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What is your secret weirdness?

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I have so many of these same quirks, and now I feel - if not normal - at least accepted somewhere! :001_wub: I had NO idea other people felt the same way!!!


* I have a thing about hair not attached to bodies. I would rather see a leg unattached and laying on the floor in a pool of blood than someone's hair. It is the grossest thing to me for whatever reason. ??? I once watched my brother-in-law pulled hair out of his nasty dreadlocks and drop it on the floor and I nearly broke out in hives. (Seriously. I had to go for a walk to calm down.) If we are doing grappling in martial arts, my training partner knows to blow any loose hair laying on the mat away from us because I will freak OUT. I kept my hair short for years so I wouldn't see long hairs laying around. Now that it is down to my shoulders, I have to sleep with it tied up in a ponytail so I don't wake up with hairs on my white pillowcase. <shudder>


* I rub my eyelashes when I'm tired. That's why I seldom wear mascara. :)


* I wiggle my toes when I am content. I never knew I did that, until my husband pointed it out.


* It makes me crazy when people say "mi-uhns" instead of "miTTens". Same with "ki-uhns" and kiTTens. No idea why. You can say "ain't", "y'all", "'sup", and pretty much any other bad grammar or slang, but don't say "mi-uhns.


* When I fly, I accept that we are going to crash. I embrace it wholeheartedly, and then am tickled pink when we (always) land safely. I think I am trying to prevent myself from out of control panic in a crash situation by preparing mentally????


* I call my parents at the start of every Monday Night Football game and yell "Hank Williams Junior!" in the phone and then hang up. I've done this for years and years. It's kind of like a race. When my folks traveled to Germany, I still called them. Mom in China? Oh, I called. Was awkward once when my therapist called right then, and I answered the phone by yelling "Hank Williams Junior!!!!" in her ear...there were a few extra visits after that...:lol:

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I've only read the first few pages of this thread, but could relate to much of the weirdness (dishwasher loading OCD tendencies, not leaving body parts hanging over the side of the bed, etc.). It's nice to fit in! :D


Some other weirdness:

- I part my hair to one side or the other. Every morning, I look in the mirror and decide which side to part my hair on that day based on which side of my face looks better. Since my face doesn't really change from day to day, I'm thinking this is rather weird.

- This one may have already been mentioned (I know others here do this, as I recall a thread about this a year or so ago), but if toilet paper isn't hung with the loose part hanging over the top (vs. under), I'm compelled to rehang it. I'm embarrassed to admit I've even done this at other people's homes. I'm working on overcoming this. :o


Now off to read the rest of the thread...

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* I call my parents at the start of every Monday Night Football game and yell "Hank Williams Junior!" in the phone and then hang up. I've done this for years and years. It's kind of like a race. When my folks traveled to Germany, I still called them. Mom in China? Oh, I called. Was awkward once when my therapist called right then, and I answered the phone by yelling "Hank Williams Junior!!!!" in her ear...there were a few extra visits after that...:lol:


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* I call my parents at the start of every Monday Night Football game and yell "Hank Williams Junior!" in the phone and then hang up. I've done this for years and years. It's kind of like a race. When my folks traveled to Germany, I still called them. Mom in China? Oh, I called. Was awkward once when my therapist called right then, and I answered the phone by yelling "Hank Williams Junior!!!!" in her ear...there were a few extra visits after that...:lol:



This made me laugh so hard I'm crying! :lol::lol::lol:

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I text and type with my toes. Not literally (they're too stubby and the keyboard's up too high ;)) but apparently my toes are making all the same motions as my fingers. I knew it always felt like that's what I was doing, but I never bothered to check until my daughter noticed one day while I was texting with my bare feet up. I was a bit mortified when she announced my "talent" to the rest of the family, but now I just think how cool it would be to have a little stubby keyboard for my feet so I could see what my wpm and error rate would be. I'm pretty sure I toe-type shorthand when I read, also.


Please, somebody step up and say they also do this!

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I have to change what side I'm sleeping on every time I get up. If I wake up on my left side I HAVE to lay back down on my right. (think this has to do with my "even-ness" thing I've got going on)


You posted while I was posting - I'm glad to know that someone else has this quirk!

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This made me laugh so hard I'm crying! :lol::lol::lol:



The best part of the whole thing is how it got started. I was into country music and my mom was a music teacher who was...well, NOT into country. When Hank started singing the Monday Might Football song many, many years ago I was determined to introduce her to the world of country music, so I told her his name and some other songs he sang.


The next week I gave her a pop quiz. "Mom, what is the guy's name who is singing this theme song?"


Mom: "Uh..uh...Oh! I remember! Sammy Davis Junior!"


Not. Even. Close.


We've been quizzing each other ever since! :D

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After the last thread on fears, I'm afraid to tell anyone here more about me or you all might have me committed! :lol:


I love mustard. I eat about 1/2 cup on my hot dogs. Yum! But even the thought of ketchup on a hotdog makes me gag.



I am overly affectionate towards felines. I just can't help it. It's like some strange urge to hug and kiss and love on them. Like Elmira from Tiny Toons (though I'm actually nice about it). But dog drool/kisses nauseate me, and I am not an affectionate or touchy person with humans. I don't like people to touch me or come close unless explicitly invited.


I have an irrational fear of white dogs, small dogs, and worms. I literally cry and scream if one comes close.

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When I was growing up, we always ate ketchup on tacos. I was raised by southern transplants who apparently didn't know any better... or maybe it was just a weird 1970s thing. :D


We did that too! I also grew up in the 70's. I still like my tacos with ketchup, but I only do that at home...and I can only use Heinz...that is per my husband because he is from Pittsburgh. LOL

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I love doing laundry.


I can remember every birthday that I was ever told. And I don't celebrate birthdays. Gets very annoying because generally by the time one is my age there are MANY days that are someone's bd....Freaks me out that I remember them all. I've been consciously working on NOT remembering. Apparently my grandmother had this same weirdness. She had 11 brothers and sisters and dozens of neices nephews, 6 kids and 10 grandkids. She knew all their bds.

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I text and type with my toes. Not literally (they're too stubby and the keyboard's up too high ;)) but apparently my toes are making all the same motions as my fingers. I knew it always felt like that's what I was doing, but I never bothered to check until my daughter noticed one day while I was texting with my bare feet up. I was a bit mortified when she announced my "talent" to the rest of the family, but now I just think how cool it would be to have a little stubby keyboard for my feet so I could see what my wpm and error rate would be. I'm pretty sure I toe-type shorthand when I read, also.


Please, somebody step up and say they also do this!


Hmmmm!!!! I type out my thoughts when I am sitting idle. You know....'that dog is driving me crazy.' 'My dh is so cute.' That kind of thing. I've forced myself to stop because it drove my XH crazy.

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I can accurately (to with in a 1/2") hang a picture in the center of a space without measuring. Dh cannot do as good a job with a tape measure, in fact if I use a tape measure, I am off because the math confuses me. :D


I can almost accurately "eye measure" a piece of furniture to know if it will fit in another space. I have had some mistakes of course, the worst one being when I bought a secretary desk for my mother's new office and I had the width correct, all but for the decorations on the side. I was 1/8" off and we couldn't get it through the door, we had to return this SUPER heavy mahogany desk.

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I went to private school and church growing up. I used Christian curriculum. I sent my kids to private Christian school. I take my kids to Awana, youth group and Sunday service. I pay for them to go to camp. I donate time and money to the church. I visit with the pastors for 30-90 minutes every Wednesday night. I am known on sight and by name, by most of the church staff. My son is going to school to be a pastor......


my oddity....The only service I have attended in 20+years, was to see my son baptized as a teen. I do not attend services and have no interest in doing so.

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My secret wierdness has got to be that I identify with most of you :D AND that I would love for ALL of you to come for tea and cake.


And, maybe, I sometimes, sorta, kinda, you know, when I can, preen people without them knowing it. Like standing in line at the DMV or grocery store, and they have hair or something on their backs, I'll pick it off. I haven't done it in a while and usually only do it now to people I've at least been sorta, kinda, in a way introduced to.

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I have such a terrible memory that I can watch mysteries and still be surprised at the ending.


I am the same way! It scares my dh sometimes. We will watch a dvd with a preview of another movie and I'll say "That looks good!" and dh will say, "Uh, we've seen that. We just watched that a few months ago." I can't watch a sequel without re-watching the earlier movies within a week or so before watching the sequel because I will have NO idea what is going on. I just blank. I remember books fairly well, but movies? Not. at. all.



* I have a thing about hair not attached to bodies. I would rather see a leg unattached and laying on the floor in a pool of blood than someone's hair. It is the grossest thing to me for whatever reason. ??? I once watched my brother-in-law pulled hair out of his nasty dreadlocks and drop it on the floor and I nearly broke out in hives. (Seriously. I had to go for a walk to calm down.) If we are doing grappling in martial arts, my training partner knows to blow any loose hair laying on the mat away from us because I will freak OUT. I kept my hair short for years so I wouldn't see long hairs laying around. Now that it is down to my shoulders, I have to sleep with it tied up in a ponytail so I don't wake up with hairs on my white pillowcase. <shudder>


* It makes me crazy when people say "mi-uhns" instead of "miTTens". Same with "ki-uhns" and kiTTens. No idea why. You can say "ain't", "y'all", "'sup", and pretty much any other bad grammar or slang, but don't say "mi-uhns.



You would hate me. I shed constantly and I just pull it off my coat or whatever wherever I am. Until this moment, I've never thought twice about it. Luckily, I vacuum and sweep every couple of days. I also say Mi-uns and ki-uns, which is odd because with nearly every other word I sound like I'm reading to preschoolers- I pronounce every consonant clearly. No idea what happens to those mid-word "t's" though!


Here's another one I thought of:


My bad dreams all have the same very distinct smell. It doesn't matter what the dream is. If it's about to "turn bad," I can tell because of the smell. It is a horrible smell, and I've never smelled it in real life. (The closest thing I've ever smelled IRL was enchilada sauce, but even that doesn't come close.) :confused: It must be just a weird brain thing.

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Oh dear... so many of these in common...


Can't EVER take the first book or magazine or brochure from the shelf. Must reach back for a "fresh" one.


Can't stand anything touching my collar bone. Like turtlenecks, scarves, people. DH pokes me there just to freak me out.


I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will be freaked out for the whole day if I see one, especially in my house.


I LOVE burned popcorn. Especially the microwaved kind with all the chemicals. I burn it on purpose and then add more butter. :lurk5:


I purposely sniff rubbing alcohol. If I am using it to clean something, or if I use hand cleaner, I sniff deeply. That's pretty weird.


I also hate lakes or creeks or other slimy bodies of water. Won't go near them.

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Oh, I forgot one my friend wants me to tell--


I can tell time accurately without a watch. Not to the minute, but within about 3 mins. If I think about it, I can't do it, but if I just DO it, then it's pretty accurate.


I wonder what SWB's secret weirdness is? :D

Come on, Susan; you know you want to tell us...:lol:

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I text and type with my toes. Not literally (they're too stubby and the keyboard's up too high ;)) but apparently my toes are making all the same motions as my fingers. I knew it always felt like that's what I was doing, but I never bothered to check until my daughter noticed one day while I was texting with my bare feet up. I was a bit mortified when she announced my "talent" to the rest of the family, but now I just think how cool it would be to have a little stubby keyboard for my feet so I could see what my wpm and error rate would be. I'm pretty sure I toe-type shorthand when I read, also.


Please, somebody step up and say they also do this!

I haven't checked all the posts after this, but I'm thinking you might be alone in this wonderful talent. ;):D

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After the last thread on fears, I'm afraid to tell anyone here more about me or you all might have me committed! :lol:


I love mustard. I eat about 1/2 cup on my hot dogs. Yum! But even the thought of ketchup on a hotdog makes me gag.



I am overly affectionate towards felines. I just can't help it. It's like some strange urge to hug and kiss and love on them. Like Elmira from Tiny Toons (though I'm actually nice about it). But dog drool/kisses nauseate me, and I am not an affectionate or touchy person with humans. I don't like people to touch me or come close unless explicitly invited.


I have an irrational fear of white dogs, small dogs, and worms. I literally cry and scream if one comes close.

Another ketchup disliker here.


:grouphug:Hopefully you'll never see another small dog or white dog or small white dog or worms or a small white dog with worms.

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No, but one of them is pretty darn mean.


I just feel that if the cat is stretched out next to me without a care in the world, there couldn't possibly be a ghost sneaking around because cats can sense that sort of thing.


They can, can't they?




Sure they do. They their ears start twitching and the head pops up and they go on alert. It is easy to see if one watches carefully. Unfortunately one would have to be very in tune with one's cats. Whereas with a dog one can mind one's own business and the dog will make lots of noise and scare one worse than the ghost due to the unexpected barking.:lol:

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I can accurately (to with in a 1/2") hang a picture in the center of a space without measuring. Dh cannot do as good a job with a tape measure, in fact if I use a tape measure, I am off because the math confuses me. :D

I can do this and math confuses me too.


I can almost accurately "eye measure" a piece of furniture to know if it will fit in another space. I have had some mistakes of course, the worst one being when I bought a secretary desk for my mother's new office and I had the width correct, all but for the decorations on the side. I was 1/8" off and we couldn't get it through the door, we had to return this SUPER heavy mahogany desk.

But can't do this at all. I end up with stuff to large for our spaces.

Edited by Parrothead
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I went to private school and church growing up. I used Christian curriculum. I sent my kids to private Christian school. I take my kids to Awana, youth group and Sunday service. I pay for them to go to camp. I donate time and money to the church. I visit with the pastors for 30-90 minutes every Wednesday night. I am known on sight and by name, by most of the church staff. My son is going to school to be a pastor......


my oddity....The only service I have attended in 20+years, was to see my son baptized as a teen. I do not attend services and have no interest in doing so.

That is interesting. I have to wonder why not. But feel free to not satisfy my idle curiosity. :D

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My secret wierdness has got to be that I identify with most of you :D AND that I would love for ALL of you to come for tea and cake.


And, maybe, I sometimes, sorta, kinda, you know, when I can, preen people without them knowing it. Like standing in line at the DMV or grocery store, and they have hair or something on their backs, I'll pick it off. I haven't done it in a while and usually only do it now to people I've at least been sorta, kinda, in a way introduced to.

You have to have a big house for all of us to fit. But it would be really fun.


(Now did you just mean those of us who admit to and embrace our weirdness or the whole board?)

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Oh dear... so many of these in common...


Can't EVER take the first book or magazine or brochure from the shelf. Must reach back for a "fresh" one.


Can't stand anything touching my collar bone. Like turtlenecks, scarves, people. DH pokes me there just to freak me out.


I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will be freaked out for the whole day if I see one, especially in my house.


I LOVE burned popcorn. Especially the microwaved kind with all the chemicals. I burn it on purpose and then add more butter. :lurk5:


I purposely sniff rubbing alcohol. If I am using it to clean something, or if I use hand cleaner, I sniff deeply. That's pretty weird.


I also hate lakes or creeks or other slimy bodies of water. Won't go near them.

There seems to be a number of people who like burned popcorn. I've never understood the why. But I'll pick out all the burned pieces and save them for you. :D

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Oh, I forgot one my friend wants me to tell--


I can tell time accurately without a watch. Not to the minute, but within about 3 mins. If I think about it, I can't do it, but if I just DO it, then it's pretty accurate.


I wonder what SWB's secret weirdness is? :D

Come on, Susan; you know you want to tell us...:lol:

That is pretty cool and a useful weirdness.


Yes, do tell, Susan.

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I text and type with my toes. Not literally (they're too stubby and the keyboard's up too high ;)) but apparently my toes are making all the same motions as my fingers. I knew it always felt like that's what I was doing, but I never bothered to check until my daughter noticed one day while I was texting with my bare feet up. I was a bit mortified when she announced my "talent" to the rest of the family, but now I just think how cool it would be to have a little stubby keyboard for my feet so I could see what my wpm and error rate would be. I'm pretty sure I toe-type shorthand when I read, also.


Please, somebody step up and say they also do this!


I do. :tongue_smilie:


I also twirl my hair. Not just...twirl it around one finger..I start with that, then it has to loop around every finger, and back.


I do this with some strings, etc too.


I like to pinch my cat's tail between my toes. Similar to the hair/string between the fingers thing..I like that feeling.


The towel thing originally mentioned, that's so normal. ;)


When hub is out of town, I freak about having all doors locked. We lock them every night anyway, but I am diligent about it when he is gone. Checking multiple times. And then, I don't trust the locks or that I will hear if anything happens so I shove stuff in front of doors. You know, so anyone coming in would make MORE commotion that would certainly wake me.


May be a few more, but that's what I have at the moment.

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Another ketchup disliker here.


:grouphug:Hopefully you'll never see another small dog or white dog or small white dog or worms or a small white dog with worms.


:lol: Those all sound like my nightmares! I try to be calm and nonchalant about it around my kids. It's really hard, but I don't want them to inherit my fears!

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I am terrified of heights, so much so that even seeing something on tv will make me freak out. The palms of my hands and soles of my feet will start tingling because I will feel like I am actually falling and like I wouldn't be able to grab something if I did.


I have a preference for even numbers or numbers divisible by 5.


I sort and eat candy by color, working my way through each color until I have even numbers of each color.


I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that bug my husband.

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You have to have a big house for all of us to fit. But it would be really fun.


(Now did you just mean those of us who admit to and embrace our weirdness or the whole board?)


I don't like to exclude, but I'd have to rent a concert hall - a-Michael Jackson-at-his-height-in-Asia-concert-hall - to include the whole hive!!!:lol:

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- This one may have already been mentioned (I know others here do this, as I recall a thread about this a year or so ago), but if toilet paper isn't hung with the loose part hanging over the top (vs. under), I'm compelled to rehang it. I'm embarrassed to admit I've even done this at other people's homes. I'm working on overcoming this. :o


Now off to read the rest of the thread...


Totally normal. Those people just need to learn how to hang tp correctly.


I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will be freaked out for the whole day if I see one, especially in my house.


Fear of roaches is completely rational. They are tiny alien terraforming devices slowly taking over our planet by destroying the ozone layer. I had already figured this out before Men In Black (the first one) came out, but that movie really confirmed it for me! It swayed several of my friends who had previously mocked me too. :lol:

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I am an obsessive list maker. Any event or chore has a list, and sometimes there is a list of the lists. :blushing:


I am terrified of mice and will usually scream when I see one.


I really dislike ketchup.


I can organize and clean others homes, but mine... not so much...

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You guys are all awesome! And ParrotHead is doing a great job trying to 'notice' every poster. :001_smile:


My weirdness, in addition to many of the ones already listed, has to do with my pillow. I have to have a king size pillow case on my standard sized pillow and all the extra fabric on the end HAS to go to the middle of the bed. That is always my starting sleeping position. I sleep on my side/tummy with my arm under the pillow and the fabric has to be there for me to ball up in my fist and hold on to. Now, when I roll over, it doesn't have to be that way. I only need the fabric in my right hand. Dh better not get too close my my extra pillow fabric or there is kicking. ( I also can't sleep with anyone touching me at all!)


I get that freaky balcony jumping thing too, even though I am terrified of heights. Seriously, the in-laws helicopter video of their Grand Canyon tour about gave me a panic attack. I have nightmares about visiting that evil place.

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I have the balcony high places fear/jump thing too.


Also, the "I can't take the first book/magazine/whatever off the shelf", I need a "clean" one from the back of the pile.


I don't think this has been posted yet, but I seem to be unable to sit still while talking on the phone. I have to pace. It is OK when I am home but a little weird when I am at work.


I am pretty territorial about my pillow. If someone falls asleep on it, I have no problem yanking it out from under them. Gently of course, LOL.

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I have so many of these same quirks, and now I feel - if not normal - at least accepted somewhere! :001_wub: I had NO idea other people felt the same way!!!


* I have a thing about hair not attached to bodies. I would rather see a leg unattached and laying on the floor in a pool of blood than someone's hair. It is the grossest thing to me for whatever reason. ??? I once watched my brother-in-law pulled hair out of his nasty dreadlocks and drop it on the floor and I nearly broke out in hives. (Seriously. I had to go for a walk to calm down.) If we are doing grappling in martial arts, my training partner knows to blow any loose hair laying on the mat away from us because I will freak OUT. I kept my hair short for years so I wouldn't see long hairs laying around. Now that it is down to my shoulders, I have to sleep with it tied up in a ponytail so I don't wake up with hairs on my white pillowcase. <shudder>


* I rub my eyelashes when I'm tired. That's why I seldom wear mascara. :)


* I wiggle my toes when I am content. I never knew I did that, until my husband pointed it out.


* It makes me crazy when people say "mi-uhns" instead of "miTTens". Same with "ki-uhns" and kiTTens. No idea why. You can say "ain't", "y'all", "'sup", and pretty much any other bad grammar or slang, but don't say "mi-uhns.


* When I fly, I accept that we are going to crash. I embrace it wholeheartedly, and then am tickled pink when we (always) land safely. I think I am trying to prevent myself from out of control panic in a crash situation by preparing mentally????


* I call my parents at the start of every Monday Night Football game and yell "Hank Williams Junior!" in the phone and then hang up. I've done this for years and years. It's kind of like a race. When my folks traveled to Germany, I still called them. Mom in China? Oh, I called. Was awkward once when my therapist called right then, and I answered the phone by yelling "Hank Williams Junior!!!!" in her ear...there were a few extra visits after that...:lol:




I can relate to the crash thing. I do the same thing when I'm on a plane. I wouldn't say I embrace it wholeheartedly, but I picture it in my mind and talk myself into staying calm and make sure I'm squeezing my kids if they're sitting next to me.


I text and type with my toes. Not literally (they're too stubby and the keyboard's up too high ;)) but apparently my toes are making all the same motions as my fingers. I knew it always felt like that's what I was doing, but I never bothered to check until my daughter noticed one day while I was texting with my bare feet up. I was a bit mortified when she announced my "talent" to the rest of the family, but now I just think how cool it would be to have a little stubby keyboard for my feet so I could see what my wpm and error rate would be. I'm pretty sure I toe-type shorthand when I read, also.


Please, somebody step up and say they also do this!


I write with my toes and fingers when I'm nervous. My mom noticed this when I was a teenager and now my kids point it out. They'll say "mom, what are you stressed about?" I also pick things up with my toes. I can pick up almost anything with my toes. Today I picked up a hammer, I pick up books, toys, blankets, all kinds of stuff. When dh and I are sitting next to eachother I pinch his leg skin over and over with my toes, not even realizing it. It drives him crazy (not in a good way). :lol:


I also go on major cleaning sprees when I am really upset. If my dh sees me furiously scrubbing under the kitchen sink or cleaning the oven he knows I'm pissed.


I can feel germs on my hands if I've been touching a grocery cart, handling money, and the feeling doesn't go away until I wash my hands.


AFA the eating disorder thing, I no longer have a drive to make myself lose weight. It's been 12 years. But I experienced a radical, miraculous healing that can only be attributed to God. I know many people struggle for their entire lives. I do still have weird food habits, but I think that is more related to my OCD-ish personality than it is about eating disorder triggers.

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I can't tell you how much better I feel, hearing about your weirdnesses!


For a long time, I kept secret (just my FOO knew) that I occasionally stim by putting my fingers together and wiggling them very fast. I have never told anyone this!


It's partly how I finally figured out that I'm probably on the Aspie side of things.


I was so ashamed for so long!


I feel like crying, now that I've "told!" LOL


I do the same thing, except I do it on the back of my head, in my hair. It gets worse when I'm really excited, working on our budget, or, um, researching curriculum. :001_smile:


I don't think I'm on the spectrum, but I have many OCD tendencies. Strangely enough, I didn't start doing this until my oldest was born. Pregnancy and childbirth unlocked some weird anxiety issues for me.


I've never told anyone about this either, but I'm pretty sure DH has caught me doing it before. He's never said anything though.


Here's another one of my weird things. I love Kraft macaroni and cheese (my food-snobby kids hate it so I never get it), but I have to make it using a wooden spoon, not plastic. I think it's because that's how I remember my dad making it, but it's still weird.

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* I have a thing about hair not attached to bodies. I would rather see a leg unattached and laying on the floor in a pool of blood than someone's hair. It is the grossest thing to me for whatever reason. ??? I once watched my brother-in-law pulled hair out of his nasty dreadlocks and drop it on the floor and I nearly broke out in hives. (Seriously. I had to go for a walk to calm down.) If we are doing grappling in martial arts, my training partner knows to blow any loose hair laying on the mat away from us because I will freak OUT. I kept my hair short for years so I wouldn't see long hairs laying around. Now that it is down to my shoulders, I have to sleep with it tied up in a ponytail so I don't wake up with hairs on my white pillowcase. <shudder>




I have never been able to put how I feel about this into words. Thank you :lol:.

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I do the same thing, except I do it on the back of my head, in my hair. It gets worse when I'm really excited, working on our budget, or, um, researching curriculum. :001_smile:


I don't think I'm on the spectrum, but I have many OCD tendencies. Strangely enough, I didn't start doing this until my oldest was born. Pregnancy and childbirth unlocked some weird anxiety issues for me.


I've never told anyone about this either, but I'm pretty sure DH has caught me doing it before. He's never said anything though.


You can add me to your club! I have had people remark that I seem to have Aspie characteristics. I definitely am ADD and I have diagnosed Anxiety Disorder/OCD. I do stim, though. I tap patterns with my toes/fingers, scratch my head (especially when I'm tired-it's soothing), do what my dh says is "weird things" with my fingers, etc. I am getting better at hiding it, though-hence the toe tapping. Nobody watches my toes. Chris in VA-I do the same thing with my fingers. I also click my fingernails together.


My OCD is in relation to numbers, evenness, and patterns. Hard to explain. It's not nearly as severe as I hear a lot of people talk about, but at a few times in my life, it has gotten distracting to everyday life.

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I also dip fries in ice cream.


The silverware in the dishwasher has to be arranged in order: big spoons, little spoons, big forks, little forks, knives. That way, I can just grab and put away without sorting.


I have always done this too and was trying to tell my friend how wonderfully efficient this was and then she said (in sort of a mocking fashion),"oh, so you just sort the utensils BEFORE you wash them, either way, you are gonna sort them."


Hmmmm. I guess she's right. :glare:

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I went to private school and church growing up. I used Christian curriculum. I sent my kids to private Christian school. I take my kids to Awana, youth group and Sunday service. I pay for them to go to camp. I donate time and money to the church. I visit with the pastors for 30-90 minutes every Wednesday night. I am known on sight and by name, by most of the church staff. My son is going to school to be a pastor......


my oddity....The only service I have attended in 20+years, was to see my son baptized as a teen. I do not attend services and have no interest in doing so.


I'm a pastor's wife and I find excuses not to go. It isn't the pastor....I love him!!!!:)

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