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Do you have a favorite season? If so...

What is your favorite season?  

  1. 1. What is your favorite season?

    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall

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Is your choice affected by the weather in the location you live? My favorite season was not always fall, but it is now - for a myriad of reasons--one of which is that it follows a very *hot* summer. It is a delightfully cool and beautiful season in my area. I used to love summer, but that was when I *had* a summer as a child (ie - no school, work, etc.) and it was not so hot where I was growing up. Fall is now the quintessential season for me. New school year, new books, lovely weather, cinnamon, nutmeg, cranberry-spiced candles – YUM!


So, do you have a favorite season and why? :001_smile:

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When the leaves first start coming out, the green is so much brighter than the dark greens that have been beaten down by the sun towards the end of summer.


I love the feeling of really starting to be able to notice the longer days. I love the warmer but breezy and moist weather.


I love "spring" colors as a fashion. I'm a spring, if people still do color coding on themselves.


I used to love fall, but I lost a baby in the fall, and while I feel completely emotionally stable, fall has just never smelled and looked quite the same.

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I said spring, but it's really a toss-up between spring and fall. I LOVE it when the weather starts to warm up enough that we don't need a jacket here in MI. It's just so freeing!! And, I love the flowers and the smell of rain. I even love a good thunderstorm!


But, fall is nice too. I love the colors and the cooler weather after a hot summer. But, knowing that winter is coming and the fact that I have to get out all the winter jackets and boots and all the things that take extra time, makes fall difficult. Knowing Christmas is just around the corner helps though!

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Lizard Woman here.

I grew up in San Antonio.

I LOVE summer! I need the heat!


This Dallas cool stuff just ain't the same.....


Dallas is cool? Is that for real or are you just being silly. I don't imagine Dallas as cool at all! :tongue_smilie:

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I said spring, but it's really a toss-up between spring and fall. I LOVE it when the weather starts to warm up enough that we don't need a jacket here in MI. It's just so freeing!! And, I love the flowers and the smell of rain. I even love a good thunderstorm!


But, fall is nice too. I love the colors and the cooler weather after a hot summer. But, knowing that winter is coming and the fact that I have to get out all the winter jackets and boots and all the things that take extra time, makes fall difficult. Knowing Christmas is just around the corner helps though!

This could've been me writing this! I love the longer days and the freshness and newness of Spring! So I voted Spring.


Another thing I like about Fall is that my Birthday, dh's Birthday (well his is at the end of summer, but close) and ds14'sBirthday are in that season.

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But, knowing that winter is coming and the fact that I have to get out all the winter jackets and boots and all the things that take extra time, makes fall difficult. Knowing Christmas is just around the corner helps though!


You know I have never experienced a winter like that so it is just so hard for me to imagine! We rarely even go below freezing except at night and then even that it happens pretty infrequently. I think I should experience a true northern winter some year so I can really appreciate the struggles and joys of it. :)

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Dallas is cool? Is that for real or are you just being silly. I don't imagine Dallas as cool at all! :tongue_smilie:



Dallas CAN get hot enough, but it takes so LONG!! I was still wearing jeans up to a couple weeks ago cuz of the cool weather. In SA, I really liked being in shorts by valentine's day and till the first week of december :)


Up here it starts getting too cool for me starting in Oct.

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I live in Ohio, where we definitely have four distinct seasons. I love the spring and summer because we can get out in the fresh air, get lots of sunlight ( lack of sunlight tends to depress me in the winter), enjoy nature, etc. Spring is wonderful and glorious here when it finally arrives after months of cold weather. The days are longer and brighter. Everything turns green again, the buds on trees turn into leaves and blossoms, the flowers bloom, the birds return. I love summer because we can grill out, go swimming, take a break from schoolwork and just play.

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I love autumn, but there's too much green here year-round for autumn to be breathtaking. And I miss walking through huge piles of crunchy dry leaves... the leaves never get dry enough here...

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I love the colors, the cooler days after a hot summer, and getting back into a "normal" routine after spending all of summer in the pool.


Spring is also great. Warmer days after a cold winter, and beautiful flowers, and the site of the garden being planted.


I appreciate winter for all the "inside" time, and summer for the chance to relax and play

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FALL for this New England Girl. I love the smells, sounds and sights. I muddle through spring and summer although I love seeing everything bloom and summer fruit but give me fall and winter any day.


That is one thing I miss down here... the color of my New York neighborhood. Those Maples were unreal! Atl has color but nothing like the NE.

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Another autumn-loving New Englander here. I never got used to the seasons in Northern California, and my first autumn back east after almost ten years was a little taste of heaven. My dw dreads the fall because it means winter is coming, but I wait all year for it. :)

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Lizard Woman here.

I grew up in San Antonio.

I LOVE summer! I need the heat!


This Dallas cool stuff just ain't the same.....


Snake woman here! I love the hot rocks at the beach. When I stretch out on them I always think of turtles, lizards, and snakes....I too am really cold blooded.

Love it here in Florida. Yes, it does get hot, that is why we have an ocean.

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Another autumn-loving New Englander here. I never got used to the seasons in Northern California, and my first autumn back east after almost ten years was a little taste of heaven. My dw dreads the fall because it means winter is coming, but I wait all year for it. :)


I know what dw feels.

I only like the first 8 weeks of Winter. (I was in Alaska).

I have a question - No. Cali. seasons - were they wetter or just not as blue sky as in the east? Not as brilliant of a fall? How are they so different?

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I have a question - No. Cali. seasons - were they wetter or just not as blue sky as in the east? Not as brilliant of a fall? How are they so different?


We were in San Francisco. The Bay Area has micro-climates, so things may be quite different even a few miles away. The next neighborhood over was often 10 degrees hotter than ours!


Where were were, winter ran from November through January and consisted of near-daily cold rain. Spring began in February and gave way to a sort of endless string of sunny days with cool evenings. (A native once told me to "bring sleeves" if I was going to be out past 4 p.m.) Summer was surprisingly cool and foggy in the afternoons; you could always tell the tourists because they were the ones wearing shorts and brand-new SF sweatshirts in July. ;) Autumn was the hot season; we planned our outdoor wedding and reception for mid-October because we were almost assured of good weather.


In other words, for this born-and-bred Northeasterner, it was totally upside-down. :)

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I was torn between fall and winter. My favorite time of year is September through about January. I could skip Feb.- April and then enjoy May-Aug 2nd.


I chose winter because I just really love the snow and coziness of being home and the colder weather. That was in MN. Now I've moved here and it's spring weather all year around. It gets a little monotonous!

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I voted fall. I hate the heat and bugs of summer. I love the temps of spring, but the pollens and such here make it impossible for me to get out and enjoy. I always end up on meds around May due to sinus infections. I would love winter if we had a true winter here with some snow. So fall wins. It is getting cooler. The bugs are going away. The chill in the air. I just love fall.

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I used to be a summer lover and thought it could never be too hot for me. Now I can't stand the 90+ days that I used to love. I enjoy Fall most but not for the colors as most, it's all because my favorite holiday is in Fall. I love Halloween even more than Christmas so that's why fall is my favorite.


Now that I don't like the heat my dreams of moving to Texas have been replaced with dreams of moving to Montana or Alaska.

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I voted spring, I love it when nature comes alive. Both dh and I grew up in the mid-west and we HATE (I seldom use that word) snow and ice. I could have voted winter now because it is beautiful down here. We've been here two years.


I did Christmas shopping in capris and flip flops, never wore a winter coat, and got to ride my bike in February. It will take years before the cool factor in that wears off. For once in my life I feel like I've lived for 12 months of the year, not just 9.

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We live in New Jersey, in a not-so-scenic part of it, but we still live within short driving distance of some very pretty (to me, at least) places. We can get to the Atlantic Ocean in about 30 minutes, up into the hills in 10 minutes, and down into the Pines in about 40 minutes. We can be in Lancaster, PA in 45 minutes. So... depending on the season, there is always a beautiful place to be.


Summer -- hot and humid. My husband is from California (San Jose), and he HATES the humidity, but I actually like to sweat and droop for a few months of the year. I would probably never put on the AC, for myself, but for the children and my husband, I leave it on.


Autumn -- cool, crisp and colorful. We love to get out then and go to arts and craftsy places, like Lahaska and Howell Farm and anywhere with "flaming trees." It's colorful, if the weather cooperates and gives us warm, sunny days and cool, clear nights. Not too much rain. We do NOT even compare to New England!


Winter -- actually, quite mild lately, but we've had a few really easy and warm winters, with not a lot of snow. I have to admit, I am liking winter less than I did when I was a kid and could get out to make snow forts!


Spring -- dainty little pastel flowers on trees with little green leaves. To me, spring here is like a fairy land, if it doesn't rain too much. It always reminds me of the scene in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in which Aslan returns, and spring comes to Narnia. It's like that here.


No favorite, really, because I like the changing of the seasons.

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So, do you have a favorite season and why? :001_smile:


I can honestly say I enjoy all four seasons, but it seems of late like our seasons aren't as delineated as I'd prefer. I love the idea of spring ~ new life! ~ and I love the glory of my spring garden. But all too often, the days still feel cold and I look longingly toward a break in the monotony. Summer is lovely, but when we have a good, hot summer (it's been a while!), I'm ready for autumn when the time arrives. Winter is...ahhh!...winter! That's when I love cozying up by the wood stove. (I don't want to be using the wood stove in early June!!!) Brisk weather and dark evenings and candles and scones and...I do love winter! I wish ours was more a "true" winter, though.


So we come to autumn. A time for beginnings and endings. Spices and tea and pumpkins and glorious colors and that certain smell and feel in the air. I love it! My favorite days are sunny, cool, autumn days.:)

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I love how the trees turn yellow and brown and orange and red... I love how in the afternoon, it can be warm in the sunlight and cool in the shade... I love how the leaves dance in the air and make soft gentle footsteps as they pitter patter across the road... I love the colors of the harvest: pumpkins, chili ristras, faded cornstalks... I love picking out a hugh pumpkin and spending all afternoon making pumpkin puree for pumpkin pie... I love the celebration of fall at the state fair: walking through the walk way that goes under the horse racing track and seeing the jockeys warming up their horses and hearing the hoofbeats on the soft dirt, and eating roasted corn, candy apples, and fried bread, and picking up freebees at the trade fair exhibit, and walking through the exhibits (4H, livestock, art, etc.) and looking at all the wonderful things that people have made (young and old alike).


Amd I love how Creation slowly turns to brown, red, yellow, and orange before its long winter nap.


And being a part of all of this, I cannot help but be thankful. Maybe that's why we have a holiday for giving thanks to the One who gives us such as beautiful fall season. May be it is because we are unable to keep to ourselves our praises to God for giving us such beauty ...We need to give thanks.


Claire in NM

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It was a toss-up between fall and spring, but spring wins for me, this year anyway. I don't like too hot or too cold weather. I'm Goldilocks that way. Spring and fall both have great weather here, but after such a brown, dead winter, this very-visual girl wants to see some color! So spring it is!

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I like fall. I would probably like winter the best if we HAD winter. We have spring, summer, summer, summer, summer, fall, and gray. Those are our seasons. No winter, just gray. Or maybe we could call it blah.


Have I mentioned lately that I really don't like the climate I live in? I dream of getting out of here and going north. And fortunately I can go north without getting on I40. But I cannot convince my husband to go north. And I can't live without him, so I am stuck in a climate that I don't like.

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I put Spring, but could as easily have put Winter. We don't really honestly have a "Fall" here, it's the desert. We have a not very cold winter, a spring that's pleasant until the triple digits come, a very long Summer, and a Monsoon Season tucked into summer. I suppose you could call the period between the end of monsoon season and winter Fall, but it seems a bit nonsensical when you consider that it's a big growing season, etc., and still pretty darn hot. It was still triple digits in October the year DD was born. I personally count summer as lasting from the first 100+ degree day to the last one, again with monsoon (which is humid but doesn't always involve actual rain) tucked in there in late July-August, sometimes into Sept.


I dislike summer and loathe monsoon, but I'm a total wimp about even a little cold so don't especially like winter, either. That leaves spring!


Okay, mostly I just detest this climate...

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I like summer the best. The weather is usually warm. I don't have to wear as many clothes or turn on the heat. The birds are here, everything is in bloom. We can go to the beach or the mountains. It is perfect.


I hate winter, which IMO lasts from November until May in Massachusetts.



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I love the cool, windy fall weather after a long hot summer. My choice is largely based on where I live. My region is all deciduous trees, and I love the color. I love the sound of the wind. I love to take walks and feel the wind and the leaves swirling around me.


The down side is winters here are downright *ugly* unless there is snow on the ground. My absolute least favorite month is November, when the weather turns colder, and it rains the whole month. By this time the leaves are all gone and all you see is dead stick and brown instead of grass. It is positively dreary.


But it does make the snow welcome and the spring all that much nicer :001_smile:

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Is your choice affected by the weather in the location you live? My favorite season was not always fall, but it is now - for a myriad of reasons--one of which is that it follows a very *hot* summer. It is a delightfully cool and beautiful season in my area. I used to love summer, but that was when I *had* a summer as a child (ie - no school, work, etc.) and it was not so hot where I was growing up. Fall is now the quintessential season for me. New school year, new books, lovely weather, cinnamon, nutmeg, cranberry-spiced candles – YUM!


So, do you have a favorite season and why? :001_smile:


Fall - for many of the same reasons you listed. :D


And growing up in So. CA - it used to be summer for me too. ;)

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Wow! I'm surprised by how many chose fall... it's my favorite, but we don't really have it around here. Fall reminds me of my childhood, though, when I lived where we had trees that turned color and air that smelled smokey and... sigh. I do love fall.... at least my memories of it!

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I love that there are seasos at all. If it were up to me, since I love routine, I would get one I liked and never change. However, God knew better and I am so delighted with each time we cycle around. A familiar and dependable surprise around every corner of the calendar.

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