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Does anyone else NOT like decorating their home for the holidays?

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My mom had given me a bunch of her decorations and I have finally gotten rid of it all. I am a total minimalist at the holidays. I do a tree at Christmas and a nativity. That's about it.

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I love visiting houses that are well decorated and I enjoy looking at what they have done. We typically just don't have the funding to do it big, so we don't. I also hate clutter and anything the kids can't touch. We typically don't decorate for fall at all. Only put up a Christmas tree. We are boring, I suppose.

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Not a lot of decorating for holidays at my house, we don't do much at all for Christmas. Period. My daughter (turning 17 soon) really loves the decor thing so she puts a tree up and does all the obligatory stuff but when she has a home of her own we probably won't do it anymore. I LOVE Halloween and we have a rather large blow out but we still don't do a lot of decorating.

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I love fall. I decorate quite a bit for that season. Maybe it's because I live in the desert and we don't get much of a fall around here. Christmas is meh. The rest I could completely do with out. Easter particularly. I don't like the pastel colors or the mandated mess-making.

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I'm a minimalist when it comes to holiday decorating. I only decorate for Christmas, never for any other holiday. For Christmas, I have a few special pieces I like to put on the mantel, ornaments for the tree and a boring wreath for the door. I have some other things that have been given to us but we never use them. I should probably go through that stuff. It's just sitting in the attic.

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I thought when you said 'the holidays' you meant Christmas. Now that I realize you mean things like Halloween or July 4th, I am crawling back under my rock....I barely decorate for Christmas. Barely. Any other holiday? Forget it.


If I ever do get an urge to decorate, I go to Hobby Lobby and walk around a bit. See the lovely decorations, remember that I don't WANT the lovely decorations, and go back home.

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Anyone else happy with just a simple wreath (pumpkin' date=' flag) on your door?[/quote']


:seeya: Me! I knew a woman who had handmade decorations for each holiday and she proudly displayed them at the appropriate times. She loved it. I was just the opposite. I hate decorating and even the thought of switching out decorations for each season. It's plenty enough for me to set out a pumpkin at Thanksgiving and put up a wreath and set out the (very) few decorations we have at Christmas. I'm even to the point where I would gladly forgo the tree but dh would never put up with that nonsense. :tongue_smilie:

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I thought when you said 'the holidays' you meant Christmas. Now that I realize you mean things like Halloween or July 4th, I am crawling back under my rock....I barely decorate for Christmas. Barely. Any other holiday? Forget it.


If I ever do get an urge to decorate, I go to Hobby Lobby and walk around a bit. See the lovely decorations, remember that I don't WANT the lovely decorations, and go back home.


I've done that. :lol:

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I thought when you said 'the holidays' you meant Christmas. Now that I realize you mean things like Halloween or July 4th, I am crawling back under my rock....I barely decorate for Christmas. Barely. Any other holiday? Forget it.


If I ever do get an urge to decorate, I go to Hobby Lobby and walk around a bit. See the lovely decorations, remember that I don't WANT the lovely decorations, and go back home.




Me too! :001_smile:

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I HATE decorating for the holidays. Unfortunately, it's my kids favorite thing in the whole world. They have reached an age where they are old enough to put them up themselves but they never take them down so sometimes I am trying to dispose of a Christmas tree in May.

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I'd say I "love" decorating for the holidays -- BUT the reason I do is because we only do Very Simple things. I'm sure that having lots of things I thought I "had" to do would indeed stress me out horribly. Having just a couple of well-loved items makes me *happy* to see them each time I pull them out. A wreath. A Christmas tree. A wooden nativity set. Freshly carved pumpkins. A canvas "Happy Birthday" banner I got when my oldest was a toddler. ... All of those things are easy and they make me happy. :)


If I had tons and tons of things, I'm pretty sure I'd be stressed out and not enjoy it at all.


Get rid of the things you aren't *happy* to pull out for holidays!

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Well, I love having a well decorated home at any holiday. However, I rarely do so, because I don't enjoy dragging it all out anymore. The only thing I ever really did BIG was Christmas. I've tried doing small table top decorations for other holidays, but they always end up being left out and ignored for way too long. We didn't even put up a tree at home last Christmas as we were going out of town over the actual holiday. I seriously thought my kids were going to fall over in a faint, but we made it through (and we did a small tree once we got out of town so they had one for Christmas morning.) I did think I was a little less joyful this past Chrismtas, and maybe not having pretty, twinkly things out made me a bit more Grinch-y.

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My father and step-mother spent about half the year decorating for Christmas last year because they were on the Christmas home tour. I saw some pictures - it looked amazing. But it also kind of made me want to decorate less.:tongue_smilie:


In their defense, I think they had fun, but I don't think they'll ever do it again.

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I love decorating, but not holiday decorating. Part of my issue is we have a small house and moving everything for Christmas is a pain. This year we didn't have a tree and I so enjoyed it.


I'd rather spend more on items have out year round than seasonal items.


Holiday decorating damages my calm.

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I'm about to freecycle all my holiday decor and I'd don't think I'm going to replace it.


Anyone else happy with just a simple wreath (pumpkin' date=' flag) on your door?[/quote']


We've been lucky to get the Christmas tree up the past few years due to lack of enthusiasm (except for dd). I don't decorate for any other holiday, besides hanging up a birthday banner on birthdays.

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I don't do much indoors, but DS and grandpa deck the halls outside. Seriously, we have thousands invested in the LED lights. His house is in the paper every year, and ours gets worse every year LOL.


Inside I have a wreath, and cinnamon candles in my glass holders. I am a quilter, so I have a quilt for every season, and draped over the couch is good enough for me. I also have quilted placemats/table runner for every season...probably TOO many. But that's more of a hobby and I just pack them in the linen closet when out of season. All of that knick knacky stuff just makes me bonkers. I got rid of all of our christmas house scene stuff. It's heavy, fragile and I hate putting it up. This year, the kids and I are building a lego Christmas Scene for the mantle.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes it! I HATE glitter. HATE HATE HATE!!! And 75% of my Christmas decor has glitter on it. Last year I gave up on trying to be Martha Stewart and tossed most of it. What a relief! Now we have a small nativity, and some non-glittery tree ornaments. So much less stress!


I don't even consider decorating for the other holidays.

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We've been lucky to get the Christmas tree up the past few years due to lack of enthusiasm (except for dd). I don't decorate for any other holiday, besides hanging up a birthday banner on birthdays.


Same here. And we live in the woods, for pity's sake, so one more fir tree, even one inside the house, doesn't really shout, "Special Times!"


Most of my reluctance to decorate stems, I think, from my loathing of change. The armchair goes THERE (can't you see the indentations in the rug?). Having to move it, even by a few feet, to accommodate a tree makes me all twitchy.


I do like looking at everybody else's decorations, though. We have some neighbors who decorate their yard for every conceivable holiday. They have scarecrows they dress up in astonishingly creative ways; my favorite was the time they put the scarecrows in various outfits and work uniforms meant to represent Labor Day. Nobody had the heart to tell them that they'd just depicted the Village People on their front lawn.

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I'm about to freecycle all my holiday decor and I'd don't think I'm going to replace it.


Anyone else happy with just a simple wreath (pumpkin' date=' flag) on your door?[/quote']


Me! I don't do it. I used to have elaborate Dicken's Village settings on a 17 foot mantle but I no longer live there so they are packed away.


I didn't do trees for awhile, but now I get out the fully decorated tabletop tree and set it up on a side table. There is a small sign on the door. I'm done! Easy to put away too.

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As someone who still has a bunny decoration on their front door, I may not be the one to give you an accurate answer. I wait until the last minute to put them up and pull them down (usually) at the first moment possible. As in the Christmas tree comes down on Christmas day. The only reason I decorate is to appease my mother. She was horrified the one year I didn't put up a tree. Never mind that we were in another state to celebrate with HER that year.

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Is that enthusiastic enough? I dread it. I like the looks of it, but I do not enjoy it one bit. I will put up a lovely tree for Christmas... and I might put out kitchen towels for a holiday... maybe....

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I hate holidays and only put up a Christmas tree because DH likes it or I wouldn't do that either. That is it. I don't do anything else for any other holiday and Christmas just gets a tree and nothing else. I do have a Willow Tree Nativity set and it is actually set up in a space in the TV stand all year long...more for the Jesus meaning thatn the holiday of "Christmas". Even the tree irritates the heck out of me. I have to rearrange the funiture just to accomodate one.

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I thought when you said 'the holidays' you meant Christmas. Now that I realize you mean things like Halloween or July 4th, I am crawling back under my rock....I barely decorate for Christmas. Barely. Any other holiday? Forget it.


If I ever do get an urge to decorate, I go to Hobby Lobby and walk around a bit. See the lovely decorations, remember that I don't WANT the lovely decorations, and go back home.


No kidding! My first inclination was to fly into a rant about how it's JUNE for Pete's sake! Could we just even make it into summer a LITTLE bit before we start talking / stocking / seeing Christmas decorations?!?! What is WRONG with people?? rant2.gif


But I forgot there are, apparently, other holidays people decorate for. whistle.gif


No. I really do not decorate for holidays. I have a flower box on the front porch that gets changed seasonally (as in, it has live plants in it right now, gets fall foliage and gourds sometime in October, greenery and big, outdoor glass ornaments in December), and we put up a tree and trim the foyer mantle for Christmas. At Christmas time. Not before, not after.

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Holidays are not a big deal to me, so I only decorate for Christmas. Fake tree & the kids' stockings, a few candles maybe, a few little knick-knacks I've been given over the years. Put up around Thanksgiving and take back down first week of January.

I thought I was the only one!

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes it! I HATE glitter. HATE HATE HATE!!! And 75% of my Christmas decor has glitter on it. Last year I gave up on trying to be Martha Stewart and tossed most of it. What a relief! Now we have a small nativity, and some non-glittery tree ornaments. So much less stress!


I don't even consider decorating for the other holidays.


Glitter is evil.

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I freecycled much of our Christmas stuff (gifts mainly, house lights etc). I never had any Halloween/Thanksgiving/other holiday decor. We do a fresh Christmas tree (for the kids), throw a fresh wreath on the door and string a single string of lights above the garage door. We hang stockings on the mantle and I set out the kids' Santa pics. So we do something but not a ton. If we didn't have kids, we would just do a charlie brown sized tree on the piano instead.

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