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What's the Name of Your Homeschool?!

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My DS isn't school age yet, but the name I picked out 10 years ago and will probably use is Embassy Academy. I chose the name because of 2 Corinthians 5:20 "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."

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This is our first full year home schooling as a family & I really want a name, not just "our last name....Home School". I like how other families have thought of ways to incorporate their values into their names too, but I just haven't come up with anything... Maybe one of our first school activities will be brainstorming, but I'm kind of afraid of what my kids might come up with - because it'll be something like "Bikini Bottom Home School". I'm eager to hear more ideas....

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" (last name) Academy"


And just a side tangent. Is anybody else getting annoying phone calls from major suppliers thinking you're an institutional school? We've gotten several over the summer. Is this the secretary for the "blah blah Academy?" Ummmm....I guess?


Pitney Bowes


and somebody selling printers/ink by the truckload.


We only have 6 students and 1 (very underpaid) staff. No I don't need a machine to help me fold my mail or 100 ink cartridges. Quit calling. :lol:

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Tree House Academy. :) We live in the mtns and our school room is on the top floor of the house with a beautiful view of the mountains and trees.


Oooo! I'm jealous! Can I have school at Tree House Academy too???:001_smile:




Our school was named by my eldest dd. It is (our last name) for Christ Academy.

Edited by lovelaughs_times_three
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" (last name) Academy"


And just a side tangent. Is anybody else getting annoying phone calls from major suppliers thinking you're an institutional school? We've gotten several over the summer. Is this the secretary for the "blah blah Academy?" Ummmm....I guess?


Pitney Bowes


and somebody selling printers/ink by the truckload.


We only have 6 students and 1 (very underpaid) staff. No I don't need a machine to help me fold my mail or 100 ink cartridges. Quit calling. :lol:


No. I haven't. But, I keep getting baby formula and diaper samples in the mail, and I haven't had a baby in almost 10 years!!! Where do these telemarketers get their info?

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We haven't named our yet. But we're moving into our "Forever Home" the first week of September and it's on a river so Dh wants to call it Riverview Academy. Not the most inventive, but we're rejoicing to FINALLY be in a home without turnsignals or wheels and to FINALLY be homeowners!!! At this point, we're too giddy to be creative!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Edited by BigMamaBird
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We call our school Kairos Academy! Kairos means "when heaven intersects earth"..."the appointed time in the purposes of God!" That's how we SPEND our TIME--pursuing the purposes of God! What about you? What do you call your homeschool?:001_smile:


I really want to call ours Plumfield Academy, but then that's ripping off Little Men, and then I don't know if I can live up to quite Plumfield standards even though I wish I could.


Since we don't need a name, I've not named us anything yet. Gotta figure something out though in time for high school transcripts. Or, well, at least in time for college applications, which does give me a few more years.....


Y'all think I could get away with Plumfield??? If it's just the name on the transcript, not an officially registered name or anything??

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Many years ago, when I was homeschooling my eldest, (who was quite the Latin scholar,) we named our school Pharos Academy, after the lighthouse at Alexandria. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, it also held the largest library of the ancient world. I figure I'll stick with the name as I start homeschooling my youngest.

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Candlestick Acadamy. Although I'm the only one in our family who calls it that. :lol: DH doesn't like it, and the kids don't even know that I've named our school this. :p But I love it! It reminds me of the verse from Matthew "Let your light so shine..." (although some would dispute that homeschooling is putting your kids under a bushel, rather than on a candlestick, but I consider our time at home as being the "waxing" phase, before their candles are "lit". ;) )

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I really want to call ours Plumfield Academy, but then that's ripping off Little Men, and then I don't know if I can live up to quite Plumfield standards even though I wish I could.


Since we don't need a name, I've not named us anything yet. Gotta figure something out though in time for high school transcripts. Or, well, at least in time for college applications, which does give me a few more years.....


Y'all think I could get away with Plumfield??? If it's just the name on the transcript, not an officially registered name or anything??


I think you should go with Plumfield, you will find kindred spirits who know where it comes from...I have it listed on the sidebar of my blog -"Plumfield academics" above a list of homeschool posts...it's a sweet name :001_smile:

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I made the mistake of letting the kids pick. Ours is The Ding Doodle Academy for Smarty Pants. I think we may need to revisit this sometime in the future.:glare:




I was afraid of letting my boys have TOO much say in nameing our homeschool. For now, we will stick with Kairos Academy. If, in the future when they are a little more mature, I might let them have a say.

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Live Oak Christian Academy


We have a huge live oak in our yard and our school verse is Psalm 1:3.."He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." If you know anything about live oaks, it's that their leaves do not wither (i.e. they are green year round). So the verse, the tree in our yard, and our goals for our children (yield their fruit in season, to prosper) just all came together.


Of course, our mascot is the Acorns because let's face it, we are NUTS!:D

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