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I think I remember a similar thread about this subject not too long ago, but I can't find it so I thought I'd post.


Backstory: The good news is that DH found a job with great benefits after months of being underemployed (and non-insured with a recently diagnosed chronic illness) The bad news is that he will have to fly across the country for 10 days for training and will arrive back 3 days before my due date. Two of my kids were born a week or more before their due dates. My middle child was born on his due date. We are having a homebirth, and I have a history of quick and fairly easy labors (knock on wood) but of course I'm hoping DH will be there for the birth.


So, if anybody wants to share how close you were to your due date when your kids were born, and length of labor, I'd appreciate it. Yeah, I know it won't have any bearing on when this kid gets here, but hey, it gives me something to think about while I worry. :tongue_smilie:


Here are my stats:


Baby #1 (9 days early) 4 hr labor

Baby #2 (right on time) 3 hr labor

Baby #3 (16 days early) 5 hr labor

Baby #4 ????

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I've birthed two children. One was 10 days past the due date, the other was 16 days past the due date.


My first labor lasted roughly 15 hours. I started contractions around dinner and delivered around lunchtime the next day.


My second labor I started contractions as the sun was coming up, and delivered just before midnight.


My kids are dwaddlers -and sometimes pains in my backside- still ;).

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1st - 7 days late/24 hour labor (due on 23rd)

2nd - 8 days late/3 hours and 45 minutes labor (due on 23rd)

3rd - 14 days late/3 hours and 45 minutes labor (due on 23rd)

4th - 6 days late/3 hours and 45 minutes labor (due on 9th)

5th - 6 days late/3 hours and 45 minutes labor (due on 23rd)

6th - 5 days early/3 hours and 45 minutes labor (due on 10th)


My cycle was very regular. The two outliers were conceived while I was still nursing previous child. I think that's how they ended up with the wacky due dates.


My hubby travelled when my last one was due. He was gone Sunday evening through Thursday evening. The weekend before she was due was Labor day weekend so he had an extra day off. He came home and said, "You have three days." My water broke the next afternoon and she was born the following morning. :001_smile:

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1st - 7 days late 3 days labour

2nd - 2 days late 12 hours labour

3rd - 5 days late ( I think) I kept going into labour and stopping when we went to the hospital ( hour drive) the third time they broke my waters. I cannot remember how long the labor I think around 12 hours

4th - 20 days late induced 3 hours labour

5th - on due day 1 1/2 hours labour.

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Let's see - DD, 3 hrs. of low back ache that I couldn't define as labor, just achy. Then 11 hrs. of labor of which only three were intense. Bad, bad, bad doctor...idiot, should never have had a medical license so the delivery wasn't very smooth. Missed her due date by 18 minutes


Ds #1 - No labor I could identify, just general achiness, went into the hospital to have an ultrasound on a Saturday because they had some little concern (don't remember what though), found I was dilated to 5.5, broke my water, he was born three hrs. later. So, 3 hrs. of actual contractions that I was aware of and a VERY easy delivery with a lovely midwife and awesome L & D nurse who should be cloned! Born on his due date.


Ds #2 - Thought, hmmmm...maybe I'm having a contraction here or there and since things moved rather quickly with ds and hard labor began as soon as my water broke, I decided not to have that happen at home - no home birthing midwives in our area and a one hr. drive to the hospital. I was not at all uncomfortable though. Drove in around midnight, dilated to 6, they broke my water, he was born at 3:15 a.m. and really quite easy peasy....great midwife, great L & D nurse....loved these people. Born two days before his due date.


Ds #3 - They found his ingual canal hadn't close and possibly a portion of his intestine sagging into it on the ultrasound. Decided possibly delivery now instead of later would be better...told me to show up 12 hrs. later at the hospital to try some oxytocin gel or whatever that stuff is. Showed up and hadn't had a hint of a back ache or contraction but was already dilated to four and 75% effaced. Midwifes were running around everywhere - full moon, Murphy's Law, who knows....women in labor everywhere. They told us to take a nap. We did! It kept getting busier. So we just entertained ourselves. 12 hrs. later she finally shows up, I still haven't had a contraction but have dilated another centimeter, so she broke my water and he was born three hrs. later. Same easy delivery. Same awesome midwives and L & D nurses. Born on his due date.



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#1 -- 17 days early, 24 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress)


#2 -- 14 days early, 22 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress)


#3 -- 10 days early, 14 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress)


#4 -- 7 days early, 12 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress)


#5 -- 3 days early, 14 hr labor (with pitocin to help stalled labor progress)


#6 -- 7 days overdue, 6 hr labor followed by emergency c-section


#7 -- 10 days overdue, 4 hr labor at home while during chores, dilated to 8 when arrived at hospital, baby born before they finished getting my information into the computer system


#8 -- 14 days overdue, water broke but labor never started, c-section 18 hr later when baby started showing signs of distress



Given those statistics, if we have more babies I might end up with year long pregnancies! [not that they'd let me go that long of course :tongue_smilie:]

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DD1--2 days after due date, but labor started the night of her due date. 26 hours of labor.

DD2--5 days before due date. She kept flipping, so we scheduled her delivery and went in to be induced (ultrasound first to see if she was head down). Still flipping, so we had a c-section right then--no labor except the hour I was on pitocin before the second ultrasound showed her still flipping.

DD3--1 day before due date. Early contractions all day the day before, started to get serious about 11pm, born at 7:30 the next morning.


I consider all of these to be just about at the due date--I'm not really early or late.

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Let's see 1st born at 35.5weeks, c-section no labour

2nd 4 days late, 3 days early labor, 6 hours of active labour and pushing combined.

3rd born at 36 w exactly,induced, from first contraction to holding him 3 hours

4th born 35w2d long drawn out drama, but from the start of active labor to holding her 3hr 12 minutes, and she was born in an ambulance

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I just have one. He was born on his due date. I had no clearly identifiable labor, just a feeling. Spent about 8 hours in labor, but only 2 that I could say were really noticeable as labor.


My DIL just had a baby, and she was induced a week after her due date. She spent nearly 12 hours in exhausting labor.

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#1 - 7 days early, 2.5 hour labor

#2 - 11 days early, 7 hour labor

#3 - 14 days early, 8 hour labor

#4 - 16 days early, 7 hour labor

#5 - 3 days early, very mild cntx for 2+ hours (like if I hadn't already been IN the hospital, I probably wouldn't have gone in), then dr broke my water and he was born 40-45 minutes later.

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DS1 Due date

DD1 Due date

DS2 Due date

DS3 Due date

DD2 Due date

DD3 7 days late


First 5 delivered natural birth with midwife.......number 6 was an unstable transverse lie delivered by emergency c-section after she wouldn't turn.


I know this situation makes you anxious, but how wonderful to get a job in this economy. Try not to worry!


My BIL was in the Army reserves and was sent to Afghanistan just a few months after my SIL became pregnant. He missed 7 months of the pregnancy. They had only been married one year...first child for both of them. They flew him home for leave, her doctor induced, and he was there for the birth.

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DS1 - born at 37.5 weeks (induced, by an awful, incompetent OB) 20 hours of pointless, exhausting labor, 45 minutes of pushing.

DS2 - born at 40 weeks + 6 days (wonderful home birth) 5 hours, almost exactly, of intense but very manageable labor. Probably could have cut that time down by about an hour if I had found the magical "right position" right off the bat. Once I found the right position he was in my arms after less than 2 minutes of pushing.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Wow, lots of variation of dates and labor times.


Out of curiosity, has anyone here had their water break naturally *before* labor started? That has happened with all three of my births. It always happens when I lie down after a day of cleaning the house, either going to bed or taking a nap. Baby will be very active and then "pop," my water breaks. My oldest DD even remembers that happening when I was pregnant with my youngest, as she was lying down next to me. She actually heard it. My labor always starts within an hour after my water breaking, and progresses quickly.


Just a bit worried that that won't happen this time, you know? I like having that definite sign that baby is coming! :001_smile:

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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Wow, lots of variation of dates and labor times.


Out of curiosity, has anyone here had their water break naturally *before* labor started? That has happened with all three of my births. It always happens when I lie down after a day of cleaning the house, either going to bed or taking a nap. Baby will be very active and then "pop," my water breaks. My oldest DD even remembers that happening when I was pregnant with my youngest, as she was lying down next to me. She actually heard it. My labor always starts within an hour after my water breaking, and progresses quickly.


Just a bit worried that that won't happen this time, you know? I like having that definite sign that baby is coming! :001_smile:


Yup, That is how I have ended up with 3 preemies. My water likes to break right around 35weeks. With oldest my dh left for work, I rolled over to go back to sleep and pop. With number 3 I went to stand up and pop. And with the 4th I was rehanging the kitchen curtains (had them down to pain the kitchen earlier in teh week), as I reached over my head to hang them, pop.

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Yup, That is how I have ended up with 3 preemies. My water likes to break right around 35weeks. With oldest my dh left for work, I rolled over to go back to sleep and pop. With number 3 I went to stand up and pop. And with the 4th I was rehanging the kitchen curtains (had them down to pain the kitchen earlier in teh week), as I reached over my head to hang them, pop.

With my first, I got up in the morning to go to the bathroom, came back to bed and pop. I could definitely feel the pop.

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#1 - 1 day late. 7 hrs active labour.

#2 - 5 days late. about 4 hours.

#3 - 4 days late. less than 2.5 hrs - we barely made it to hospital!


ETA - my waters broke before contractions with my 1st and 3rd. With my 1st it took about 30 hours of mild contractions + syntocin to go into active labour. With my 3rd I went (exploded) into labour naturally within about 20 minutes, was holding my baby within 3 hours of waters breaking. Both times were early morning, 1st was on the toilet, 3rd was in bed - I managed to jump out just in time! Very strange feeling! #2, midwife broke my waters during 2nd stage.

Edited by LMD
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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Wow, lots of variation of dates and labor times.


Out of curiosity, has anyone here had their water break naturally *before* labor started? That has happened with all three of my births. It always happens when I lie down after a day of cleaning the house, either going to bed or taking a nap. Baby will be very active and then "pop," my water breaks. My oldest DD even remembers that happening when I was pregnant with my youngest, as she was lying down next to me. She actually heard it. My labor always starts within an hour after my water breaking, and progresses quickly.

Yes, mine did. I didn't have any trace of contractions for a couple of hours. My dr had me come in as soon as her office was open (My water broke around 7 am). I was wearing a pad; earlier at home while waiting to go to the dr, I sat on the toilet for a good 1/2 hr or so, just dribbling. (sorry if that's TMI). Anyway, at the dr's office, when she came in I said I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and there was a small wet spot on the paper that covered the exam bed. She said, "I don't think your water broke." I said, "I'm wearing a pad!" Sure enough, when she did the test, it was amniotic fluid.


My contractions came on very slowly, so they gave me pitocin around noon to speed things up.

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all 4 were 3 weeks early, 20.5 inches (the rumour is that that is all the room there is in there ; ).


dd28 - i woke up in labour at 6am. went to work. had lunch at the curling club. went home around 3pm. at 4 pm my mom said "do you notice that you're holding your breath every 3 minutes?" at which point we went to the hospital. military hospital in germany, no anesthetic for anything other than c-sections, which i wasn't. francophone ob/gyn. discovered i can only speak french until i'm in transition..... enter jamaican midwife.... who told ob/gyn to go sit in a corner until she called him.... bless her... two hours of hard labour, and dd appeared sunnyside up..... midwife was wonderful...


dd25 - woke up in labour at 6 am in canada. called mom who was three hours drive away. she got in the car and drove. called babysitter for dd. went to hospital with mom (dh was deployed). walked and played bridge until i couldn't track the cards being played.... pushed for two hours. wheeled into OR. anaesthesiologist whispered in my ear. "you can do this. i'm giving you two minutes before i put you under. listen to my voice. push...2...3... push...2...3 push...2...3" and there she was.


dd 13 - water broke at 5 am in usa. woke older two, we all sat on our bed and talked, got dressed, dh and i went for a walk and looked at the wild flowers. i ate breakfast with my mom, dh and the girls. i showered. we went to the hospital about 10am. midwife came and settled us in. in spite of written requests, they still hooked me up to every monitor available and made me stay in bed. kept pestering me trying to give me meds. i kept saying "i've done two without, this will be fine." midwife came, and said, "oh, you're only at 5 cm, it will be a while". to which i replied, "two hours, tops". she went to her office. 1.5 hours later, i'm ringing the buzzer, the nurses think i want meds, i ask to be checked, they think there's no point, but finally do to keep me quiet at which point one of them says "get the midwife" and the then says to me "pant and blow, pant and blow".... and i pant and blow for ten minutes while the midwife comes from her office. dh says that at one point i asked "is there any reason why i can't just push?" to which they replied "because there is no midwife here". dh says i then stated "let's be clear here. i'm panting and blowing so no one gets into trouble, right?" midwife walked thru the door, saw me on my side, said "you look comfortable. here put your foot on my shoulder. all right, push." and two pushes later, there she was : ). definitely the easiest of the four.


dd 12. her heart beat kept disappearing. i went in for a tape on the tuesday, and again on the friday. they asked if i wanted to be induced. i said no, unless they thought i needed to be. they said they'd give me the weekend. no movement from saturday night until sunday morning, so we got dressed for church, dmil took girls to church, dh took me to hospital for a tape and they said, nope, today's the day. they put in an epidural port in case they needed to put me under quickly, but no meds. an iv with some petocin. two hours labour, ten minutes hard work, at which point i apparently said "i remember this part. i hate this part." and there she was, cord around the neck, like two of her other sisters, which accounted for the heartbeat issue.


it will be what it will be......



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DD#1 - 3 wks late, 2 inductions that didn't take, finally born on the 3rd try after 20 hours - whew!


DD#2 - a few days early, about 8 hours active labor


DD#3 - a few days early, technically about 27 hours labor but only about 4 of them were painful.


So, hang in there and take heart! Praying for a smooth time and a present DH! :grouphug:

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#1 - 7 days late, 84 hour labor, hospital birth

#2 - 5 days late, 2 1/2 hour labor, freestanding birthing center birth

#3 - 10 days late, 10 1/2 hour labor, home birth

#4 - 12 days late, piddly on and off labor that's impossible to say exactly how long it was, but once the contractions got regular he was born in 2 hours, home waterbirth


All of the due dates were exact and calculated from ovulation date.

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Only one birth...


dd was born 5 days before her due date. After 15 hrs of labor (very active due to pitocin! growl, hiss) I had made it to 3 cm dilation, and then had a c section when her heartbeat disappeared :glare:.


She was just one of those babies. You know, the very difficult kind. :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Wow, lots of variation of dates and labor times.


Out of curiosity, has anyone here had their water break naturally *before* labor started? That has happened with all three of my births. It always happens when I lie down after a day of cleaning the house, either going to bed or taking a nap. Baby will be very active and then "pop," my water breaks. My oldest DD even remembers that happening when I was pregnant with my youngest, as she was lying down next to me. She actually heard it. My labor always starts within an hour after my water breaking, and progresses quickly.


Just a bit worried that that won't happen this time, you know? I like having that definite sign that baby is coming! :001_smile:


My mother's water always broke before her labors started (there are 6 of us kids). In fact, she never dilated past a 1 until after her water broke. She was in an absolute panic for weeks while I was pregnant with DS2 because I was practically dilated to a 6 before labor actually started. She was convinced that my water had broken and I was actually in labor and that I didn't know it. She was also convinced that he was just going to fall out while I was walking around. Until both DH and my dad stepped in she was calling me a couple times an hour because of these worries. Very annoying at the time, though highly amusing in hindsight.

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Baby 1: 42 hours labor (yes Pitosin was started at hour 2 then maxed out) and he was 3 weeks OVERDUE!!


Baby 2: 31 hours labor (whew!) she was born one week late.


Baby 3: 17 hours labor (full pitosin) and also was born one week late, all my kids were at 9 pounds or over....one had a tooth coming in at 4 weeks...they just did not like to come out!! Too cosy in there! :)


But, I will say with all those hours of labor, I only pushed ONCE to pop the head and shoulders out and a gentle push to get the rest out..that was my only saving grace! :)

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