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Victoria’s Secret Model Quits to Reserve Body ‘for My Husband’

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It says she's going to quit lingerie, not modelling altogether. And honestly? The quote she had about a young cousin saying she wishes she could not eat so she could look like the model? That would be a good reason to evaluate what's going on in your life, or at least how it looks to others.

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Anyone seen this?


I posted it to my facebook page with a No Thumbnail...


But really, I am conflicted about this article. Good for her for making this decision. But why do I still get this icky feeling about this story?


For me it's the, "for my husband," bit. Her body is hers, not her husband's. I congratulate her on the decision but the reasoning makes me a little squeamish. Why not, "for the sake of my dignity," or something like that?

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For me it's the, "for my husband," bit. Her body is hers, not her husband's. I congratulate her on the decision but the reasoning makes me a little squeamish. Why not, "for the sake of my dignity," or something like that?



But I think it is too little too late. Those photos of her will last forever on the internet. She will never be able to get them back.


I get the not wanting to do it anymore, but the reality is she is stuck with it.


Most young people can leave their foolishness behind. She won't be able to. (not that I think modeling is foolishness.)

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For me it's the, "for my husband," bit. Her body is hers, not her husband's. I congratulate her on the decision but the reasoning makes me a little squeamish. Why not, "for the sake of my dignity," or something like that?


'Cause that's not why she's doing it. :confused:


Well, it's part of it, I'm sure, but her stated reasons have to do with the fact that to her, her body/skin is a gift she wants to give exclusively to her husband, and not share with others.


Good for her!

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I read the part about wanting to be a better role model to her young cousin who looked at her and said "I want to stop eating so I can look like you..." That reasoning was more inspiring to me than the "for my husband" bit. Good for her. Maybe she will get other models thinking a little more.

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'Cause that's not why she's doing it. :confused:


Well, it's part of it, I'm sure, but her stated reasons have to do with the fact that to her, her body/skin is a gift she wants to give exclusively to her husband, and not share with others.


Good for her!




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For me it's the, "for my husband," bit. Her body is hers, not her husband's. I congratulate her on the decision but the reasoning makes me a little squeamish. Why not, "for the sake of my dignity," or something like that?


:iagree: I find all the baggage that "for my husband" brings with it distasteful. My body would be mine, irrespective of my marital status. The fact that only dh sees that much of me is not relevant.

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:001_huh: So a model quit VS. And? News worthy?


She's not going to quit modeling. That means she'll still need to keep her thin figure. How is that going to change what her niece said?


I think someone needs to tell her niece that there are plenty of thin women, and yet they eat healthily. Thin does *not* equate to no eating.

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'Cause that's not why she's doing it. :confused:


Well, it's part of it, I'm sure, but her stated reasons have to do with the fact that to her, her body/skin is a gift she wants to give exclusively to her husband, and not share with others.


Good for her!


:iagree: I don't understand the "icky" factor at all. She has a gorgeous body. Now that she's married, she has more insight into the fact that her sexuality (including her naked/near naked body) is to be enjoyed with her husband only. I think the statement she's making is great and I'm glad it's getting publicity.

ETA: Yeah, it's not "newsworthy" by most intelligent readers' standards, but neither is about 50% of the stuff touted as news!

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'Cause that's not why she's doing it. :confused:


Well, it's part of it, I'm sure, but her stated reasons have to do with the fact that to her, her body/skin is a gift she wants to give exclusively to her husband, and not share with others.


Good for her!


You're right - that's why she's doing it. I went a little too far with my comment and wishing she had another reason. Still makes me squeamish though.

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Yes, her body is hers, but if she *chooses* to only share herself with her husband, then GOOD FOR HER for not letting everyone pressure her into doing otherwise. She very clearly said that her husband did not say anything or pressure her at all. It was *her* choice. However, it is my understanding that she ultimately made the decision to quit to *honor God*. Again, her choice! The headline is misleading.

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:iagree: I find all the baggage that "for my husband" brings with it distasteful. My body would be mine, irrespective of my marital status. The fact that only dh sees that much of me is not relevant.


Her body is also her husbands if you study the Bible. I don't see the problem with this.

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I don't see the problem here. The woman did something and later felt convicted about it. She was led by God to discontinue the behavior. She listened. GOOD FOR HER!!! This shouldn't be seen as a negative thing! She is honoring God and her husband!


As far as her past, um... everyone has a past... doesn't mean we have to continue living the same life.

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I don't see the problem here. The woman did something and later felt convicted about it. She was led by God to discontinue the behavior. She listened. GOOD FOR HER!!! This shouldn't be seen as a negative thing! She is honoring God and her husband!


As far as her past, um... everyone has a past... doesn't mean we have to continue living the same life.

I love collecting quotes. I'm collecting the bolded :D

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But I think it is too little too late. Those photos of her will last forever on the internet. She will never be able to get them back.


I get the not wanting to do it anymore, but the reality is she is stuck with it.


Most young people can leave their foolishness behind. She won't be able to. (not that I think modeling is foolishness.)


I don't quite see where you are going here. Do you mean that since she can't leave her foolishness behind she should just continue doing it?


'Cause that's not why she's doing it. :confused:


Well, it's part of it, I'm sure, but her stated reasons have to do with the fact that to her, her body/skin is a gift she wants to give exclusively to her husband, and not share with others.


Good for her!




:iagree: I find all the baggage that "for my husband" brings with it distasteful. My body would be mine, irrespective of my marital status. The fact that only dh sees that much of me is not relevant.


I consider myself quite the modern woman- but I don't see what's wrong with her decision. I was comfortable flirting rather casually before but now I wouldn't out of respect for my husband. Sure I could- but I would rather respect him and refrain from those actions and situations and feel comfortable knowing he is doing the same for me. I don't think her statement of "for her husband" has to be taken as some sort of submissive expression of her self worth but rather a testament to her love and respect for the man she married.

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I read the part about wanting to be a better role model to her young cousin who looked at her and said "I want to stop eating so I can look like you..." That reasoning was more inspiring to me than the "for my husband" bit. Good for her. Maybe she will get other models thinking a little more.



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Odd to me that so many are offended by her reason considering she stated she is a Christian.


I Corinthians 7:4



Not to mention Christians believe that two are made one through marriage. You could criticize the biblical teaching, but for her to state she could do whatever she wanted as it is HER body would be hypocritical and not match up with her religious views.


The young lady shows wisdom in choosing her marriage over her career. God's bless her.

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It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for her in her continuing career.


This isn't a 'new' thing in the world of modeling. Models are continually asked to wear revealing clothing. It's part of the job. If you want to work, you model what the employer wants you to model......if you don't like what the employer wants you to model and refuse or complain....generally speaking your modeling career is over. Word gets around. It's a tight business. The competition is fierce and no one is obligated to use you just because you are 'pretty' or a good model.


I applaud her for standing up for her convictions, but I think she'll have a tough time getting any really good modeling jobs, now. I say this from experience; my sil refused to model a crocheted bikini because it showed everything......she was a great model, had a great portfolio and good recommendations, and a great career.....but after refusing to wear one garment in one show...she never modeled again. She was black-listed. It happens all the time.


Like I said, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out for her.

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I'm always surprised to see how many Christians think they "own" their own flesh. (I'm talking about the "It's HER body" remarks)


Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. from I Cor. 6


And from Acts 17 For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'


If the VS runway models' job is to just show us the underwear, then why all the pouting, winking and kiss throwing? We all know what it's about.


Good for her.


I hope her marriage is strengthened by her decision.

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It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for her in her continuing career.


This isn't a 'new' thing in the world of modeling. Models are continually asked to wear revealing clothing. It's part of the job. If you want to work, you model what the employer wants you to model......if you don't like what the employer wants you to model and refuse or complain....generally speaking your modeling career is over. Word gets around. It's a tight business. The competition is fierce and no one is obligated to use you just because you are 'pretty' or a good model.


I applaud her for standing up for her convictions, but I think she'll have a tough time getting any really good modeling jobs, now. I say this from experience; my sil refused to model a crocheted bikini because it showed everything......she was a great model, had a great portfolio and good recommendations, and a great career.....but after refusing to wear one garment in one show...she never modeled again. She was black-listed. It happens all the time.


Like I said, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out for her.




I know nothing of the model search contest she won, but since it sounds like it was a big deal and televised, she probably has a big fan base, and perhaps the tweet announcement was to explain her disappearance from the scene. Maybe forever.


That's too bad about your sil. I hope she found other work eventually.

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:001_huh: So a model quit VS. And? News worthy?


She's not going to quit modeling. That means she'll still need to keep her thin figure. How is that going to change what her niece said?


I think someone needs to tell her niece that there are plenty of thin women, and yet they eat healthily. Thin does *not* equate to no eating.





She is still going to model, she can't pack on the pounds (sheesh even 5 and they would be telling her to lose it) to say.. look I eat!


I say good for her for not wanting to "share" herself anymore but she really isn't changing anything.


And you can't undo past pictures! :)

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I think its newsworthy because for once its a good message.


I cannot believe anyone would have anything negative to say about her doing this. We have all made mistakes or done things we cant undo. It doesn't mean we should continue to do it or drag our pasts around with us.


Maybe someone will realize that there are more important things than walking around in underwear for the world to see.


Oh well if her pictures will be around forever. Maybe so will her story.

Edited by kwickimom
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I don't quite see where you are going here. Do you mean that since she can't leave her foolishness behind she should just continue doing it?


I think Chucki meant she can't ever leave it totally behind because the pictures are on the internet and will never all be removed. A lot of people will have the opportunity to "enjoy" this gift she now wants to give just her husband until, well, the end of the internet I guess.

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She is still going to model, she can't pack on the pounds (sheesh even 5 and they would be telling her to lose it) to say.. look I eat!


I say good for her for not wanting to "share" herself anymore but she really isn't changing anything.


And you can't undo past pictures! :)


But maybe she is. Maybe some girl will go into modeling and not feel like she needs to be in underwear to make it. Maybe some girl will look up to her and realize she doesn't have to show off her body to be beautiful and get attention. Maybe just maybe her story will change something.

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I just wonder why anyone would feel the need to publicly announce that.




It seems to be working for her on these forums. I had no idea who she was until today.


Yep. Good for her, whatever floats her boat and all. Still my first thoughts were, in this order:


I should care because.....


Meh, another slow news day.

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I just wonder why anyone would feel the need to publicly announce that.


Could it be that she decided to quit lingerie for her own reasons and people found out these reasons and wanted to interview her about them and she decided to share them with us?


Maybe to share a positive message?

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I don't see the problem here. The woman did something and later felt convicted about it. She was led by God to discontinue the behavior. She listened. GOOD FOR HER!!! This shouldn't be seen as a negative thing! She is honoring God and her husband!


As far as her past, um... everyone has a past... doesn't mean we have to continue living the same life.



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If you actually read the whole article it tells you:


Why she tweeted


That this is about honoring her dh but it is MORE about honoring God


That her dh did not tell her to do this. It was her decision.


That the decision is a result of a growing conviction that happened over time as her faith deepened.



I think it is an awesome and incredibly brave decision. She is IN that world; I am quite sure she knows what this might do to her career and she is doing it anyways. Good for her.






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It seems to be working for her on these forums. I had no idea who she was until today.


I think Chucki meant she can't ever leave it totally behind because the pictures are on the internet and will never all be removed. A lot of people will have the opportunity to "enjoy" this gift she now wants to give just her husband until, well, the end of the internet I guess.


:iagree:I suppose it's a nice sentiment, but it's a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse is out. Victoria's Secret can continue to use her photos in their catalogs forevermore, and the photos will be all over the internet until the end of time.


And, because of her statement today, millions more people will now google her in her lingerie and get a nice, healthy, up close and personal look at everything she says she's now saving for her husband.


If she truly doesn't want anymore men gawking at her in her bra and panties, she should have just quietly resigned.

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If you actually read the whole article it tells you:


Why she tweeted


That this is about honoring her dh but it is MORE about honoring God


That her dh did not tell her to do this. It was her decision.


That the decision is a result of a growing conviction that happened over time as her faith deepened.



I think it is an awesome and incredibly brave decision. She is IN that world; I am quite sure she knows what this might do to her career and she is doing it anyways. Good for her.






:iagree: She is a new creation. When she was a child she played with childish things. Sure, her past is dirty (whose isn't?), but her present, well :D My past still lurks in pictures and the brains of those that knew me back when ----. I thank God that He has helped me to move past it, out of it, and into a fresh new life.
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And, because of her statement today, millions more people will now google her in her lingerie and get a nice, healthy, up close and personal look at everything she says she's now saving for her husband.


If she truly doesn't want anymore men gawking at her in her bra and panties, she should have just quietly resigned.


My feelings exactly.

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:iagree:I suppose it's a nice sentiment, but it's a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse is out. Victoria's Secret can continue to use her photos in their catalogs forevermore, and the photos will be all over the internet until the end of time.


And, because of her statement today, millions more people will now google her in her lingerie and get a nice, healthy, up close and personal look at everything she says she's now saving for her husband.


If she truly doesn't want anymore men gawking at her in her bra and panties, she should have just quietly resigned.


I think she has made a statement and people are hearing her message. It could help others to stand up for what they believe in.


It doesn't matter that the pictures are out there. What matters is that there won't be anymore. What matters that she is listening to what God told her.

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