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What is your household's bedtime curfew? (younger kids)

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The kids start getting ready for bed right around 8, then we read until somewhere around 8:30-9:00. They are then allowed to read in bed pretty much open-endedly. DD(5) tends to go to sleep right away most nights, while DS(8) stays up a while longer. We do have a set wake-up time in the morning (6:45), so while he occasionally abuses the privilege a little, it tends to self-correct.

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My kids start the bedtime process about 7:45-8:00 P.M., and they usually fall asleep sometime between 9:30 & 10:00. Dd wakes up at 7:45 A.M. and ds usually wakes up between 8 & 8:30 A.M.


When summer comes, though, it's another story. Some nights they are playing outside until 9 or 10 (shared yard with neighbor kids while parents sit on each other's porches.) They usually go right to sleep and then wake up at 9:30-10 in the morning.... or 10:30... (Or whenever. :))

Edited by Element
silly apostrophe.
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Depends on the night. We didn't even get home until 10:30pm tonight. This is typical for Monday nights (scout night.)


9:30 for the 8 year old on a typical night when we don't have scouts.

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Dds were in bed by 7:30, which meant starting around 7 with baths and whatnot. We don't read at night (I want all of us to be wide awake when we read, lol, and we've all been together all day long, for goodness' sake...go to bed already! :D ) Lots of hugs and kisses, of course.


They were probably 9ish and 12ish when I began letting them stay up longer, although they still had to be in bed by 9. Later bedtimes sort of crept up on us. :)

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Obviously, kids differ. Just going based on your ages, I'd probably say 7-7:30 for your younger two an 7:30-8:00 for the older two. But age is pretty arbitrary. Kids are individuals and families have their own needs. My hubby gets home at 3:15 so an early bedtime is fine for us. If he got home at 7, we'd definitely do differently.


My 3 and 6 yr olds could stand to go to bed at 7 (and they did until the time change). My 4yo probably would do better if he waited til 8. They all, now that the time changed, go at 7:30. During the summer, it'll probably be 8.

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We aim for them to be IN BED by 8:30. They don't have to sleep, but they do have to be quiet and laying in bed. Emmett (4) typically crashes ASAP. Abby is usually up until 9ish. Ellie is that weird naps-half-the-time stage. On days she doesn't nap, she's asleep by 7:30 at the latest. If she does nap, well...it's a long night...


Emmett is usually up ~7:30. Ellie is up a short time later and Abby is typically the last to stumble out of bed around8.

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14 year old : 10 pm

10, 9, 6, and 4 year old: 8 pm

1 year old: 6 pm


The 10, 9, 6, and 1 year old kids all rise at 5 am. They are all boys and are morning people.


The 4 year old girl drags out of bed around 7 am. My teen girl "rises" at 7-8 but is comatose until after supper :lol: I can't blame them. I'm a "night owl" too. If I went by my own clock, I'd be going to bed about the time my boys got up! :tongue_smilie:


It is definitely the girl night owls vs. the boy roosters around here :001_smile:

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I really feel like a total night owl now. My kids just went to bed at 9:00! They'll wake up around 9 am. Middle DD will take a nap, about 2 - 4 pm.


They can go to bed whenever they get tired (so if they're rubbing their eyes at 7, I put them to bed). My bedtime (about now!) is the end point when you have to get in bed.

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3 yo at 7

5 yo at 7:15

7 yo at 7:30


(I stagger these times as I'm on my own for bedtime and I can use the time in-between to brush teeth and have a couple minutes of talk and snuggle)


almost 9 yo and 10 yo at 8:30, read until 9 (almost 9 yo) or 9:30 (10 yo)

12 yo at 9pm, read until 10


The younger four all get up between 7 and 7:30 am, the 10 yo around 8 and the 12 yo whenever I drag her out of bed. :)

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It's based on how much sleep they need rather than age. Luckily, my younger children needs more sleep than her sister.


7yo: Bedtime is 7, lights out at 8

10 yo: Bedtime is 8:30, lights out at 10


Bedtime includes prep and read aloud.

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My husband works late and doesn't get in till midnight typically. On Monday and Wednesdays he goes to college so he is up by 7am other days he (we) sleep till 9amish... The kids can get up anywhere from 6am to 8am... but all are pretty comatose till I get up. They typically watch cartoons till I drag my butt up. We will eat something quick, do our chores and start school work by 11am the latest....


Some nights they stay up till 10pm.. and I feel like I am never getting a break from kids talking to me lately... I know its mainly with DH working late, doing school in the am.. and then barracading himself in the bedroom to do his homework and assignments before leaving for the workday..


I used to count down till 8 everynight and enjoyed my quiet time... perhaps I should get back to that :p

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Both kids start the bedtime process around 8 (brush teeth, into pjs, a couple chapters of storytime) in bed around 8:30. Usually. Later in the summer. Then they are allowed to read or play quietly with puzzles or draw until lights out around 10.


I go to bed around 11-11:30. DH is an hour or so after me. We all get up 7:30-8 am. We are lucky enough to not have jobs that require regular use of alarm clocks. :)

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12 year old can stay up until 9:30pm. Sometimes I'll let her read in bed until 10:00pm. She's up around 8am.


10 year old and 5 year old both go to bed at 9pm. They are up by 8am, but usually earlier, especially the 5 year old.


2 year old stays up until I go to bed, then we read a couple of books before going to sleep. That's anywhere from 9:30 to 11:30pm. She's usually up by 8am but takes a nap during the day.

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I guess we're the night-owls. My younger two go to bed around 10pm, but tonight they weren't tucked-in until 11. I didn't get home from school until 9:30pm, we had dinner about 10, and by the time we finished up and got ready for bed it was LATE! We did try to get them into bed by 9 and let them read for a while, but dinner just seems to keep getting pushed back.


The older boys typically go to bed around midnight.


The younger kids get up between 8:30-9:30, and the older boys get up between 10 and noon.

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We usually start bedtime routine around... 10:30. :D Brush teeth, go potty, wash hands, in bed by 1045, reading for the next 30-45 minutes, then she usually watches a movie before dropping off by midnight.


DD is 6, and usually wakes around 10, 1030. I'm in class until 1 some days and 315 others, so by the time I get home from school she is awake and dressed, has eaten, and is ready for whatever we're going to conquer that day. The schedule works out wonderful for us. I'd just feel terrible putting her to bed at 7 or 8 when I've only had a little time with her.

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Both kids go to bed by 11 pm. Sometimes DS puts himself in bed earlier. He will get in bed when he is tired. He wakes around 8, then once a week he sleeps in. DD sleeps until 10ish which means on a good day, we can finish school before she is up.

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Our dc never went to bed before 9, and were always up by 7 or 7:30. Of course, I have two w/ sleep issues, and they didn't sleep much even as infants. I do have one dd that would occasionally go to bed at 8:30. She still sleeps 12-13 hours at a stretch, and was the only one who ever napped.

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Ds bedtime 10:30, it's been that since he was 13.


Previously it was 9 or 9:30 depending on the day. Dh used to work late hours and we wanted him to be able to spend time with ds.


He currently gets up at 9am on school days, we start at 10-10:15. We are not morning people.


We have never started school before 9:30. One year we started at 11, that was when school took 3 hours.

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Mine are typically in bed by 8, and they can read until whenever. Usually the boys are asleep by 9, Bailey might be up until 10 or so, but they are all in bed. As Ellie pointed out, we've been together all day, and by then I need some down time.


We grownups are usually in bed, reading or watching tv, by 8:30-9:00. We're asleep by 10.


We are up by 5:30 or 6, the kids are up by 7.

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My kids go to bed between 7 and 7:30 most nights. We allow the older readers (8 and up) to read until 8:30. When DS turns 10 we've told him that he is going to start getting a later in bed time. One night a week is family game night and that pushes bedtime to 8. One night a week DH is gone until 7 and I put the kids down at 6 but allow them all to look at books quietly until DH comes in and tells them goodnight.


My oldest wakes up around 5:30 everyday. The later he goes to bed, the earlier he wakes; the six months he rose at 4am was excruciating. Everyone else is up between 6 and 7.

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8:30 or so until about 9yo, 9:00 when she was 10. Still 9 now, but it stretches some nights to 9:30. She has to get up by 7:15 for school (we leave the house at 8:10am), but when we homeschooled, she got up around 8 most days.


I don't really remember the boys' sked, but I'm pretty sure they went to bed around 8 as K'ers and then 8:30 and 9 as they got older, until Jr Hi when they got to 9:30.


I just need some time in the evenings, and they all needed sleep.

Boys were in school for Jr Hi --class started at 7:25am, so they needed to be up by 6:30, and that meant bed definitely before 10.

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