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Wow, shoe tying and 18 year olds. Who knew??

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We had an issue here, LOL, the other night with shoe tying. We started laughing and talking about how to tie shoes, which of course led us to YouTube, where we found

which makes us all want to start tying our shoes in this unique way. Seriously, check it out -- it's fun! Have you seen this? Are we shoe-tying nerds for not knowing this fast method? Once you get the first step down, you can tie your shoes in about a second. Edited by milovaný
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Out of the 5 of us siblings in my family only 2 of them tie their shoes "correctly". One brother has a technique that involves throwing one shoe lace over the other. I have a technique which involves throwing both shoe laces. And my other brother's technique is beyond description. My sisters are totally boring and do it the proscribed way. We used to amuse ourselves by having shoe tying races. My double toss technique is the fastest.;) (Never mind that my shoes never stay tied. . . ):D

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We're shoe tying failures here. I never could do that rabbit around the tree, through the hole, or however it goes. (See? :glare:) I have always made two loops and tied them together.


And to be honest, I have no idea how my teen ties his shoes but they come untied all the time so it's probably wrong. Some of my little kids don't even know how to tie shoes, we live in TX, and they wear sandals or go barefoot most of the time. I've probably put them at an unfair disadvantage throughout their whole lives. Sorry kids. :001_huh:

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I tie my shoes the correct way. Some of my children do it the way I taught them while a few of them just make two loops and tie them together. Hoever, I bet that by the end of the day and one who can manage it will be doing it the cool new way. That was amazing, kind of like those people who fold t-shirt in a single move. Crazy.

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I have never seen shoes tied that way. I've got to teach my kids.


Now if that guy just needs to show me a quick way to get my 8yo to unknot his shoes, so he can get them onto his feet. That takes as long or longer than tying his hoes.


LOL at your poor son's reaction. :lol:

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I taught myself to use the Ian knot about 3 years ago. Then I taught my dd, who was not particularly dexterous at that point in time.


It always bothered my dsis that my Mom taught me to tie my shoes facing me, and I picked up tying them backwards. She found it annoying that my Mom didn't "fix" the issue. So now it's all solved.


The nice thing about an Ian Knot is it (generally) stays put. Depends on the shoelace quality though...

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We're shoe tying failures here. I never could do that rabbit around the tree, through the hole, or however it goes. (See? :glare:) I have always made two loops and tied them together.


And to be honest, I have no idea how my teen ties his shoes but they come untied all the time so it's probably wrong. Some of my little kids don't even know how to tie shoes, we live in TX, and they wear sandals or go barefoot most of the time. I've probably put them at an unfair disadvantage throughout their whole lives. Sorry kids. :001_huh:


This is going to cost them a job someday.






:D [That's what I think to myself about the fact that DS3's socks NEVER match.]

Thanks for the great video!

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We love velcro and pull ties here. My husband does the regular way. I do 2 loops. My 8 year old son has the hardest time with this and we usually get him keens that look like this: http://www.zappos.com/keen-kids-alamosa-youth-chocolate-brown-bronze-green?zlfid=111&recoName=zap_pdp_sub


Thanks for the link- maybe he can learn from this.

Edited by kijipt
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oh my fun,

can't wait to show the boys.


anyway when I was in college my shoes came untied while I was on the other side of the campus from my dorm, (SUPER small jr college), this guy tells me they are untied, WHY I said what I did I have no idea.


I told him I couldn't tie my shoes, he chuckled, I was like no really I can't, Mimi-Best friend ties them for me,


so he ties my shoes. As soon as they were Tied I RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN as fast as I could to Mimi and told her. From there it launched. I never tied my shoes in public. We had just about everyone convinced I couldn't do it. I was actually the mascot like for the chearleading team. So I would have times they would untie during the games and I'd run into the stands to have someone tie my shoes for me.


It was the longest running practical joke I ever did on some one.

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