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MISSING TEEN UPDATE for TaraTheLiberator

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UPDATE: FOUND. Missing teen was found by Tara and by his mom. He is safe and well. You can pray for a peaceful night and safe drive home tomorrow. Thanks.




Friends, Tara and her friend have not yet located her friend's 15yo who has been missing this week. They were hopeful that they would be able to get him in Chicago, but have NOT yet found him. Please continue in prayer for this boy and his family.

Edited by strider
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I keep watching this thread, hoping for a happy update.


I wish he would have been seen in a nice, small town and not a big city like Chicago. I wouldn't even know where to begin looking, but I hope the boy knows his way around there, and his parents have some clues as to where he might be or with whom he may be staying.


Still praying. I cannot even imagine the fear his parents are experiencing right now.

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Oh no :( I haven't posted, but I've been following. I hope they're able to find him soon.


Same here.


My son is just a bit older and just the thought of this is heartbreaking. It must be so horrible for family and friends to not know where he is. I'd be out.of.my.mind! :willy_nilly:


:crying: :grouphug:

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Just bumping this so others will see the update.


I'm so glad to hear he has been found, and I'm sort of wondering if it might be time to start praying that his mother doesn't kill him for worrying her so much. ;) She probably doesn't know whether to hug him or shake him.


Whatever happened, though, I'm relieved to know that he is safe and sound, and I hope his family is able to help him work out whatever problems exist, so that this never happens again. (I don't know the details, but I can only assume that he ran away from home, because it certainly doesn't sound like he was kidnapped by anyone.)


I will pray for him and his parents.

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