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Any Homebirth Mamas out there?

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I'm just curious if there are any homebirth mamas out here. I'm expecting #2 and will be (Lord willing) having him at home like I did with the first. I always like connecting with other women who have had their babies at home and sharing tips, tricks, experiences etc.

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There are several of us here. I had #3 at home on Thanksgiving Day 2000. It was a difficult but wonderful birth! (DS was turned sunny-side up, and it was VERY hard to push him out.) I baked pumpkin pies while I was in labor, and my dd and dh made Thanksgiving dinner for me after ds was born.

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The Love was born at home, in an inflatable kiddie pool. It was awesome. He was posterior but it was fine. The water helped SO much, as did being able to relax in my own house in a comfy pool, listening to my own music with hubby getting whatever I needed and the kids still sleeping peacefully in their own room.


Just, uh, call the midwife earlier rather than later if you have fast births. *cough* :D It was so relaxing that my body could do what it needed very well and he FLEW out. Also, I use HypnoBabies wherever I birth. I love that stuff.

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The Bird was born on a day when my midwife and all of her assistants had something important planned with their families that they had to miss to be with me. It wasn't a long birth but it was more difficult than we wanted it to be. It turns out Bird was holding her ear the whole time and showed up with a nuchal hand. We're planning a water birth for this one. I've got a feeling he's going to be a bigg'un.

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I haven't, I've had 5 c-sections. But my sister has had 3 very successful home births, no problems at all. Her experiences sounded like a fairy tale compared to my own experiences, they made me wish I could home birth, but my kids and I wouldn't be alive today without hospital care, so I understand both sides.

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Griffon,Jubilee,Epiphany,and Lucian have been born at home. I agree with the previous poster who said to call early rather than later,lol, as I delivered Luke myself! My 4 hospital births were all long drawn out complicated affairs, and my four at home have been 2 hours tops and intense but uncomplicated.

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1st was a c-section, next 2 were natural hospital births, next 2 were natural mid-wife attended hospital births, last two were attended home births. One of the home births was a water birth, the last was supposed to be but he was in a hurry.

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I had Digby and Chuck at home. With Digby I labored in the tub and got out to push. Chuck was facing the wrong way, so I walked forever trying to get her to turn before finally getting in the tub when I couldn't take it anymore. She was born in the water. With both, I used Hypnobabies and that kept me comfortable until I started pushing. Luckily pushing only lasted about 6-8 minutes for me, so it was over quickly.

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DS1 was a CNM attended hospital birth, DD was a FSBC CNM attended birth, and my third was a home waterbirth in an inflatable kiddie pool. I wasn't sure I'd want to use the water, as I labored it it with my first birth, but wasn't allowed to deliver in the tub. I wanted out at that point anyway. With DD water was an option, but I didn't feel the need. With my third, I decided on an affordable inflatable pool vs. a more expensive birth pool, because I wasn't sure I'd use it. I was really glad to have it! We did a trial run before the birth-filling the tub, setting up the hose and adapter, seeing how much hot water we'd need to boil on the stove to supplement the hot water heater capacity.

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Me :D DS was born at home. Hard but the best thing I've ever done. Fast birth too - 4.5 hours. My mw and doula lived two hours away. MW arrived as I started pushing but doula stopped to get a coffee & arrived after his head was out. So yep, call early. Being comfortable in your own space makes such a difference :)

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Griffon,Jubilee,Epiphany,and Lucian have been born at home. I agree with the previous poster who said to call early rather than later,lol, as I delivered Luke myself! My 4 hospital births were all long drawn out complicated affairs, and my four at home have been 2 hours tops and intense but uncomplicated.


Exactly. And read up so you know what to expect just in case. I caught The Love, too. That's why I can't say for certain that he had a nuchal hand because no one SAW it, :lol: but it certainly felt that way. Yet it was fine, no real tearing or anything due to water/relaxed state/etc.

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DS6 and DS4 were both born at home. DD8 and DS2 were in the hospital, but with midwives. DD because I was a nervous first-timer, and DS2 because he came a little earlier than the midwives are allowed to do homebirths for (they have to be 37 weeks, he was 36/4.)


All of mine were fast labors. DD2 was the longest one at 6 hours total. I used Hypnobabies with his birth, but not with any of the others.

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My daughter (VBAC) was born at home a bit over 2 years ago, and I'm planning another homebirth for this little one, due in September. Just got the birth pool yesterday, actually!!! I went in with some friends to share the cost, and I'm excited to have one that is deeper than the kiddie pool I used last time.


Best tip is having Depends disposable undies to wear for the first day or so after the birth. Much better at containing the bleeding than pads, and more comfortable. LOVE them. I've also heard of people wearing them after their water breaks, but I'm in the pool by that point.

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I had my last baby at home after two hospital births. My first hospital birth was a standard American birth with almost every intervention short of a c-section. My next birth was a natural birth - labor was actually very manageable, but went downhill when we got to the hospital - I was feeling pushy, but everyone treated me very badly and there were interventions done to me without my consent (even when I said "I do not consent.") I had may last one at home - it was probably the safest choice, knowing what would happen to me and the baby at the closest hospital and the better birthing hospital was farther away. It was less than two hours from the time I woke up feeling that something was different that day to actually having her in my arms. She was born in my tub at home. I was free to move around, make all the noise I needed to, and go to the "other planet" undisturbed.


One key thing for me was knowing I had all my ducks in a row. I didn't feel like I could go into labor until all my important details were taken care of ... midwife back up plans, transport plans for both emergency (to crappy close-by hospital) and non-emergency (better but farther hospital), child-care plans, baby doctor chosen for back-up plans (someone to discharge baby from back up hospital if we needed to go there), etc. I was a childbirth educator for many years, so, I knew what to do. But, dh didn't remember as much, so I had him sitting in on my classes so he could get a refresher. Much of what we had practiced went out the window as this labor was different, but he had more tools in his toolbox on how to help me - basically create a protective cocoon around me so that I could be free to labor. He made sure my then "difficult child" was taken care of, took care of my every need so I didn't need to "come back to Earth" to formulate a sentence, etc. I think that is why I labored so fast.

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I've had all three of my boys at home. I have no complaints about my first birth, at a freestanding birth center (basically a homebirth in someone else's house), but it sure has been nice not to have to travel in labor.


My pushing stages have gotten progressively faster, but I think they're at the limit now. First was an hour and a half (posterior baby), second was 20 minutes, third was about three pushes and a few minutes, and the fourth was less than a minute -- one big push in the water and "it's a boy." It's a good thing we planned a homebirth, and also good that we planned an unassisted birth (my second boy was also a planned unassisted birth), because my backup midwife lives at least 30 minutes away, and she wouldn't have made it. Much better to have a planned unassisted birth when we knew we were handling it all than to be unprepared and panicked! By the time I realized it was indeed real labor (it was a fast 4 hour labor, half the length of my previous shortest labor, and it was at 38.5 weeks, when my others had all come at around 41 weeks), transition in the car would have been miserable, and there's a good chance he'd have been born on the side of the road.


Early in labor, I spread chux pads on my rocking chair and on the floor and the bed. With the two littlest boys, my water broke while pacing the floor -- good thing I had the chux ready. I also know that I generally don't feel like eating during labor (though I did manage to eat eggs for breakfast with #4), so with #3, I made myself drink a good quantity of juice first thing, and that kept me going for 8 hours.

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My homebirth turned into a cesarean, but I'm a homebirther at heart. :)


When I was in recovery after the csection, the nurse said, "I bet you wouldn't do that again!" (Meaning choosing the loooong back labor at home and hours of pushing that just ended in a csection anyway.) She took me completely by surprise. I told her that of course I would do it again, and she looked at me like I had four heads! The fact that it didn't end the way I had hoped didn't change the reasons I had picked to give birth at home in the first place. I received amazing, evidence based care through my pregnancy and labor. I labored on my own terms in my own home. I went to the hospital and consented to the csection when my body told me it was time. I would never have been able to labor and push the way that I did at home if I had been in the hospital. (At one point I had three different birthing stools in my living room hoping to find one that was just right. :lol: ) I know my section was necessary because I left nothing on the table, and I'm afraid if I had chosen to labor in the hospital, I would always have a nagging doubt about if there was something different I could have done.


To be honest, I think it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

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#2 and #3 were born at home, both waterbirths. #4 is due in November and we plan a hb as well. My last babe was born w/ an elbow by her head, very not fun. #1 was posterior and just cocked in there funny. I think I'm shaped weird or such, I hate pushing but labor isn't bad. My last labor was about 5 hrs, although I would have had her sooner if the mw had came a bit earlier, she was trying to finish up her Thanksgiving dinner and didn't believe I was going that fast. I used all my might and willpower to stop labor until she came and started pushing about 5 minutes after she arrived. I see an OB for backup as it makes dh feel more comfortable and I need Rhogram which midwives cannot get here, but I don't see him very often.

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Best tip is having Depends disposable undies to wear for the first day or so after the birth. Much better at containing the bleeding than pads, and more comfortable. LOVE them. I've also heard of people wearing them after their water breaks, but I'm in the pool by that point.




A friend who sent me hand-me-downs threw in half a package of Depends when I was expecting #2. My water broke about 12 hours before labor started, and they made a huge difference in my comfort with walking around and stuff. Pads just don't feel sufficient when you're having periodic big gushes of water. And I agree that they're much more comfy for the first few days after birth, too.


With #3, I sent DH out to the store to get me Depends after my water again broke before labor started :) Next time they're just going on the birth prep list.


#3 was a homebirth, and, while I'm not tied to the idea (I loved the hospital where I had #2), I hope for the same with any future ones if we still live around here. I don't get good natural birth vibes from the local hospital.

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Both of my littles were born at home, and any others we have will be born at home, too, if baby and I are both healthy. I wouldn't do it any other way, given the choice.


DD's was a looooooong labor and birth, but still wonderful. DS's was much faster once I got into active labor. He was born in the birth pool (a fishie pool) and DH caught him. :) I love my midwife and I trust her judgment, but I also read most everything I can about birth so that I have as much information as possible.

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DS#1 was a midwife assisted homebirth, easy and fast. Loved it! DS #2 was a planned water birth but turned into a c-section when I had a complete placenta previa. My midwife didn't want to try a vbac due to legal considerations so ds#3 was a natural birth in a hospital.


If I had any more children (unlikely) they would be homebirths if possible, even if it had to be unassisted. Having tried it all three ways I know which I prefer without any doubt!


Good luck with all your homebirths ladies!

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Welcome and congratulations! We have had six unassisted home births. Wonderful, wonderful experiences. Homebirths #2-4 were quite quick (hour or hour and a half) and the last two semi-quick (2-3 hours), and all were very straightforward, so it was nice to not be trying to get to a hospital in the midst of the intensity.


Agreeing with the Depends (I use them for like a week) and the Chux pads. Also, my best/only position is on my knees, leaning over a big lidded bucket. Find what works for you.

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I'm just curious if there are any homebirth mamas out here. I'm expecting #2 and will be (Lord willing) having him at home like I did with the first. I always like connecting with other women who have had their babies at home and sharing tips, tricks, experiences etc.


Two homebirths here. Went great. And I was over 35 with the first. :tongue_smilie:

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My first two were homebirths, and we're planning a homebirth for #3 due this fall. I had an awful labor with my first (would have been awful wherever I had dd), but my second was very much the ideal homebirth... quiet, private, and straightforward. I just love the peace and quiet of home after baby arrives... with nowhere to go and my own bed to sleep in. Baby can leave the house for the pediatrician, but I LOVE being shut in for the first few weeks.


Best thing I did last time was to drink some coconut water (different from coconut milk) during delivery. It's like nature's gatorade, and it really revived me between pushes.

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My last three were born at home and I'm planning another homebirth for this little one due in January. I have precipitous labors, so I told DH that the homebirth wasn't really an option, it was if he wanted someone else there attending or just him!

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I've had a medicated hospital birth, four (unmedicated) home births, and an unmedicated hospital birth. I used Hypnobabies with the last five. I birthed in water with my home births. Deep tubs during labor are awesome. I tried the tub at the hospital with my recent unmedicated birth there, but it wasn't deep enough and the water wasn't hot enough to help much.

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Four wonderful homebirths, the last three waterbirths, this baby girl will be an unmedicated hossy birth due to not being low risk anymore. The ob care has been night and day. No nutritional accountability or support, 10 min. vs 1 hour prenatal care appts., and I spent some time in L&D with preterm labor ( first time for both) and the hossy bed was so small and uncomfy! I could not sleep and I was so exhausted. Of course, the light was on and that didn't help much. ugh. I plan to go in as late in labor as possible and leave as soon as possible. ;)

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I've had natural midwife assisted births for all 3, my 2nd was a homebirth. 3rd was supposed to be a homebirth but ended up having to go hospital as an anti hb OB ruled me high risk during a routine NST as I was 5 days overdue. I had one high stress induced b/p reading (that went down after resting) and he falsely diagnosed me with pre e and told my midwife I was not allowed to hb, but had to transfer to the hospital. It was really upsetting, I gave birth in the hospital with my midwives later that night, 40 minutes after arrival, and left a few hours later. We are ttc again and will probably plan another hb but I will be very careful about which OB I will allow in my room if I have to go to the hospital for any tests.

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My first was planned to be a homebirth but my water broke at 32 weeks. The baby followed 60 mins later. So, no homebirth for him.


Baby number 2 stayed in long enough to be born at home.


Same midwife was there for both births. I also have precipitous labor, so I am glad that we planned for homebirths. With two kids, I have had maybe 4 house of labor total. They were a really difficult 4 hours, but man, I am glad I wasn't worried about getting anywhere. My second kid would have been born in the driveway, lol.

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Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.

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Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.


I used hypnobabies and it was ok, but I did NOT have a pain free birth by any means. Not at ALL.


I didn't birth in water, but did labor in water until about 30 minutes before she was born. I wore a dark colored sports bra and was naked other than that. That worked for me really well, and seems to be common among women that homebirth. The sports bra was actually a nursing bra....not sure if Motherhood still carries it, but I've seen similar ones at target.


Afterwards I put on a pair of Depends, pajama pants (nice and loose) and a big comfy t-shirt that was dark colored so it was modest enough without a bra. EAsy enough to lift the shirt to nurse, but I was covered for visitors.

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Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.


I used HypnoBabies and while it was intense, it didn't really hurt until the last 20 minutes of each birth. I'm down with 20 minutes of ow. I... don't remember what I wore. If anything. Huh. I was occupied. :tongue_smilie: The only gowns I can imagine that would work well for nursing would be dresses with a wrap top that could be pulled aside/down easily.

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My last two were home water births.


I am now a practicing midwife. :) Getting ready to mail in my NARM application and hoping to be ready to sit for the CPM exam in February.


Good luck! So wonderful to have more CPMs!


Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.


I've been naked for all but my third birth, so immediate pictures are not ones to share with anyone but DH and me without serious cropping. I keep a nice nightgown that is nursing-friendly (either with slits or with a wrap style front) handy so that it's clean and ready. With my third birth, I just put on a clean top (the one I was wearing was a bit dirty) and some knit pants.


For our waterbirth, it was a bit of a spontaneous thing. We'd talked about it, but the logistics of it weren't great, so I was undecided. (Tiny bathroom with no A/C in July, bathroom downstairs but our bedroom was upstairs, I have crazy long hair that I don't want wet, didn't want to get the tub all icky, didn't want to sit in icky water, no money or good location for a birth tub.) But I kept my options open and made sure the tub was clean. I was having transition-type labor but thought I had several more hours ahead of me, and I was at my limit, even with DH right there with me helping me focus, so he said, "Well, we've talked about water, and it's helped you before [albeit in early labor with my first], so do you want to try it?" I figured I might as well; maybe it would help take the edge off a bit so I could relax, because I was starting to fight the contractions, which were on top of each other and hard. I should have realized it was transition, but I really didn't think it could be. So he got the tub ready; it was pretty hot, not scalding of course, but probably a little more than typical bath temp. And the baby was born about three minutes later.


We ended up draining the tub (which did get a bit icky) after a bit and refilling it, as I thought relaxing in the tub sounded nice. Then I ended up getting out fairly soon because it was hot and sticky in there. I ended up waiting until the placenta game out, and then I handed the baby+placenta (in some bags) to DH, while I showered off a bit, and then I put something on (a gown, I guess) and stuck a big towel between my legs and walked upstairs slowly. Upstairs was all ready, because I'd made up the bed with a shower curtain and extra sheet.

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Thats awesome. I've got a couple of questions. I've heard alot about hypnobabies and I was curious about the people who used it, what exactly is it that you liked or that was the most helpful? The second question I have is for the water birthers. What were some do's and don'ts for your waterbirth? Also what did you wear? I was naked for my first birth and who knows I may end up that way again, but I'd like to start out clothed. What are some good recommendations for nursing gowns? I want to find something pretty to wear right after the birth for pictures but I need functionality too. It has to be easy to get in and out of and I have to be able to nurse in it.


I've used Hypnobabies with five births. Each birth had its own unique circumstances. I experienced anywhere from no pain at all to quite a bit due to the physical parameters we were dealing with. I loved that it made my labors more comfortable, even if painfree wasn't happening (painfree was my favorite, though :tongue_smilie:). I loved that it helped prepare me mentally and that it helped me stay calm while birthing. I absolutely hate feeling out of control, so that was a major plus. :) For the births that were painful, it was never more than the last 30 minutes of labor that hurt or were really intense. I was on pitocin for my last baby's birth and I did it without pain meds.


In the tub I wore a bathing suit top or colored sports bra. Afterward I wore a nursing nightgown or two-piece pajamas.

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All eight of ours were born at home, the last four waterbirths. When #7 was born, the midwife commented, "well, that's the third c-section you didn't have" because 3 of the births fell outside of what the hospital would've allowed. She said, "I just wish I could drag my colleagues at the hospital to births like this so they could see the great outcomes from not intervening when they intervene". BTW I'm not hospital-bashing with that . . . I was both a NICU and L&D nurse, so I believe in some perfect many-choices-to-fir-the-situation world :D.


I like a sports bra and full/gauzy/loose-ish skirt for laboring, then I just pull off the skirt when I get in the tub.


There was all the difference in the world for me between the "land" and water deliveries. My 4th baby, the last "land" delivery, was a bigger one, but #5 was bigger yet and a MUCH easier delivery due to the influence of the water.

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I had DS#1 unmedicated in a hospital, awful experience.


I had DS#2 unmedicated in a birth center (basically a house), and it was a great experience.


This baby, a DD finally, is likely going to be born at home. I'm calling the homebirth midwife this week to switch care over. After the birth center birth I am really looking forward to a similar experience at home :)


Someone asked about what to wear. For my birth center birth I wore a t-shirt and cotton skirt and left both on during labor. I felt so much more comfortable not being all exposed and in my own normal clothing. Those hospital gowns made me feel like a patient, like something was wrong with me. I'll wear the same skirt and a nursing top this time around too. At the birth center my midwives even did my laundry! 4 hours later I got my skirt and shirt back all clean and good to go, they apparently really know how to get blood out of things, lol!

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I used (Mongan) Hynobirthing for my first child's birth, but had extra tracks available to me because my instructor made us a CD of her reading additional tracks. I added in a Hypnobabies supplementary course for baby #2 and #3. Hypnosis worked beautifully for me.


I had some intensity around transition with DS1, and the car ride to the FSBC was a bit rough with DD's birth, but overall hypnosis worked great for me. I have to move a lot in labor, but as long as I do that and my hypnosis, i'm calm and able to stay on top of the contractions.


For my waterbirth I wore an old bikini top and bottoms, and I think I just took them off when I got close? In the pics, with a big belly and the positions I was in, you really don't see any shots of down below. Not that I share my HB pics with anyone other than those who were there anyway, but my top is covered and you just can't see anything below my huge belly anyway!

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Hypnobabies made it super easy to relax my body. With my first, I didn't have ANY type of birthing class. When I found myself in the midst of a 40 hour labor, I kept crying and saying that I was going to die. My mom would try to tell me to relax. I would and it would help a lot. Then it would get harder, so I'd get tense and make everything hurt again. With the next two, all the hours of practice made it so easy to relax. Near my transitioning time with Chuck, it was almost unbearable. I really wanted an epidural at that point. But I was already in the tub and going to the hospital meant getting out, drying off, putting clothes on, getting in the car, driving the few miles to one, getting out, checking in, monitoring and then waiting for an anesthesiologist. I decided to push instead and about 15 minutes later she was born.


I'm a big, BIG prude, so I always wore a junky old Tshirt in the tub. They took it off and dried me off after I was out of the tub.

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My last 2 were born at home with hypnobabies in the water. I was in underwear at the beginning of labor and then nothing for the water since I didn't care at all. DD1 was born in the hospital and it was very painful because she was posterior. DD2 was a 3 1/2 hour, painless hypnobabies birth. I didn't realize how far along I was until I could feel her head coming out so the midwife missed it! DD3 was over 9lbs with a nuchal hand and not ideally positioned so it wasn't painless. But the hypnobabies still helped me feel calmer and the birth was only 5 1/2 hours long. My midwife's apprentice was the first to arrive and had apparently never seen a hypnobabies birth. During a contraction she came and asked me if I was ok since I looked so limp. :lol:

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I used hypnobabies and it was ok, but I did NOT have a pain free birth by any means. Not at ALL.


My boys were home water births. I used hypnobabies all through my pregnancy and never got around to getting the CD on during labor because he was just that fast. I will say the practice helped me fall asleep each night during my pregnancy. :lol: Also while it wasn't pain free, the practice helped me stay focused and calm during labor.

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Here for sure....2nd child was a homebirth. Even though I loved it and my midwives if I have a third child I will go back to the freestanding birth center where my son was born. I liked being pampered and taken care after ds's birth.....I got none of that at home after my midwives left. Then again I would be remarried to a decent man if that happened so maybe I could stay home again....

I had a tank top on both times.

I loved my son's waterbirth....love love loved it. Oddly it didn't feel right with my daughter but it could be that so much time was wasted CLEANING the tub while I was in labor and then trying to get the tub the right temp. Oy vey. By the time it was ready I was ready to push and literally couldn't get back in.

Edited by thefragile7393
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