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Help me choose a biblical baby girl name! :)

Which of these names do you like the best?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which of these names do you like the best?

    • Abigail
    • Naomi
    • Lydia
    • Julia
    • Bethany

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I just had my mid-pregnancy ultrasound today and found out that we're having a GIRL! (We didn't find out ahead of time for our other children, so this has been fun to find out ahead of time.:))


Anyway, I'm looking for a baby girl name that is:

1. From the Bible

2. Distinctive, but not terribly unusual

3. Not too complicated (we have a somewhat long and unusual last name)


Here are the ones we're considering now:

  • Abigail
  • Naomi
  • Lydia
  • Julia
  • Bethany


So, are there any names here that seem too unusual sounding? For instance, are Naomi and Lydia names that some people will not have heard of?


Which name do you like the best?


I'd also love to hear your suggestions for other names!


Thanks so much! :001_smile:

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36 And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage,

37 and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four . She never left the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers.

38 At that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.


I love the witness of Anna, who recognized Jesus the Messiah when He was presented in the Temple.


Your other choices are very nice, too.


Congratulations and best wishes.

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I like Naomi pronounced.... "Nie omi" :) I like all of your names.... I do know that the meaning of Bethany sets some off of it... (poor house) But, it's beautiful, in my opinion. I know a little girl who was named "Bethany" and they changed it... due to Gothard influence. They "renamed" her Mary Beth. (so they must have been ok with "bitter"?) ;)

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I like Lydia. It was my first choice name for one of the pregnancies, but DH didn't want it. DH really wanted Rachel or Rebekah, but I knew people with those names, and didn't want them for my baby. Other names we considered/chose: Miriam, Abigail, Elisabeth (I like the KJV spelling, but most everyone else spells it wrong, lol), Susanna/h, Hannah, Esther, and Leah.

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I love the witness of Anna, who recognized Jesus the Messiah when He was presented in the Temple.


Your other choices are very nice, too.


Congratulations and best wishes.


I love this name too, but I already have a close family member named Anna.

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I have an Abigail so I am partial to that one. :) I love the name Abbi as a nickname, and the name Abigail means "Father's source of joy". It was the meaning that sold us on her name.


I love the meaning too! I'm thinking that of the names I'm considering, it has the meaning I like the best.

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Our other children all have names from the Bible: names that are easily identified as such. (Unlike, say, Jason which is mentioned in the Bible, but I don't think it's generally associated with the Bible.)


I really like Julia, but I think it's the only one that's not obviously a Bible name. I'm still not sure if I would like that.


Hmmm... must keep thinking! :001_smile:

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I do know that the meaning of Bethany sets some off of it... (poor house)


When we were expecting #5 I wanted Bethany and dh liked it until he read it meant "house of poverty" in some baby name book. He felt that was too potentially prophetic. :glare: Baby turned out to be a boy anyway.

We named baby #6 something in Elvish. :001_smile:

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I love them all but Abigail is pretty popular. We almost went with Naomi for our youngest but we have a very Southern sounding name and the two names together sounded like a country singer. Think outside the box for biblical names. We have all biblical names. Our girls are Noel, Joanna and Hope. Love them all! :)

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What about Zoe? It's not a person in the Bible, but it the Greek word used for "eternal life" in the New Testament (one example "I am the way. the truth, and the life (zoe)". If my last had been a girl, this would have been the name we would have chosen.

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I like Julia but it means "bearded'. This is why we didn't go with it for our last girl.


Hmmmm... that would be quite an interesting meaning for a little girl's name! I think it's time for me to go look up the meanings of all these names, although it seems like I get different meanings depending on where I look. Anyone know of a reliable name meaning source (online or otherwise)?

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People have heard of Naomi and Lydia. Our other girls have more unusual names. No one ever hasn't heard them. I voted Naomi. That said, from your list, I have a Naomi, will have a Lydia, and in the family we have an Abigail, a Bethany and a Juliana. :)

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I like Julia but it means "bearded'. This is why we didn't go with it for our last girl.


What?!! I've never seen that meaning for it before. :eek: I read that it is a feminine form of Julius - as in Julius Caesar - and was a popular Roman name.


I'm going to forget I read your post. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh! Oh! I vote for Bethany! :D


Seriously, I love my name. Always have. I love how it's unique (I knew a few Bethanys as a child, but none in adulthood), but not so unusual that people haven't heard of it before.


FYI, I do NOT, EVER go by the nickname Beth, because I like my full name so much. No one that knows me well at all ever calls me Beth. If someone were to call out 'Beth!' in a crowd, it wouldn't even get my attention, since I don't recognize it as my name at all.

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What?!! I've never seen that meaning for it before. :eek: I read that it is a feminine form of Julius - as in Julius Caesar - and was a popular Roman name.


I'm going to forget I read your post. :tongue_smilie:


It is a beautiful name and the only people that ever know the meaning of names are expecting moms with baby name books in their hands.

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I voted for Naomi. I love the name and I think it stays pretty stable in popularity ... not trendy, not weird. I like the name Lydia, too, but I have seen a LOT of new parents naming their daughters that the last few years. I think it's about to be the next trendy name.

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I don't think any of those names are too unusual. Julia and Bethany have both been on my short list for all of my boys, but of the five you listed, Abigail is my favorite. Had DS3 been a girl, he'd probably have been either Abigail or Katherine. I also love Susannah, Elizabeth (actually, I prefer Elisabeth, but it's a much less common spelling), and Anna (but my DD's middle name is Anne).

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I don't think any of those names are too unusual. Julia and Bethany have both been on my short list for all of my boys, but of the five you listed, Abigail is my favorite. Had DS3 been a girl, he'd probably have been either Abigail or Katherine. I also love Susannah, Elizabeth (actually, I prefer Elisabeth, but it's a much less common spelling), and Anna (but my DD's middle name is Anne).


I forgot about Susannah!:001_smile:


I think my only reluctance would be that she might have to hear people singing "Oh, Susannah ... Oh, don't you cry for me ..." all the time. Anyone here with that name who could confirm or deny this? :)

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I've always loved Abigail, so that's what I voted, but Lydia would be my second choice.


I do love Abigail too. I guess my only reluctance is that it's pretty popular right now.


I think at this moment I'm leaning toward Lydia. Maybe Lydia Claire? Lydia Faith? Lydia Evangeline?


Want to give me some middle name suggestions for Lydia? (Pretty please!) The middle name wouldn't have to be a Bible name.


Thanks so much for all your help, everyone. :grouphug:


I really want to decide on the name soon, so we can start referring to her by her name. (This is just all so novel and fun to me, since we've never found out the gender ahead of time before!!!)


ETA: I love Naomi, maybe the best of all of them, but I think it sounds a little funny with our last name. It just sounds forced or stilted or something.

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