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Need prayers for my dd-- urgent!!!

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She is at a GOOD hospital- they immediately took her to triage and a Dr is with her now...


This hospital suspects diabetes.... but will look into a possible head injury.



She skipped breakfast because she was dizzy and she grabbed a soda (sugar) between classes.


She had to call out into a crowd of college students for help (I was on the phone with her- she dialed me then started yelling for help!!!)... Campus police had been briefed from this weekend--and they took her seriously!


Thanks for your continued prayers--

I've counted on this board for homeschooling support for YEARS-- thanks for your support in crisis too!


I am so glad she got to the right hospital this time and they are taking her seriously. I hope you find the naswerrs to her mysterious illness soon! :grouphug: and lots of prayers!!!

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The CT came out 'normal'-- a HUGE blessing.


Her blood sugar was off-- so now we know what type of specialist to get her into.


We have calls into her GP as well as her Endocrinologist for a stat referral. Hopefully we can get her seen Thursday.


I gave her a list of foods/combinations that she CAN eat until she gets seen-- I've also told her several small meals each day-- NO SKIPPING.


I'll Skype with her later this evening.


My bags were packed and I was planning on going when she called with the results and asked me to stay home...


At least with Skype we can stay in touch--and I can SEE her eat...


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers-- they meant a lot to me today.

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The CT came out 'normal'-- a HUGE blessing.


Her blood sugar was off-- so now we know what type of specialist to get her into.


We have calls into her GP as well as her Endocrinologist for a stat referral. Hopefully we can get her seen Thursday.


I gave her a list of foods/combinations that she CAN eat until she gets seen-- I've also told her several small meals each day-- NO SKIPPING.


I'll Skype with her later this evening.


My bags were packed and I was planning on going when she called with the results and asked me to stay home...


At least with Skype we can stay in touch--and I can SEE her eat...


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers-- they meant a lot to me today.


Glad the ct was good! Prayers for your dd and for you as you continue to find out information and manage whatever the doc finds.

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The CT came out 'normal'-- a HUGE blessing.


Her blood sugar was off-- so now we know what type of specialist to get her into.


We have calls into her GP as well as her Endocrinologist for a stat referral. Hopefully we can get her seen Thursday.


I gave her a list of foods/combinations that she CAN eat until she gets seen-- I've also told her several small meals each day-- NO SKIPPING.


I'll Skype with her later this evening.


My bags were packed and I was planning on going when she called with the results and asked me to stay home...


At least with Skype we can stay in touch--and I can SEE her eat...


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers-- they meant a lot to me today.


SO glad everything went well for your daughter Jann, and I hope everythings continues to go well!

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Thank you for posting the update, Jann -- I'm so relieved to hear that the CT scan was normal!


I had to laugh when I said you would be able to "see her eating" via Skype! I would do the same thing! :D


I hope all goes well with the specialist, and that whatever is wrong turns out to be simple and easy to treat.





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Praying for your DD. :grouphug:


It looks like you may have an answer with the blood sugar, but I wanted to mention this just in case.


My cousin kept passing out her first semester of college. It got so bad that she finally had to return home. They found she had an inner ear problem, an infection that they had a very difficult time treating due to its location. This went on for about a year, and she was finally able to return the next year. You mentioned that your DD had some hearing loss from a past accident. I wonder if that might be causing equilibrium problems?? Anyway, just a thought. We'll be praying for her.

Edited by Swirl
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The CT came out 'normal'-- a HUGE blessing.


Her blood sugar was off-- so now we know what type of specialist to get her into.


We have calls into her GP as well as her Endocrinologist for a stat referral. Hopefully we can get her seen Thursday.


I gave her a list of foods/combinations that she CAN eat until she gets seen-- I've also told her several small meals each day-- NO SKIPPING.


I'll Skype with her later this evening.


My bags were packed and I was planning on going when she called with the results and asked me to stay home...


At least with Skype we can stay in touch--and I can SEE her eat...


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers-- they meant a lot to me today.


thanks for updating. it sounds like progress! i hope the referrals come fast and furious, and that it turns out to be an easy fix.... she's due for one of those, wouldn't you say?!




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oh my.....


i have left my older dds to deal with a lot, but the one medical time i intervened by driving 6 hours to be present when she said she didn't want me to, she ended up thanking me a thousand times afterwards. it helps to have someone to listen, but also someone to "help the system work well", because when you feel dreadful, its often hard to help people help you the best way they can.


mostly for her, it involved having someone who could stand up and wasn't hooked to an iv being able to say "no, that isn't okay. she needs a room/a bed/an mri/surgery, preferably today. what can we do to make that possible?" and then 30 minutes later "any news on a bed? an mri? you know, we could go down and wait for the mri before there's a bed, couldn't we, and then she wouldn't be just sitting in the hallway? is there a potential mri slot?" and then 30 minutes later pleasantly, but anxiously... "any news from the mri? at least if we were down there we'd be their problem, not yours".... rinse, repeat....


good luck!


Yes, being an adult has nothing to do with it. My friend the same age as me with an anaphylictic reaction was treated like crap before her DH got there. My mom was horribly abused when they didn't believe that she had small veins, I have offered to go with my dad... etc. etc.


It sounds like all is going well, Jann.:grouphug:

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Is she still on Metformin? I would have her endocrinologist look at that and see if it is causing issues? I have Hypothyroid, PCOS and am insulin resistant. I could not take Metformin. I passed out 2 times before the doctor realized it was the medicine (this was before I had kids). The first time I was working a carnival at my church and woke up with people all around me. The second time I was in a hardware store. The second time is when I was taken seriously.


With Metformin my blood sugar would go high and then drop quickly so I would pass out.


Good luck to her. I know how frightened she must be.

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We were FINALLY able to make an appointment with an Endocrinologist near dd.-- appointment is not for 3 weeks--but it is better than nothing. She will have blood work done next week-- Dr may opt to see her sooner depending on results.


Right now I'm pleading with her to be very careful with her diet. I even sent her extra money (she lives in the dorm and each floor has a kitchen so she cooks most of her meals).


We will be getting dd a blood sugar monitor this weekend. The campus nurse will help her get used to it--and set up a chart for her (I spoke with the nurse and she was SO HELPFUL!!!). Hopefully dd will WILLINGLY use the campus resources for support while things fall into place so she can be 'relatively stable' again.


DD has a huge Bio test today-- so we did not speak much yesterday.

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