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How many days a week for school?


How many days a week do you "do" school?  

  1. 1. How many days a week do you "do" school?

    • 5 Days
    • 4 Days
    • Other

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Dd thrives on routine, and honestly, Sundays are the roughest...She does need that downtime, but two days in a row like that are not good. I do try to intersperse field trips and other fun things, and we don't always finish a whole days worth on Saturday, but we've learned the hard way that having a full day off is too unstructured.

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Well, all 7 days are open to planning, and sometimes we do some type of school work 7 days a week. But I'm in school myself, so we have to work around my class schedule, and spreading it out to be shorter days every day is the best way to get everything done.


Luckily DD enjoys school. And this schedule allows for us to take breaks when needed- whether that be a couple weeks to allow for transitioning into new schedules, or a day or two to recharge.

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6 days.

We do 5 normal days and leave Saturdays for our fun science days because I could never seem to fit it in during the week. I shouldn't really call it a science "day" though because its normally just the length of the book read aloud and an experiment. Maybe a documentary or two. Really light and fun.

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We also do 6 on average. I feel like a grinch saying it, but there are a lot of days when we don't do more than an hour or so. I put stuff up and they finish it. If they really want to have a shorter week, they can work faster, but they'd generally rather go slow. Occasionally we work all 7. Though sometimes we only do 4 or 5. Typically, though, 6.


It helps that no one in our house has a "weekend" - dh works a really weird schedule and both the kids have always been homeschooled, so it's no strange to them to do it this way.

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Here's the thing: I consider everything educational, even though many of our days didn't look anything like School. :D


Monday and Tuesday: Official School Days. That means we stay home--no errands, no field trips, no appointments, nada, zip. Official School Stuff set out on kitchen table. Children do Official School Stuff because there's nothing else to do. :D


Wednesday: Library. We left the house around 9:30 and went to a really big library in another near-by town. Stayed there until we were tired of being there. DC could check out as many books as they wanted, or no books at all; all books returned the following Wednesday whether they'd been read or not (it was the only way I could avoid overdue fines!).


Thursday: Field trip. Every.single.week. Sometimes related to something we'd been learning about, sometimes not. Mostly just us, but sometimes I invited others if I wanted to go somewhere that required a group, in which case I invited the minimum required, and dc I knew would behave. :glare:


Friday: Clean house. Once-a-month park day.


And yes, if I had been required to keep track of # of school days, I'd have counted at least four a week.

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I voted five. We do four days of actual lessons (for most subjects), and the fifth day is the extra, fun stuff, like tests/quizzes (which DD9 considers a highlight of her week :lol:), logic pages, math enrichment (pre-algebra exercises, math games, etc.), and so on. It also acts as a catch-up day for anything we didn't finish during the week.


Honestly, though, some of the catch-up has been happening on our days off too, so it ends up being more like six days a week. The kids haven't really ever known a time where we have strict "weekend" days. If something needs to get done on an off day, we do it (assuming we have the time).

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We do schoolwork on the weekend, too. It's Sunday and my 8 yro just finished his Times Tales and cursive. We're doing a Narnia lit study and we'll work on that later, too.


*shrug* What can ya' do?


Errands and house cleaning is for Saturday mornings in our house. I try to go to service on Sunday, but the power steering went out on my car...so I'm grounded this weekend. :D

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Do those of you who do weekend work live in neighborhoods? We live in an area where there aren't many HSers and it is IMPOSSIBLE to do work on the weekends. That is when all the other kids are around so they want to go play.


Where we live, NO kids play outside. I have no idea why. :confused:

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Where we live, NO kids play outside. I have no idea why. :confused:


We only have a few kids in our neighborhood, but you never see them outside either. I can, very occasionally, hear them in gated backyards. My girls are the only kids I ever see in front yards not being actively supervised by parents (e.g., small children riding trikes or walking together as a family). It's one of the things that bums me out about this otherwise nice neighborhood. My girls know some of the adults and dogs better than they know the kids!

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We do school 5 days a week. With two in public school, I'd have a mutiny on my hands if I tried to do any more or any less. :P We usually finish school by noon though, and run errands or do something fun in the afternoons.


That said, my oldest has been doing math on the weekends lately and he just started tomorrow's work, so he can go Christmas shopping with Grandma tomorrow.

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We school Monday-Friday, though Thursday and Friday are both lighter days. Thursday is library/grocery day, so we do a bit of school first thing after breakfast, then go to the library and hit the grocery store near the library. Then we come back and put little one down for a nap and finish up anything else school related we were going to do. Friday is a light day just because there isn't much left to do. I front load the week because that's when I have energy and motivation to get things done. By Thursday, I'm starting to drag and not care, so I figure I might as well have little assigned for Thursday/Friday anyway. ;)


Math - MTWThF

Grammar - MTW

Spelling - MTWF

Writing - MTW

History - MTW

Science - ThF


So as you can see above, on Th, we're only doing math and science. On Friday we're doing math, a spelling test, and science. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we do math, grammar, spelling, writing, and history.

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I voted other because we do about 4.5 days. Mondays my dd has vision therapy and my youngest son has gymnastics, so we do math, typing and music. If for some reason we have any other appointments I try to make them for Mondays in between therapy and gymnastics and then we only do math when we get home from it all.

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We tend to have school here when my husband is at work. Half the time he works four days a week, and the other he works five days. Then he has one weekend a month where he works the entire weekend; we tend to have school on those days too. It is crazy and sometimes difficult to keep up with, but it generally works better this way. ;)



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I voted 5 but it is actually probably 6 days per week. We do all core content on M-F and save messy projects, field trips and extras for the weekend when Daddy is home to help or simply corral the little ones.



Tuesday is our "light" day in that we only do the 3 R's in the morning as DD 6 has Drama Club, Daisies and swimming lessons in the afternoon. She is still learning it just isn't academic focused.


On the other 4 days we do 3-4 hours with breaks and silliness sprinkled in for good measure.

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We tend to have school here when my husband is at work. Half the time he works four days a week, and the other he works five days. Then he has one weekend a month where he works the entire weekend; we tend to have school on those days too. It is crazy and sometimes difficult to keep up with, but it generally works better this way. ;)




I think this is the closest to how we do things here. My husband works 5 days, but he works nearly every weekend. His schedule is never the same from week to week. At the beginning of the week, I write down his schedule into my little homemade planner. I write in my regular housework schedule for his working days, and use Sunday and Monday as floating days. So if he is home on Wednesday and Friday, Wednesday chores are switched to Sunday and Friday chores are moved to Monday. His days off are everyone's days off! I write down any other events for the week, and make a schedule around everything I've written in.

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Those that do 6 days a week--When do you get errands run and chores done?


Just wondering because Saturday is full of errands and cleaning at my house.


I'd rather do school on Saturday because that's when EVERYONE is running errands. Lines are longer, parking's a hassle, everything's just more annoying on the weekends. I'd rather run errands on a Monday.


But even so, I just do errands whenever. I mean, we do school 6 days most weeks, but that's only a small chunk of our day.


And my kids don't have neighborhood friends. They've never been to school so they don't have school friends. Dh works weekends anyway. It's just easier to school on the weekends.

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I'd rather do school on Saturday because that's when EVERYONE is running errands. Lines are longer, parking's a hassle, everything's just more annoying on the weekends. I'd rather run errands on a Monday.


But even so, I just do errands whenever. I mean, we do school 6 days most weeks, but that's only a small chunk of our day.


And my kids don't have neighborhood friends. They've never been to school so they don't have school friends. Dh works weekends anyway. It's just easier to school on the weekends.


Here too, actually. DH's days off are Thursday and Friday, and I'm totally fine with it. I much prefer staying in on Saturday and Sunday anyway. People drive like maniacs on the weekends!

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We do four days per week: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. We work pretty intensely on those four days, so we take a much-needed break each Friday. Occasionally, if we need to catch up on some things, so we do that on Friday, but it's never a whole day's worth of work. If we worked 6 days a week, as some have said they do, we would burn out very quickly.

Edited by ereks mom
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We do four days per week: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. We work pretty intensely on those four days, so we take a much-needed break each Friday. Occasionally, if we need to catch up on some things, so we do that on Friday, but it's never a whole day's worth of work. If we worked 6 days a week, as some have said they do, we would burn out very quickly.


That's us, too! Our lessons are pretty in-depth since she picks up concepts very quickly, so far. Friday we do fun things with friends such as music, art and PE type activities. It helps her and me to plug in with our homeschool friends frequently. Our problem this year is finishing everything everyday. I'm tinkering with our system to make sure we are making best use of our time Monday thru Thursdays.

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People drive like maniacs on the weekends!


:iagree: I stay at home Saturday, even though we don't school. Grocery shopping and other errands on Saturday? That'd be awful. I'd much rather go during the week when all the kids are in school and people are at work. Much easier and quicker. Our school takes so little time that we can easily do a full day of school AND grocery shopping if we have to.


Yesterday I did go to the grocery store since I hadn't been on my usual Thursday, but I waited until 2:15pm, since that was supposed to be kickoff time for the Alabama-Auburn game. There was hardly anyone in the stores. So nice! :D Oh, and I managed to go kidless! That's rare for me. So I even went to two stores. :lol:

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We do four days per week: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. We work pretty intensely on those four days, so we take a much-needed break each Friday. Occasionally, if we need to catch up on some things, so we do that on Friday, but it's never a whole day's worth of work. If we worked 6 days a week, as some have said they do, we would burn out very quickly.



That's us, too! Our lessons are pretty in-depth since she picks up concepts very quickly, so far. Friday we do fun things with friends such as music, art and PE type activities. It helps her and me to plug in with our homeschool friends frequently. Our problem this year is finishing everything everyday. I'm tinkering with our system to make sure we are making best use of our time Monday thru Thursdays.



This is how we do it too.

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Dh works 6 days/ week: we school 6 day/ week. We also go to various activities outside the home (CC, art, drama, violin, math tutor). in order to do all the activities and still complete the little guy's school work, I have found that it works out better to do some school on Sat than to try to have longer days during the week.



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I voted 4 days. 3 regular stay-at-home days where we school mainly in the morning, 2 days with outings: vision therapy and dance class. A full "day's" worth of school usually gets done over those 2 days. Sometimes we do science projects when dh is around on Saturday. Ds does better with only one day off at a time, so I usually have him write something on the weekend in adddition to vision exercises.

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4 days. Wednesdays are band/choir days. The only schoolwork they do is math and reading. Sometimes the high-schooler will have some assignments in other courses but I try to keep it to a minimum. He has a very full day of music classes and then a paper route as soon as he comes home and then off to church. Not much time for anything else.

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