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What do you cook pancakes in?

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Recently I have seen threads recommending books about the benefits of butter and olive oil, instead of vegetable oil, and especially instead of canola oil.


But... what do you cook pancakes in? Our family eats a lot of pancakes! And I can not picture cooking them in butter, although I do cook other things in butter, because it burns away too fast, or olive oil, because it has a particular flavor.

Any advice from experienced cooks? thanks!!

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A nonstick griddle with no fat at all. It's my only concession to nonstick, but I'm trying to wean myself off it! Would a well-seasoned cast iron pan work for you? Then you might not need any kind of oil.


I grew up on pancakes cooked in butter and did so myself before getting a griddle. What did you cook them in before? I actually can't imagine cooking them in vegetable oil!

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On my well seasoned cast iron pans. I pull out my long two burner griddle and two pans and use all four burners. It makes pancake making go a little faster. I love my cast iron pans. Very occasionally I need to add a little oil when I first use the pan but then the rest of the pancakes slide right off. When I do use oil, I use coconut oil or grape seed oil.

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Butter. I cook them on my two-burner griddle pan (do not know how I lived without this) on a gas stove. To keep the butter from burning, I turn the burners off between batches of pancakes. That cools the griddle just enough that the next pat of butter does not burn. Removing the pan from the stove for a second would probably do the same thing.


I do not use the butter to prevent their sticking; I do it because everything tastes better in butter.



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We have an electric family griddle, so we do not cook the pancakes in anything. I just pour them right on and cook them fine (much healthier). I actually alter the recipe (we use Whole Foods organic buttermilk pancake mix) and make them only with milk and water and do not add the oil or egg the package calls for. They are still so yummy with just a dash of butter when they are done.

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Oh, I agree as someone else posted that this is my only non-stick item in the house. It is just so much easier and healthier and I can have so many cooking at once. I just replaced mine, because our other one had scratches on it and I didn't want any extra "leaching".

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Oh, I agree as someone else posted that this is my only non-stick item in the house. It is just so much easier and healthier and I can have so many cooking at once. I just replaced mine, because our other one had scratches on it and I didn't want any extra "leaching".

Yep. It is my only non-stick and the best way for pancakes which we eat about 4-5 times a week. GF pancakes with eggs from the yard hens and some added flax. yummy, yummy and healthy and topped with cane syrup. No butter required.

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I pour just a little oil in the pan (right now I only have olive oil in the house....I seldom ever use any oil) and use a papertowel to spread it around. The pan ends up being only very, very lightly coated with oil. I hate oily pancakes. :thumbdown: My dh makes his own pancakes from a different mix that what I use for myself and the kids (his has eggs in it, ours doesn't) and when he makes them he just pours some oil on the pan and spreads it with a spatula....but the pancakes are oily. Blech! :tongue_smilie: I don't use any oil in the pancakes either.....just applesauce. Have you tried chocolate chip pancakes?? Mmmmmm....the best. :001_wub:

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I add a vote for cast iron skillets with butter.


However! I learned a nifty, healthy trick from a cookbook. Sprinkle (generously) raw sesame seeds on your ungreased griddle, then pour your batter on top. The pancakes (or waffles) don't stick, and the (now) toasted sesame seeds are delicious! I do this when I remember. ;)


P.S. The cookbooks is The Ten Talents Cookbook, which I highly recommend! We're not vegan, but everyone could enjoy the recipes from this book. Yum! The love she has for cooking and her family permeate every page.

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I've made pancakes with butter and vegetable oil. The "healthiest" route is a schmear of vegetable oil on a nonstick surface or seasoned cast iron. Just a bit will fry the pancakes crisp, but the edges can be a bit greasy, without the delicious taste of butter to compensate. So, I'll follow the pp recommendations: Butter.

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