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iPod for 5th birthday?


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I feel silly even typing that. When I was 5, I had a My First Sony cassette player. :lol: The idea of an expensive piece of technology for a 5-year-old is just such a new thought....


My son's birthday is in 2 weeks. I have a 3rd generation iPod Nano that I've had for a little while. I recently inherited an iPod Touch from my mother, who got a smart phone that's an mp3 player. I really think I'm going to fill the Nano with songs DS likes and some audiobooks (he's loving W-t-P right now) and give him that for his birthday. What do you think? Good idea? Not so good idea?


Oooh! I'm going to add a poll for Chucki!

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My kids both had one at around that age, so that's my vote if your child is generally respectful of things (no tantrums that involve throwing things!) and if your lifestyle would benefit from having one.


My daughter loved audio books, so it was nice to have the iPod to take anywhere with us for her to listen to her books. In the car we'd also put on the iPod and listen to Schoolhouse Rock, et cetera. It was also great for brainwashing the kids to like my music, which is far superior in taste to their father's ;) :D

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We gave the kids cheapie mp3 players at age 4. I wouldn't get him a brand new expensive one, but a cheap one or a handmedown one, of course!


That's what I thought. I wouldn't buy him a new one, but it's just taking up space in my desk right now. And the added bonus to my plan is that now we can pass the Fisher Price FP3 player down to little sister at her birthday in November. She probably won't be as crazy about it as he is, but it will be nice for them each to have one. Of course, DS is my little one who's named after a rock star, (I didn't know this until I'd agreed to the name-- we started with DH's middle name & added the rock star-ness from there) and he takes that very seriously. His goal in life is to be "just like Aaron Lewis-- 'cuz that's my name, too!"

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We gave the kids cheapie mp3 players at age 4. I wouldn't get him a brand new expensive one, but a cheap one or a handmedown one, of course!


Same here - plus that was the easy bday gift for nieces & nephews turning 5. They can enjoy it & use independently by that age, and it's good for them to start learning to take care of their stuff.

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Go for it! We bought my son a cheap-o mp3 player at about that age. He's now gotten my husband's slightly nicer hand-me down. (And I got my son's cheap-o one after mine went for a swim. I use it least often though, so no biggie.)


I wouldn't by a child that age an expensive one, but a hand me down or an inexpensive one is fine. (As long as you are OK if it DOES get broken. Otherwise, I'd say it's 'his' but it is for special times only and then put it up except for when you are supervising it's use.) My son has kept his cheap-o one going for quite a few years with no problems.

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We bought my oldest a cheap mp3 player for her most recent birthday and she loves it. She is very careful with her things and loves to listen to music and audio books. We didn't invest in an Apple product since I figure it may get lost even though she is careful and we didn't have one we were handing down. Later we will give dd2 dh's old mp3 player since he can listen to mp3s on his phone now.

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My daughter is about to turn 5, and she's been asking for an ipod for many months now. Her auntie has one, and she thinks it's just the bomb. She loves music. It's the only thing she wants. So the aunties are planning to get her one, and I bought an "iDog" as a speaker.

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I voted no -but that really only applies to my kids :tongue_smilie: If you think he will look after it then sure- let him have it.


My kids -well I am STILL trying to teach my 5 yo that we don't tear or draw in library books -so they won't be getting any technology for a long while yet :glare:

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For my dd's 7th birthday a few months ago, she asked for - and received - a new iPad. (However, it was a combination gift - our money, relatives' gift money, and her saved money...and it was clearance priced at $400 for the 64GB first gen iPad.)


I agree with those who say that if you believe your child would be respectful of the technology, then yes, I'd give him one (whether or not it's used).

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My kids have had iPods since they were about 3 and 5. We bought 1st gen. Nanos off eBay. They treated them very well and used them all of the time. Last Christmas, they each got a 5th gen. Nano and love them! They have a lot of music on them, several video podcast, kid movies - when we were flying from Germany to the US, and the SOTW audio tapes - which they listen to constantly! I've also put their AWANA CDs and Prima Latina lessons on them from time to time.


Go for it!

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I might give my 5 yo a hand me down that I wasn't concerned about having lost, broken, etc. As part of the gift maybe a couple of credits for favorite songs to be downloaded...


If I did give a 5 yo an iPod it would come with a set of speakers-kids that little risk too much hearing damage if they use headphones or earbuds all the time.

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Sure, just make sure you've got a good little case for it. :001_smile:


MP3 players are the way that we listen to music now -- that walkman that you played your favourite tapes on? that little record player that you listened to read-along Peter Pan stories? same idea - current form.

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We gave the kids cheapie mp3 players at age 4. I wouldn't get him a brand new expensive one, but a cheap one or a handmedown one, of course!




We got free mp3 players with Visa points from our debit card, and I gave those to dc, along with my old one when I upgraded. I wouldn't buy them an expensive one, becuase that is a lot of pressure for a little one, but a cheap one or hand-me-down is great.

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Can I change my vote? :) I voted no, but was thinking of ds at 5. It would have been lost or broken within a month. If you think he's responsible enough though, go for it. I still wouldn't buy a new one (maybe a cheap mp3 player but not an iPod) for a 5 year old, but a hand me down - go for it if you think it's a good idea for your child.

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I voted to give it to the little guy, BUT I'd only do it with specific conditions/guidelines that included not having him walk around constantly with earbuds in his ears - a really bad habit that many teenagers have. This could actually be a great way to train a child in the proper use of an personal electronic device instead of waiting to get this across to a resistant teen or preteen.


I think I'd also give him limited access to the iPod at his age, especially on where it can be used (i.e. in the house, in the car vs. at a friend's house, etc.), and at what times of day. And I'd use it as leverage with discipline because having an electronic device like an iPod is definitely a privilege.




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We did this last year - I had mine stored in a box and I didn't even think it would work. I thought it was something ds(then 5) would enjoy and he has just loved it. We bought the portable speaker-thingy so he doesn't use headphones.

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I have strong feelings that young children should not be given ownership of expensive electronics because it fosters an entitlement attitude. However, I do allow my children to borrow electronics so long as they are clear that the item in question is *MINE* and they are only being given the privilege of using it. I've got an old laptop, digital camera, and portable CD player that I permit my kids to use. However, I have very deliberately refrained from transferring ownership of those items to them.

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