedom and humor and wackiness!

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BUT! You know that Michael Phelps interview? Apparently, at that point during the opening ceremonies there was a tribute to victims of the 7/7 London terrorist attacks - and NBC didn't air ANY of it. Here's a link to that portion online if anyone wants to watch it. http://deadspin.com/5929778/heres-the-opening-ceremony-tribute-to-terrorism-victims-nbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see

I can't believe they cut that out! Bastiges. :glare: Ugh, NBC stinks so bad! Just imagine how up in arms the US would get if we were hosting the games and did a 9/11 tribute as part of the opening ceremonies and it was edited out by another country. It would be such a huge stink.

I'm Canadian so she's my Queen as well and I thought it was hilarious. I've got no sympathy for those offended.


LOL Me neither. That was funny! lol


Amen to that!!!!! That is one fine looking man. If he were a better actor and didn't have such an odd voice, he'd have made a great James Bond.
:iagree: He really would. You look at him and think, "man, he's perfect" and then he opens his mouth. :lol:




There will never be a lighting like the arrow. Best.Lighting.Ever.

:iagree: I think so too, but I'm of Spanish heritage so I'm biased. :D hehe



They did get ridiculously excited when the German athletes came out which I thought was funny. I'm still unsure why Germany was wearing pink and blue though. Oh, and they did a split screen to show where the lesser known countries (some I had never heard of) were located. Ha! Geography lesson. Can I count it as school?

That's cool that you got a nice geography lesson. I found the pink and blue strange too. :confused: And which country was it who was wearing the rain boots? What was that about? :confused: I would love to see German commentators getting "ridiculously excited". I was in West Germany back in 1995 and I've never seen such a self controlled bunch. I'd love to see them let loose and get crazy. hehe


Mr. Figi deserves a medal for those well oiled abs of his.
Hear! Hear! He was a beautiful man! :)


While I of course root for Team USA, and to a lesser extent, Team Germany, I always really want the little countries with only a few athletes to pull off something amazing and stun the world with a win. It's of course awesome when the big countries win medals, but I think for the little countries it must be a huge deal and I want that to happen. I really want it for the IOC independents. They were my favorites.

Me too. I love rooting for the little guy. I would love to see one of them pull off a big win! Can you imagine what national heroes they would be in their home countries?



I felt kind of sorry for the queen. She is always supposed to look dignified, but sometimes that just looks bored or grumpy.


Perhaps she was just tired from her parachute entry? hehe

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... and here's Rwanda.... genocide... child soldiers... costumes..... Tunisia.... Arab Spring.... civil unrest..... costumes....


By the end, Calvin and I had the giggles and were inventing disasters for all possible countries:


...... United States..... unsuspected alien invasion imminent..... costumes....




The Maldives are the lowest country on earth, and have the highest literacy!

:lol::lol: To both of these.

I may have misheard, but my jaw dropped when they commented that Germany had been England's enemy. Really? We need to be reminded of that?


I'm kinda hoping that it was just a Benadryl induced auditory hallucination though :glare:

Me too! That's pretty bad. :glare:



Way too much interpretation by Matt Lauer and all the rest. I am so sick of having to explain everything to the viewers.

Ugh, me too!


I loved the British quirkiness. Thank goodness they can laugh at themselves.


I remember really enjoying the Beijing opening ceremony, but also remember thinking that none of the performers looked to be enjoying themselves. It was awe-inspiring, but so very rigid.


Lets hear it for some western freedom and humor and wackiness!


Hear! Hear! :hurray:

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Thoughts this morning. I dvred it last night and start watching about an hour after it started so wouldn't have to watch the commercials. It was busy and chaotic but interesting. Appreciated Lauer and costa's commentary explaining what was going on and their tidbits during the parade of nations. At the beginning they said Danny Boyle wasn't going to even try and top Beijing opening ceremony (very cool) because it was simply impossible. So it took the pressure off him and he could be creative. Thought the queen and James Bond sequence was cute and loved the kids singing in the beginning. The pastoral and industrial age sequences were just a hot mess.


Learned something new when showcased the health services how j.m barrie sold the rights to Peter Pan to the Great Ormand Steet Hospital so the National Health service is benefiting from every sale to this day. I thought it was cute especially given all the dancers in that scene were real doctors and nurses.


I felt sorry for the drummers who had to drum during the entire parade of nations but it actually served to get everyone walking at a fast clip. It seemed to go by rather quickly (but I didn't have to watch the commercials :lol:)


I wouldn't rate is a 10 but wouldn't say it's the worst ever either.

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OF COURSE Mary Poppins chased Voldemort away! Mary Poppins is the character who always fixed everything and made everything right and she was able to vanish the biggest villian. :)


We loved it.


I REALLY hated watching it on NBC.


I thought it was endearing to the UK. Of course, a couple of my very, VERY best friends are English. :) Maybe I'm biased.

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I REALLY hated watching it on NBC
US commentary drives me 'round the bend, so I didn't even try to watch it. This is one of those times I miss the CBC terribly... even though it's on CTV this year. :tongue_smilie:
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I was wondering if she wasn't well. She normally does a slightly better job of looking like she is enjoying events.





Laura, I had the same thought--- I am worried about her. She looked like she wasn't well or was in pain. I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong.



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Laura, I had the same thought--- I am worried about her. She looked like she wasn't well or was in pain. I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong.




I hope that she just had an "off" night and that there is nothing truly wrong. Now you all are worrying me. :(

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US commentary drives me 'round the bend, so I didn't even try to watch it. This is one of those times I miss the CBC terribly... even though it's on CTV this year. :tongue_smilie:


You know what's funny? We have 4 British stations and not one of them had it on! That's why we had to watch it on the German channel. Weird, right?

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I'm still unsure why Germany was wearing pink and blue though.


One of the Swedish commentators was generally awful but I did laugh when she described the German outfits as "The Barbie and Ken" outfits :D



I agree with you about the small vs. large scale problem. As a film director Danny Boyle relied too much on close-ups, which only worked on the screens. It probably played better for a TV audience than for those actually present.



I'm not sure about that. I had a friend who was at the ceremony and she thought it was awesome.

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US commentary drives me 'round the bend, so I didn't even try to watch it. This is one of those times I miss the CBC terribly... even though it's on CTV this year. :tongue_smilie:


The best Olympics was the one in which I watched it on CBC. What don't they do better? canada-flag.gif

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One of the Swedish commentators was generally awful but I did laugh when she described the German outfits as "The Barbie and Ken" outfits :D


LOL :lol:

The best Olympics was the one in which I watched it on CBC. What don't they do better? canada-flag.gif


hehehehe ;)

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About the German outfits: did they not look at their flag and think through just how badly the pink and blue would clash with it?





Dh has a few German colleagues on his team at work and this was the reaction (direct quote from a 7:00 a.m. meeting today), "It was embarassing."



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I liked the opening ceremony for the most part. About the only parts I didn't like was the creepy baby and the NBC commentary and editing. I am upset that I didn't see the 7/7 memorial part.

We were stationed in Belgium at SHAPE at that time and we were supposed to go on a short weekend trip to London the next day or two with a bus tour. We didn't go, of course, since all bus traffic to England was cancelled as they tried to find the terrorists. But I think just like the English were horrified by 9/11, we all were horrified and saddened by 7/7.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The NBC editing people and the commentators all seem to think we are truly stupid. I don't know the demographics of who watches the Olympics. But I would guess that if anything, the demographics are that the watchers tend to be a bit if not even more educated than the demographics of who watches major sports on tv regularly. Certainly no reason to think Olympic watchers are dumber than normal sports watchers.


Oh, and I am with Ibby. I like to watch soccer on Telemundo and hear the man who say "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL". The coverage on that channel just sounds so much more exciting and I do understand some Spanish so it is always a chance for me to improve my understanding.

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I loved it, too -- but I have always liked Bob Costas.



I generally like him, loved his baseball book, appreciated his comments on the 72 Games and Israeli athletes, and enjoy his interviews. But wow, was he annoying for a good portion of the ceremonies last night.

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Hmmm....my husband noticed some of his online friends were indicating that other things had been missing in the feed to the US of the opening ceremonies. I also saw something online saying that the US was the only country not to air them live.


I decided to look online to see why and ran across this


NBC Sports spokesman Christopher McCloskey said the ceremonies “are complex entertainment spectacles that do not translate well online because they require context, which our award-winning production team will provide for the large prime-time audiences that gather together to watch them.â€



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Hmmm....my husband noticed some of his online friends were indicating that other things had been missing in the feed to the US of the opening ceremonies. I also saw something online saying that the US was the only country not to air them live.


I decided to look online to see why and ran across this


NBC Sports spokesman Christopher McCloskey said the ceremonies “are complex entertainment spectacles that do not translate well online because they require context, which our award-winning production team will provide for the large prime-time audiences that gather together to watch them.”




Oh please NBC. The Hive members from the UK and my English friends provided more accurate context than anything that was said last night. Frankly, I don't think Matt and Bob *got it* themselves. :glare:

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Oh please NBC. The Hive members from the UK and my English friends provided more accurate context than anything that was said last night. Frankly, I don't think Matt and Bob *got it* themselves. :glare:


My favorite was S. Africa, where they only mentioned the female athlete who was forced to have a gender exam and the athlete with prosthetic legs had to fight against the claim of an unfair advantage.


In other words - if you're good and from S. Africa, you must be a con artist.


And we have nothing else to say about S Africa.


Here are 40 hilarious tweets about the commentary by NBC.


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My favorite was S. Africa, where they only mentioned the female athlete who was forced to have a gender exam and the athlete with prosthetic legs had to fight against the claim of an unfair advantage.


In other words - if you're good and from S. Africa, you must be a con artist.


And we have nothing else to say about S Africa.


Here are 40 hilarious tweets about the commentary by NBC.



LOL I liked these...


4. @BackpackingDad Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira are helpfully translating the ceremony from "English" to "Moron". #Olympics


23. @TVMcGee Meredith Vieira and Matt Lauer are clearly talking to any potential alien life forms watching right now. Only possibly explanation.


26. @gdarklighter @MLauer and Meredith Viera are like that couple in the theater who sit behind you and won't shut up.


27. @Chrisreed619 Someone needs to tell Meredith Viera that there is no need for her to repeat what Kenneth Branaugh just said. He's Kenneth Branaugh.


40. @joesview Somewhere Ann Curry is laughing.#OlymicsOpeningCeremony2012
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