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Alone time

When do you prefer to have 'me time' or 'alone time'?  

  1. 1. When do you prefer to have 'me time' or 'alone time'?

    • In the morning before the kids wake up
    • In the evening when the kids go to bed
    • Afternoon, possibly during quiet time
    • I don't need to be alone on a regular basis
    • Other

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Both morning and night! I almost always have 'alone time' at night, after the kids go to bed. I usually get at least a few minutes alone in the morning. I get up at 6:30 and they usually will stay in bed just a tiny bit longer.


I get alone time on weekends now, too, which is nice. Friday night through Sunday morning. I definitely need alone time. I start to feel really draggy and tense if I don't get it.

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I enjoy getting up early to do devotionals, read the newspaper, exercise and eat breakfast before the kids crawl out of bed. If I get up at 5:30 I can usually manage that before they come down at 7 AM. Then I can focus on them and getting them started with their day.

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Other. My favourite time is when I need it. :tongue_smilie: Usually morning and night. Morning: Let me read the WTM forum while I wake up.

Evening: I'm fried. Why aren't you asleep yet? Fine, I'll go to bed myself.


If I can get some nice alone time during the day (we haven't reached the end of negotiations on quiet time) I might be awake enough to get something productive done, like studying.



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I voted afternoon because that when dh and I get our alone together time...I hardly ever get alone "me" time. I have just recently started locking the door when I go to the bathroom or take a shower. Does that count?:tongue_smilie:



ETA: just realised I voted wrong, I voted afternoon and should have done evening after kids go to bed.

Edited by blessedmom4god
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All of the times??? I get up early and have about 15 minutes after getting ready to sit and check my email. I take an hour after lunch during quiet time and that's when I pray, do computer work or read a book. In the evenings after the kids are in bed my DH plays his computer games and I spend that time by myself.


If I could only have on time of day, my time after lunch would be the most important. On days when I miss my afternoon quiet time I really struggle to be nice and happy. I obviously need a lot more alone time than most people. I regenerate being by myself.

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I prefer it in the evening, but that's not realistic. I'm an early-to-bed person, so even when I don't have an infant who is up late nursing, my oldest doesn't go to bed much earlier than I do.


So, if I want it, it's usually in the morning.


At this point I'm okay with quiet time, though, even if I'm not alone. As long as nobody is asking me for something, I'm good.


In generally I can't complain about not having enough alone/quiet time, though. My DH is excellent about being the primary caretaker on evenings and during the day on the weekends (on weekends we kind of switch from our weekday routine, and he mostly watches the kids during the day, while I do most of the hands-on parenting at night). I very rarely feel like I'm not getting as much time for myself as I'd want, and I definitely get as much as I need.

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I picked morning and other...


in the morning, my kids all sleep in, but unfortunately I am not a morning person, so I get maybe 30 min alone and then I go for a mile walk by myself.


the other- dh takes the kids to Barnes & Nobles one night a week and sometimes for bit on Sunday afternoon, I stay home to enjoy a quiet house and be by myself. I'm a bit of an introvert, I am finding. :001_smile:

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I put that I prefer __________ but. . .


that's not necessarily what I PREFER; it's just the only time I'm ever alone.;)


I put mornings. But that is only because if I do not choose mornings, I get none. I was gonna say other and then ask "What is this "me time" you speak of Kemosabi?" My husband does not get in until dark and rarely does house work or (much) parenting unless I request assistance.

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I just had to pick other... because I am BOTH...


I love my morning quiet time and have it every day...


I love evening time when my dh and the boys are out at the boat or some other thing happens that allow me night time quiet...

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I do have alone time in the afternoon during rest time but the time I NEED is in the morning before everyone wakes up. I wake up and walk out the door to exercise and come back an hour later ready to face the day. It is very difficult to be hit with the demands of the day right after waking up. I need time to get my thoughts and plans together for the day or I am a bear. :D

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All of the times??? I get up early and have about 15 minutes after getting ready to sit and check my email. I take an hour after lunch during quiet time and that's when I pray, do computer work or read a book. In the evenings after the kids are in bed my DH plays his computer games and I spend that time by myself.


If I could only have on time of day, my time after lunch would be the most important. On days when I miss my afternoon quiet time I really struggle to be nice and happy. I obviously need a lot more alone time than most people. I regenerate being by myself.



This. Well, it's my ideal, not my reality lol. I really am a much better person, wife, and mother, when I've had lots of quiet alone time. Unfortunately I don't get it as much as I really need it...

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I do my scripture study and prayers in the morning before they wake up and while DH is busy getting ready for the day.


I adore rest time for some alone time.


I created a weekly knitting group that meets for two hours once a week in the evening that I really look forward to attending. (This isn't technically "me time" because there are other people there, but I'm not responsible for anyone's problems at Knit Nite, which is quite nice so it feels like "me time.")


Evenings are scheduled for spending with DH. He chats a lot. I'm pretty tired and introverted by that time of day, so it's hard for me to pay attention and not slunk off into a quiet corner. DH takes forever to wake up in the morning, so that doesn't work for us to talk then when I'm at my most alert. Oh, the give and takes of marriage.


I used to feel so inadequate and guilty for "needing" all that alone time...I have so many friends who state that 30 minutes of scripture study and being filled up with the Spirit should be enough for anyone and that requiring more "me" time is just plain selfish. I've tried to weed out the "me" time many times and it always leads to some sort of near-breakdown. If only I was stronger!!! :001_huh: Whatever. I do what I can to be happy and serve my family with strength.

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I live with extended family, so finding pockets of alone time isn't too difficult.


Today I watched my nephews so my brothers could have some "alone time" (together LOL). Tomorrow I have a meeting downtown, so my brother will watch my kids and give me the afternoon 'off' to also shop and catch up on phone calls.


I prefer our way of doing this on an as-needed basis to getting up early for it! But some nights I simply stay up later to bask in the quiet uninterrupted air :D like, maybe, right now.

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I voted that I have alone time in the evening after the kids go to bed. That's when I actually have time--the kids are out, dh has his computer time and I have my time. Then dh and I watch tv together for a while.


I'd like to have more time in the morning, but I'm not willing to get up earlier than I already do for it.

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I never thought about needing alone time.


I did have some, of course--babies' naps, church (I put the babies in the nursery; it never ocurred to me not to, and later dc were in their age-appropriate Sunday school classes); I went grocery shopping alone; dc in bed by 7:30 and I stayed up until 11; random outings for Mr. Ellie and me with dc happily playing at the grandparents' home.


Eventually I took a dance class in the evening when Mr. Ellie was home, and after we started hsing, there was a monthly Moms' Night Out.

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I chose two options. I try for some time to myself in the mornings, because it greatly improves how I handle the day. I like to have two cups of coffee, and read for a while before they're up. The reality is that I often sleep badly and can't force myself out of bed by 6 or 6:30am which is what it takes to get some morning time to myself (the kids are up between 7:00 and 7:30am). Dd10 will stay quietly in her room, but ds4 wants my attention from the moment he wakes up.


I usually get into bed with ds at around 8pm, and stay reading and / or watching in bed next to him once he is asleep. It's this time, more than any other, that has become very valuable to me. Morning me-time is about my sanity, but the evening time is about doing something for myself.

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