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What's on your Christmas breakfast, lunch, or dinner menu?

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For the first time EVER I am across the country from my mom and *I* am the sole cook for our Christmas festivities. What's on your menu this year?


I am trying to decide on what to make for Christmas morning before church. Any special recipes you'd care to share? Sweet or savory both are good. :D


Our Christmas Eve menu:



green beans

dressings (yes, I know it's odd, but we like it)

sweet potato casserole

creamed potatoes (maybe)

cranberry sauce

pumpkin pie


Any other ideas?

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I make a breakfast casserole that sits in the fridge overnight - while we open presents it cooks in the oven. Works great!


For Linner (we eat one big meal that day) we are having ham, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberries, rolls, salad, mashed potatoes, and probably lemon meringue pie and a berry pie of some sort.

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I believe we are making / serving sausage, fruit, and deviled eggs for breakfast (really random), and we are serving carry-out Mediterranean food the rest of the day: gyros, baklava, tabouli, hummus, baba ghanouj, feta and olives, falafel.


We will also eat the birthday cake we bake for Jesus.

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Breakfast will be bagels and lox and fruit salad. Mimosas or oj to drink.


Supper will be;




butterscotch pie

pumpkin pie


Potato strudel

saffron shrimp risotto

chive biscuits

stuffed pork with prosciutto


creamed chard

beet and apple salad with blue cheese

sweet potato gnocchi

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I love the breakfast casserole idea. I'm going to steal that one. For lunch we are having ham, potato salad, a plethora of vegetable dishes (one son and dil are vegetarians), yeast rolls, and I haven't decided what desserts yet.


Do you have any veggie recipes you want to share? I am in the mood to try something new.

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I'm excited to try this Maple Bacon Biscuits recipe from King Arthur Flour. served with fruit salad and nonalcoholic mimosas.


Dinner will be Rosemary roast beef, au gratin potatoes, and roasted broccoli. I am thinking of making mini individual trifles with brownies, raspberries, and vanilla cream for dessert.


Wow, those biscuits look heavenly!

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For Christmas eve we are doing appetizers.


  • Ham Rolls
  • Hummus & Flat Bread
  • Veggie Tray with Dip
  • Fruit Tray

For Christmas day breakfast I make.


  • Breakfast Potato & Egg pie

For Christmas day main meal I make.


  • Ham
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Sweet Potato Casserole

Plus I put out alot of finger foods! We'll use what's leftover from Christmas eve along with these..


  • Guacamole, Salsa & Tortilla Chips
  • Sausage Balls
  • Crackers & Cheese
  • Deviled Eggs

Christmas Desserts...


  • Fudge
  • Banana Bread
  • Cookies
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Cherry Pie or Crisp

Now we use to do ALOT more but due to going gluten free we've had to really cut out alot of recipes until we can master those recipes gluten free style. :)

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BTW--there's nothing wrong with having dressing with Christmas dinner!!!! LOL :lol:


breakfast--for the past few years hubby's asked me to make bread pudding-I saw a recipe that Giada on foodnetwork did and tried it-it was a hit that turned into a family tradition-this year I'm going to use some chocolate bread I found in the deli


lunch/dinner--usually a roast turkey but this year dh wants a ham--sweet potato casserole (brown sugar/marshmallows)---french green beans---rolls--cornbread dressing--


desserts--apple pie maybe--pumpkin cheesecakes definately (another family fave tradition).....:D

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Christmas eve, we go to mass at 4pm and then have a little party at our house after with my IL's and my father (he comes into town to visit for a week during Christmas). We usually have the usual party fare - cheese ball, crackers, beef stick, mini hot dogs and meatballs, veggie tray, lots of cookies, etc.


Christmas morning, we have a big breakfast at our house. I'm serving:


Monkey bread

Baked oatmeal

Egg casserole

Sausage and pineapples (this is MIL's contribution)


Christmas dinner is at the IL's house. As far as I know we're having:




Homemade pierogies

Green beans

Rye bread


Pumpkin Roll


I need to bring something for dd and I to eat (we're gluten free) as I think the only thing safe for us to eat will be the ham and green beans. I'm thinking of making some roasted potatoes and if I can find an easy recipe, I might make some rolls...or maybe just biscuits.

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We continue dh's family's Christmas tradition of lasagna. (He's half Sicilian.) I serve garlic bread, and a salad if I feel like it. This year, I'm also going to make calamari. For dessert, we have a New York-style cheesecake from Trader Joe's.


Breakfast on Christmas varies. Sometimes I cook a special breakfast, but usually I just make sure we have bagels, cream cheese, and fruit.


It's only the three of us, so it's a laid-back day.



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We usually have a big Christmas breakfast, but we won't have time this year with having church at 11. So...


Christmas Eve Breakfast:

overnight french toast


strawberries & cream



Christmas Eve dinner - with friends at their house. Not sure what we're having.


Christmas Day

maybe a quick bread and juice for breakfast


appetizers after church while dinner is cooking - haven't decided what appetizers I want to make yet



spiral ham

sweet potatoes

green beans/veggies

scalloped corn


dessert will be a pecan pie and Christmas cookies

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For the past several years on Christmas Eve, we've ordered Chinese from the church parking lot and picked it up on the way home. Since I'm GF now, I'll probably put on a mess of soup or chili in the crockpot that afternoon for us to eat after church.


For Christmas Day, I usually make up some kind of breakfast egg casserole the day before to cook while the kids look in their stockings and the adults sip coffee. Then we have some kind of sweet baked goodness mid to late morning.


For the big Christmas meal, held in the afternoon, I'm serving:

rosemary, garlic and cranberry stuffed pork tenderloin

creamy herbed scalloped potatoes

baked sweet potatoes

green beans amandine

cranberry chutney

flourless chocolate cake

mulled wine


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I'm taking the kids here for Christmas eve dinner.


And EX is hosting Christmas day at his house. He's making:


Christmas Dinner:

Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Spiced Blue Cheese Sauce

Mashed Potatoes

Steam Green Beans

Garlic-Herb Bread

Winter Fruit Salad

Non-alcoholic Green Apple Spritzers


Dessert: Chocolate Bundt Cake and Coffee


Afternoon Appetizers:

Baked Nacho Chips / Salsa and Creamy Mexican Dip

Baked Honey-Mustard Chicken Bites with Honey Mustard Sauce

Traditional Cheese Tray with Cracker variety

Traditional Vegetable Tray with dip

Crispy Peppermint Treats

Mini Gingerbread Cupcakes


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I think I will also plan a breakfast casserole...


My "ideal" Christmas meal would be prime rib, twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole... and I don't know what for dessert...


However, I am not sure that's what's in our grocery budget, so we'll see... might have to have dh grill tri-tip...

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Make-Ahead Baked French Toast (I make it the night before and pop it in the oven before breakfast)

Blueberries and strawberries with whipped cream

Poached eggs


Orange juice



Snack tray because we eat an early(ish) Christmas dinner


Dinner is different every year, no traditional meal. This year, we decided to do a Thanksgiving Dinner Redux:

Roast chicken (because a turkey would be too big)

Cornbread sausage dressing with cranberries and apples

Mashed potatoes


Green salad

And, because it is youngest ds' birthday, and the birthday child gets to choose his favorite dinner items....

Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, which is better than last year when he decided he really really wanted Cheerios for dinner.



Cake from the fancy bakery to celebrate the birthday boy



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I just finished my menu! Christmas Eve we're with family, not sure what they'll make this year.


Christmas morning we put breakfasty treat foods in the kids' stockings: granola bars, trailmix, clementines, and this year we're adding the pureed fruit things that are made for toddlers (they suck it out? Anyone know what I'm talking about?!). We'll then do brunch when my sister gets here, around 11: overnight casserole w/ cheese/eggs/bacon, fruit salad, bread basket w/ various rolls, cinnamon swirl bundt cake, coffee, and orange juice.


My sister then leaves and we'll host dinner for 12 of us: glazed ham, mashed potatoes reheated in crockpot, green salad, sweet potato casserole, and another vegetable side. Dessert is a birthday cake for Jesus and something my friend is bringing. Everyone contributes to the meal, which REALLY helps. Oh we're also going to serve champagne/cointreau/cranberry cocktails this year. As well as wine, non-alcoholic eggnog, and various other beverages (each has their favorite).


I'm really excited about Christmas this year, it's our 3rd year not traveling and we're finally starting to have some of our own traditions. Having lots of different people over is exciting to me too. I love providing a gathering space.

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Well, we have always done soup on Christmas Eve. I'm trying to find a good one for this year. :)

There are SO many things I want to make for breakfast, but 1. it's on a Sunday, so we have church at 11, and 2. DH is working 7:30 to 4 both Saturday and Sunday, so...instead I'm going to make ONE of the things I want on Thursday, one on Friday (DH is off both of those days), and one on Saturday. (btw, I want to make monkey bread - which is our usual Christmas day breakfast, french toast casserole or whatever it's called, and quiche. Maybe a breakfast casserole, too, on another day? Hmm...) :) Hehe...:tongue_smilie:

For lunch on Christmas day, I'm not sure yet. Probably just the norm...

Christmas dinner will be at the IL's. We usually go earlier in the day, but it's always basically the same thing - finger foods/appetizers. I know she had said something about some wings and something else...I guess I need to call her or text her to figure out what we're doing! I need to go grocery shopping tonight!

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I'm excited to try this Maple Bacon Biscuits recipe from King Arthur Flour. served with fruit salad and nonalcoholic mimosas.



This looks very tempting!


Dd insists we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast. You know, because all of that stocking candy isn't enough sugar for the morning. :tongue_smilie:


We usually have more of a traditional Christmas dinner (turkey or prime rib), but this year we are trying chicken and dumplings. I need to decide what to serve with it.

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gruyere, ham and asparagus frittata

excellent, excellent yummy and not as hard as it sounds..


hash browns premade night before...reheated in am


and fruit salad using Sam's prebagged fruit pieces


Snacks before dinner

veggie tray/dip



mayyyybe meatballs but only because one child begs for them

I try to keep this light and healthy :)


Dinner itself

MIL's famous dressing, gravy as well as her gift of Honey Baked Ham to please her grandbabes, and her last contribution...green beans

turkey breast for paw paw

mashed potatoes

sauteed broccoli



Dessert - still working on it - easy though as this is served during the kid movie we watch before bedtime with adults drinking coffee in kitchen after all is cleaned up so it's not a huge deal with us...

sugar cookies

choc chip cookies

pumpkin ginger cupcakes

heavenly chocolate


Some or all of that combination...

Whew. Better get crackin!!

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Christmas Eve dinner, after 4 pm church service:

linguine with shrimp and Alfredo sauce

baked mozzarella sticks for those who don't like the above

homemade Cuban-style bread

cooked broccoli (loved by all)

Christmas cookies


We, too, put a few granola or protein bars and other hearty snack/treats in our kids' stockings for Christmas early morning :)

Christmas breakfast, after gifts have been opened:

overnight cinnamon rolls


orange juice

great coffee (though mimosas sound really good!)


Christmas lunch/nibbles:

my husband must have his beef rolls -- chipped beef rolled around a cream cheese-onion mixture

raw veggies

nuts, maybe in the shell

pretzels or something

Boy Scout popcorn


Christmas dinner:

we have always done a simpler version of our Thanksgiving feast, with roast turkey or turkey breast, but this year I'm going even simpler...

Italian shredded beef in the slow cooker

crusty sandwich rolls

probably raw veggies, olives, etc.

and our essential pumpkin & pecan pies

I may add another dessert for our youngest, who would like something else. A fruit pie would be great, but I don't want to prep apples. Hmm.

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Breakfast on Christmas Day (after Liturgy):

Quiver's Cinnamon Rolls

Hot cider



Lunch will be free form, because breakfast will be at a funny time



Quiche--Broccoli-cheddar, Chicken-corn, Ham-Onion

Homemade rolls

Caesar Salad

Christmas cookies

Dark Chocolate pudding

Wine for adults/Sparkling Juice for kids

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I am so tired of making elaborate traditional ham or turkey or prime rib Christmas dinners that no one is really hungry enough to eat. We usually have just the four of us for Christmas (not a bad thing, we had years of family, and it was a nice change when everyone moved). We nibble and eat junk all day, and by dinner, I was scrambling to take things off the menu.


Ds and I would have preferred just an hors doerves dinner, but dh and dd wanted real food. We ended up with:


corned beef


small red potatoes AND cheesy mashed potatoes--because it's Christmas, I'll make two people happy!

raspberry jello pretzel salad

spinach madeline (spinach and jack cheese/white sauce casserole)


So far we have three desserts planned, but we'll move one to New Year's and just have two.


I'm looking sooo forward to this!

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Such great ideas here!


I bought a prime rib roast, and I'm going back and forth whether to cook it on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Along with the rib roast we'll have: creamy mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and broccoli. I don't really want to cook on Christmas day....so maybe we'll do something simple in the crockpot? I have a few days left to figure it all out.

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Christmas eve dinner:

DH's family tradion, which I happily adopted, is an oil or broth fondue with yummy meats and sauces and sides, which is fun to prepare with the kids and takes hours to consume since you cook it one bite at a time. It's just not Christmas eve without a flame and boiling liquid on the table. ;)


Christmas breakfast:

Stollen, coffee or cranberry juice, and the oranges out of our stockings.


Christmas dinner, which is usually mid afternoon:

Always different, this year my parents are hosting and I think it will be a pot roast, brussels sprouts, o'gratin potatoes, rolls. At least that's what I have heard.


All day, anytime, and dessert:

Cookies! :)

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6am Breakfast:

Cinnamon Rolls (From costco)




11am brunch

Hard-boiled egg/brunch casserole

Sauteed Spinach

Fresh Fruit Salad

Homemade bread w/ pear butter






5pm Dinner

Pork Loin & Roasted veggies

Pureed Cauliflower

Bourbon Maple Squash

Beet & Goat Cheese Salad

Fococcia or Herbed yeast Bread

Spiced Sangria (w/ cinnamon, blackberries, oranges etc & rosemary garnish)


I'm still debating on what to make for official dessert, even though we've made 10kinds of cookies it doesn't feel formal enough. :rolleyes:

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Well, xmas eve is the big meal in my family. I think its my favorite meal ever.

szekely goulash (sauerkraut soup)

Bobalky (poppyseed dough balls)

Oplatky (communion wafers) with honey

Vanocka (raisin bread)

Stewed prunes


fish sticks (my spinster aunt's contribution)


Christmas morning is usually at Mil's


Turkey sausage

coffeecake with nuts that my son is allergic to


Christmas dinner is also at Mils & is basically thanksgiving part 2.

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I make a breakfast quiche every year and it is awesome, i also make blueberry muffins and have orange juice (because the kids aren't old enough to know how awesome the quiche is, yet), plus they'll just mack on chocolate from their stockings anyway. This year we are making a turkey dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, bread rolls, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie with icecream..... Lunch will be conveniently overlooked by the crash naps they'll take after eating all their stocking chocolates.

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I make a breakfast casserole for breakfast; for the parents. The kids requested biscuits cut out using xmas cookie cutters. Lunch/dinner is a snap.. husband cooks prime rib on the grill (no pans); sweet potato casserole (in the crockpot its a make ahead recipe ), green beans, and a homemade cheesecake.... if I get to it, homemade tamales.


I haven't thought ahead for Christmas eve... its only four of us so most likely something hubby will grill.

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Breakfast: Coffeecake (not the dry crumbly kind. The "goo" is butter, brown sugar, butterscotch pudding powder, and pecans)




Scalloped Potatoes (sometimes called "Funeral Potatoes")

Green Bean Casserole (NOT the nasty mushroom kind. Mine has sour cream + spices with cheese/corn flakes on the top)

Creamed Corn (corn, butter, cream cheese, sugar, water)

Applesauce salad (applesauce, red hots, lemon jello)

Banana/Coconut bread with lime glaze



Candy (we spend the week making candy for gifts but set aside some for Christmas Day + to take to my Mom's next week)

Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Pie

Sweet Potato Pie


We are going to have SO MUCH FOOD left over! :lol: My dh has to work so he won't be here for lunch/dinner. Usually the ILs stop by but they never eat with us (baffles me every year).

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We have two breakfast casseroles--overnight french toast and a crockpot sausage/egg dish.


For dinner, we are having ham and... I don't know what yet!


Overnight French Toast


1 loaf of cinnamon swirl bread

3 cups of milk OR half & half (It’s better with half & half. It's only once a year; go for it!)

2 tsp. vanilla

6 eggs


cinnamon sugar, butter, syrup


Spray a 9 x 13 pan with PAM.


Beat 6 eggs; add milk and vanilla and whisk until foamy. Let it sit while you cut the bread up into cubes.


Spread the cubes in the bottom of your prepared pan. Pour the egg mixture over top. Gently toss with your hands until the bread is all moist. Cover with plastic and refrigerate at least 1 hour or overnight.


In the morning, uncover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.


Serve with cinnamon sugar, butter, and/or syrup.



Sausage and Egg Casserole recipe

12 beaten eggs

14 slices bread

2 1/4 cups milk

2 1/2 cups grated Cheddar or Monterey jack cheese

1 pound sausage, cooked and drained

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

2 teaspoons mustard, optional

Serves 8-10.

Grease sides of crock pot (or spray with Pam). If desired, spread mustard on one side of the bread and cut bread into large squares. Make layers in the crock pot of bread, followed by sausage, followed by cheese, ending with a cheese layer.

Beat eggs, milk, salt, and pepper together. Pour over crock pot mixture, cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 12 hours.

(I add extra cheese…cause I like cheese. And no mustard for me…. I also sometimes substitute frozen hash brown potatoes for the bread.)


Crock Pot Morning Casserole


1 bag (32 oz.) frozen hash brown potatoes

1 lb. of bacon (or sausage) diced, cooked and drained or 1 lb. cooked ham, cubed

1 medium diced onion

1 green bell pepper diced

1 1/2 C. shredded cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese (I double this!)

1 dozen eggs

1 C. milk

1 t. salt

1 t. pepper (more or less to taste)

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I always make too big of a breakfast that no one is hungry by dinner time. So, I scaled down this year. I'm a bit sad about it. I love the idea of an elaborate breakfast of all sorts of goodies on Christmas morning.


Breakfast - Baked french toast with a praline topping, bacon, and scrambled eggs.


Lunch - Cheese and crackers, fruit, dips and chips (and veggies)


Dinner - Spiral-cut, brown sugar-glazed ham, turkey, sweet potato casserole, fried apples, rolls, carrots with raisins, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole (yuck but dh likes it), pea salad, applesauce, and fruit/yogurt salad.


Dessert - A wide-array of Christmas balls (cake, cherry snowball, peanut butter, Oreo, etc.), homemade pecan pie, white cake with coconut and cherries


Drinks - iced tea (sweet, of course), crockpot apple cider, egg nog, and peppermint milk shakes (later into the night)

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Our christmas day menu



Probably Pancakes or something similar


Lunch at midday

Roast Chicken

Nut roast (for vegetarian dh and my sister)

Roast Potatoes

Roast Parsnips

Sprouts and Chestnuts

Sage and onion stuffing

Sausage wrapped in bacon.


Probably some other Roast vegetables.


Pudding will probably be lemon meringue pie or a fruit roulade.



Buffet spread of the contents of the fridge plus left overs from lunch and a loaf of bread and pickles.

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Christmas Eve: Dinner will be ham & turkey rolls with tomato soup and a salad


Christmas breakfast:


I grew up eating a yummy streusal coffee cake every year on Christmas morning, but dh doesn't like sweet breakfast (weirdo), so I halve my recipe and just make it in an 8x8 dish instead of a bundt pan. Yummmmmy!


And I also make a delicious egg casserole. Over the years I have tried several different recipes, but I just can't love soggy bready egg casseroles. I even tried one with bagels because some of the reviews said it wouldn't be soggy or bready... wrong. Anyway, this is the one I made last year and it was by far the best. The first one I've ever written down to make again!




Christmas Dinner:


This is also our first year away from family and my first year making Christmas dinner. We're having:


Beef tenderloin, mac & cheese, creamed spinach, twice baked potatoes and rolls. For dessert dh has asked that I make cornmeal pie. Trying to decide if I should also make something else, or just eat cookies as my dessert. :D

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Last night we decided on biryani with chapatis and chutney.


There are very few meals that everyone in the family likes. We're pretty much limited to ham, tacos, and biryani. Tacos are too ordinary. We had ham at Thanksgiving. Biryani is everybody's favorite meal, so that's what I'm fixing.


It's a fabulous meal, but it's pretty time-consuming, so I only make it 3-4x/year. It's usually a special birthday dinner request.

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Breakfast - Quiver's cinnamon rolls

Linner - Ham, green beans, potato casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce

Dessert - cake


We've always carried on my family's tradition of lasagne on Christmas, but my kids really don't like lasagne, so we decided to go my dh's favorite meal this year - the traditional ham. Yum!

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Easy, easy this year. We aren't travelling and have no company coming in.


I plan to make sausage patties in advance and we usually have pancakes in the freezer. We'll also have eggs if anyone (me) wants them. My kids are usually too busy playing and eating candy to want real food; why fight it??


Dinner will be ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, more candy. Easy!

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