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Do your kids get Daylight Savings Time syndrome

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Am I the only one who has this problem (especially with the littles)? Some of them are acting crabby and some just plain crazy this week. I know it will probably get better in a few more days, but they are driving me nuts until then. It seems like we go through this every time DST begins and ends. I'm starting to think we should schedule a week long break into our school schedule at these two times of the year to give everyone's biology a chance to adjust. I haven't felt that we have been very productive this week.

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No, but my dogs do. CONVINCED they are going to starve to death before my very eyes an hour before their dinner time.

UGH. That sweet face in my profile pic is the WORST of the bunch, by the way!




I was going to say the same thing. The puppy has been awful all week. Dogs don't get DST. I've compromised by feeding 30 min. earlier (and to get him out from underfoot! He's too darn big to be at my feet while I'm cooking dinner.).


How did he learn to tell time in the first place? :001_huh:

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I hate hate hate DST in both directions and this is one of the reasons why!!!!!!!


It is honestly the stupidest thing ever, and our stupid government goes and EXTENDS it!!!!!


I hate it!




I feel the same way! Though with the most recent extension, I've been thinking that maybe they could keep extending it. Eventually it will be the whole year, right? I can cope with being an hour off from the sun permanantly. Changing the time makes things crazy for weeks around here.

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I was going to say the same thing. The puppy has been awful all week. Dogs don't get DST. I've compromised by feeding 30 min. earlier (and to get him out from underfoot! He's too darn big to be at my feet while I'm cooking dinner.).


How did he learn to tell time in the first place? :001_huh:


:iagree: My dog thinks I am neglecting him this week. I have been late on his walks and his dinner. He has not been happy with me.

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I hate hate hate DST in both directions and this is one of the reasons why!!!!!!!


It is honestly the stupidest thing ever, and our stupid government goes and EXTENDS it!!!!!


I hate it!





My younger boys are out of sorts this week. My 5 year old went to bed last night sobbing because my toddler shut off the timer while they were brushing their teeth. :glare:

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I'm not a fan of daylight savings time. I prefer the time to be normal, as it is now after daylight savings time is over. The artificial lengthening of the sunlight during the spring/summer leaves me overly tired and plays havoc with my insomnia. I never had an episode the entire time we were in AZ. The time did not change when we were there.

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My kids adjust remarkably well; I never do.


The weird thing is that I travel so much for work that it's not uncommon for me to sleep in four different time zones in any given four-day period. I keep weird hours at work, and have days where I leave at o'dark hundred before the sun is up and don't land until 10-12 hours later when the sun is down for the night -- I'll go hours without any fresh air or true sunlight without any problems, but that one hour difference if I'm at home during the clock changes always knocks me off of my feet!

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Yes. The boys' Monday choir rehearsal was INSANE.


The kids' bodies were telling them it was dinnertime, and no one could sit still, stop talking or keep their hands to themselves.


We do love the light in the morning, though. Ds10 and I are waking up more easily, and we can run outside instead of going to the pool.



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I hate hate hate DST in both directions and this is one of the reasons why!!!!!!!


It is honestly the stupidest thing ever, and our stupid government goes and EXTENDS it!!!!!


I hate it!





I spend the first month or two after the clock change trying to figure out the "real time." By the time I'm settled into the new time, they change it again. For some reason the same thing happens with years. I'm finally writing 2011 on things, and it's nearly 2012.

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My 4 year old twins are having a hard time adjusting. They bounce off the walls after dinner, turn into cranky kids and then I struggle to keep them up until bedtime which is 7 now. Of course I had them stop their naps 2 weeks ago, completely forgetting about the pending time change. What the heck was I thinking?!?!


BTW Astrid - love the tag line about the lighter! Now kids at concerts use their phones or glow sticks...not the same! I was a teen back in the 80's when you had to be careful that the person behind you didn't catch your hair on fire. So much hair spray/gel/mousse in those days! Lol!



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It has been great for the 2 older kids - they've both been waking up early and getting their schoolwork done, on their own at 7am :001_huh:

Don't ask me how or why - but it has been a really good week for them!


The little guy - not so much. He has been extra cranky all week and bedtime was moved up an hour.


I definitely like the light coming in early in the morning - it makes me get out of bed earlier for sure. It was pretty bad when it was still darkish at 8am and we are all still in bed :closedeyes:

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