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When does life actually begin-Bible Based

When Does Life Begin-Bible Based  

  1. 1. When Does Life Begin-Bible Based

    • At the Time of Conception
    • At the First Breath
    • Who Knows?
    • Hey! I see a squirrel!

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No debate! I'm just wondering who thinks what and if they base it on scripture. I've seen it argued with options 1 and 2


Why I'm asking this question:

Someone I know believes Bible scripture tells us that a child is not living until it has taken it's first breath. Therefore, you are not killing a living being during abortion.

Edited by OregonNative
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But I've read posts here and will not have any nastiness in this thread. Therefore, NO DEBATE!
How do you intend to police this? :001_smile:
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I read that "kilts are invisible". Posting a pic of an invisible kilt might run up your numbers, but it might also get you banned.

The Emperor's New Kilt. I like. But not enough to get banned.

Edited by nmoira
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I would say some time after implantation. Sperm and egg join in the fallopian tubes. If the fertilized egg doesn't implant, it cannot continue growing. After implantation it can continue developing and grow a heart within a couple of weeks. Maybe when the heart starts beating that's when life or a soul enters that body? After all, when a heart stops we call that "death."

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I think life begins at conception, because from a scientific standpoint, it does.


If you mean when is the embryo/fetus/baby a person, I would say being a person means having an immortal, rational soul, and souls of all kinds appear as soon as life does, because the soul is what makes a living thing a living thing.

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Not saying what I personally think, there are those that believe that:


-life begins at the quickening (when the fetus is felt moving).

-life begins only when the head is born

-that until actually born, a fetus is a life but not the same as a living person.

-When the embryo becomes a fetus (usually about 10 weeks post LMP)



So for many there may be a point between conception and breath.


Here is some interpretations from Judaism:



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To answer the question, I believe it begins at conception and it is not a belief I have because of the bible. I hope I followed the instructions.:001_smile:


:iagree: I believe it begins at conception because I simply think it makes the most biological sense. There's no other point in the gestational period where you can say the fetus changes from non-living to living or from non-human to human.

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Does scripture even discuss conception specifically?


It depends on your views. Some believe #1 and point to scripture to prove it. Others believe #2 and point to scripture to prove it. If you support #2, the a child is not living until it has taken it's first breath. Thereby terminating it is not killing a living being.

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I read that "kilts are invisible". Posting a pic of an invisible kilt might run up your numbers, but it might also get you banned.


I once did an internet search for men in kilts and one of the guys was wearing one of the invisable variety. Page one on yahoo. I was honestly shocked and haven't search for men in kilts since then.

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I believe the Bible supports life beginning at conception. In Luke 1, Mary has just conceived Jesus and goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth. The six month old fetus John in Elizabeth's womb leaps with joy when Mary, in very early pregnancy with the embryo Jesus enters the room and Elizabeth proceeds to praise Mary as the mother of her Lord.

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How can anyone believe there isn't life until a breath has been taken?


Clearly the baby is moving. Clearly a heart is beating. Where is there any basis AT ALL for believing that a baby is not alive until it has breathed outside the womb?!?


Sorry, going crawl under a rock now...

Edited by StaceyinLA
Changed my wording so I won't get fussed at.
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I believe that when egg and sperm meet... life is created. Of course, we may prefer to comment about them as the distant "fetus".... the ONLY thing my daughter got with Latin lessons was more of a 'tude. I can't wait for her to take health class and make sure that everyone knows what "fetus" is in Latin ;) She SOOOOO loves to make sure that others know that before she was born... she was a baby :) (Maybe they're really a fish or something else before they're a baby :))

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I thought there was a verse that said life began when blood first pumped in the heart. That is a point between conception and first breath. Hense the need for an "other" option. Also, Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the wombI knew you, before you were born I set you apart." I equate that with having a soul before first breath



(I did not read any posts after the first page.)


ETA: after trying to search for that verse on dh's tiny andorid screen cannot find a specific verse. I think it's a combination of verses that people draw that conclusion from. I think it was my file who told me about it.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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I realise you asked specifically about the bible, but I thought I'd let you know what I believe as a muslim. There is evidence (religious) to suggest that the soul is blown into the fetus at 120 days after conception (that's about 4 months). At this time everything is 'written down' about the child's life, death, finances, final abode etc. Lots of people make a lot of extra prayers for the child at this time.

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I would say some time after implantation. Sperm and egg join in the fallopian tubes. If the fertilized egg doesn't implant, it cannot continue growing. After implantation it can continue developing and grow a heart within a couple of weeks. Maybe when the heart starts beating that's when life or a soul enters that body? After all, when a heart stops we call that "death."



there have been quite a few ectopic pregnancies that have progressed long enough for the baby to survive






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Not a Biblicaly based book, but this book: http://www.amazon.com/Dispelling-Abortion-History-Joseph-Dellapenna/dp/0890895090/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333106874&sr=8-1, deals with the law in the US (and because the law was mostly case law, the law in Europe) on this topic.


Since the roots of the laws governing aboriton and still birth come from the medieval church you'll read about that.


I learned lots of fascinating stuff, but it was long and academic.

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