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Prayer request please, friend in coma

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I don't post much, but I would really appreciate prayers for a friend and her family. She is currently in the hospital, in a coma and on a ventilator and dialysis. She went to the ER late last Saturday because of a high fever and some intense pain and was admitted. She lost consciousness and nearly died early Sunday morning and has been in a medically induced coma since. They finally diagnosed her with STSS yesterday. Her out-of-state/country siblings are flying in today to be tested and present in case she needs a (I'm assuming based on the info I have) kidney transplant.


She is a dear, wonderful neighbor and mom of two boys (ages 3.5 and 1.5) who are friends with my DS1. She also just had a sweet baby girl last Wednesday. Her DH is an absolute wreck. Her boys are terrified because they're staying with relatives and haven't seen mom or much of dad since Saturday. As of 10am this morning the doctor's hadn't given the "there's nothing more we can do, you need to prepare for the fact that she'll probably die" speech, but they have told her DH that at this point she has less than a 50% chance of surviving.


My heart just hurts.


Update: My DH got an email last night from my friend's FIL - she passed away yesterday evening. I can't even imagine the pain her family is going through right now. If you could continue to keep them in your prayers that would be great.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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She passed away yesterday evening. My heart breaks for her DH and her sweet kids (somehow the fact that she has daughter that is not quite a week old just makes it so, so much worse). I'm thankful that so much of her DH's family lives close, to be of help to him but still... my hurt just hurts and I kind of want to spend the day snuggled on the couch holding my babies tight.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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