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"Print this page for your records"

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When you order something online and you get to the last page with a confirmation number, do you actually print the page? I know most companies will send an e-mail with the information, but not all of them do. I only knew that my order went through for a Christmas gift because I could see they had taken the money from my bank account. I don't usually print the page, but I wonder if I should. Do you print it?

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I print to a file, but I don't print on paper.


This is what I do too. Or rather, I print it as a pdf file. That way, if the email doesn't come, or it doesn't have all the details, I still have the info I might need.

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I do and I don't.


We have a PDF Writer program which the computer reads as a printer, so on those things I hit Print, change the Printer selection from my real printer to the PDF Writer, and then "print" the page to a folder in My Documents. I do the same for confirmation pages that show up in on-line bill pay.


The PDF Writer we use, I think was a free download but not sure, is Cutie PDF Writer or something like that. Works great, saves the pages w/o using paper and then I can delete when the order arrives.

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I do and I don't.


We have a PDF Writer program which the computer reads as a printer, so on those things I hit Print, change the Printer selection from my real printer to the PDF Writer, and then "print" the page to a folder in My Documents. I do the same for confirmation pages that show up in on-line bill pay.


The PDF Writer we use, I think was a free download but not sure, is Cutie PDF Writer or something like that. Works great, saves the pages w/o using paper and then I can delete when the order arrives.


I do this, too! We use Bullzip, which was a free print-to-pdf download.


I also scan in all my monthly paperword and save it in an elaborate online folder filing system.

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I don't print to a printer, but create PDFs of receipts for companies that I've or others have had issues with. Barnes & Noble had some pretty significant issues over the holidays of pulling coupons, etc. after placing an order and charging your credit card whatever they felt like. And, it was always "too late" to cancel. Customer service got you no where. Their system is such that you do not get an invoice with your order confirmation via e-mail. I always make a PDF of my receipts for orders I place with them now.


Otherwise, I keep the tab/window open until I receive an e-mail confirmation that includes an invoice, order number, etc. If I don't receive one, I create a PDF.

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