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Should I bother writing a blog? If you have a blog...

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...does anyone read it? Just friends or family, or do strangers read your blog? Is it worth the effort you put into it? If lots of people read your blog, why do they? What do you blog about?


I love writing, and I've had numerous people over the years tell me how much they enjoy my writing. I've had 2 friends recently (and who don't even know each other) tell me that I should start a blog so they can read it. So...with all that head-expanding flattery fresh in my mind, I'm considering starting a blog. But, like all of us, I have very limited time on my hands, so before starting, I have tons of questions. What have your experiences been with blogging as a reader of them, or as a writer? What was successful, what wasn't? Where does one even go to start a blog?? What else should I know, that I don't even know to ask?


If you know of any websites that would answer those questions, please point me there!

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For 2011, I average 28 views per day (according to wordpress) which includes January when there were zero, Feb when there was 5, all the way through Nov when I averaged 55 views per day. I would guess the majority of those views are WTMers and those off the foster-adopt boards. Some are people who get there just by googling a certain image. Some come from searching various tags. Some come from other blogs who mention mine.


Since I started my blog, I've posted 167 times. Sometimes there is over a week between posts. Sometimes there is less than a day. Sometimes having a blog seems like a chore. I sometimes get around to posting because I feel I "should." I have times I can't possibly post everything I want to. I have other times it seems there is nothing to post. Those thoughts aren't really about readership though. I just want some record. I actually get very little feedback about my blog.


Not sure this is any help at all.

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I don't get too many views (sometimes more than others) and don't care how many people read my blog. I have had a couple parents I have met through music tell me they enjoy reading it and find my views on our experience and the resources helpful to them.


I do it mostly as a journal/scrapbook for my kids. I hope to someday get it put into book form for them. So, yes it is worth the work I put into it.


I blog through blogspot (though my self correct on my computer keeps changing it to bloodsport?). It is simple to use.


I like to read blogs especially ones with families with similar experiences. I am not all that fond of blogs just listing what people do everyday. I like to hear stories about kids or more narrative/experiential posts...not sure exactly how to put that. I also like to hear people's views on different things or getting new resources.

Edited by Donna
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I started a blog because my sisters each have one! :tongue_smilie:


I don't journal, but I do want to keep a record of our homeschooling journey, so a blog seemed the easiest way. Sometimes I put a link on FB so my family can see what we're doing. I have a link in my sig, so I think some traffic has come from this board as well, but that's the extent of my audience.

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I've had a blog for years. It started as just a little corner of the web where I wrote about my life for friends and family when I moved away for college. I later changed from livejournal to blogger and started writing about my journey through motherhood, thoughts on various subjects, recipes I love, crafts I made, etc. I have about 157 followers on my blog and 122 followers on my blog's facebook page. I don't really look to gain a ton of readers, but I do love when people comment on my blog. I gained my audience slowly over the years and most of them are people I know IRL, people I've met in forums or other bloggers with similar beliefs as me. I don't post on a set schedule. I just don't have the time. In fact, I even wrote a post about that recently. lol I post when I can. I don't feel forced to do. Occasionally, I think I've lost a reader here and there because there will be gaps in my posting, but blogging is a hobby for me, not a job and my family and other things come first. There are weeks that I will post 6 days in a row, then others where I don't post at all.

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I've blogged for five years. My first purpose is to keep a record of what we've done in our family life and school. It's also a nice way for family (who all live on the other side of the country) to keep up. Before FB, there was a group of a dozen of us from another large hs board who enjoyed checking each other's blogs regularly.


It's well worth the effort I put into it because it serves its purpose. Sometimes (lately) I've been horribly negligent. Even without posting much, I get a dozen hits a day (but that's all from people I know).


If you think it might be a bother, you probably won't be motivated to keep it up. It can be challenging to think about what to post.

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My blog is read mostly by family, but also some people we don't know read it, also. I'm always a little surprised when I meet people in real life who read my blog.


I blog to keep a record for myself. Every few months I go back and look at my posts and enjoy reminiscing about what the kids have done. It is an easy way to scrapbook our lives. I went through a time when I cared about readership and numbers, but I've moved passed that stage and really don't care about that anymore. When I was growing in readers, I was involved in lots of online memes and sharing links here. I think you have to spend time reading and commenting on other people's blogs to really gain numbers.


I use blogger, which is super easy to use. I've never had any problems with it. Blogging has been very rewarding for me. I do recommend it, but I do suggest that you decide what exactly you want to get out of it ahead of time.

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I've been blogging since 2005 and I do enjoy it. I was actually someone who didn't tell a lot of IRL friends about my blog. I dunno exactly why, but I guess I wanted a little freedom to be honest. But, eventually friends/family found it. Most of my IRL friends do no read it though. They're mostly just not blog readers in general. My blog has changed over the years too...starting out sharing my spiritual journey, but now it's much more eclectic mix of book reviews, weaving, mothering and spiritual stuff. I find I like to read eclectic blogs too, so that's probably why I gravitated that way myself.


I noticed when FB got popular that many of my blogging friends stopped blogging...they also stopped visiting and commenting on blogs as much too. I tried FB but just didn't like it as much as I enjoy blogging. Not only do I enjoy the chance to write but I also enjoy the community is creates (not just at my own blog - which is small, but on others blogs).

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oh, I meant to add:


Should you bother writing a blog? Yes! Give it a try for 6 months or so, but be faithful. Chronic cobweb blogs are quite irritating...either do it or don't. The best way to start getting others to come to your blog is to visit and comment on other blogs yourself. I think more than 1/2 of my blog followers came via my comments on their blog. It's like a little community.

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I started when we made the decision to move here. My blog is about our adventures here and contains a lot of pics for friends and family to look at. Malaysia is such a foreign place to them that all these pics give them a better idea of what our life is like here.


Should you blog? Sure if you want to. I admit that I don't read a lot of blogs... Only those with a specific purpose that appeals to me. Like I would never read a blog that simply chronicles what lessons you do with your kids each day but I do frequent a few theological blogs because that topic appeals to me.


Pick a theme/topic/purpose for your blog and you are more likely to get more views. You said you like to write... What do you want to write ABOUT? That is your starting point.

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I've kept a blog since the first of '07. I'm not sure exactly WHY but a decent amount of people read it. Views of the actual blog vary from 200-400 a day and there are about 200 that read it in a reader. I have no CLUE why so many people read it. I just blog about daily life. We are homesteading in Costa Rica but I had a decent amount of viewers before. I'm not funny, or that talented so I'm lost as to why it's interesting LOL.


I really enjoy blogging though. For me it's a record of our lives. I can look up my pregnancy pictures, birth story, my kiddos firsts, etc.. It's so nice to have it all recorded. Like a very detailed journal.


I've used blogger.com and wordpress.com and like wordpress.com much more.

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I'm hoping to get a blog going in the next week or two. I don't know if others will read it, and that isn't a concern of mine. I want to blog my journey with my dd's and our homeschooling journey, our farm journey, our raising a RADish journey, just about everything. The main reason I'm doing this is that I can do the blog to book so dd's can have these to remember their childhoods.


This is NOT why I'm doing it, but there's too much forgotten by my boys. I'd like to prevent that for my dd's. I also want my RADish to see all that I *tried* to do for her. She may not care when she grows up, or she may be thankful for all I did or tried to do.

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I blog because none of my family lives close. They all want to know what we are up to. Thus the weekly posts. It morphed into more than that because I enjoy sharing my thoughts at times.


I'm in a bit of a writing funk right now so most of my recent posts have been pictures for the grandparents. LOL.

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...does anyone read it? Just friends or family, or do strangers read your blog? Is it worth the effort you put into it? If lots of people read your blog, why do they? What do you blog about?


I love writing, and I've had numerous people over the years tell me how much they enjoy my writing. I've had 2 friends recently (and who don't even know each other) tell me that I should start a blog so they can read it. So...with all that head-expanding flattery fresh in my mind, I'm considering starting a blog. But, like all of us, I have very limited time on my hands, so before starting, I have tons of questions. What have your experiences been with blogging as a reader of them, or as a writer? What was successful, what wasn't? Where does one even go to start a blog?? What else should I know, that I don't even know to ask?


If you know of any websites that would answer those questions, please point me there!


I blog about homeschooling and have been doing so since 2008. I have strangers mostly read my blog, but some family and friends do as well. I have lists of resources and studies I put together posted on my blog that some people seem to enjoy. Post regularly if possible. Daily if possible. I have been working more hours this school year so I haven't had as much time to post, but I try to average at least once a week now. If you want to start blogspot is easy to use.

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I began blogging in 2006. I started because I wanted to share our lives with relatives - but funny, not many read, I have more strangers read then family...


I love having a record of what we do around the house. I don't post daily, just when I have time. I think to gain readers, you should post almost daily.


but, I re-discovered how much I like to write, and I discovered how much I love photography. Having a blog has pushed me to improve my photography skills. I also love to talk and don't have many people to talk to (besides dh) I love chatting with fellow bloggers :)


I say go for it, it's addicting! I find that the comment ratio to visitors is really low, but it is nice to get comments, they make my day. The best way to get visitors is to visit other blogs and comment, most will visit back.


I started on blogspot, which is very, very easy to set-up and use. I just moved it over to wordpress a few months ago.


come on in, the water's fine!

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I've kept a blog since the first of '07. I'm not sure exactly WHY but a decent amount of people read it. Views of the actual blog vary from 200-400 a day and there are about 200 that read it in a reader. I have no CLUE why so many people read it. I just blog about daily life. We are homesteading in Costa Rica but I had a decent amount of viewers before. I'm not funny, or that talented so I'm lost as to why it's interesting LOL.


I really enjoy blogging though. For me it's a record of our lives. I can look up my pregnancy pictures, birth story, my kiddos firsts, etc.. It's so nice to have it all recorded. Like a very detailed journal.


I've used blogger.com and wordpress.com and like wordpress.com much more.


The picture of your menorah issues is hilarious!

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I blog because I like to do it. Sure, it makes me feel good when people read it and I have a small (very small) readership, but I love to write and my blog is the perfect outlet for my creativity. At this point in my life I can't have hobbies because I just don't have the time, but I can nurture a blog-post in my head as I go about my day and then sit down for a few minutes and type it out. I blog for myself, and I read my own blog a lot because I like it.

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I've been keeping my daily journal page since long before that ugly word "blog" was coined. I started in about 1990, although the oldest stuff that's still on-line is from mid-1998.


From day one, I decided that I was keeping it for myself. If others wanted to read it, fine. If not, I didn't and don't care. When I started out, I got very little traffic. When I was writing computer books and regularly posting about computer issues, the readership jumped a lot. Back then, I'd often get between 10,000 and 20,000 visitors per day. When I shifted my emphasis from writing books about computers and software to writing about science, I also shifted what I wrote about on my journal page. Nowadays, I average maybe 1,000 visitors per day, which is fine with me. I'd keep writing my journal even if no one other than me read it.


The latest incarnation is at http://www.ttgnet.com/journal/

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I've just started a blog to talk about books. I did it because I have almost no one IRL who likes to talk about books, or even reads much. I had so much stuff in my head that no one wanted to hear about, that I decided to write it out. Ideally, someone out there will comment and I can have some actual conversations, lol.


It's been almost two weeks since I put it up, and to date there have been 60-some views and no comments.


I agree with a PP who said to visit and comment on others' blogs, if you want people to visit yours. Only since creating my own have I realized that it's selfish of me to visit other blogs without commenting, so I've been trying to do that more.

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I agree with a PP who said to visit and comment on others' blogs, if you want people to visit yours. Only since creating my own have I realized that it's selfish of me to visit other blogs without commenting, so I've been trying to do that more.


I don't see it as selfish. Over the 15 years or so that I've been getting detailed stats on my own sites, something under 1% of the people who visit ever leave even one comment, and probably fewer than 0.1% turn into regular commentors.

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I've just started a blog to talk about books. I did it because I have almost no one IRL who likes to talk about books, or even reads much. I had so much stuff in my head that no one wanted to hear about, that I decided to write it out. Ideally, someone out there will comment and I can have some actual conversations, lol.


It's been almost two weeks since I put it up, and to date there have been 60-some views and no comments.


I agree with a PP who said to visit and comment on others' blogs, if you want people to visit yours. Only since creating my own have I realized that it's selfish of me to visit other blogs without commenting, so I've been trying to do that more.


Amy - You may want to consider joining Semicolon Saturday Review of books. It's a nice way to find other bookish bloggers.

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I don't see it as selfish. Over the 15 years or so that I've been getting detailed stats on my own sites, something under 1% of the people who visit ever leave even one comment, and probably fewer than 0.1% turn into regular commentors.


I didn't mean to sound critical of people who don't comment. :) I just don't want to sit and wait for people to comment on mine without contributing to the conversations others are seeking.

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I started blogging initially back in 2007 to improve my writing skills and share our homeschooling journey with family. It lead to meeting all kinds of book bloggers, writers, authors and more over the years. Now I talk about my writing journey, books, review books for online book tour sites and publishers. I've grown over the year from keeping a blog so I think it would be beneficial for you if you want to improve or just take about writing or share your writing. Blogs are wonderful outlets.


It takes time to build a following and I have 197 folks following me. More on Twitter and a few on facebook. I don't know half of them but they follow and a few comment. I I discovered the more blogs I visit and comment on, the more folks visit my blog and comment... but it takes a lot of time and effort. There's really no rhyme or reason to why or when folks comment. I always try to find something about a post when I visit a blog that I can comment on.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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I have a blog because I enjoy it and it is one of my only creative outlets right now. I have no idea why people read it but I have 170 followers and many page views. I blog about my life, family, homeschool, and I write reviews for the TOS Homeschool Crew right now. My blog is on Blogger and I really like their format. I did max out their picture uploads so instead of buying more memory space for now I just use photobucket and that works fine. The best way to build traffic is to link up to meme's, blog hops, ect. I try to write at least 1 blog a week to keep it interesting. You are welcome to check out my Blog. The link is in my siggy. I have been blogging since 2007.

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I blog for my mother. It is the easiest way to keep her updated on what we are doing with homeschooling. I have some friends who read it fairly regularly, too. I also have some total strangers who stop by.


I also do it a little bit for me so I have a record of our homeschooling years.

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I blog to have a journal of our homeschool. Someday, I want to have it published into a book for our family.


I have between 200-400 views a day when I write something--about 150 on the days I don't write.


I enjoy writing and knowing someone will read what I write inspires me to write.


Two of my kids have started blogs about different subjects (pets and food). Having readers have also inspired them. I love that they are willing to practice writing just for their own enjoyment.


I have been asked to guest post for several blogs in the last few months. Although I enjoy the writing part, I don't enjoy the pressure of having a deadline! It's like work, so I'm not sure I will continue doing that after my commitments are up.

Edited by missmoe
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...does anyone read it? Some Just friends or family, or do strangers read your blog? I have no idea! Most of my comments (very few to begin with) are from strangers, but I think some of my friends and family read it, too. Is it worth the effort you put into it? Considering that I'm pretty bad at feeling like I have anything to write, and therefore I put VERY LITTLE effort into it, Sure! :lol: If lots of people read your blog, why do they? n/a What do you blog about? homeschooling, mostly. I try to link up on Mondays with doing my One thousand Gifts list. I do several 'wordless wednesday' ones. :D


I love writing, and I've had numerous people over the years tell me how much they enjoy my writing. I've had 2 friends recently (and who don't even know each other) tell me that I should start a blog so they can read it. So...with all that head-expanding flattery fresh in my mind, I'm considering starting a blog. But, like all of us, I have very limited time on my hands, so before starting, I have tons of questions. What have your experiences been with blogging as a reader of them, or as a writer? I say I never think of things to write, when in actuality I CAN'T write what is on my mind. A lot of times, it relates to things directly in my life, that while I wouldn't have to go into detail, some people would read and know what I'm talking about and get offended/disagree/get mad/etc. So some of the things that I've WANTED to blog about, I haven't been able for that reason. I want to keep the peace, especially when things aren't exactly peaceful to begin with. :) What was successful, what wasn't? Where does one even go to start a blog?? Mine is on Wordpress. What else should I know, that I don't even know to ask?


If you know of any websites that would answer those questions, please point me there!


I blog for fun. I don't do a whole lot of it, but sometimes inspiration hits and I'll do it a lot. I was doing the 'weekly wrap up' type posts, but I felt like they were too boring and no one would probably want to read them. :) So I stopped with that, and just do basic stuff here and there. Homeschooling is still mixed in, of course, but I found a weekly report just wasn't my style. :) I've had thoughts before about things to blog about that I've just never really taken the time to put together.

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I blog because I like to do it. Sure, it makes me feel good when people read it and I have a small (very small) readership, but I love to write and my blog is the perfect outlet for my creativity. At this point in my life I can't have hobbies because I just don't have the time, but I can nurture a blog-post in my head as I go about my day and then sit down for a few minutes and type it out. I blog for myself, and I read my own blog a lot because I like it.


:iagree:This is why I blog, as well. I use Blogger/Blogspot. All that said, I should probably update my blogs.

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I started a blog so I could remember all the wonderful things we do. I often seem to forget quite a bit and just writing it down in a planner after the fact isn't quite the same. I rarely go back and read it anyway. I also wanted family to see what we really do and dispel some of their myths. Life got in the way for awhile and I let it lapse for many months, but I am picking it back up again.


Also-one of the nice side benefits for me was the I felt inclined to do more with our school, to make it better, because I knew people would read about it. So, it held me somewhat accountable.


Not too many people ever read it and sometimes it does feel a bit weird like your talking to yourself, but then I look back at my original purpose and it's really okay. It's mostly for me.

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IMHO, you are going to have to blog for *you* because you enjoy it and because it has value to you or you are going to fizzle out quickly. I was a contributor for another blog and it QUICKLY became work. I want to blog without obligation. When I want to blog. How I want to blog. What I want to blog about. :)


I've been blogging for close to 5 years. The first 3 years I posted almost daily (averaging more than 365 posts a year). I've been a slacker :) for the past two years due to the birth of #4, only 225 last year and under 200 this year. I think one has to post regularly (a couple times a week) if one wants outside readers. I get about 225 page views daily and have 335+ followers, but I've had to work up to that obviously.


My blog is hosted by Blogger. It was super easy to set up, but I've had various issues with Blogger lately. It helps that I use Windows Live Writer to compose posts now.


I don't read many blogs. While I enjoy good writing, the #1 thing that appeals to me is a visual component. I'm not likely to read posts without interesting/attractive pictures. But maybe that's just me. :)


Many people have a specific topic for their blog. I'm not one of them. I want to blog about whatever comes to mind or camera. I tend to stay away from controversial subjects (other than homeschooling, LOL). I blog about whatever is going on in our life. The #1 reason I will continue to blog is that it has become an amazing scrapbook/journal for me. I love that it is interactive, chronological, tagged by subject, is free, makes no mess, and can be done in snatches of time here and there. I LOVE looking back 4 years ago and seeing what our life was like. It is also my main way of documenting our homeschool plans, accomplishments, reading lists, resources, and links.


Even though my main reason for blogging is for myself, most of my family members (close and extended) read it. Even my husband uses it to catch up on what's going on around here. :) In particular, my out-of-state grandparents value it very highly. AND I've made some amazing friendships through my blog. I love the comments and feedback. I love the emails I get from people introducing themselves, asking questions, or just saying thanks. It means a lot to me! I often think that I am not able to do much for others or for ministry in this season of my life, but I feel like my blog is one way to bless others.

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What have your experiences been with blogging as a reader of them, or as a writer? What was successful, what wasn't? Where does one even go to start a blog?? What else should I know, that I don't even know to ask?


I blog for several reasons: to keep grandparents/dd in the loop/ pics of our lives/ the kids.

Chronicle the house re-model

To practice writing.

To keep a record of our homeschooling journey- weekly reports

To do reviews- get free stuff

To keep a record of books read

To encourage other homeschoolers

Cause it's cheaper than therapy. After our house fire/death of my sister and dad within 13mths my blog took a turn and became much more about what I was thinking/my faith/ the process of grieving.


What is successful: Write the blog you want to read. Making friends via blogging. Writing regularly. Being an interesting person, involved in life, thoughts, books.

I probably have too many areas of focus on my blog. Ce la vive.

I started with blogpress. I'm not a computer guru. It's just that easy.

There are a few books on blogging. There are many sites on how to make money with blogging. Do you want to use this as a journal, have a huge following, make money?

Edited by laughing lioness
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...does anyone read it? Just friends or family, or do strangers read your blog? Is it worth the effort you put into it? If lots of people read your blog, why do they? What do you blog about?

What have your experiences been with blogging as a reader of them, or as a writer? What was successful, what wasn't? Where does one even go to start a blog?? What else should I know, that I don't even know to ask?


If you know of any websites that would answer those questions, please point me there!


You got a lot of replies, but hey, what's one more. :)


I have had a blog for 3 years. I started it because I like to write and didn't really have an outlet anywhere else in my life to do that. It started as kind of an about everything blog but over the past year has developed more of a focus on books.


I don't get a lot of visits, something like 25-50 a day. Most of the people are strangers, although many have become online friends. I have made a conscious effort not to be worried about stats or how many people are reading. There have been times that I wrote something that got more visits and I found myself getting all excited and wondering how to keep those readers. But whenever I start to think about how to attract readers I find it becomes more stressful for me and more of a burden.


My advice would be to write for yourself and appreciate whatever readers you attract. I'm only very peripherally involved in the blogging community but there is a lot there that is worthwhile.


I use Wordpress, which I like a lot and find very easy to use. I was a complete novice when I started.


The only downside is that it's yet another distraction in my life. It's part of the constant balance of figuring out what has worth and for now it has worth to me.

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I don't get too many views (sometimes more than others) and don't care how many people read my blog. I have had a couple parents I have met through music tell me they enjoy reading it and find my views on our experience and the resources helpful to them.




I like to read blogs especially ones with families with similar experiences. I am not all that fond of blogs just listing what people do everyday. I like to hear stories about kids or more narrative/experiential posts...not sure exactly how to put that. I also like to hear people's views on different things or getting new resources.


I really enjoy your blog :D


I also prefer to read more narrative style posts, but I don't post that way mostly. My excuse is that I'm usually posting from my phone and typing more than a few sentences is a pain.

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I'm new to blogging. I do it as an on-line journal to keep track of things we've done, places we've been, etc. There is so much that happens, so many funny moments that I would have forgotten about had it not been for the blog.


I would never make the time to sit down and write it in a notebook but somehow, knowing that there are other homeschool moms that may read it, well it helps motivate me to try & update it every week.


I have a handful of followers (literally) and not many people actually read it but I'm completely OK with that.


I am not looking to be a professional blogger or make money from it so I am good with just writing about our days/weeks.

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I started the blog on the 1st of January so there's not much on it yet, but it'll grow. I was shocked that two strangers "liked" my first first post within 2 hours of posting it. It made my day. And I wondered how they found it?? How does that work?? Was it the tags? (I'm clueless.)


Thanks, everyone, for the advice and tips!

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I really enjoy your blog :D


I also prefer to read more narrative style posts, but I don't post that way mostly. My excuse is that I'm usually posting from my phone and typing more than a few sentences is a pain.


Thank you! :001_smile:

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One I have is for a scholastic record for the kid.


The others are just cloud storage should I lose my laptop.


If you've ever had the experience of losing a lifetime of photos- wow, nothing like it.


Blogs are a back up for me now honestly, and good for personal bookmarking too.


I don't care a fig about readership.

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I started the blog on the 1st of January so there's not much on it yet, but it'll grow. I was shocked that two strangers "liked" my first first post within 2 hours of posting it. It made my day. And I wondered how they found it?? How does that work?? Was it the tags? (I'm clueless.)


Thanks, everyone, for the advice and tips!


It could have been the tags. Also the name of your photos show up on searches.


Are you able to look at stats on wordpress. On blogspot I'm able to see how people find my blog through the stats feature. I can see if people clicked on my link in my sig from these forums or anywhere else they clicked to get to the blog. I can also see what they googled to find my blog.


I enjoyed reading your blog. Great start!

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I started the blog on the 1st of January so there's not much on it yet, but it'll grow. I was shocked that two strangers "liked" my first first post within 2 hours of posting it. It made my day. And I wondered how they found it?? How does that work?? Was it the tags? (I'm clueless.)


Thanks, everyone, for the advice and tips!


If you look at "Stats" page it sometimes will tell you where on the web your visitors came from. I'm not sure it will do tags though.

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