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Have you reached the point with buying...

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curriculum that you just will not risk a large purchase used and would rather buy new and not risk losing your money or having things not arrive as described?


Just curious. I've found myself just opting to buy new several times recently.

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I've had great luck and really nothing terribly bad has ever happened. A few times items have not been quite the condition I expected but nothing major. The biggest items I've bought have been around $100 new though and $50 or so used.

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No. I always look for used first. I do remember having to erase about 50 pages of Saxon worksheet when it was supposed to only be a couple of pages, but we survived. :D

It would be fun to have the $ to just press the button on RR or Amazon and buy new, but oh well.

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I am buying new a lot more than I use to and it's not because the money is flowing. We have a great home school bookstore close by and there are times I can get that item I'm drooling over faster. I also buy new if all the used items are close to the price of new. Recently I bought something off ebay and it was missing a couple of things but was a great price so I'll deal with that, but it is nice to have things be complete.

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I buy new unless it is local. I have bought used before off of Ebay and such, but not from the boards. I never lost money buying used, but I did discover that my definition of good condition and like new condition was not the same as some of the sellers.

I absolutely can not stand to erase pages either. So if it says mild pencil marks and I get a math book that I have to spend 2 hours of my life erasing (happened our first year), then I would rather have bought new.

I have not came across things used priced where it is worth the risk if it isn't as described.

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Yes, although I don't buy large packaged curriculum anyway.


I'm very particular about condition and rarely buy from an individual. I do buy a lot used. But if I were buying a total package I would rather buy new from a vendor for a few reasons.


- better resale for me, one child, not going to be reusing that expense TM

- return options if I don't like it

- business guarantee that an item is new or will be replaced if not received (I've used this at least once)

- no disappointment between my version of "excellent" condition and theirs.

- latest edition (I have a few things purchased where I thought I was getting the latest edition and it wasn't. Honestly, I don't think the person knew, because they weren't looking to buy it again and didn't know, but it was frustrating)

- no writing or highlighting (I write in my books. With few exceptions I hate reading through someone elses marks in a book.)

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Not with large purchases, but definitely with workbooks. I purchased a used Singapore 3B IP book off of an Amazon seller. The book's condition was listed as "pages show minor use." When it arrived, I was not very happy to discover that every single problem on every single page was filled in with pen, heavy pencil, marker, crayon, you name it. I could not believe someone would even sell a book in that condition, let alone state the description as "minor use." Yuck. It went in the garbage and I had to purchase a new one. So, yeah, I'm probably less likely to purchase used workbooks unless I'm on this board (I've had very good luck here.)

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I would only make a large used purchase if I could see it in person, or if it was through a company I trusted. I've even had a bad experience through Exodus books, so I probably wouldn't order used through them anymore.


I do purchase individual used books through Amazon. I don't buy anything used from individuals through the mail. I've considered it, and then dh talked me out of it.

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I tend to buy new because most sellers want so much for used books. I'm not going to pay you $25 plus shipping when I can buy it new from Amazon for $30 and have it shipped free. The only thing I bought used this year was FLL4 TM because a friend IRL was selling it for a good price.

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It depends. I buy used.... a lot.


If it is a book I want for our home library, I buy new, and try to get hardback.


If its something I am on the fence about, I look for a deal used.


The only times I *Won't* buy used is if its something I know I will use again and again with the kids, or if I can't find a complete set. I live at an APO, so I have to buy things I can get shipped priority for a decent price- otherwise it takes MONTHS to get here. So if I can get the missing pieces off Amazon, I can buy it used. But other than that, It really needs to be a *full* set.


I haven't been burned yet. I am still waiting on 6 of the 15 orders I have bought used off these boards in the last 3 months. Hopefully none of them burn me :auto:

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And, I like the idea that I am helping another homeschooling family budget. I was able to sell everything on my shelf of things that didn't work for us, except for one thing. It *really* helped me afford curriculum for this school year. I rolled that money into used purchases, trying to pay it forward.

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I'm still buying used -- here, TOG forum, homeschoolclassifieds and eBay. (eBay not as much as the others) I've been very pleased with all but one purchase. It was an Apologia MP3 Audio CD -- badly scratched and didn't work. I was able to work with the seller and I got a quick refund.

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I tend to buy more from stores with some sort of guarantee/customer service instead of from individuals with no affiliation. I can contest more easily through, say, alibris or amazon than through paypal.


I can tell some things I've purchased through half/ebay/whoever are from homeschoolers anyhow.


But I don't buy giant curriculum packages used. Or new, really.

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We are very lucky to currently have a (relatively) local homeschool store. I can look through items that people are selling used, and they can look through mine. I just fill out some forms and my requested price. No listing or mailing or insuring or explaining or any of that. The last time I took in a bunch of stuff that had been sitting around on my shelves? I had over $200 in credit the next time I went in. It is fabulous!


We have another homeschool store even closer to my house, but both the new and used stuff lean heavily toward the religious side. So, I don't do much used business there.

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Yep. I wanted to buy Horizons K Phonics and Reading for DS. Someone was selling it "like new" on another site for $75 PPD with no feedback. It retails for $150. I ended up going with another seller who has a store and who has a lot of feedback and paying $120 for it brand new, still shrink wrapped.


I can't afford everything I want new (I have expensive taste, LOL!) so I spend most of my time walking a fine line between buying used and saving up to buy it new or not buying it at all...

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No I prefer used as much as possible, but it depends on pricing and condition.


Me, too. And, unlike many who've weighed in, the more expensive it is, the more I look for a used option because I don't want to invest in a pricey new program that may not work for us, and I generally don't have a way to look before I buy. (Though thank goodness more publishers/sellers are putting samples out there!)


I haven't experienced any false representation buying used. With the exception of this board, venues I use (eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Abe Books) have very tight description definitions, so I expect that what I get will be as described, or the venue will require the seller make it good.


I have two purchases from our FS board on their way to me. It makes me happy to take clutter out of other people's lives, or to bless someone else with things that are cluttering up mine. :)

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Well I am hardly buying anything since this is my third and last child to homeschool through high school and I already have a lot here. Right now, I am buying a few items for her classes like a trumpet book. I buy that new since it is low price and will get here faster. I am also buying a chemistry book and that will probably be new too. I don't need history. I don't need English. I don't need math. I don't need Spanish so that is all I needed.

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I tend to buy used when the savings are worth the potential trade-off in quality. I'm not terribly picky about quality - bent corners and stuff doesn't bother me (I figure they'll have them within a short time anyways), though large amounts of writing in a workbook would. The savings overall, when considering everything I buy used, are worth the risk of having to re-buy the occasional item.


But I don't buy much, and don't tend to put a whole lot of effort into tracking down used items - if it isn't available used on Amazon or Better World Books at a decent price, I'll probably just get it new.

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curriculum that you just will not risk a large purchase used and would rather buy new and not risk losing your money or having things not arrive as described?


Just curious. I've found myself just opting to buy new several times recently.


I did. After getting burned a few times on smaller purchases, I no longer bought used online. I would buy it in person, but not 'sight unseen'.

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Nope. Everything I've bought from Amazon used has been shipped quickly and it's always been as described.


I also sell my used curric on Amazon and I mark it down by half, then less if it's more worn. I do not understand these people that want almost new prices.

Edited by justamouse
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Nope. Everything I've bought from Amazon used has been shipped quickly and it's always been as described.


Same here. Usually it's been in better condition than I'd anticipated. I think most serious sellers tend to err on the side of caution with descriptions.


I also sell my used curric on Amazon and I mark it down by half, then less if it's more worn. I do not understand these people that want almost new prices.


I've been looking at something lately, and the used prices on Amazon are actually *higher* than the (sale, but this particular item seems to always be on sale) new price once you throw shipping into it. Yeah, not doing that.

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I have pretty much given up on used purchasing completely for many of the reasons already stated. I find that most prices are just too high for used items and I would rather kick in the extra money and get the new product with the returns, new condition etc. Any curriculum I do not want anymore, I just gift to my local homeschoolers. It isn't worth the time and energy to try to sell it.


I will buy used from Half Price Books and another local bookseller if the price is right. But there, I have the book in my hands so I know what I am getting.

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I usually buy new. I bought used in the beginning, but items were often not as they were described, pieces were missing, etc. It cost me more money to buy a used copy or set and then go out and buy a new copy because the used was not what I wanted/expected. I do buy books (picture books and novels) used because I can get them inexpensively on Amazon, usually less with shipping than new would cost.

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I always bought new until this year. I sat down to figure out how much my kids books were going to cost and realized $750 was not what I wanted to spend. I started looking at Ebay and Amazon and couldn't believe the discounts I would get on my stuff. So far I have bought 10 different items and not one has come differently then they were described. I do ask a lot of questions before I buy. My most expensive was 5 Abeka books for Algebra that I paid $87 for with shipping. They were going to cost me $123 plus shipping and tax through Abeka. I am still spending a lot on books because I am finally able to get all the books I want without being stuck staying just in the curriculum that I am purchasing because I can afford it now with all the money I am saving.

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Yes and no. When we first started, money was tighter and I looked for everything used. If I could get it used, I did. Now, with a bigger budget, and with the hassle and risk of used, it has to be worth it. I did get our TOG used this year and saved over a hundred dollars. It was worth it, and the seller was wonderful, but I did pay with my cc and make sure she got insurance, just in case. For smaller things, I just bought new. And for the TOG books, I made a list of new prices, bought a few small lots of books, and then bought everything at RR, Amazon or BSC. Everything went very smoothly and it was fun to get those boxes of books. (we had a huge library fine last year when dh's grandma died, our car was stolent, ect and i didn't get our library books returned. I knew with a baby this hear, buying most of it would be best.) I did buy ds's Bible stuff used (on Az) recently and am having trouble with the seller. But since it's Amz, i know it'll be taken care of.

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