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Is anybody else 100% happy with their curriculum choices so far?

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Yes, so far. But this was only day three. The only problem I'm encountering thus far is that it's already starting to look like ds will go through the materials I got for the two electives he requested much more quickly than I anticipated and I may be scrambling to pull together some more material long before we run out of school year. I guess that's what I get for telling him his credit for those classes will be based on time spent, rather than material covered...lol. But maybe he'll slow down a little once the novelty wears off.

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I made one change after day one....I knew before we started that I would hate it, but I paid for it...so I tried it. Now I am 100% happy. Can't say the same for DS. He only wants history and biology! :tongue_smilie: He lived math last year...hates it this year. I think once we pass the review we will be fine.

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I LOVE all my curriculum choices for the year, but I'm finding I just have too much that I want to supplement!!! What to do when you love it all!! So far I'm just going to do what I feel like each day making PR, RS, HOD, and CC memory the priority and hope that I at least do a little of everything else at some point...we'll see.

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I'm not. I had a meltdown yesterday because of it. Going to try to give it a little longer.

I'm glad it's working for you Mom's. Just wondering if the ones who are 100% happy have also been HSing for awhile and have tried other things to finally find what works for them.

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No we aren't 100% happy here. But I am also going to give it a little bit longer before I decide on any changes. It might just be that we are having trouble getting back into the groove of things.


Wow, when I actually think about it, I'm not 100% happy with most of my choices. It could be a long year.

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We are 4 weeks in and, so far, everything is going well. The only problem we are having is with math for my youngest but that has nothing to do with the curriculum (Math Mammoth.) I am seeing that doing any curriculum with my dd is going to cause problems for us so I am now trying to figure out how to solve this problem.

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YES! I can't believe what a positive start we have had to the school year. Not only am I really happy with ALL my curriculum choices, but our schedule is working and the kids are happy with it all too!


This is us also! Lets just see how it goes when dd8th grades outside classes go plus everything else they do!


I'm not. I had a meltdown yesterday because of it. Going to try to give it a little longer.

I'm glad it's working for you Mom's. Just wondering if the ones who are 100% happy have also been HSing for awhile and have tried other things to finally find what works for them.


To the bolded- This is our 4th year. Our first year I HATED with a PASSION our choices except for math. (still ended up changing it and finding something I liked better ;)) 2nd year, 2nd and 6th- it was a little better but I had 2 different curricula for everything- still sub-par. Wasn't thrilled. Except with english, But thanks to this board I switched. Last year I changed everything. Again :001_huh:. While I liked most of what we were doing, I didn't LOVE it. This year I have it right on I think! Switched back to the English we used 2 years ago. This year is going to be the best yet so far! I am waiting to order our writing yet because I just finally decided to get the program I have been drooling over for 4 years. I am very happy this year!!! :001_smile:

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I wish I could say yes, but I can't. Besides, what fun is being 100% satisfied with your curriculum? That means you'd have to stop looking and thinking about it, and then buying more. Then what would you do with your time and money? *(see the thread about therapy and curriculum ;))

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I'm not. I had a meltdown yesterday because of it. Going to try to give it a little longer.

I'm glad it's working for you Mom's. Just wondering if the ones who are 100% happy have also been HSing for awhile and have tried other things to finally find what works for them.


You can probably end up loving what you choose the first year - I'm not one of them entirely. :001_smile: Still trying thing and finding our stride here .. getting to know my child, me, the various curricula I have on hand, the methods of teaching everything, and so on .. There are just so many choices!


Please don't be so discouraged!

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I'm 100%. The only thing I switched from last year though was math and I've cobbled a few things together to get to 100% there. So I went into this confident I'd be happy with all the stuff that worked last year.


My first year nearly everything I did was a poor fit. I changed it all mid-year.

Edited by sbgrace
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I just did a last minute language arts change for one child. I really think it will be for the best, based on her particular learning style but I had been resisting it because I liked the language arts I had. She didn't, and has been more and more resistant, so I finally broke down and changed things. So we'll see, once it gets here. It really does look as though it were written for this kid. I also just ordered LOF Apples, to see how that will go over for the same child.


I'm not really happy with another dc's math, but it is her choice and she is happy so far. We'll see how that goes.

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We're about to finish week 6 and we are very happy. The only thing that I have (unwillingly) ditched is the history text I bought. I love it, my son does not. That being said, we didn't replace it, we're just reading library books instead. (Yesterday he told me he wanted to do math because George Washington was good in math. ;)) So, in the sense that we haven't had to buy anything else, yes! We are totally happy.

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We are finishing up week 2. I'm very happy with our curriculum choices. I really couldn't expect anything to work any better or to enjoy our materials any more than I do. My mathy boy is loving Teaching Textbooks (he also does MUS), my science kid is being challenged (in a good way) by BJU Science and they both are doing very well with HOD.

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Just wondering if the ones who are 100% happy have also been HSing for awhile and have tried other things to finally find what works for them.


I hadn't really thought about it before this, but I am 100% happy with what we are using, and I haven't switched things each year to find what works for me. I have developed myself as a teacher (and learned to adapt the presentation of the lesson to the individual child), but my core curriculum of R&S plus Apologia science and SOTW for history has pretty much stayed the same from the beginning. The two times I tried changing something (R&S science instead of Apologia and CW instead of the writing in R&S English) I went back to my original plan. My 2nd grader is using the same things that my oldest did in that grade, and until there are drastic differences in ability, the plan is to continue in the same manner.


My youngest is going to mess everything up, though...he learned to read 2 years earlier than my older two and is more than ready for a 1st grade phonics program, so I may have to give him something different so my 2nd grader doesn't feel bad that he is using the same things that she used last year (they are 3 years apart in age). But that is another story for another board :D

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I can honestly say I am 100% happy with our curriculum thus far. We are just finishing our second week and usually by now I can see where I am unhappy and need to change something. Not a thing I want to change! :001_smile:

However, I do need to come up with some more new activities to keep the little one's busy during school time.

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I'm glad it's working for you Mom's. Just wondering if the ones who are 100% happy have also been HSing for awhile and have tried other things to finally find what works for them.


This is my fourth year homeschooling. I don't think I've ever had anything totally fail on me, but I have definitely had things I chose to change after a year. In fact my first year I made some changes at the semester. I was nervous about starting high school this year, but it is just the next natural step and so far I just couldn't be happier!


I wish I could say yes, but I can't. Besides, what fun is being 100% satisfied with your curriculum? That means you'd have to stop looking and thinking about it, and then buying more. Then what would you do with your time and money? *(see the thread about therapy and curriculum ;))


No, no, no! Being completely happy just means you start looking for next year! Not to mention posting to share how happy you are :D.

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YUP! Still 100% happy with what we've decided to go with this year. We've just completed our 25th day of the new school year! :)


This is our 5th year homeschooling.


I am happy we are happy with what we've decided because I can't afford to shop for changes unless we have something that isn't working. I start searching and planning for next year in January/February time.


We haven't been using all the same things for all 5 years of homeschooling either. We've had to do alot of adjusting and I think finally have found what we enjoy and what works.

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I am now, but we have already made lots of changes! We are on our 3rd phonics program and our second set of readers. We are also on our 2nd handwriting program. Now that we have found what works for our family, I could not be more excited!!!! :auto: Now I will just have to find out what works for DD when she starts school in a couple of years. Somehow I think she will be completely different.... :001_huh:

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So far, so good. We are almost a month in. These boards are tremendous help in pre-screening and thinking through options!


The only questionable one is FLL1. I'm adapting it by skipping a lot of the repetition. A bit too scripted and incremental for us right now, but good content and it is working well tweaked.

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Yes, thanks to the help of fellow WTMers! I wasn't sure about FLL at first either, but now I'm reviewing the lesson before sitting down with DS and doing it in my own way/words. It went great today.

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So far, so good--the boys (and I) have liked it all. We've only done half-days this week, though, with our language arts / math / logic core. I'll know what they think of the art, music, science and so on I've chosen next week--but as my kids generally enjoy those subjects no matter what--I'm not too worried.

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I'm happy with everything so far: TOG, TT, LWL, MCTLA, RS4K.


What I'm not happy with is my impulsive decision of adding another pup to our already zoo-ish home... Had horrible day of chaos, chasing dogs and cleaning up accidents. What.was.I.thinking...:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly: ACK!!!

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