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Dh's medical facility has been evacuated and he's on his way to seek medical care

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He just called me telling me that he's driving himself to seek medical help. There was some kind of chemical leak that has required a mass evacuation. He's not bad enough to seek medical help on the scene but is going to go in himself. Personally I would go to the ER that is right across the street, but he's insisting on going somewhere more local to our house. Once I finished yelling at him to call 9-1-1 if he starts to get bad, I decided that I should pray for him. I'd appreciate your prayers. It may very well be one of those "let's just watch and see how you're doing now that you're away from the scene" sort of things but I worry a bit.


Update: Dh is home. He said that the doctor basically took 1 1/2 hours to say that he's ok as far as he can tell and that rest is the best cure right now.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Wow! I did not see anything on the news. I hope he is okay.


Komo4 had a thing on it. I don't know if the other stations did. It actually happened around 6 am. Dh arrived at work to find helicopters circling the building and the entire block cordoned off. He went in anyway. . . :glare: (They had ok'd it because they couldn't find the source of the problem.) He didn't feel sick until hours later. People were later sent home.

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I just read your update, Jean! I am so glad the dr. said he is okay; however, I will continue to pray that rest is all that is needed as well as pray for all those affected.


How frightening for you!!! Glad your dh is safe!

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Update: Dh is home. He said that the doctor basically took 1 1/2 hours to say that he's ok as far as he can tell and that rest is the best cure right now.


Thank God. How scary!

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