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"Someday you'll have a child just like you!"

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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please remember their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




This is a public service announcement brought to you by ds5 and the Association to Prevent --> :banghead:

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please member their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




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:iagree::iagree::iagree: If I were on speaking terms with my MIL I would tell her exactly this.

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On really, really hard days with dd5, I hope that she doesn't have bio-kids. I know that sounds very mean, but my sister's father, my sister, my niece and nephew, and dd5 (my great-niece) all have the same personality (all one blood line). It is not conducive with living happily in society. They all have impulse control issues and lash out physically. DD5 has a one-on-one aide in daycare because she physically attacks at least one person a day, both adults and children. They are conspiracy theorists and accept no responsibility for their own actions (ie my sister blames her DUI on the police-"because he had no legit reason for pulling her over"---despite her blowing a 2. :glare:)


It is like they just don't have the gene that makes them aware of the world around them. They are very selfish, mean, and must control the world around them 100%, 100% of the time.


DD5 has been in weekly therapy since she was 2yo. She still acts like a 2yo in many ways. It isn't learned behavior, it is genetic (she has been in my home since she was 5mo). There is just something wrong in their brain wiring/chemistry.


I would never tell her to not procreate, but I wouldn't wish a child like her on any parent. Today has been a bad day.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please member their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




This is a public service announcement brought to you by ds5 and the Association to Prevent --> :banghead:


:iagree::iagree: :banghead:

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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please member their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




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My mom said this so much to me growing up I had 2 of them!

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On really, really hard days with dd5, I hope that she doesn't have bio-kids. I know that sounds very mean, but my sister's father, my sister, my niece and nephew, and dd5 (my great-niece) all have the same personality (all one blood line). It is not conducive with living happily in society. They all have impulse control issues and lash out physically. DD5 has a one-on-one aide in daycare because she physically attacks at least one person a day, both adults and children. They are conspiracy theorists and accept no responsibility for their own actions (ie my sister blames her DUI on the police-"because he had no legit reason for pulling her over"---despite her blowing a 2. :glare:)


It is like they just don't have the gene that makes them aware of the world around them. They are very selfish, mean, and must control the world around them 100%, 100% of the time.


DD5 has been in weekly therapy since she was 2yo. She still acts like a 2yo in many ways. It isn't learned behavior, it is genetic (she has been in my home since she was 5mo). There is just something wrong in their brain wiring/chemistry.


I would never tell her to not procreate, but I wouldn't wish a child like her on any parent. Today has been a bad day.


:grouphug: Thank you for some perspective. I'm going to give him a hug and a kiss and have him do some quiet time lying down on the couch. We ALL need it.

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my MIL once said this to my dh in front of me (and she was no award winning mother...) and I told her I hoped we had children just like him... loving, hard working, sweet, easy going and funny.


Well, I ended up with one just like him. And one just like me. And I am not quite so sweet and easy going as seen above. I should have kept my comments to myself, because they were not said so lovingly. :)

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DD5 has been in weekly therapy since she was 2yo. She still acts like a 2yo in many ways. It isn't learned behavior, it is genetic (she has been in my home since she was 5mo). There is just something wrong in their brain wiring/chemistry.


I would never tell her to not procreate, but I wouldn't wish a child like her on any parent. Today has been a bad day.


:grouphug: I really do know what you mean. But I can go home at the end of the day and let the door close on all the nonsense, so :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please remember their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)


Aah, yes. My IL's will always shake their heads and say DS8 is "just like" DH. They will then drag out the old "he is paying for his raising." I always point out that DH travels for work 95% of the time. HE isn't paying for his raising, *I* am. Sigh. Not that I was a peach growing up, I was just a different kind of difficult.




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My mother used to say that to me: "I hope you have a child JUST. LIKE. YOU!" She included the evil eye and everything.


Well, I am happy to say that I DO have a child just like me. And I love it! And she's wonderful!


Just wanted to announce that to the world. So THERE mother. :D

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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please remember their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




This is a public service announcement brought to you by ds5 and the Association to Prevent --> :banghead:


Sigh. If only I had a child like my perfect, sweet, innocent, and obedient dh. Ask my mil. She will tell you how perfect and AWESOME my dh was as a child:001_rolleyes:. My kids act the way they act because of me, because dh was so very perfect. Thankfully my fil is more in touch with reality;).

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My mother used to say that to me: "I hope you have a child JUST. LIKE. YOU!" She included the evil eye and everything.


Well, I am happy to say that I DO have a child just like me. And I love it! And she's wonderful!


Just wanted to announce that to the world. So THERE mother. :D


My sentiments exactly! My kids are all great and even better since we got those food allergies taken care of.


Maybe THAT was why I was crazy as a kid.

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I joke that I am paying for DH's raising. :tongue_smilie:(Although from the stories I have heard of his youth, our kids are really no where near the problem kid he was.)


My mom says that older DD is just like me in so many ways. I don't believe her... much.:lol:


He funniest thing is DS - he is just.like my brother and in ways that my brother and I are nothing alike. LOL!

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You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please remember their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does.


Thank you,


Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.)




This is a public service announcement brought to you by ds5 and the Association to Prevent --> :banghead:



:lol::lol::lol::lol: Duly noted! :) Sigh. I think some of my inlaw's parents wished it on them. :glare:

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Spam, spam, spam, spam, not lovely spam..... :spam: reported! Take that! :boxing_smiley:

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We have two such sayings in our family:


1) "It skips a generation." My MIL was a very distracted mother, so her kids ran wild: in the neighborhood, they were known as the R____ Rogues. When our kids were mostly delightful as littles, she'd look at them, shake her head, and say, "It skips a generation." (Part of our "success" was that dh was such a creative and engaged dad, that he helped them run off whatever stream they had left after I was done, without it causing trouble.)


2) As we've encountered more challenging times with teens, a couple of times I have told them, "When you are raising kids who are [insert child's current age], you'll understand why I ...." I hope that is true.

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I have one that's "just like me" and she is the easiest one to raise by far. I think it helps to know how she ticks so I can parent better. My sons, well, that's a different kettle of fish. They're not purposely trying to make my life difficult, but I sincerely hope that they do not have children.

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I ended up with one clone - the difference is that I am a MUCH better parent than my parents were (it's not that hard - particularly considering that my hubby is actually ON BOARD with helping me out and participating in the parenting as well!). I also provided her with younger siblings, another thing I never had. We have clear boundaries and rules. Hubby doesn't mind that he got a kid just like me as a kid because he's not the one at home most of the time to deal with the issues. :-P

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My mother used to say this to me a lot. I ended up with 2 just like me. Oddly enough, one of those two is adopted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My oldest is JUST like me. I couldn't have produced one more like me if she came from my womb. Scary

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Sigh. If only I had a child like my perfect, sweet, innocent, and obedient dh. Ask my mil. She will tell you how perfect and AWESOME my dh was as a child:001_rolleyes:. My kids act the way they act because of me, because dh was so very perfect. Thankfully my fil is more in touch with reality;).


This is uncomfortably familiar. Any time my kid is sweet and adorable and wonderful around my inlaws, she is just exactly like my husband. Any time they are not perfect, I get to hear about how none of her children ever considered doing _______ (climbing on furniture, drawing on anything other than a coloring book, running in the house, asking incessant questions, taking longer than a day to get the hang of potty training, dropping a piece of food on the floor, etc.)

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