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kid's clothes

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I don't have issues with my boys clothing. As long as they are covered, clean and their clothing doesn't have anything inappropriate on it it's not on my list of concerns. Boys are easy though, t-shirts or polos and jeans.


It's another story with my dd. She hates clothes shopping. She hates the styles and I have to agree with her. We do a lot of shopping at thrift stores because of this. But we have found a solution over the past few years. She wears plain tops and leggings with skirts over them nearly every day. I am strict with her though because I think girls need more limits based on how skimpy some of the clothes are. It's okay though because even she hates skimpy clothes, I sure hope it stays that way.

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Tea Collection isn't too expensive, is modest, and pretty fashionable :)


If I had a girl I'd probably build a wardrobe out of Tea, Land's End, Gymboree, and Hanna. Alas, my girl is a teen and wears goofy tee shirts and jeans.


My boys wear Land's End and Old Navy/Gap, and the youngest wears Hanna and Gymbo when I can find a cute style and a good deal (ie not too often).

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this is the very reason I started the thread on finding dresses for my daughter. The Tea collection is verry cute, but sort of out of my price range...so is Land's End, Old Navy, Gap and Hanna...unless I find a really good sale. But maybe I need to get used to the idea of spending more money for modest clothing. I just wish I had another daughter to pass the stuff down to...and we really don't have a decent consignment shop around here were I can recoup any of my money either. Oh well, such is life!

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I just tried doing some clothes shopping for my girls. I can find a few things at Target, but it is mostly t-shirts and leggings. The clothes at Kohl's were trashy. I am having to resort to Lands End and Hanna only this year (including for jeans). So, my girls will simply have fewer clothes. The bright side of having fewer clothes is that there will be less mess in their room and closet.


Now, if only I could find a shoe store that carries kids' shoes.....

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reason #245 why I sew.


I can't make ALL my kid's clothing, but it is hard to find a classic style Easter or Christmas dress for a little girl that looks like a little girl dress. Too many times they are gaudy and tacky, and that is if they cover their skin!


This is going to be my big issue as DD gets older. She's been tall and thin since birth, and if she stays this general shape (not to mention when she's old enough to add a few curves to that!) and trends continue to move toward dressing girls in as few clothes as possible, I'm going to have to make everything she wears, because I'm already having a hard time finding clothes that are modest enough for DH & I to be comfortable with her wearing it (at 2!)-- I can't imagine the struggle when she's bigger!

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This is going to be my big issue as DD gets older. She's been tall and thin since birth, and if she stays this general shape (not to mention when she's old enough to add a few curves to that!) and trends continue to move toward dressing girls in as few clothes as possible, I'm going to have to make everything she wears, because I'm already having a hard time finding clothes that are modest enough for DH & I to be comfortable with her wearing it (at 2!)-- I can't imagine the struggle when she's bigger!



I have 3 girls and believe me I understand. However, the trend toward layers is a good thing! And the jeans are cut higher than they used to be (my dd grew out of little girl sizes into big girl sizes at the height of the low rise jean trend. I had a horrible time finding jeans that covered her behind!)


I've found that simple styles are best.


The hard thing is that my youngest loves all things girly and doesn't understand the difference between pretty and lovely things and gaudy tacky stuff. She wants all the glitz!!! And there is SO much out there these days.

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I can find clothes like that for my girls with a combo of Gymboree, Children's Place, Crazy 8, Osh Kosh, and Carters. I do have to sift through a lot of stuff I don't like but they have many outfits that look similar to those on the site you listed and I get 90% of their clothes from the places I listed above. My oldest girls are only in a size 5/6, so maybe it gets harder as they get older. Also, you can look for the more pricey stuff on ebay and get pretty good deals.

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Boys are no problem -- Target, CP are just fine. But the girls' clothes! Skimpy, clingy, too short, too full of slogans. Ugh! Whe dd was smaller I got dress up clothing at the Wooden Soldier:




Now dd gets most of her everyday clothing (polos, shorts, etc) in the boys' section of Target. And I like Lands End -- pricier, but I am desperate. I am seriously thinking of visiting some of the ultra Orthodox towns near us and getting dd's clothes there.

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I guess I just don't have that many troubles...


Most of my girls' nice clothes come from Gymboree, The Children's Place, or Crazy 8. I watch the sales, and routinely get their matching/coordinating dresses and outfits for 25% of retail (or 75% off). I buy after season, and use gymbucks I earned on sales...more of my purchases are on-line, where they have a bigger selection of sizes than the left-overs at my local store (which I visit regularly). I purchased these really cute sweater dresses last year (pink, cream and brown, with a pleated skirt) for $12 each. I have 3 summer dresses for next year sitting in my room for next year... I got those for $8 each.


We have a Once Upon a Child, and a large consignment sale here twice a year (one for fall/winter, one for spring/summer). There are some other kids' consignment sales/stores, but I usually do just fine at these two. Most of the clothes that are there are from "name brand" places. I get a lot of Hanna/Gymbo/Land's End/etc.) there that are good "every day" clothes. I still have to be careful with pants/jeans for my curvy girl (who is still 3 sizes away from outgrowing Gymboree... that will be a sad day for me!), but otherwise I am only looking for leggings to go with knit dresses... so they can wear them longer. The last day of the sale is 50% off most items. I usually pay $2.50 for pants/ $2.00 for t-shirts. I have purchased nice wool, navy blazers for $6.


No issues finding boys' clothes at Target, Wal-Mart, Sears... oldest just got a huge bag of new clothes (3 sweaters, 1 hoodie, 3 t-shirts, 1 rugby, 2 pairs of shorts for $32).


Now, when dd wears a size 14, or moves into Jr. sizes... it will probably be a completely different story. But for sizes 12 and under, we're pretty well covered.

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this is the very reason I started the thread on finding dresses for my daughter. The Tea collection is verry cute, but sort of out of my price range...so is Land's End, Old Navy, Gap and Hanna...unless I find a really good sale. But maybe I need to get used to the idea of spending more money for modest clothing. I just wish I had another daughter to pass the stuff down to...and we really don't have a decent consignment shop around here were I can recoup any of my money either. Oh well, such is life!


You might check into consignment stores a little farther away. I LOVE ours. LOVE it! I get TONS of cute clothes. Another thing to consider is to find someone that will want to buy your girls clothes. I have a couple of friends that give me 'first dibs' before they have a garage sale! I love that! They dress their girls so well and I end up buying a lot of their stuff. My dd has like 6 coats for this winter because they were soooo cute and sooo cheap I couldn't pass them up!

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I feel the same way! For DD5, I don't have much trouble--between Gymbo, Lands' End, Target, and hand-me-downs, I can cover her easily. For my DD9 though, ugh! I actually spent four hours at the mall yesterday trying to put together an outfit for a birthday present for her. I was able to find a skirt at Naartjie, but I'm not fond of Hanna Andersson (blasphemy, I know), the Gymbo styles were a bit too young for her fashion sense, there was no Gap at this mall (:confused:), Old Navy is cut all wrong for her for some reason, and I was horrified at what I saw in Abercrombie Kids and p.s. for kids (outrageously priced advertising clothing). Everyone, including Lands End, is selling tissue-thin T-shirts (for "layering," my aunt Fanny!) that you can see right through, and if they're not tissue-thin, they're so fitted that they're skin-tight on her.


Thankfully, my DD9 is also very fond of basics. Right now the Target leggings and the "favorite T" they sell are perfect for her--soft, stretchy cotton in a variety of colors. But she's starting to want more stylish clothes, and I'm having a real hard time with meeting that need in a way that doesn't cost me hundreds and hundreds of dollars!

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I guess I just don't have that many troubles...




I used to complain about this very same issue but then I realized I was just going to have to change my attitude about shopping. No, I'm not going to walk into one store each Spring and Fall and find 100% of its inventory suitable and acceptable for my taste. Yes, a large percentage of kids' clothes at most of the stores I walk into is unaaceptable to me. (And, yes, I think it's a sad statement about what a lot of people think is acceptable.)


However, I can find a handful of appropriate things to purchase at each store. I like to think that by making these purchases, I am encouraging that store's buyers to purchase more appropriate selections for future seasons.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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justamouse, check out nextdirect.com--they have some sweet stuff there. I have some Next things from my friend whose mom buys them in the UK, but now they sell them in the US via the website. Not quite as classic in style as Bonpoint, but there are some cute things. I'm not fanatical about skirt length as long as there are leggings going underneath, so I think their skirts are very cute.


ETA: And apparently Brooks Brothers has a kids' clothing line now too--a little pricier than what I like, but I'd probably splurge on an outfit or two to mix in with our Target staples :lol:

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reason #245 why I sew.


I can't make ALL my kid's clothing, but it is hard to find a classic style Easter or Christmas dress for a little girl that looks like a little girl dress. Too many times they are gaudy and tacky, and that is if they cover their skin!

I am right there with you. The stuff I love I'm finding I have to sew.



I can find clothes like that for my girls with a combo of Gymboree, Children's Place, Crazy 8, Osh Kosh, and Carters. I do have to sift through a lot of stuff I don't like but they have many outfits that look similar to those on the site you listed and I get 90% of their clothes from the places I listed above. My oldest girls are only in a size 5/6, so maybe it gets harder as they get older. Also, you can look for the more pricey stuff on ebay and get pretty good deals.


I just got a new Osh Kosh, I'll have check them out. Crazy 8, I'll google that one. Carters and Gymb, my girls are 9 and they sometimes balk at how cutesie Carters is. :glare: Not that I wouldn't dress them in them *g* but we have to negotiate their own styles, now. :D


J.Crew's Crewcuts line is cute, albeit pricey. They do have good sales though, and often run an extra 30% off sale prices!


I love MiniBoden for my kids, especially my son.


Designer clothes that don't seem as pricey as that site you posted:



that was an interesting site!



I used to complain about this very same issue but then I realized I was just going to have to change my attitude about shopping. No, I'm not going to walk into one store each Spring and Fall and find 100% of its inventory suitable and acceptable for my taste. Yes, a large percentage of kids' clothes at most of the stores I walk into is unaaceptable to me. (And, yes, I think it's a sad statement about what a lot of people think is acceptable.)


However, I can find a handful of appropriate things to purchase at each store. I like to think that by making these purchases, I am encouraging that store's buyers to purchase more appropriate selections for future seasons.


You are right, I'm going to have to change my thinking and just purchase a few things that we can use.


I DO shop at the consignment stores, but when everyone is wearing glitz, glitz is what's in the stores.

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I guess I just don't have that many troubles...




You can totally find decent pieces at mainstream outlets like Gap Kids and cheapie options like Target. Sure, you have to sort through some junk - character branded or tacky or whatever - but I never have too much trouble. When I want to splurge on the kids, I shop at Boden, which no one seems to have mentioned. Though they're a UK company.

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Mouse-- have you seen this catalog?




Same difficult prices, but really cute stuff.


Tea is interesting as well. We have a few things from them, thanks to grannies. They sell sets that are not too, too $.




I've had a lot of excellent luck finding nice things for my dds, especially second hand places and consignment shops. It's never been difficult (I admit, I wouldn't think I would be able to find anything I like at Target or Walmart, so I never looked there.) I do like simple outfits, and when they were younger, I got lots of items here: www.basicbrilliance.com I've always loved layering for them, and mixing up the colors. Shirts, jumper, leggings, striped or floral tights, socks. Fun. My youngest (12) is stuck on twirly MiniBoden skirts with leggings or tights, and I think she is just so cute. She out (over? lol) layers herself really well. ;) I love when she wears her converse high tops with skirts, especially. :) Yesterday she was all layerd up with a purple V neck wool sweater over tank and T with a twirly skirt, tights...and tall boots. It's September and I was sweatng looking at her. lol She looked super-cute, whoever hot it made me feel.

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The years between 4-6x (OshKosh and Gymboree) and being able to wear Misses are rough for girls. I find pieces that we return to year after year: Old Navy Sweetheart jeans (higher rise, but still cute,) GAP khakis, etc. Every year, we make the rounds in about a week, picking up what we know works at each store and looking for a few new pieces to keep them looking "up to date." :D


When I find things that I like, we buy a few sizes ahead or multiples. For exmaple, this year many stores have pretty flowered blouses, so we bought many of them - more than they can wear in one year - because we won't see them again.


I don't have a lot of trouble with boys clothes. I have a standard set of items for each year. The worst part is finding casual shirts without a slogan on them, as a pp said. Ds wears polos most days, but it's hard to find casual shirts (long sleeve t's.)

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You can totally find decent pieces at mainstream outlets like Gap Kids and cheapie options like Target. Sure, you have to sort through some junk - character branded or tacky or whatever - but I never have too much trouble. When I want to splurge on the kids, I shop at Boden, which no one seems to have mentioned. Though they're a UK company.


I usually shop at a Gap outlet, Old Navy, and Target for me and for the kids. Oh, and sometimes Fashion Bug for me. I really don't have trouble finding stuff that's appropriate and affordable. But, I tend to go for really basic stuff for all of us--jeans, corduroys, plain tees, plain cardigans and pullovers, some dresses for DD. If I was interested in getting us trendy stuff that was both affordable and appropriate, I'm sure I'd have more difficulty.


I got the most adorable little denim dress for DD for $10 at the Gap outlet this weekend.

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Lands' End stuff in not made in the US.


Hardly any garments are made in the US anymore, and labels with factories in the US are often are staffed by undocumented workers, who can be paid less and have no benefits or job protection. Many of them are conned into "trials" where they are unpaid for weeks to see how they do on the job, then they're let go with no pay. This practice is illegal even for undocumented workers but it's done all the time. Sorry, rant over!

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reason #245 why I sew.


I can't make ALL my kid's clothing, but it is hard to find a classic style Easter or Christmas dress for a little girl that looks like a little girl dress. Too many times they are gaudy and tacky, and that is if they cover their skin!




It's time for me to break out my sewing machines & patterns. Fall is my favorite sewing season.


I have about nine years of Ottobre mags waiting for me to peruse and find out which designs my dd can now fit into that were too big for her when they arrived. It'll be like getting a whole bunch of new Ottobres at once! :hurray:

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Mouse-- have you seen this catalog?




Same difficult prices, but really cute stuff.


Tea is interesting as well. We have a few things from them, thanks to grannies. They sell sets that are not too, too $.




I've had a lot of excellent luck finding nice things for my dds, especially second hand places and consignement shops. It's never been difficult (I admit, I wouldn't think I would be able to find anything I like at Target or Walmart, so I never looked there.) I do like simple outfits, and when they were younger, I got lots of items here: www.basicbrilliance.com I've always loved layering for them, and mixing up the colors. Shirts, jumper, leggings, striped or floral tights, socks. Fun. My youngest (12) is stuck on twirly MiniBoden skirts with leggings or tights, and I think she is just so cute. She out (over? lol) layers herself really well. ;) I love when she wears her converse high tops with skirts, especially. :) Yesterday she was all layerd up with a purple V neck wool sweater over tank and T with a twirly skirt, tights...and tall boots. It's September and I was sweatng looking at her. lol She looked super-cute, whoever hot it made me feel.


Ohhh man, those are gorgeous.

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While I certainly understand what you're saying -- there's a lot of trashy kids clothes out there -- I also think there's a lot of cute kids things, depending on the time and money you're able to expend on finding it. (You either need more time to sift and search through sales, or a lot of money, lol...)


I try to keep my eye out for sales and deals at favorite places. Many have already been mentioned here... Some things really are just way out of my price range (Papo d'Anjo! so cute! so expensive!), but others have pretty regular sales with clearance prices that can rival Target and Old Navy.


I tend to try to get basics where they're inexpensive and fit my kids. (For instance, when dd was 7, she wanted "skinny" jeans like all of her friends, but she was already so small, Old Navy was the *only* place I found that carried "skinny" jeans in a size 5slim.) And then I'll spend a little more on cute t-shirts (really, those are what they're going to wear every day anyway, not the adorable blazers and jumpers) or other items that are "fashionable" enough for the kids, but fit my standards as well.


As others have said, I can't expect *everything* in a given store to appeal to me. I plan to weed through and find the things I like. ... I can count on many things at Gap Kids meeting my standards, but not all. I can expect very little to appeal to me at Justice. I can expect pretty much anything from Tea to make me happy.


Places where I keep an eye out for clothes for the kids:









And, of course, the old standbys of GapKids, Old Navy (for cheap basics -- and a lot of things that make me roll my eyes, lol), Target, sometimes Gymboree... REI and other outdoors type stores sometimes have good things...

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I have about nine years of Ottobre mags waiting for me to peruse and find out which designs my dd can now fit into that were too big for her when they arrived. It'll be like getting a whole bunch of new Ottobres at once! :hurray:


I sew here too, and we *love* Ottobre magazines. A great forum if you sew for kids is http://www.sewingmamas.com


We too love the Boden catalogs as well, and the Tea collection. Those are girly and with fun fabrics but still look girlish and not scaled down adult. My boys I sew for because of fit issues though, super skinny.

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While I certainly understand what you're saying -- there's a lot of trashy kids clothes out there -- I also think there's a lot of cute kids things, depending on the time and money you're able to expend on finding it. (You either need more time to sift and search through sales, or a lot of money, lol...)


I try to keep my eye out for sales and deals at favorite places. Many have already been mentioned here... Some things really are just way out of my price range (Papo d'Anjo! so cute! so expensive!), but others have pretty regular sales with clearance prices that can rival Target and Old Navy.


I tend to try to get basics where they're inexpensive and fit my kids. (For instance, when dd was 7, she wanted "skinny" jeans like all of her friends, but she was already so small, Old Navy was the *only* place I found that carried "skinny" jeans in a size 5slim.) And then I'll spend a little more on cute t-shirts (really, those are what they're going to wear every day anyway, not the adorable blazers and jumpers) or other items that are "fashionable" enough for the kids, but fit my standards as well.


As others have said, I can't expect *everything* in a given store to appeal to me. I plan to weed through and find the things I like. ... I can count on many things at Gap Kids meeting my standards, but not all. I can expect very little to appeal to me at Justice. I can expect pretty much anything from Tea to make me happy.


Places where I keep an eye out for clothes for the kids:









And, of course, the old standbys of GapKids, Old Navy (for cheap basics -- and a lot of things that make me roll my eyes, lol), Target, sometimes Gymboree... REI and other outdoors type stores sometimes have good things...


You're a girl after my own heart :001_smile:

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For everyday stuff, my girls wear plain white tank tops under almost everything. And either leggings or bike shorts or Monkey Bar Buddies. For playclothes, we do Target. For co-op days, we usually wear stuff from the Gymboree Outlet (I try to buy as much as possible off the end-of-season clearance rack for the next year) or Crazy 8s.

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I sew here too, and we *love* Ottobre magazines. A great forum if you sew for kids is www.sewingmamas.com


We too love the Boden catalogs as well, and the Tea collection. Those are girly and with fun fabrics but still look girlish and not scaled down adult. My boys I sew for because of fit issues though, super skinny.


I made most of my boys' pants for several years for that very reason. Ottobre has such great boy patterns. Like Burda, only they fit better.


They are one of the few pattern companies to put real thought into their boy designs.


Thanks for the forum rec. :001_smile:

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My Mom and I were shopping for my kids Christmas gifts last night since we are visiting and will just take home the gifts so she doesn't have to ship, etc. And we went to 3 store trying to find a dress for dd7 almost 8 until I suggested we just order something. I sew dd skirts and buy simple tops and or dresses from Hanna. LE, or the consignment store. It's just so ridiculous that as soon as you wear a 7/8 size you are thrown into a "high-fashion" trashy, poor fabric, wardrobe.

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I really, really love the stuff we got from Mini Boden this year. Those clothes have already been through the wringer and come out the other side.


I got a catalogue from Next yesterday too and I like a few things in there. I'm wondering if we'll just end up dressing like some Brits. :D


The Gymbo stuff for girls was alright this fall. DD looks adorable in her pleated skirts. But the boys... Just blah.

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One tip about Boden, in case anyone new is looking at their clothes and finding them pricey, I never order at full price. There is *always* a 20% off coupon plus free shipping/free returns. That saves $10/order in shipping and you can return without any problem. Plus there is no tax.

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Wow. I've never even heard of most of the places listed!!! :lol:

But mine are younger... I like the Children's Place, Gap, Crazy 8, some OshKosh, and sometimes Gymboree for boys (but a lot of their stuff is too cutesy, or the sale stuff just isn't sale enough for me!!) - DS7 in particular picks out his own clothes, and I'll get whatever he likes. Graphic Ts and the like don't bother me at all. He is my really skinny one, and TCP jeans (with the adjustable waist tightened up! lol) look good on him. And they look 'cool'. :) DS5 still doesn't really care all that much. :) He had some Crazy 8 jeans last year though, and I didn't really care for them.

DD is only 2, so there is TONS of cute stuff out there for her. I don't like TCP for girls, though, aside from a few basic t shirts I've bought there, and maybe some jeans or skirts. But in general, not a huge fan. She may like it when she gets older though, so whatever. For her I like a lot of Carters, Gymboree, Crazy 8, and some other random stuff thrown in. She always has a lot of Rare Editions dresses - that's where we get her Christmas and Easter dresses, and they have a LOT available for up to size 16 girls. From what I can see, they still make the same styles (basically) in all sizes. I guess they sell at department stores? Idk, I never buy them anywhere except at the warehouse. :D

I like Kohl's for DD, too. I have gotten a couple cheap things there for the boys, but they don't hold up so well. DD just has so many clothes, they don't get worn as often. :lol:

Oh, and I hate Old Navy. I've bought a few ON things at a consignment sale in the past year, bc they are cute, but I know the quality :glare: ...

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Wow, you guys spend a lot on clothing! All those links have gorgeous clothing, but $30 for a pair of shorts for a growing kid is just not something I am willing to pay for.


My absolute favorite dresses for my girls are Hanna Andersson, but the most I've paid for one is like $8 at a kids consignment shop (in excellent condition too). I've found 4 or 5 Hanna dresses at consignment shops.


I have my girls dress like little girls....not miniature adults. If a dress or skirt falls above the knee, they wear leggings underneath. I actually have a lot of trouble finding below the knee skirts/dresses in stores....but I have no trouble at consignment shops.

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Wow, you guys spend a lot on clothing! All those links have gorgeous clothing, but $30 for a pair of shorts for a growing kid is just not something I am willing to pay for.


My absolute favorite dresses for my girls are Hanna Andersson, but the most I've paid for one is like $8 at a kids consignment shop (in excellent condition too). I've found 4 or 5 Hanna dresses at consignment shops.


I have my girls dress like little girls....not miniature adults. If a dress or skirt falls above the knee, they wear leggings underneath. I actually have a lot of trouble finding below the knee skirts/dresses in stores....but I have no trouble at consignment shops.


Yeah, that's me, too. :)

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