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Ready or not, we start tomorrow. Who else?

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Guest Barb B

Start year . . . 12. REALLY, did I say 12?! Gee I am sitting hear like I do all years wondering if I should write lesson plans more. . .do I assign enough- not enough- too much. . . ect. I mean, I just dropped ds off at Purdue university ($40,000 academic scholarship) - and I continue to wonder if I am doing it right. . . guess that is the way it should be.


mom to ds freshman in college, dd 8th and ds 3rd

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We are starting year 7 tomorrow! However, there's a twist... they are starting the new school year off with another homeschooling family, while I have an appointment at the courthouse first thing in the morning.

Am I ready? NO WAY! It was only 10 days ago I found out that we are homeschooling this year - so we are jumping in! New books? They'll get here... We don't usually take the summer off, so it'll be good to start with review. (I figure we are behind, since I usually start counting days July 1.)

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We start tomorrow also and I'm shaking in my boots (I'm new to all this). I think/hope I have everything ready to go!




I am shaking in my boots and this is our 4th year (unfortunately we did not homescool from the beginning, but dd1st and dd5th grade years) I am VERY excited though! I really LOVE all our curriculum choices, I hope it goes as well as I am expecting it to!! :D


Everybody who starts has to come back and let us know how your first day went!

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Starting year 5 tomorrow....strangely enough this is the first year I've been nervous. :confused:


I think it has to do with the fact that I think I lost my mind when I was ordering stuff this year and have WAY too much stuff for the first time ever. Two grammar programs, two math programs, two writing programs, a literature program along with a full years worth of literature from AO, three history programs....it's ridiculous. I will absolutely have to cut stuff...


WHAT WAS I THINKING?????? :001_huh::confused::glare:


Oh well, it will all work out fine as long as I don't actually USE all of that stuff.:D haha....

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Same here! I have everything planned, sorted, filed, copies made......just need the motivation to tackle 3 kids this year! I am waiting for PR2 to arrive which will dictate language arts for use. I have planned around it for now until I feel comfortable getting that into our schedules. As for the morning? We have started a tradition of going to IHOP that I want to continue from last year. Makes not getting on the bus a bit easier.:)

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Starting year 6 here-hopefully on Wednesday. I couldn't pull it off in time to start tomorrow since I was teaching VBS all last week. I am about 75% through my lesson plans for first quarter, and I still need to get the school room shoveled out and restocked. Oh, and put together some new activities to keep my youngest occupied. I'm excited, though! :w00t:

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We're ready, I think. Spent the past several days organizing and cleaning. On one hand I've been excited to get started for several weeks, but then I'm like, wow...we have to sit and do alot of work now. We'll see how it goes. This is my first year with two in school, and my husband starts his classes tomorrow as well. We had a very nice and llooonnnnggg summer break, so it may take awhile to get back in a groove.

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We start tomorrow here, but since we're preschooling, it won't look too different from our normal days. I've just renewed my commitment to make sure we get stories and skills (SL P3/4 and cutting, pasting, coloring, counting & sorting games, etc) in before we do anything else. I expect it to be great fun!

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strangely enough this is the first year I've been nervous. :confused:


Me to, but I think its because this is the first official year all 4 kids have been in official "real" school. I mean we have done fun education things with the 2 younger before but this year they are in K and 1st. It will be good though! I hope :001_unsure:


We will be going into week three for us! We are rocking it and love it a lot! Finally getting into a grove. We are adjusting everything so it works for us!



:thumbup: Here's hoping I can say the same in 3 weeks! :cheers2:

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We start tomorrow too. Year 6 for us. I believe I am ready. I worked in a good house cleaning and organizing over the past few weeks. (in addition to ds 8th birthday, visiting relatives and final curriculum scheduling) The week after this we start our one day a week co-op. Then the week after that my baby turns 16!! :eek: How did that happen so quickly?

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We start "for real" tomorrow. We had a trial run the last two weeks (we only did 4 days combined) to see what we were missing and how to organize the day and all that. We were just getting our feet wet. Ha! This is year FIVE for us! I cannot believe it! I still feel just as overwhelmed and unsure and confused as I was five years ago! ha! I will be saying a big prayer for all the homeschoolers tomorrow!

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We start tomorrow, too. I took others' advice and preprinted out everything and tried to get all of my ducks in a row this year. I only have to finish lesson plans for art and music which shouldn't be a big deal. We'll see how much tweaking we need to do, though! :001_smile:


I feel so relieved this year because, Lord willing, we won't have any more kids in public school for the rest of elementary. It is such as relief to have them at home with me so my husband and I can teach them good things for their hearts and minds. It was so much more stressful having them at the public school at various points in the past and worrying about and then hearing about all of the junk that was getting taught to them there.

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Have a great week, everyone!


We won't be starting tomorrow, but we are going to work on the first WWE 2 lesson together and see if indeed that's where ds7 is at. We took the placement test, and while ds was great with his narration, he didn't do so well on his dictation. I thought it was rather difficult too, for the level.


Starting our fourth year, third grade, dry run on August 29. Full blown school starts on Monday, September 5.

Edited by sagira
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I feel so relieved this year because, Lord willing, we won't have any more kids in public school for the rest of elementary. It is such as relief to have them at home with me so my husband and I can teach them good things for their hearts and minds. It was so much more stressful having them at the public school at various points in the past and worrying about and then hearing about all of the junk that was getting taught to them there.




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Dd15 starts today. Dd8 has been half-time this summer, and after taking last week off, we were all set to go full-time this week....


... and dd4 woke up at 4 a.m. with a high fever, nausea, and the General Miseries. I am so tired, poor me. She is now watching Word World, dd8 (who sleeps in the top bunk and was woken up by the noise and light) is sleeping in, dh is passed out on the bed.


Maybe we'll start on Wednesday. :tongue_smilie:

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