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So sad...I think we have to put Chewy to sleep today.

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Update: Dh is home, and said it was good to see Chewy relax. The vet thinks it was a severe stroke.


We've known he's has congestive heart failure for a long time. We had to put Maggie down on September 13 of last year for the same thing. He's had all the signs and symptoms, and last week we noticed he was losing weight, but other than that he was just acting old. I thought we'd have through September, at least.


Yesterday afternoon he gave me some good tail wags and happy faces. He became my shadow after Maggie died, and has been within 5 feet of me since then (he even tries to come in the bathroom with me). He and Maggie used to spend all day outside by choice, but after she passed he would go outside only to use the bathroom, do the occasional perimeter check, and then he'd come back in a resume his position by me. When I sit on the floor, he comes up and sits in front of me for ear scratches and stares into my eyes. When I stop scratching, he uses places his paw on me to get my attention.


Anyway, he was acting normal yesterday, but didn't want a treat yesterday evening (this hasn't been abnormal for him). When dh let him out at bedtime, I guess he didn't want to go, but finally went and came back in (I was in bed reading). He went to lay down in the kitchen when dh heard a thump, and Chewy was on his side with his front legs stiff. Then he started having what looked like a seizure, the first of several episodes. Breathing has been very difficult, and his front legs are still stiff, but we don't think he has control of his back legs at all. His eyes are panicked and scared. I can't pick him up to hold him because if we try to move him he panics and starts another episode.


He's 12, and he's lived a good life. Dh will take him to the vet this morning, but I don't think he'll be bringing him home. I'm heartbroken, and so are my boys. I feel so sad, too, because we got a puppy this weekend, so while I spent a lot of time with Chewy yesterday, his routine was obviously disrupted. If I would've known he was this close, we would've waited to get Jedediah until after so Chewy didn't have to deal with him in what appears to be his last couple of days. Dang, I love Chewy :crying:.


ETA: I added a picture. Dh has taken him to the vet, but a vet won't be in for another 30 minutes.

Edited by JudoMom
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My heart is breaking for you. I am here at work, sobbing. They are so incredibly faithful and loving and sometimes I wish they weren't as then these things wouldn't affect us so much. I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but know that he loved you HUGE and he trusts you to do what is best for him. I'm sorry.

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