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If I have unexpected company come to my door

If I have unexpected company come to my door I...  

  1. 1. If I have unexpected company come to my door I...

    • welcome them in, my house is always clean.
    • welcome them in, my house is clean enough.
    • welcome them in and don't care if they see how we really live.
    • welcome them in but am devastated that they see how I really live.
    • greet them at the door but don't open it too wide or invite them in.
    • Tell the children to be quiet and pretend like we're not home.
    • start throwing piles of things into a nearby closet and close the door then invite them in.
    • run and hide and eat a bar of chocolate.
    • aaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!
    • other

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If I have unexpected company come to my door I.....welcome them in, because I assume my house is clean enough, but then I see it with their eyes and try to convince myself that I don't care if they see how I really live, but deep down inside there is a sense of not-quite-devastation that they are seeing how I really live, so I promptly start throwing piles of things in to nearby closets or non-public rooms, pretending they just caught me in the middle of diligently doing legitimate tasks involving those piles.


How's that for a poll that allows multiple answers?

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I welcome them in, and I'm usually a little embarrassed by the mess but not devastated. I just apologize for the mess, scoop the toys out of the walkway with my foot, clear off the couch, and straighten the books and papers on the coffee table while we talk. Sometimes my house is actually clean, but not if it's been a nice productive school day. ;)

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I hate unexpected company. I will let them in, but will want to sink into the floor in shame. My house isn't terrible or anything, it's just that when it's at its worst is inevitably the time that someone decides to drop in. When the house is actually clean, no one ever shows up. :confused:


Having my youngest in weekly Early Intervention has helped a lot with getting over my house shame. I do a quick 20-minute clean of the two main rooms before she shows up, and I don't worry if she sees the mess in one of the adjoining rooms or sees a pile of junk on my kitchen counter or dirty dishes in the sink. Oh well.

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#'s 5, 6, 8, 9, or possibly a combo thereof...at any given time we've got 4-H projects going all over and the rocket team stuff clutters my home 6 months of the year. In addition to never having the house neat during this six month period, I can't have little children around it...our home is no longer safe for littles....exacto knives, strong adhesives, dissecting may be going so scalpels and probes are out, you name it. We have company over, but only on our invite in advance so we can put it all away in the basement and then as soon as they leave, promptly get it back out so everyone can work the next day. :tongue_smilie:


Homeschooling - when not on Spring Break :D - occupies me from 7:30 a.m. until nearly 1 p.m. and then four days per week, I'm off to school for chem class, science labs, and ACT Prep study class from 1-3 p.m. I come home, finish up with the kids, grade papers, make dinner, and collapse. I don't mean to be anti-social but unexpected company is a very bad thing and after dh's accident, I decided that it was okay for me to hold them at the door and say, "I'm very, very sorry, but I had no idea you would be coming and I absolutely can't rearrange my schedule for today. I hope you'll be around some other time and can call in advance to make sure dh and I will be available."


Yep, I have said it even under trying circumstances. My cousin, from Denver, showed up completely unannounced on a Saturday morning, Dh was working, I was on my way to work at the quilt store, and the kids were on their way to do some volunteer work that they'd made a commitment too and couldn't be changed without causing serious angst to the organizers. Guess who got greeted with a quick hug and an "oh so sorry" in the yard as I headed to the car. He never made it to the door.


Life happens. It's pretty crazy for people to stop by unannounced.



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I picked two. If it's someone I enjoy, I open the door and invite them in. If it's someone I don't want to spend time with, I greet them at the door and don't open it too wide. I don't know that I've ever not invited someone into my house because of the way the house looked. I have failed to invite people into my house because I felt uncomfortable with them.

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I do not do well with unexpected anything. My parents live 10 minutes away and have never once come by without calling and asking. Thankfully i don't know anyone like this, but once when I was a teenager my mom had a nutty friend from church, who would do this all the time. She once showed up at 9 am holding a bucket of ice cream that she was hand cranking and said "why don't you make breakfast, I brought dessert." My mom was in her bathrobe and was so stunned she didn't know what to do LOL.

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The house is always clean enough, although a midday visit would mean they were walking in while school stuff was on the table and I might be in the middle of folding laundry. I could certainly clear the table and start the kettle, and I always have some sort of baked goodies around.

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I hate unannounced guests. I never pop in on anyone without calling, and I hate when someone does it to me. If I can get away with not answering the door, that is what I do.


None of this has anything to do with the condition of my house. It is usually pretty neat.

Edited by edelweiss
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I hide & pretend we aren't home.:blush: For multiple reasons. One, unfortunately, I am not always dressed-I make the kids get dressed right away, but...... Also, if I am dressed, my hair is usually a fright, and I don't wear makeup around the house. Last of all, our house is usually in chaos.


I'm being honest here, people, and I was really hoping there were more of you that were like me! Sad to say, it looks like that isn't the case.


One other thing; I have never liked the pop in, and I am never one to just pop in on someone else. I honestly believe it isn't good manners to stop in without calling. I know there are so many differing opinions on this, but that's how I feel.:001_smile:

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I hide & pretend we aren't home.:blush: For multiple reasons. One, unfortunately, I am not always dressed-I make the kids get dressed right away, but...... Also, if I am dressed, my hair is usually a fright, and I don't wear makeup around the house. Last of all, our house is usually in chaos.


I'm being honest here, people, and I was really hoping there were more of you that were like me! Sad to say, it looks like that isn't the case.


One other thing; I have never liked the pop in, and I am never one to just pop in on someone else. I honestly believe it isn't good manners to stop in without calling. I know there are so many differing opinions on this, but that's how I feel.:001_smile:


I agree with your post wholeheartedly. :001_smile:

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I answered 'Let them in and don't care what they see...'. This has taken years. My life has been a process that began at the bottom of the list. I can still remember when I was in the 'hide and eat chocolate' stage...a dear older lady came over just when I was sitting down to (trying to figure out how to) breastfeed my new baby. I was mortified. I did not answer the door. She died a few months after that, and for years I was so sad about that time of fellowship that I let slip by. There have been years that I would have run screaming...or stood at the door uneasily. There was the time that dh and I were having a disagreement about some little something, when a car of church friends drove up. I started screaming upstairs to GET CLEANING!! I ran to the table, trying to clean up the fast food wrappers (we hardly EVER get fast food, but we did that day) and the Sunday newspaper and a hundred other little things I just hadn't bothered to pick up. I sent dh out to talk to them (stall them) while I tidied as best I could. When they finally came inside, I was exhausted and grumpy and hot. I don't think they felt very welcome. Then one day I met a dear lady at a craft class for kids. She homeschooled but was weary and ready to quit. We made fast friends. She came over. The house wasn't perfect, and it didn't matter. I visited her tiny, old, cluttered, wonderfully warm and friendly house, and it didn't matter what was on the floor...She taught me through her humility and joy of living that when friends come over, they aren't coming to judge my house or my perfect cleaning...they are coming to see *me*. We moved away and I don't have her constant companionship but I am grateful to her for the help she gave me. So now I am thankful when somebody comes by. Messes come and go, but they just aren't that important. Sorry I wrote a book. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Blueridge
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I'm assuming that unexpected company doesn't mean a salesman! I welcome them in, tell them or the kids to shove stuff off of the couch and make themselves comfortable. Inwardly I'm embarrassed but I know that they are here to see ME and my family and not my house. And I know that I want to see THEM, and to interact with them and not to impress them. Since I've long ago lost any friends who needed to be impressed, it seems to work pretty well.

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I'd be very happy. I love having company, and my house is always reasonably in shape and never an embarrassment. And I have no problem making up a simple meal on the spot from whatever I have at hand.


When the doorbell rings unexpectedly, the above is what I wish I was...


this is how I really am ... :willy_nilly:

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I usually will just greet them at the door. It really isn't about the state of my house. I just don't like unexpected company and it is very rare for me to get any. If it is someone I really want to see, I will let them in. I would be in the #2 range there, my house is clean enough. It wouldn't be spotless, but it isn't usually embarrassing.


Please, just call on your way, then I'll welcome you in!

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I hate unannounced guests. I never pop in on anyone without calling, and I hate when someone does it to me. If I can get away with not answering the door, that is what I do.


None of this has anything to do with the condition of my house. It is usually pretty neat.



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The house is usually OK, it's a big, elegant house that absorbs mess quite well. Sometimes I'm more bedraggled than others, although I do have a standard of always having a little make-up on and my hair tidy. However, even on those not infrequent occasions when there is a fine layer of dust over everything and I know I look a mess, I'm usually very happy to invite people in. I'm not all that sociable, but I do enjoy people, and actually prefer people popping in because it means I haven't had to feel anxious about their visit for days or weeks beforehand :tongue_smilie:. I did have one friend who kept popping in with her two boys in the middle of the morning while we were doing school (her boys go to a private school that seems to have more weeks off than any other school I know). These visits would always last at least a couple of hours, and eventually, when she turned up just before Christmas, I put my foot down and sent them away - haven't seen them at all since :tongue_smilie:.



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I've never turned away someone I know, but I don't do too well with it. I don't care that much about the state of the house because I think you get what you get when you don't give someone notice, but I feel uncomfortable if I am not very presentable. I'm always dressed, but not usually in "going out" clothes and I am not usually wearing makeup if we have no plans to leave the house. (To be kind to my husband I do make an effort to pull myself together by the time he gets home, but two days a week he leaves at 7 a.m. and comes home when I'm in the bed at night so I rarely bother those days.)


I can be more gracious without the total surprise, even if it's a couple of minutes warning on the phone. I like to put my dog away ahead of time instead of dragging him away from the door or searching for his leash (he is 80 lbs and goes nuts with barking and generally getting in the way when someone is at the door). The house is not usually dirty but can be cluttered the closer we get to our cleaning day on Fridays. I try to remind myself that we live, school and work in our house 24-7. It's next to impossible to keep it company ready at every moment.

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Unexpected visitors would most likely be other homeschoolers. I find they tend to find our house comfortable. We live in our house, and I am OK with that.


Right now we are gearing up for gardening, so visitors are likely to encounter dahlia tubers and seed trays. But, it is all just conversation starters.

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I voted that I welcome them in because my house is clean enough but that answer really depends on what day of the week it is. If I've been home all day, the house is clean enough. If I've worked all day, I'll still let them in and just apologize for the appearance of the house. :001_smile:

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It totally and completely depends on who it is. If it's a neighbor but not a close friend, I will chat briefly at the door. If it's one of my close friends, nothing matters - come on in, help yourself to whatever ! This hardly ever happens but I would not be upset - they have already seen me and the house at their messiest.

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I'd be very happy. I love having company, and my house is always reasonably in shape and never an embarrassment. And I have no problem making up a simple meal on the spot from whatever I have at hand.


I wish I could say this! That's incredible!

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I hide & pretend we aren't home.:blush: For multiple reasons. One, unfortunately, I am not always dressed-I make the kids get dressed right away, but...... Also, if I am dressed, my hair is usually a fright, and I don't wear makeup around the house. Last of all, our house is usually in chaos.


I'm being honest here, people, and I was really hoping there were more of you that were like me! Sad to say, it looks like that isn't the case.


One other thing; I have never liked the pop in, and I am never one to just pop in on someone else. I honestly believe it isn't good manners to stop in without calling. I know there are so many differing opinions on this, but that's how I feel.:001_smile:


Yep, this I can identify with.

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I hide & pretend we aren't home.:blush: For multiple reasons. One, unfortunately, I am not always dressed-I make the kids get dressed right away, but...... Also, if I am dressed, my hair is usually a fright, and I don't wear makeup around the house. Last of all, our house is usually in chaos.


I'm being honest here, people, and I was really hoping there were more of you that were like me! Sad to say, it looks like that isn't the case.


One other thing; I have never liked the pop in, and I am never one to just pop in on someone else. I honestly believe it isn't good manners to stop in without calling. I know there are so many differing opinions on this, but that's how I feel.:001_smile:



I'm right there with everything you said :) It's just who I am by nature.....I hate the pop in and I never do it to others. Receiving others doesn't come naturally to me so I need some notice before someone just shows up.

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If anyone's coming to visit me, they've come from afar, so I'd have to invite them in unless I had a "really" good reason. But considering that I work 7 days per week, it would be rather foolish for someone to drop in on me like that.


I do keep my house halfway decent (not too much clutter or foul kitchen/bathroom), but we have maids who are supposed to come every 3-4 weeks, and if they don't come as planned, I generally leave the dust until they show up. My time is so limited, and a little dirt never hurt anyone. So if someone showed up and there were dusts bunnies on the floor, I'd probably just apologize and say "the maids were supposed to come . . . ." I figure, if you don't have the decency to call first, you deserve what you get.


Last fall at my parents' anniversary party, at about midnight when we were all spent, cousins who had driven down from afar informed me that they were coming over to my house for dinner the next day. Ummm . . . ! Not only do I NOT cook, and not only do I go to church AND work on Sundays, but I like a little more notice if I'm entertaining five people.


But, we made it happen, and everyone was happy.


Granted, that's a lot different from someone showing up at the doorstep, but it freaked me out enough anyway!

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I said invite and don't care. Usually it's good enough. Not company clean, but oh well. When we're sick or in the midst of pregnancy, I'd be thoroughly embarrassed. But, hopefully anyone just stopping by would be close enough to just be real with. It is what it is, so I would choose not to let it bother me.

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The only people who drop by are people who know me well enough that they don't care that my house isn't spotless. Sometimes I say, "Come on in, I'm going to run upstairs and get out of my pajamas," but it's ok. :D


If it's truly not a good time for a visit, I tell them. Usually that means we're sick or we're on our way out the door. Otherwise, I welcome them in.



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My house is clean enough, but I'm not a fan of drop-bys. The bigger problem is not about what shape my house in, but that my schedule isn't open enough to cope with drop-bys.

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Even if my house is spotless I do not usually invite people in. If you recall when I posted in the thread about issues. I do not like people. Anyone who knows me knows that unannounced visits are not okay with me and not welcome. I need to mentally prepare myself to visit with people. My home is my sancutary and I do not want people randomly showing up.

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Seeing how most of our unexpected company is dh's side of the family I have to let them in. :rolleyes:

The other ones that usually show up are friends we have had for a long time. In fact they have showed up in their pj pants several times. :lol:

Sometimes the shape of the house bothers me, sometimes I just don't care.

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I'm right there with everything you said :) It's just who I am by nature.....I hate the pop in and I never do it to others. Receiving others doesn't come naturally to me so I need some notice before someone just shows up.


I think it's one of my OCD things! I "need to know", especially because I am not the best at entertaining. Everything has to be perfect.


I know not everyone is this way, but I still would never pop in on anyone else, either. I was raised that way, so that's probably why.

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The list of people I would not mind showing up unannounced is very short. That has nothing to do with the state of my house and everything to do with the fact I don't much like surprises.


This . . .


Even if my house is spotless I do not usually invite people in. If you recall when I posted in the thread about issues. I do not like people. Anyone who knows me knows that unannounced visits are not okay with me and not welcome. I need to mentally prepare myself to visit with people. My home is my sancutary and I do not want people randomly showing up.


And this, lol. I mean, I do like people. Sometimes. I like them a whole lot more when I can psych myself up for socializing.


I don't have friends close enough to walk over, and even friends who are very close or passing by would call or text first.

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Open the door, say hello, ask how they are doing, and then tell them it's not a good time for visiting.


I don't do well with unexpected anything (especially if it involves company). I actually think it's quite rude unless I know the person very well (like my dad).


:iagree: Same here and it has nothing to do with the condition of my house. It annoys me.

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I hate unannounced guests. I never pop in on anyone without calling, and I hate when someone does it to me. If I can get away with not answering the door, that is what I do.


None of this has anything to do with the condition of my house. It is usually pretty neat.


This, exactly.

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When I lived in WV my family, the in laws, a neighbor, and my best friend would always just pop in. Most of the time they all would knock as they were opening the door to let themselves in. I never thought much about it because that's the same way it was as I was growing up. They each have seen my house clean enough times that if they walked in to a pile of laundry and a messy kitchen once in a while I didn't care.

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Assuming it is a friend (not a salesman or politician or whatever), I'm happy to have them in. I'm an introvert, but I still enjoy people stopping by, and I do like that people feel comfortable coming in and hanging out here.


As to my house, I have three tornado children, my house is rarely looking great. It is too cluttered (working on it) and I don't clean as often as I should (though it is rarely unsanitary, it is often dusty and fingerprinty in here). Toys are often everywhere, and the twins' highchairs are usually in a state of needing to be cleaned up again. My entryway porch tends to collect too much stuff because the kids can't get to it out there.


For a long time it freaked me out for people to see all that. However, age and life with three littles have moved me past that point. I don't care anymore. I don't have time to deal with everything or everybody. This is my reality, I do the best I can, and people who want to hang with me will just have to accept it. If they can't handle it, they're welcome to go elsewhere. If someone really needs to house to look perfect, then they need to call before they come, and send me a maid. Or meet me in a public place, that's ok too. :-D


FWIW, people do keep coming over, and I do keep inviting them in. Neighbors, friends, etc. No one has complained.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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