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Who has experience with...existential...stuff?

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Okay, here is the vague situation; someone came to visit someone who lives in my house who is not related to us (but who has lived here for many years). When this person came over, dh noticed...shadows...swift, and fleeting, but there none the less (three in all, in different places within view of the visitor), and it kind of freaked him out (okay, "kind of" a lot). In later conversations with the visitor, he discovered this person "sees" things (she used a different name for the "things" she sees).


My dh is not a "ghost hunter" sort of fellow. He is not crazy, nor is he paranoid.


Our house is kind of a sprawling place. Our dogs tend to stay in our area of the house. Our lab, who is a...sensitive...sort of girl (see this post about her), was allowed to explore areas of the house usually not allowed to her tonight. She played along while sniffing out things, until she came to two of the areas where dh said he saw these odd shadows that gave him the creeps. When she approached them, it was gingerly, nose ahead - but she immediately came running back to me with her tail between her legs and refused to get any closer. This was in two different areas of the house - the third area where dh saw the "shadows" was beyond one of the other two areas, where the dog wasn't even willing to pass.


Kinda freaked out. If you have any knowledge or experience with strange things of this sort, please let me know - pm me if you'd like to. Dh was sufficiently freaked out before the dog's part in the whole thing (I mean, goosebumps, unease, generally not good feelings), but now with Rosie's reaction to the same areas...I don't know. I really just don't know. There is more to the story, but I'm not feeling comfy putting it out here on a public forum, kwim?


I'm not new here, for anyone who may not know me. I'm not cracked and not paranoid and the people who know me IRL call me Miss Logical and think I'm a smarta$$ stick in the mud. I'm just curious about this possible situation and know you all are an enlightened bunch who can offer some reasonable insight.



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That was suggested by three different people. Imp - this is craziness!

Not crazy. I have too much personal first hand experiences with this stuff.


Now, my perspective on it has changed dramatically, but there's no way I'd ever claim there's nothing to it.


Absolutely I'd get a cleansing done.

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Can I just go ahead and nominate it for Best Threads of 2011? I find this topic, and rational individuals' thoughts on it, endlessly fascinating.


I have nothing to contribute, but please, carry on. I'll be: :lurk5:




Snort! No, you may not! Lol!

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You're not crazy. Close church friends of my parents lived in a house built by Hessian soldiers during the Revolutionary War. They were both ps science teachers until retirement and told us very matter-of-factly about the ghosts in their house. They seemed rather unfazed by it, like it had just become the reality they lived with.


I have also heard first-hand stories of dogs avoiding rooms, etc.


You seemed to hint at a sinister aspect of the story. Having the house blessed or cleansed is a good idea. If you're a Christian (sorry, I can't remember), it might help to meditate on God's sovereignty and control of both the seen and unseen, and to keep in mind that shadows have no power over us unless we allow them to (by fearing them more than trusting God).


Sorry for all the weird feelings that go along with your situation. :grouphug:

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If you're a Christian (sorry, I can't remember), it might help to meditate on God's sovereignty and control of both the seen and unseen, and to keep in mind that shadows have no power over us unless we allow them to (by fearing them more than trusting God).



Thanks for the hug. I'm a former Catholic, dh is Lutheran (so has no experience or learned knowledge of...this sort of thing), and the visitor was Apostolic Catholic (not the same as me - I think I would have been Orthodox - I'm not completely certain) - if that helps anyone.

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I've lived in a couple places that definitely had some kind of... entities cohabitating there with me. Not harmful in any way, but definitely unnerving when you're not used to it. I worked in one group home where I saw something- I refuse to describe it- climb up the stairs and run into the room of the one resident who screamed and talked to something every time he was in there. Let's just say it was definitely one of those non-human things you hear about.


The best advice I've read is to, first of all, ignore it. Don't talk to it/them, don't try to interact. That'll just make it worse. Also, you can use sage bundles to try to get them out. I've never tried it, but from what I've read, you light the sage and use it around all the doorways, windows- anything that can be used as an entrance or exit to the home.

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I'm a former Catholic, dh is Lutheran (so has no experience or learned knowledge of...this sort of thing)


I guess to a Christian I'd suggest formally dedicating your house to God in prayer. To anyone else I'd say light some sage and walk through with it saying and willing with all your heart that no one shall occupy that home who is not dedicated to goodness. If the shadows are still there after that, make friends with them. Ghosts are just people without bodies, I tell my kids all the time, so any given ghost is as likely to be evil as anyone they walked past in Target today.

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Is this something you've noticed before or just with this visitor around? I do believe you though. My parents are very logical people, never believed in ghosts my whole life, and in fact, my dad is a pastor! Ever since they moved into the house they're in now, they seen and heard some crazy things. I've seen and heard enough to know there's something going on. They're not frightened by it though. Like someone else said, they're very matter of fact about the whole thing. It's just how things are at that house.

I will add that I'm not so nonchalant about the whole thing. I don't believe in ghosts as in the spirits of people so I'm choosing not to think too much about what really is going on. I can't sleep there, but I'm trying to make myself get over it so I can visit more.

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I have personally prayed through homes, using anointing oil on all the doorways. In my limited experience it works best if the current owner of the home does the anointing and praying, those others in agreement.


Honestly, this is not something I would not enter into lightly, so that may not be the best advice. I've only done this when I felt very strong spiritually.


I would contact your priest or pastor.

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But here's the thing. If I were in Laura's shoes, and if I were to call our protestant pastor and ask him to come bless or cleanse the house, I'm sure he would tell me that he has no "in" with God any more than my own "in" with God. So there are no magic words he could say beyond what I could say myself.


So, if you're a protestant, can you do the blessing or cleansing for your own self?


Totally creepy topic, Laura. Who remembers years ago we had a poster say they heard voices in their house in the middle of the night, multiple nights in a row? It was just like this thread. We all encouraged her to record the voices. I wonder what became of that?

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Totally creepy topic, Laura. Who remembers years ago we had a poster say they heard voices in their house in the middle of the night, multiple nights in a row? It was just like this thread. We all encouraged her to record the voices. I wonder what became of that?


I thought that was a family member who recorded herself snoring and heard voices on the tape. But there could have been more than one creepy thread.

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I think burning sage in your house to cleanse it is one of those really "harmless" things - like eating chicken soup when you are sick. It may not be a cure all for the problem, but it's comforting and sustaining.


All sage does is kind of "clean" the air. You walk through the house letting its smoke billow all around and it cancels old smells, old vibes, etc. Afterwards you feel like you have a clean slate to write your smells and vibes and memories on. :)


It's cheap, it's easy - might as well! Pray while you are doing it and invite joy into your house as you go. I do it in every new place I live in and it works wonders.


In fact, I think I need to do it to my house next week.

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The best advice I've read is to, first of all, ignore it. Don't talk to it/them, don't try to interact. That'll just make it worse.


I've never met a shadow, but I did meet a white ghostie girl. Maybe it is best to ignore shadows, but I had a go at the ghostie girl about boundaries and she went away. I felt kind of mean, but she did cross a line. :glare:



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I've never met a shadow, but I did meet a white ghostie girl. Maybe it is best to ignore shadows, but I had a go at the ghostie girl about boundaries and she went away. I felt kind of mean, but she did cross a line. :glare:




Awww, she just wanted to see what color you painted her old bedroom. :D

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I have a friend that says you are to leave oranges and lemons for them. It makes them happy. I'm all for the spiritual cleansing.


I don't think dh is all in for feeding whatever he saw. The poor man is sufficiently freaked out. I didn't see what he saw, but over the years I have felt oddly in my home. And, he's not the first person who has "seen" stuff here. A few years ago we took a vacation and we had someone stay in our home to do our job for us (which requires staying in our home). That person reported (with a phone call to us in Hawaii) that she saw an American Indian walking through our house and right out the back to the river behind.


I don't think dh saw an American Indian.


I think what he saw was not something...good.

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What did he see? Something satanic looking? I am so curious now!


In the Fort Sheridan military base just south of Lake Forest, Illinois, one of the old buildings was exorcised by a priest. Supposedly, it held Native Americans or prisoners at one time. Later, people started seeing apparitions. At one point, a person called the police, and after they saw it, a priest was called in to perform an exorcist.


We had a priest bless our house before we moved in, but I've always felt our house is a happy one. That was one of the qualities that drew me to it. Recently, my eldest son's girlfriend took a bunch of my sage to burn in their new apartment. Maybe you could try both especially if it's something that feels bad.

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What did he see? Something satanic looking? I am so curious now!


In the Fort Sheridan military base just south of Lake Forest, Illinois, one of the old buildings was exorcised by a priest. Supposedly, it held Native Americans or prisoners at one time. Later, people started seeing apparitions. At one point, a person called the police, and after they saw it, a priest was called in to perform an exorcist.


We had a priest bless our house before we moved in, but I've always felt our house is a happy one. That was one of the qualities that drew me to it. Recently, my eldest son's girlfriend took a bunch of my sage to burn in their new apartment. Maybe you could try both especially if it's something that feels bad.

Southern Illinois is known for being in a triangle area of the strange. (not sure where Ft Sheridan was in IL though)

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Normally I would say to ignore it and it'll go away. However, you said shadows and that could mean Shadow People. They are actually evil. Call your pastor/priest for a blessing ASAP. Don't try doing it yourself, or just reading from the Bible/praying. This needs the big guns. No, you don't need to leave the house tonight and stay at a hotel, but get on this now.

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Normally I would say to ignore it and it'll go away. However, you said shadows and that could mean Shadow People. They are actually evil. Call your pastor/priest for a blessing ASAP. Don't try doing it yourself, or just reading from the Bible/praying. This needs the big guns. No, you don't need to leave the house tonight and stay at a hotel, but get on this now.




I thought it was just ghosts (that don't really exist). But if we're talking about Shadow People you really don't want to mess around. Call a Priest immediately! :D



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I was expecting a thread on Jean-Paul Sartre or Søren Kierkegaard, or somethin :D


Don't get all freaked out, there is no such thing as ghosts.



Dh is standing over my shoulder agreeing with you - for the most part.


He says what he saw was a flash, small and near the floor...super fast. Three times. He feels like whatever he saw might have been just following her around. He's pretty convinced something very wrong happened there, and it wasn't headlights or any other trick of the eye.


Possibly *she* attracted whatever it was that he saw (and he's certain he saw it or them) and whatever it was follows her around?


Thank you to those of you are trying to help us figure this out - it is so incredibly weird.

Edited by LauraGB
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Dh is standing over my shoulder agreeing with you - for the most part.


He says what he saw was a flash, small and near the floor...super fast. Three times. He feels like whatever he saw might have been just following her around.


Possibly *she* attracted whatever it was that he saw (and he's certain he saw it or them) and whatever it was follows her around?



Not ghosts. Have a laugh and get a good nights sleep. Maybe too much LSD in college?



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There are no such thing as ghosts.


But there are demons who pose as many other entities. They can be territorial and take up residence in an area or in a person. Always, a door is opened to them. Look, if a house is empty, then someone can move in. Each of us IS a "house." If someone invited demons in through playing Ouija, having seances, contacting the dead, even reading horoscopes, that is an open door. Please remove ALL evil things from your home. More importantly, read the bible, pray to the Father in Jesus' name, and get stronger in your faith. The reason many people are telling you to be careful is because this is real, and this is so very dangerous if you are not wearing the armor of God. Yes, some will laugh and say I'm crazy to say this, but I don't care. It is truth and unbelief does not change the truth... one day ALL knees will bow down and ALL tongues confess that HE is Lord... HE has the power to set things right in that home and in people's hearts. He alone can do it.


Laura, please, do read this over and over. Study it, ponder it, ask the Lord to reveal it (and Himself) to you. Your dh should do the same. This is not a game.


Please, read and study: Ephesians 6:10-20:


10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.



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There are no such thing as ghosts.


But there are demons who pose as many other entities. They can be territorial and take up residence in an area or in a person. Always, a door is opened to them. Look, if a house is empty, then someone can move in. Each of us IS a "house." If someone invited demons in through playing Ouija, having seances, contacting the dead, even reading horoscopes, that is an open door. Please remove ALL evil things from your home. More importantly, read the bible, pray to the Father in Jesus' name, and get stronger in your faith. The reason many people are telling you to be careful is because this is real, and this is so very dangerous if you are not wearing the armor of God. Yes, some will laugh and say I'm crazy to say this, but I don't care. It is truth and unbelief does not change the truth... one day ALL knees will bow down and ALL tongues confess that HE is Lord... HE has the power to set things right in that home and in people's hearts. He alone can do it.


Laura, please, do read this over and over. Study it, ponder it, ask the Lord to reveal it (and Himself) to you. Your dh should do the same. This is not a game.


Please, read and study: Ephesians 6:10-20:


10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.




:iagree: BTDT. Would have said it sounded crazy before, but I (and every other person in the entire room) have been educated otherwise. We ended up telling whatever we invited to leave in Jesus' name repeatedly until it was gone, or at least gone enough that we could leave the room. It was unquestionably evil. If I actually lived there, I would be calling your priest to come and bless/cleanse/dedicate/exorcise the house ASAP.

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Boy were you wrong! ;) :D




Geeze, Bill! I get what you are saying - really I do - but this situation is really odd. Actually, I've gotten some very thoughtful advice and I'm grateful to those who have taken the time to offer it; it's why I came here with the situation.

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:iagree: BTDT. Would have said it sounded crazy before, but I (and every other person in the entire room) have been educated otherwise. We ended up telling whatever we invited to leave in Jesus' name repeatedly until it was gone, or at least gone enough that we could leave the room. It was unquestionably evil. If I actually lived there, I would be calling your priest to come and bless/cleanse/dedicate/exorcise the house ASAP.


Yup. And the EFFORT and STRENGTH and FAITH required to do that can be beyond anything we've ever encountered before. Just a little more effort... just a little more faith... it's exhausting! I so hear you! They don't call it warfare for nothing!

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There are no such thing as ghosts.


But there are demons who pose as many other entities. They can be territorial and take up residence in an area or in a person. Always, a door is opened to them. Look, if a house is empty, then someone can move in. Each of us IS a "house." If someone invited demons in through playing Ouija, having seances, contacting the dead, even reading horoscopes, that is an open door. Please remove ALL evil things from your home. More importantly, read the bible, pray to the Father in Jesus' name, and get stronger in your faith. The reason many people are telling you to be careful is because this is real, and this is so very dangerous if you are not wearing the armor of God. Yes, some will laugh and say I'm crazy to say this, but I don't care. It is truth and unbelief does not change the truth... one day ALL knees will bow down and ALL tongues confess that HE is Lord... HE has the power to set things right in that home and in people's hearts. He alone can do it.


Laura, please, do read this over and over. Study it, ponder it, ask the Lord to reveal it (and Himself) to you. Your dh should do the same. This is not a game.


Please, read and study: Ephesians 6:10-20:


10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.




:iagree::iagree::iagree: I have read the thread several times and wanted to say exactly this but just couldn't figure out how to put into word.


I will even more to those that think we are crazy;)


I would speak this out loud Satan I command you to leave as a child of God covered by the shed blood of Jesus you have no authority here.


I don't know if the OP is a Christian if she is not she really needs to take what has been posted and really seek the truth

Edited by Cafelattee
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I was expecting a thread on Jean-Paul Sartre or Søren Kierkegaard, or somethin :D


LOL. Me too.


As for the other stuff, Laura, sorry, no advice from me. I have no knowledge of things like that. Don't get freaked out. (I know that's easy for me to say because I'm not there.) :grouphug:

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I think what he saw was not something...good.


In this case, I would find a priest to come and bless the house. I was going to suggest that it was cool, and just live w/ it because it/they haven't bothered you in the past. But If he really thinks what he saw was evil, I would get a priest.


And no, I'm not Catholic. But I do have experience w/ spirits, ghosts, angels, ...



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I believe you! We've had our own encounters with evil spirits. I second the suggestions for having your spiritual leader (if you have one) bless/cleanse your house and smudging sage. A while ago we had some very persistent spirits that we could not get to leave with us telling them to, praying and having DH rededicate our apartment (we're LDS and a man with the priesthood can do this). It was bad enough that I was going to buy sage and call any catholic priests in the area to see if they had any experience with this. But the woman we see to get energy work, kind of like Reiki, was able to get them to go away. Such a huge relief!

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Specialmama and others, if you don't mind me asking, what do these evil "things" do with their evilness? seek to possess a person? I can't come up with anything else. (I am not a believer in ghosts; spirits are another matter)


They're out to hurt God by turning people away from HIM. God loves us. Satan hates God. So Satan uses whatever he can to keep our eyes off of the Creator. To some people, that may look like ABC, to others HIJ works just fine. Regardless, if their eyes are off the Creator, Satan wins the battle.

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