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Do you know anyone who has overcome cancer with natural foods/supplements/methods?

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My dad extended his life 9 years, but cancer still took his life. He did the Gerson Therapy. At that time, late 80's it was illegal in the US, so he had to go to Mexico. There's a documentary about it on Netflix Instant Watch. My dad's cancer was one of the types that they can't cure, but it still helped some. He had cancer of the nervous system, very rare.

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Googling about this gets me all kinds of answers. I'm wondering if anyone here has or knows firsthand someone who has chosen this route over chemo/radiation.






Everyone I have known who has done the "natural" has done it after the traditional, or with oncologist's knowledge, in conjunction with traditional treatment, but I don't think I know anyone who has done it instead of.


There is one woman I know who I think may have done the natural only treatment, but she might have had surgery too. She died of a recurrence.


I know several people who have beaten cancer. They all went the traditional route, with one who also added some traditional Chinese medicine to traditional western treatment, with his oncologist's knowledge and approval.


What can be dangerous is doing what one thinks of as "natural" treatment while undergoing traditional treatment because they now know that high levels of certain supplements actually protect the cancer cells from chemo, radiation, etc. and those patients have worse outcomes. There is an interesting preliminary study out now that mice respond better to chemo when fasting. I believe there are some human clinical trials being done. The theory is that normal cells can survive deprivation better than cancer cells which need to suck up nutrients. So fasting 2 days before and on the day of chemo leaves the cancer cells more vulnerable to the chemo and normal cells less so. Bottom line is any cancer patient should tell their oncologist about any plans they have for "natural" treatments.

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There is an interesting preliminary study out now that mice respond better to chemo when fasting. I believe there are some human clinical trials being done. The theory is that normal cells can survive deprivation better than cancer cells which need to suck up nutrients. So fasting 2 days before and on the day of chemo leaves the cancer cells more vulnerable to the chemo and normal cells less so.


Do you know where I could find out more about this?

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I've known two people who did it instead of chemo/radiation. One went to Mexico for natural treatments and one did not. Both died of cancer after initially thinking that because they felt better at first that they were getting better. Once they realized that it was not getting better, it was in the end-stages for both of them.


I've known other people who did it along with chemo/radiation. They've beaten the cancer and had some tough times but felt better overall from having the natural/nutritional help, I think.


BTW - I do lots of natural treatments for my chronic problems and have gotten a lot of relief from them, so I'm not anti-natural treatments.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I've known two people who did it instead of chemo/radiation. One went to Mexico for natural treatments and one did not. Both died of cancer after initially thinking that because they felt better at first that they were getting better. Once they realized that it was not getting better, it was in the end-stages for both of them.


I've known other people who did it along with chemo/radiation. They've beaten the cancer and had some tough times but felt better overall from having the natural/nutritional help, I think.



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Googling about this gets me all kinds of answers. I'm wondering if anyone here has or knows firsthand someone who has chosen this route over chemo/radiation.




I have a cousin who tried to cure herself of breast cancer through natural methods. She even traveled to Mexico for some kind of treatment there. Nothing helped and the cancer got much worse, by the time she sought standard medical treatment it was too late. Had she followed the recommended medical treatment when the cancer was first diagnosed, there is a very good chance things would have turned out differently. She left a husband and four small children behind.

My personal take would be go ahead and use natural remedies and long as you research their safety and discuss them with your doctor--but don't do it instead of standard medical treatment. I know the standard treatments are awful to go through and expensive and don't guarantee a cure, but there is more research and science behind them than behind alternative treatments (which mostly rely on testimonials to promote themselves, not scientific studies). A better diet is probably helpful, certain supplements may be good (but may work against you as well--things that normally promote healthy, vital growth and functioning might just encourage the growth of cancerous tissue). Find a good doctor and work closely with them.



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Googling about this gets me all kinds of answers. I'm wondering if anyone here has or knows firsthand someone who has chosen this route over chemo/radiation.




I don't know if this answer will help you or not, but my friend, who is an oncology nurse, said she did see positive outcomes for people who used alternative healing treatments while they were also using standard care (chemo and/or radiation). She said she felt the people who did this more often had the emotional fortitude that some non-alternative users did not.

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I've done some reading about nutrition and cancer, but it's left me unconvinced. I am working on improving my diet since my diagnosis, not so much to fight the cancer as to prevent other conditions that would require medication. My goal is to avoid any conditions or medications that would complicate my cancer treatment or vice versa. There is apparently some correlation between the type of leukemia I have and high blood pressure and insulin resistance. I think that both of those things can be improved if not completely controlled with good nutrition. I am writing this after eating pancakes made with white flour for lunch. :tongue_smilie: But I do eat salad as a meal and lots of fruit almost every day, and I have reduced processed carbs and sugar considerably.

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Please, please, please use googlescholar when searching for valid cancer therapies, diet etc. I am a cancer nurse, and I cringe to read what some people recommend. For example, antioxidants are touted as preventing cancer and they do, but they act by protecting cells. Therefore, when a person has cancer and takes, eats, lots of antioxidants, the protective properties PROTECT the cancer cells. There are lots of studies on this. Antioxidants increase reoccurance and while they can decrease side effects of radiation and things, they also protect cancer cells from dying.


Some cancers that are claimed to be "Cured" by diet are the type that can regress on their own without intervention (There are only a couple types of these). There are also many invalid studies on google without adequate follow up, inadequate numbers and inadequate dosing of traditional treatments when compared with nontraditional treatments that skew results.


The most debilitating diet deficiency I see in cancer patients that affects their health and healing is albumin. Low albumin prohibits healing and markedly decreases strength. I recommend a high protein diet for patients with low albumin levels and when they get to a point where their appetite is decreased, I recommend eating proteins and protein supplement drinks 1st. Your body needs protein to rebuild cells and tissues and for immunity.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. I would just hate to see someone aggravate their cancer, by trying to improve their health without thoroughly investigating it with credible science.

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I've known two people who did it instead of chemo/radiation. One went to Mexico for natural treatments and one did not. Both died of cancer after initially thinking that because they felt better at first that they were getting better. Once they realized that it was not getting better, it was in the end-stages for both of them.


This is my experience, too, minus Mexico. Two people, no extension of life. One was my FIL. :-(

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Yes. A very good friend of mine (former homeschooler- her kids have both graduated) was diagnosed 5 yrs ago. Her mom died at age 41 of breast cancer. She was diagnosed and had a lumpectomy but did not follow up with chemo or radiation. They won't "say" she's in remission becasue she didn't follow a prescribed treatment plan.

She eats totally "clean" organic, holistic food and takes a boatload of supplements.

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Ah, but this is different. She had the lumpectomy, most likely had clean margins, and opted out of further treatment. Hopefully, this will be the end of it for her and she'll stay healthy. Many women opt for this, after surgery.


I'm a cancer survivor who underwent many surgeries, chemo, and follow up medication for breast cancer. I also used certain vitamins and supplements that my oncologist was fine with. As much of a nutrition geek as I am, I had no peace opting out of the traditional route in favor of strictly alternative treatments. That's fine for cholesterol, menopause symptoms, and the like. But cancer, nope, no way. I wasn't willing to experiment when I could get the masses removed and then nuke the heck out of my body for a period of time. And I don't say this lightly, since I've BTDT.


I have an acquaintance, OTOH, who has had no surgery (went alternative) and her breast cancer soon metastasized and now she's chasing it to hold on to her life. It's not looking good as she's now stage 4. She has kids, too, and it's very sad.

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MIL had end stage brain tumors (melanoma) and given 6 months to live. While doing Gamma Knife (laser) treatment to shrink brain tumors, an emergency crainotonomy, and numerous removal of malignant moles on her body. They condoned the use of homeopathic drops along with treatment. But MIL died 5.5 months after original dx as predicted.

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I have a very close friend who was diagnosed with cancer many years ago. She ate a macrobiotic diet and her cancer disappeared completely. I did a small research paper on macrobiotics in college and it was very convincing. I do not myself use a completely macrobiotic diet, but I know for sure that if I were ever diagnosed with cancer myself, I would go 100% macrobiotic before trying any other treatment.

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There is amazing research done on the benefits of human breastmilk; particularly something called HAMLIN. The results are staggering and if it would become widely known, there would be lots of pharmacutical companies that could suffer.


That is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. This article refers to it as HAMLET(Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumour cells).



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My dad's cancer was one of the types that they can't cure, but it still helped some. He had cancer of the nervous system, very rare.


I was talking to someone in the hospital waiting room the other week whose daughter has this kind of cancer. Combining all the natural things with the chemo has kept her going for five years so far. As others have said, there are certain supplements you mustn't take immediately before and after some types of chemo, so it needs to be done with open communication between family and hospital staff.


On a personal note, don't let anyone be moved during the danger period after chemo. People with no white blood cells shouldn't be gallivanting...



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I think there are steps to pursue while also seeking tx. My cancer was caught early, I had radiation only and two surgeries, no chemo. I took care of myself during tx, but I honestly can't imagine not seeking traditional tx, especially at an early stage. I understand why people would, and I think the two can used in conjunction, but not in isolation.


I probably wouldn't be around if I had waited to pursue tx; although my type of cancer has a decent cure rate people still die from it. If I had survived the likelihood of ds being here would be very limited. The original course of prescribed tx would have eliminated my fertility. Because it was an early stage we opted for a different course of tx. Ds was born about 3 1/2 after my diagnosis.


My neighbor is starting her third course of chemo for persistent cancers. Her dh has somewhat resigned himself to the fact she will not make it. When it comes to being poked and prodded every day to just live, I can see making a choice as to whether to continue tx or just enjoy the time you have left. I don't think that's the type of choice to make at the initial diagnosis. God gives us wisdom, he also gives it to the doctors. I am not a "doctor is always right" person, in fact I now hate going to the doctor, but in the area of cancer tx, I defer to the specialists.

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My dad extended his life 9 years, but cancer still took his life. He did the Gerson Therapy. At that time, late 80's it was illegal in the US, so he had to go to Mexico. There's a documentary about it on Netflix Instant Watch. My dad's cancer was one of the types that they can't cure, but it still helped some. He had cancer of the nervous system, very rare.


I'm at home now on a regular keyboard (before I was on my mobile phone) so I can write a little more about this. The Gerson Therapy is VERY drastic, and should only be attempted if the patient and the whole family are willing to put 110% into it. I would also only recommend it if it's the only option left, because it is so drastic. If I had cancer today, and I had traditional/natural hybrid options, I would go with that. The Gerson Therapy requires juicing every hour on the hour, and each juice must be fresh and made with a two step process (not the Juiceman Jr. one step juice). So, it's a 24hr. job to do this treatment. There are no animal products or commercially processed foods allowed. The diet is the strictest I have ever seen. The program is the strictest I have ever encountered...coffee enemas, baby cow liver juice, potassium shots...home grown organic foods. It literally takes the whole family working around the clock to administer the treatment properly. The patient also must go to Mexico (at least that's the way it was) to undergo a very difficult detox program. The idea is that if the body is eliminated of toxins, and if the body is given proper nutrition through raw organic freshly squeezed vegetable juice and fresh raw vegetables around the clock as well as with the shots and the enemas, then the body will begin to repair itself and eliminate the cancer cells. They used to teach (I don't know if this is the current teaching, but back in the 80's) that animal products: meat, dairy, etc. feed the cancer cells and help them to multiply. So, by eliminating those things you starve them, and then the good cells can conquer the cancer cells.


Of course, this is all what the Gerson people say. I am not a scientist, nurse, doctor or anything of the kind, just a participant in the program. So, I don't claim to know if these things are true or not. My dad did significantly increase his life-span though. When he was on the program after about a year of the intense treatment, he was doing much better. As long as he stayed on it, he did well. When he slipped out of it and began eating animal products and processed foods again, his health declined. He finally gave up on the program all together and he died a few years later. He lived a total of 9 years longer than the doctors told him he would live when he was doing radiation treatment.


Here is a link to the Gerson website: http://www.gerson.org/


Here is a link to the documentary on Netflix: http://movies.netflix.com/Movie/The-Gerson-Miracle/70113618

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Yes. A very good friend of mine (former homeschooler- her kids have both graduated) was diagnosed 5 yrs ago. Her mom died at age 41 of breast cancer. She was diagnosed and had a lumpectomy but did not follow up with chemo or radiation. They won't "say" she's in remission becasue she didn't follow a prescribed treatment plan.

She eats totally "clean" organic, holistic food and takes a boatload of supplements.


She has surgery to remove the cancer. Follow-up treatment is generally advised even if the doctors think they removed everything. I would not at all consider that curing herself with supplements. The likeliest scenario by far is that the surgeon succeeded in removing all of it, not that diets or supplements cured remaining cancer cells.


I think it's great that she eats healthy, organic food. I don't think that's what cured her cancer, though.

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That is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. This article refers to it as HAMLET(Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumour cells).




Yes, you are right... It has been a while since I have done any research on it and it has been a long day. Thanks for the correction. :001_smile:

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I do not know anyone who has been cured while using only non-traditional methods. (I do not use natural, because many chemo meds are natural, but not all natural things are good for us). A family member had a lumpectomy and skipped chemo and radiation only to have the cancer return 6 years later. She changed her diet and used some supplements instead the first time. She did do the Chemo and radiation this time, but once it recurs the chance of survival goes down, so who knows what will happen in a few years.


During my son's treatment (he had leukemia with a 94% survival rate) we used some supplements to help keep his body strong, and he did fine during chemo (all with the doc's knowledge). Moms who were bfing were encouraged to continue with that during chemo, we were encouraged to keep salt and sugar to a minimum and increase veggie consumption. Many chemo drugs interact with food that we eat like citrus and dairy, so we had to keep him away from those on days when he took certain meds. If there were another treatment out there that offered a 94% survival rate (many people who were treated 30 years ago are still alive, have families, and have moved on), then I would have opted for that, but most treatments just reduce the cancer load but do not eradicate the cells all together. Until my son's diagnosis I had no idea what cancer really was, how it started, or how many things had to go wrong to make those cancer cells replicate and take over. I do hope that with the new targeted therapies and all the docs are learning about genetics (not heredity, but genes related to cancers and other conditions) that some day there will be a cure or a way to prevent all of these cancers. It is really fascinating some of the things that are coming out now.


Sorry for the book, in short, no I do not know anyone that has had long term success with non-traditional treatments.

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She has surgery to remove the cancer. Follow-up treatment is generally advised even if the doctors think they removed everything. I would not at all consider that curing herself with supplements. The likeliest scenario by far is that the surgeon succeeded in removing all of it, not that diets or supplements cured remaining cancer cells.


I think it's great that she eats healthy, organic food. I don't think that's what cured her cancer, though.


You're right.

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I do know an acquaintance who chose an extremely rigorous routine of juicing and it cured his cancer. It is not a Juiceman, but some contraption mounted on his counter. I don't remember what kind of cancer (colon?) he had or what he said his routine was, but I remember his daughter saying it took EVERY thing they had to get him through it.


I met him 10 years ago and he was cancer free then and remains to this day.


That said, I have known others who tried everything that came along and still lost the battle.


I think it is a very personal choice and the patient is the one who must make it and be able to accept the outcome, come what may...and hopefully with their loved ones in mind as well.

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No, but I know people who have died doing that.


Please, please, do not opt out of proper conventional medical treatment for cancer. Please don't do this, and if if it someone else in your life considering it, please ask him or her to reconsider. Radiation and chemotherapy are no fun, but there can be life afterwards.



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She was diagnosed and had a lumpectomy but did not follow up with chemo or radiation. They won't "say" she's in remission becasue she didn't follow a prescribed treatment plan.

She eats totally "clean" organic, holistic food and takes a boatload of supplements.


Interesting. What DO they "say"?


That it just spontaneously disappeared? A miracle? Disregard her entirely as if she weren't a patient?

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Yes, I do.


My cousin-in-law had cervical cancer. This was back in the early 80s. She refused chemo/radiation, and instead went with a supplement and barley green drink regimen implemented by a holistic doctor. The cancer died, and she is still alive and healthy.


I have a friend that is a retired Delta pilot, that had prostate cancer. He changed his diet and had nutritional IVs at a clinic in AZ. They were three times a week for 6 months. He is now cancer free and healthy.


I have another friend that had lung cancer. His doctor told him he had 5 months to live, even with chemo/radiation. He didn't do that, and went with a total diet change and nutritional IVs. In 5 months, his cancer was gone and he is now out playing golf every day.


I know more. Yes.


And as to the remarks that Steve Jobs tried alternative treatments first....his cancer was not one that responds to chemo or radiation. Surgery is the only 'cure' for neuroendocrine tumors, and by the time they are discovered, they are usually inoperable, as was the case with Steve Jobs. Most people that are cured of NETs have their tumors discovered by accident during a CT scan for a different problem, or a surgery for a different thing, while it is still small enough to be removed. Steve Jobs didn't make a bad decision with the type of cancer he had. He did what he could.


But whether or not someone chooses alternative or traditional...it is totally their choice. It's their body; their choice. It doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks a cancer patient should do; they need to do what they are comfortable doing. And the people around them shouldn't try to talk them out of their decisions; they should support them, whatever they choose, no matter how much those around them object to it or if they wouldn't choose it for themselves. When it's your turn, then you can make your own decision for yourself. But don't try to make decisions for others. They need support and love; they don't need to constantly defend their decisions to others.


Does alternative medicine always cure cancer for everyone? No. But, yes, it does for some people.


It's the same with traditional medicine. Does it cure everyone with cancer? No. But, yes, it does for some people.


Personally, I've known more people who beat cancer with alternative methods, and they felt terrific while going through the treatments. Changing how they ate was hard, and following the protocols was hard, but they felt healthy and strong during the treatments and afterward.


Every.Single.Person I have known with cancer that went the traditional route has had a miserable existence during treatment, and then they still died. I know others have different experiences, but this is what I, personally, have seen in my 52 years of life.


So, let the cancer patient decide which route they want to go and they will either live or die with the results. But, honor their choice. It's theirs to make.

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I have not, but keep in mind that many people are very odd about their health. I have known several "normal people" (I don't mean the mental patients I work with now) who have **translated a biopsy to rule in or rule out cancer into cancer**. This sounds extreme, but people who are scared for their lives don't "hear" very well.


Some examples: an attorney who had a fractured finger. It fractured through a benign bone tumor, and it was clear from the Xray that this was what it was. He "heard" the word tumor and didn't hear anything else. He went home and cried half the night, after walking wobbly-kneed out to the car. His wife came with him for a re-visit and found out it was a benign lesion and the guy felt rather foolish. But, he did get the message it was a benign tumor.


A woman felt a breast lump. Came in, mammo not very suspicious, but not perfect. Had bx: normal. But, she had rather lumpy, bumpy breasts and was convinced they had "missed" the lump she was concerned about, started running, lost 75 lbs, etc. etc. and her breast were less lumpy to her and she told people she had cured her breast cancer via a combo of juicing, running, and being born again. Runs races with a "Jesus cured my cancer" button on.


Patient comes in a tells me she's had kidney cancer and needs her follow up CAT scan of abdomen and chest. I insist on a "tissue diagnosis", ie.the op report and the biopsy report (there are more than one kind of kidney cancer). It takes awhile to come from out of the country and the diagnosis is a small, hyperfunctioning adrenal (not "renal") tumor, completely removed. No annual CT indicated. Patient is literally speechless for about 5 minutes. Says she "can't believe it", double checks her name and date of birth and date of surgery. Is amazed. Doesn't know what to say. I give her a copy and she leaves and never comes back.

Later, she is at another doc asking for that CT scan for kidney cancer.


Here is a non-cancer version. Woman develops diarrhea some months after a trip to Mexico 20 years ago. Says she has "worms" and is treated for it with meds I associate with inflammatory bowel disease, but wants another MD opinion on getting rid of the parasites. I insist on the tissue diagnosis and she has a mild ulcerative colitis ... no parasites seen. I explain to her all about this, and she states she is amazed that parasites cause UC. She could not be shaken of the belief that worms the diarrhea.


These were all functioning people with high school or college, jobs, families, etc.


I have not been able to predict who will or won't have "denial", either of illness ("no, that glucometer is wrong. My sugars at home are normal, if yours says 312, it is broken") or of health ("I have pneumonia." "No, you had it last year, you are fine now." "No, I have pneumonia."), but I can tell you it is AMAZING to watch in action. So, unless I had solid evidence of tissue diagnosis and staging, I wouldn't trust my best friend to have cured him/herself of cancer, because right after mental illness, it is the disease people are the s-t-r-a-n-g-e-s-t over.

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No, but I know people who have died doing that.




Please, please, do not opt out of proper conventional medical treatment for cancer. Please don't do this, and if if it someone else in your life considering it, please ask him or her to reconsider. Radiation and chemotherapy are no fun, but there can be life afterwards.


Ditto to this.


I had ovarian cancer when I was 17 and while surgery was not fun and chemo for six months was pretty horrible I'm glad I did it. Because being alive to turn 18 was awesome. Then 19. And 20. And so on. I have no doubt that without chemo I would be dead.

Edited by aggieamy
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Don't know how to answer this one. My dad had testicular cancer - 95-99% curable. He chose to do natural treatments and even did Gerson. The dr.'s were constantly confused by his results saying they couldn't even be completely sure that he had cancer b/c his results got better after Gerson, etc. They said he should be a test study. This went on for 7 years. Then he was going to have to cancel his health insurance due to financial constraints and so he opted to get the operation to take it out. The dr.'s couldn't decide if he should go through radiation or chemo and that he might not need them. One year later he had a mass and underwent chemo which actually is what caused his ultimate death - even though his prognosis was still 95-99% chance of being cured. Ultimately the natural methods didn't cure it, but it may have kept it at bay. It seems the surgery is what actually caused it to spread, and his body had a rare reaction to the chemo which is what caused his death. If he had done the surgery/chemo at the beginning, we wouldn't have had those 7 years.

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I know someone who has breast cancer and has been fighting it with natural methods only (diet, exercise, etc...), no surgery, chemo or radiation. The cancer has spread significantly in the 5 years or so since she was diagnosed, but she thinks she's making progress. I think she and her husband are in denial. She has recently been told she probably has a few months to live, but again, denial. I think her methods would be great along with traditional medicine, to make her body stronger because of the toll chemo & radiation take. It's too late for her to try now.

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Googling about this gets me all kinds of answers. I'm wondering if anyone here has or knows firsthand someone who has chosen this route over chemo/radiation.




I think an excellent diet and perhaps certain supplements can be beneficial in helping a person feel healthier and better during treatments, but I have never known anyone who was cured by using that approach exclusively. I think it's always a good idea to live the healthiest-possible lifestyle when being treated for any disease, but if the traditional approach of surgery, chemo, and/or radiation will provide the highest likelihood of a cure or a long remission, I think that's the way to go.


There are a lot of quacks out there who promise all sorts of "natural" cures for cancer. I know one woman who traveled the world trying several of them (and spending a fortune in the process.) She died of the cancer. If she'd had the surgery when the tumor was first discovered, her chances of survival were incredibly high. Her doctors could not understand why she delayed it. (Neither could those of us who cared about her.)

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Googling about this gets me all kinds of answers. I'm wondering if anyone here has or knows firsthand someone who has chosen this route over chemo/radiation.




My dh did alternative treatments in conjunction with traditional. I think it made his path more comfortable.


I know someone who went with alternative treatments exclusively, he died pretty fast.


I'm not sure what I would do if faced with cancer treatment, it's pretty brutal. At least alternative treatments help you feel better in the short term.

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No, though I think they make a fantastic supplement to traditional treatments. My Dad had aggressive prostate cancer that came back seven or eight years later. He went with the radiation as recommended by the oncologist and coupled that with treatment with his herbalist. He had a far easier time tolerating the treatments than most and both he and his doctor credit the herbs for that.


However, it's because of the surgery and later the radiation that my Dad is still alive ten years later. He would tell you that it was all worth it to still be alive to see his all of us get married and get to know his grandkids.

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i know three who have tried it instead of traditional western medicine, and many who have tried it in addition to traditional western medicine, and with traditional eastern medicine in the mix as well.


the ones who did best (remission, five year survival and who had the least traumatic treatment issues) were the ones who read and researched like mad crazy, and as a result chose aggressive traditional western treatments coupled with diet, acupuncture, and meditation.


the three who went the alternate route only are not with us today.




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There is a few documentaries on Netflix. They are Food Matters, The Gerson Miracle, Beautiful Truth, and Dying to have Known. They are all very good. I just told DH if I get cancer I will not get chemo or radiation. (NO bashing....had enough of that for today, thanks!) I would try the Gerson therapy though.

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