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Trolls and Real People

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I was reading a thread today about trolls and it got me thinking. Many people come here as an outlet, an escape from the ins and outs of life. Their stories may sound fake, but maybe they only feel safe sharing here where no one sees them face to face.


My name is Alexis and I live in Georgia. I am 32 years old, and I have 3 kids. They are 11,7, and 4 next week. We have a 100lb golden doodle and a rabbit named Fluffy Rose. I got pregnant at 20 and married my dh, and my son was born 8 days after my 21st birthday. I was redeemed 2 years later which made me unequally yoked. I have struggled through my life and marriage. I have struggled with finding fullfillment.


My previous name on these boards was mrsjamiesouth. I am probably best known for defending Spycar when he was being picked on too much and embarrassing myself by crying about my dh's affair. So, I erased my account and swore not to come back. But alas, I could not stay away. The curriculum junkie in me needed the daily fix of obsessing over curriculum with like-minded people.


I was served with divorce papers last month. It is sad for me because I am willing to do anything to work or save my marriage. No bashing just truth. Someone else posted today in the arranged marriage thread that Love is a choice, I wish (I pray) that my dh would believe that.


I have learned this past year how to love, how to forgive, how to believe in myself again, and how to stand strong.


On a lighter note, I have been accepted to a RN program that starts in August. I plan and will succeed at being a single mom in college who homeschools her kids. I believe anyone can do what they think is important enough to fight for. I will give up my sleep and quiet time in order to keep my kids home because that is what they have known. I truly enjoy having my kids with me all day. I enjoy going on vacation whenever I want to.


So what will I do now. I'm going to DisneyWorld! For real, next week. :D

Sometimes it all gets to a person and they feel like they are going to explode with anger, grief, shame, etc.... Just telling somebody helps.

Can't we give people the benefit of the doubt?

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I agree that sometimes it's easier to ask for help and advice when you're fairly nameless and faceless. I went through a phase at the beginning of our HSing career where I was feeling depressed and hopeless, and this board was very helpful at keeping me sane and providing much-needed advice and perspective. I was so grateful for that.


I'm sorry about your husband, but you sound like you have great plans and have landed on your feet. Best wishes to you :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I've been suspected of trolldom more than once. I do have an unusual life story, so maybe that's it. I also have an ex whom I'm a bit afraid of, so I tend to be vague about specific personal details, though I'm outspoken about some of my opinions. I do like to "talk" about my opinions online. I guess that sets off some folks' troll meters.


I have suspected the occasional poster of, shall we say, embellishing a bit. But mostly, I don't care. I just won't answer a thread if I think someone's being overly dramatic or making stuff up. It doesn't hurt me, right?


Good luck on your endeavors!

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I feel like I've told people way too much so...:tongue_smilie::D


GAH!!!! Me too....and my life sometimes sounds like it can't possibly all be true...but, alas it is....sometimes good/ sometimes bad. The introvert in me does not discuss all these things in real life....it can be too painful with real life people who know me...and judge me....GULP!!


I love my friends here...and if someone ends up trolling, well....I can either ignore them, pray for them, or realize maybe they are just lonely and are venting...


In the meantime...everyone gets the benefit of the doubt....but I kind of like the idea of erasing my account and starting over....but then again, if I didn't have an account here...I would never remember what happened when...:D



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My previous name on these boards was mrsjamiesouth. I am probably best known for defending Spycar when he was being picked on too much and embarrassing myself by crying about my dh's affair. So, I erased my account and swore not to come back. But alas, I could not stay away. The curriculum junkie in me needed the daily fix of obsessing over curriculum with like-minded people.


I've told too much about my life too...oddly enough those threads usually get deleted for some reason! :)


I was served with divorce papers last month. It is sad for me because I am willing to do anything to work or save my marriage. No bashing just truth. Someone else posted today in the arranged marriage thread that Love is a choice, I wish (I pray) that my dh would believe that.


:grouphug: Better days to come though. Better at 32 than 44 like me!


I have learned this past year how to love, how to forgive, how to believe in myself again, and how to stand strong.


On a lighter note, I have been accepted to a RN program that starts in August. I plan and will succeed at being a single mom in college who homeschools her kids. I believe anyone can do what they think is important enough to fight for. I will give up my sleep and quiet time in order to keep my kids home because that is what they have known. I truly enjoy having my kids with me all day. I enjoy going on vacation whenever I want to.



This is awesome news! I am so impressed.


So what will I do now. I'm going to DisneyWorld! For real, next week. :D

Sometimes it all gets to a person and they feel like they are going to explode with anger, grief, shame, etc.... Just telling somebody helps.

Can't we give people the benefit of the doubt?


Whoo Hoo! WDW is awesome.

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Um, does anyone think I"m a troll?


I've been on these boards since the "old boards" (though I was molly's mom back then-- I had to change my board name when the board changed--- cant' exactly remember why tho) and "Astrid" is my first name IRL. I really do have only one kid whose name (duh) is "Molly," we really do train and show dogs, (big hairy ones) and I really do work in adult education.


I'm addicted to knitting, I'm a socially liberal Democrat (and my town's Registrar of Voters) and I really should use my crock pot more often.


There you have it. True confessions.



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I'm addicted to knitting, I'm a socially liberal Democrat (and my town's Registrar of Voters) and I really should use my crock pot more often.


GASP!!!! I hope you've done your due diligence to ensure that your crock is not made with lead! And you surely don't use cream of cr*p soup in your crock, do you?!



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Guest submarines
I was reading a thread today about trolls and it got me thinking. Many people come here as an outlet, an escape from the ins and outs of life. Their stories may sound fake, but maybe they only feel safe sharing here where no one sees them face to face.


My name is Alexis and I live in Georgia. I am 32 years old, and I have 3 kids. They are 11,7, and 4 next week. We have a 100lb golden doodle and a rabbit named Fluffy Rose. I got pregnant at 20 and married my dh, and my son was born 8 days after my 21st birthday. I was redeemed 2 years later which made me unequally yoked. I have struggled through my life and marriage. I have struggled with finding fullfillment.


My previous name on these boards was mrsjamiesouth. I am probably best known for defending Spycar when he was being picked on too much and embarrassing myself by crying about my dh's affair. So, I erased my account and swore not to come back. But alas, I could not stay away. The curriculum junkie in me needed the daily fix of obsessing over curriculum with like-minded people.


I was served with divorce papers last month. It is sad for me because I am willing to do anything to work or save my marriage. No bashing just truth. Someone else posted today in the arranged marriage thread that Love is a choice, I wish (I pray) that my dh would believe that.


I have learned this past year how to love, how to forgive, how to believe in myself again, and how to stand strong.


On a lighter note, I have been accepted to a RN program that starts in August. I plan and will succeed at being a single mom in college who homeschools her kids. I believe anyone can do what they think is important enough to fight for. I will give up my sleep and quiet time in order to keep my kids home because that is what they have known. I truly enjoy having my kids with me all day. I enjoy going on vacation whenever I want to.


So what will I do now. I'm going to DisneyWorld! For real, next week. :D

Sometimes it all gets to a person and they feel like they are going to explode with anger, grief, shame, etc.... Just telling somebody helps.

Can't we give people the benefit of the doubt?


:grouphug: I know what you mean. The internet for me is also often the only outlet and I've been accused of being a troll on these boards. :rolleyes: It doesn't help that I'm probably an awkward person with no close friends who often feels differently than the most.


You are a strong person. You will succeed. :grouphug:

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Awe....my youngest has 4 toes webbed on one foot and one toe deformed on the other. He also has webbed fingers. It makes him sad sometimes that he can't wear flip flops or those toed shoes. He can't wear gloves easily either.


We ALL stopped wearing flip flops so that he wouldn't feel so bad.




Ok, well let's see. I have never told anyone here that my second and third toes are webbed. Yep, I'm part duck. My mother had the same thing. Neither one of my kids do.


So I can't wear those funny shoes that fit the toes. Although gee now that I mention this I might have told people here about my webbed toes because I recall a thread about those shoes.


I guess I ran out of anything to say.



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Whew! I'm glad you came clean, Chucki.

It gives me courage to do the same:


<deep breath>


I'm really a cross-dressing fireman who is awaiting my last big surgery---

I have fifteen children with my wife, a sweet woman whom I keep chained to the radiator as my personal god of choice dicates. She has enough chain to allow her the freedom to move about the kitchen and laundry room, however.


We breed rare African Boomslang snakes, and though we've only lost two of our dear children to the venom, we place our faith in our godhead who controls all things and abides in the (non-lead) crockpots of America that he will protect us and an antidote will be found soon. We give him weekly offerings of boiled cream of crap soup in the hopes that our crap tithes will hasten his deliverance.


We homeschool only because our children have been vaccinated to such a degree that their limbs have shrunken to the size of pencils, and they would have trouble getting on and off a schoolbus. My wife can't drive them to the school as she is, well, a bit tied down at home.


Despite their obvious disabilities, my dc are quite concientious about returning the shopping carts to the carrels in the parking lots, and always reach up with their spindly appendages to help little old ladies across the lot to their cars. They're such kind, thoughful children. It's really amazing given that they are unsocialized homeschoolers who have grown up in a house full of venomous snakes with a cross-dressing father and a mother who is chained to the radiator.




And if you believe that.......

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Okay I'll admit it. After 3 years and many posts later. I'm a troll. I'm a loud and opinionated troll who has nothing better to do with my life.



AHA!!! (pointing my finger a la Dick Solomon)

Whew! I'm glad you came clean, Chucki.

It gives me courage to do the same:


<deep breath>


I'm really a cross-dressing fireman who is awaiting my last big surgery---

I have fifteen children with my wife, a sweet woman whom I keep chained to the radiator as my personal god of choice dicates. She has enough chain to allow her the freedom to move about the kitchen and laundry room, however.


We breed rare African Boomslang snakes, and though we've only lost two of our dear children to the venom, we place our faith in our godhead who controls all things and abides in the (non-lead) crockpots of America that he will protect us and an antidote will be found soon. We give him weekly offerings of boiled cream of crap soup in the hopes that our crap tithes will hasten his deliverance.


We homeschool only because our children have been vaccinated to such a degree that their limbs have shrunken to the size of pencils, and they would have trouble getting on and off a schoolbus. My wife can't drive them to the school as she is, well, a bit tied down at home.


Despite their obvious disabilities, my dc are quite concientious about returning the shopping carts to the carrels in the parking lots, and always reach up with their spindly appendages to help little old ladies across the lot to their cars. They're such kind, thoughful children. It's really amazing given that they are unsocialized homeschoolers who have grown up in a house full of venomous snakes with a cross-dressing father and a mother who is chained to the radiator.




And if you believe that.......

:lol: I almost actually choked reading that.


I was accused of being Roughcollie once. Or was she accused of being me? Or perhaps both of us are a middle aged man typing in our underpants?

.... And now my guffawing has reached ridiculous levels. :lol:

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I wouldnt be surprised if anyone thought i was a troll, or did not believe my crazy posts.


I have no friends, seriously. I have acquaintances, some of whom are fairly close, but no true friends. I had a close friend and we stopped talking. Some of the things she said when we stopped talking made me realize just how little she really knew about me.


I really did move to a crazy town almost 2 years ago and am still shocked at a lot of what i see.

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Personally, I am a mother of 19, including two sets of twins. I have my own television show on TLC and live in a gigantic house in Alabama. I name all of my children something that starts with "J."


Oh no, wait, I had myself confused with Michelle Duggar again. It just _feels_ like there are 19 kids around here.


"Trolls" used to mean someone who hung out in a place but said things just to rile people up, i.e. "trolling." Or posted disgusting contents or photos, just to rile people up. Eventually one had to ignore the person because otherwise, the threads would be utterly derailed.



OP: I had a baby!

Regular person: Congratulations!

Troll: *92 photos of genitalia*

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Personally, I am a mother of 19, including two sets of twins. I have my own television show on TLC and live in a gigantic house in Alabama. I name all of my children something that starts with "J."


Oh no, wait, I had myself confused with Michelle Duggar again. It just _feels_ like there are 19 kids around here.


"Trolls" used to mean someone who hung out in a place but said things just to rile people up, i.e. "trolling." Or posted disgusting contents or photos, just to rile people up. Eventually one had to ignore the person because otherwise, the threads would be utterly derailed.



OP: I had a baby!

Regular person: Congratulations!

Troll: *92 photos of genitalia*


They dont live in Alabama. They live in Arkansas. ;)

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Oh great, now I am picturing you as a 60+ year old man in some dingy tighty used to be whities.




I was accused of being Roughcollie once. Or was she accused of being me? Or perhaps both of us are a middle aged man typing in our underpants?
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I wouldn't care if people thought I was a troll. I rarely start my own threads here ...well, unless it is about curriculum (or something else not too serious). The majority of my replies have to do with curriculum, but I do enjoy some of the random topics that take place on the general forum. I also have fallen into the trap of opening threads about religion. Every time I do, I swear I will never do it again...yet, I find my self doing it again, lol.


I don't really share much personal information about myself here. I will ask the occasional question that is non-homeschool related if I need clarity, insight, or just perspective. I don't have a blog. I don't share pictures online of my family. I don't say their names. It doesn't make me less real, just more private.


I do like the freedom to speak without fear online though. In real life, I could never engage in many of the topics discussed here so freely. It's great to type what I think & have people type what they think. Some threads can get heated, but usually the tone remains polite even when diverse. I love that.


Although I don't have "friends" here, I have a huge sense of community. I value all that I learn here, and believe me, I learn A LOT daily.



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Oh great, now I am picturing you as a 60+ year old man in some dingy tighty used to be whities.




Maybe Crissy or Kalanamak or one of the other WTMers from around here could post my picture from when we all got together. I'm the balding man with a comb-over. I wore my trousers with suspenders since I dressed up for the occasion. :D

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Maybe Crissy or Kalanamak or one of the other WTMers from around here could post my picture from when we all got together. I'm the balding man with a comb-over. I wore my trousers with suspenders since I dressed up for the occasion. :D



Hmmm...I don't remember the comb-over...





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And of course, now my family wants to know why I am laughing so hard....


I have not been around here too long, don't post a whole lot...but I read here every.single.day


I feel like I *know* so many of you! Please don't kill my ideal by telling me about dingy undies, comb-overs, or sacrificing children to venomous snakes....let me live my dream of all you brilliant genius spawning women who could out-think me in a nano second! :D



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I guess I could be the troll. :confused: I haven't been here very long but I'm selling a few things anyway. :D


DH has a coworker that he talks about b/c the guy always seems to know something about the topic at hand. I sometimes think that maybe I come off like that just because my life has been so strange. Every now and then I still surprise the friends who've known me for over 15 years! :lol:

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