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Appearance poll with multiple choices!

Which of these do you do to maintain your appearance?  

  1. 1. Which of these do you do to maintain your appearance?

    • Maintain my weight where I want it to be
    • Color my hair and/or get it cut often (every 4-6 weeks)
    • Maintain facial and body hair (shaving, plucking, waxing, threading or have it lasered)
    • Wear makeup more than 3 days per week
    • Wear clothes that I think are cute, stylish, neat and/or tailored
    • Accessorize with scarves, jewelry, bags, shoes and/or something else
    • Style my hair instead of just pulling it off my face (without styling it)
    • Get manicures and/or pedicures
    • I have had cosmetic surgery or am having it in the near future
    • Other

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How often? Some of the things listed mention this, but not all. For ex, I'll roll my hair to go somewhere, but not for around the house. This doesn't work out to *often,* lol, but you know, occasionally.


I *would* check more off, but a) we haven't had the $$, & b) it's not a priority to dh. I finally had to tell him that I WANT him to think I look better w/ makeup than w/out. I suspect that he can tell a difference & prefers more maintenance but that fact offends his philosophy, so he won't admit it. When I suggest this, though, he says I'm crazy. :glare:

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I checked most of them, although I should clarify on the hair thing -- I marked get it cut often and style rather than just pull back BUT I wear my hair long so "often" for me is NOT 4 to 6 weeks, it doesn't need it. I get it cut as needed to trim any split ends, clean it up, etc. For "styling" my hair, I either wear it down or with a cute headband or a little bun or something. I try to avoid the "pulled back in a ponytail because that's easy" look. So, no curling, or hair gel, or straightening or anything like that, but I think for the heart of what you were asking I'm okay to check "style it vs. just pull it back."


I don't wear makeup more than 3 days a week, but do wear it if we're going out somewhere. I don't get manicures/pedicures, but once sandal season rolls around again (we're flip flop due to being southern hemisphere) I'll paint my toenails regularly. I gave up on my fingernails (painting them) because they chip too often, too easily, and too soon after I paint them. I buff them with a nail buffer thing to bring out the natural shine and keep them short/nice length, not messy or too long.


I've not had cosmetic surgery, nor do I plan to. That's the only other thing I didn't check. The rest, I do.

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None except for maintaining facial/body hair. I do wash my body and hair daily, comb my hair, wear clothes that are not stylish but match and are clean and do not have holes. And I brush my teeth and trim my nails. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and eat correctly but I could not mark the maintaining weight slot because I'm far from that goal. I want credit for all of that!

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I don't do one single one of those on any regular basis. I do color my hair about twice per year. I shave by legs on average of once every year or two. I don't do eyebrows. I cut my hair every blue moon (usually it's long enough to donate then I start all over). I don't do make up. I'm probably too fat for stylish clothing and I don't have a clue anyway. I have three pairs of shoes I'm willing to wear (a pair of tennis shoes and two pairs of low heels, one in black, the other in brown).


Anyway....well, I do shave my underarms once in awhile.

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I marked everything except maintain my weight, color/ cut my hair often and plastic surgery.


None except for maintaining facial/body hair. I do wash my body and hair daily, comb my hair, wear clothes that are not stylish but match and are clean and do not have holes. And I brush my teeth and trim my nails. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and eat correctly but I could not mark the maintaining weight slot because I'm far from that goal. I want credit for all of that!


That could all fall under other! :) :grouphug: But, I must admit that I see those things as sort of basic grooming. I would be concerned about a friend who didn't comb her hair or wear clean clothes, kwim?


You definitely should get credit for eating healthy and working out. If there was another slot I would have put that there. I guess I just couldn't cover everything that has been discussed in this thread.

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All I do is maintain weight and deal with body hair, though I really don't bother with that too often....I shave armpits every other day, and do legs every week or every other week (I have dark hair and light skin and wear shorts in the summer) I just don't care enough to bother with that more often.


As far as the other things, again, I don't care enough to bother with them. I'll wear cute clothes occasionally (for church and other activities), but for an average day where I'm either just in the house or going to work (very casual dress code), a t shirt and jeans are just fine. I don't mess with makeup for the most part, maybe a bit of blush for church or something because if you wear it all the time, people expect it of you, and if you forget it for a day, people comment that you look different. I like not having to mess with the expense and the time to deal with it. I don't mess with haircuts as my hair is quite long (I do trim the split ends myself every now and again). I don't bother with highlights (aside from those I get from being in the sun a lot). My nails are short, and polish never seems to stay on them for more than a few days so I just don't bother. My husband loves that I can get up in the morning, run a brush through my hair and get on with the day.

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No pedi/manis, no cosmetic surgery and I don't accessorize much at all. But everything else is a yes but in moderation. I like to get my hair cut stylishly and wear cute clothes but I don't have the money right now. I do like to pull it together about every other or every 3 days. I still get mileage out of my primping on days I don't primp. Does that make sense?

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I checked three. I maintain body/facial hair and I wear clothes that are neat and fit me. I'm carrying around about 40 extra pounds but I did check the weight one because dh and I go to the gym together 4 days a week. So, I'm trying to maintain it.

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I checked maintain my weight because that is something I put effort into, even if my effort doesn't lead to success. However, while appearance is improved with weight maintenance, keeping your weight within a certain range is also a health issue.


I also checked shaving even though I know I don't shave as often as many people. I also know there are many people who shave less often than me, so, whatever.


ETA: Perhaps I could have checked three. I wear clothes that fit me and do not have stains or holes. Maybe once/year I break down and buy a shirt I consider cute.

Edited by crstarlette
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None except maintain weight and shaving. I've never had my nails done or a pedicure. It creeps me out to think of people touching my hands and feet (blech!). Where is the option "I'm a germaphobe?" I have short hair, I get it cut every 10-12 weeks, so I usually look pretty shaggy by the time I get there, but it takes so long and is so boring.


You know... now that I think of it there are several factors playing into this "no make-up stance" of mine.

1. I'm a germaphobe... or at least I don't like people touching me that are not intimate acquaintances. My feet especially.


2. I am seriously ADD. The idea of having to sit or even stand in one place for more than about five minutes is torture to me. It is sooooo boring! HOW can people STAND to have long hair that has to be blown dry?!? I would go in-freakin'-sane. Getting my hair cut takes like 30 minutes. Torture.


3. I'm allergic to nearly everything.

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I checked off a few items, and other.

I don't maintain my weight, I'm trying to lose weight, and I've been exercising for 4 months and gained 10 pounds.:lol::001_huh: Someone told me I was exchanging fat for muscle.:glare:

I wear makeup three to seven times a week.

I shave. I like to wear nice clothing, but around the house I wear my tattered jeans. I can't remember what else I checked.:tongue_smilie:Sometimes I go for more than a year without a hair cut. I never have colored my hair. I don't get my nails done.

Oh, I style my hair somewhat, but also just pull it back.

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I'm still working on losing weight - 80 pounds so far and I would like to lose another 80 or so.


I colored my hair for the first time a couple of months ago - I will probably keep doing that because dh liked it. He wants my hair longer, so I don't have to get it cut often.;)


My aunt gave me a ton of clothes and she has good taste, so I get to wear nicer clothes than I have in the past.


I don't spend a lot of time, but I am trying to pay more attention to it overall.

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I checked off everything except plastic surgery. However, your first option says "maintain weight" and technically, I'm not maintaining it, but I have lost 80 pounds in the past year and a half. I'd like to lose a little more, but I'm maintaining that loss nicely enough for now.


Also, I go to get my hair done every 2 months, so I counted that as "regularly." I do my own manicures/pedicures, so I counted that, too.


Oh, and I adore accessories! No matter what size you are, a pretty scarf, funky earrings or cute handbag always fit. :D

Edited by Audrey
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I checked maintain facial/body hair and wear neat clothes. I don't look for especially cute/stylish clothes but rather clothes that fit my body and age. I always try to look neat when I go out. As to maintaining body weight, I eat healthy and try to walk and/or bike several miles each day, but I'm not losing weight that I feel I need to lose. It's just staying put.


A few years ago I colored my hair, but it was a pain and cost money, imo, so I stopped. I feel the same way about make up - it has to come off every night.

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I wear makeup and cuter clothes and style my hair (a little) on Sundays, when I "meet the Public" as a clergy wife. The rest of the time I'm usually in more casual clothes. I no longer color my hair, but it's cut (not in a style that requires much, but I don't usually go to church with it wet). I only show up in jeans to church once or twice a year, when my hubby is on vaca and I'm going "incognito." :D


All other maintenance (except weight--I've failed there) is too expensive for me to pay for. I can do my own nails, but I bite them. I can shave my own legs (and do, thank you very much) and I don't spend a lot in the other areas.

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Way back when, I used to have highlights done on my long hair at a salon. It took forever, at least two and a half hours, every time. It was so boring. I hated doing it. Even though I loved how it looked, I quit.


Now I just color it at home every couple of months. Looks about the same at about one seventh of the cost. Ha.

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I selected all of the options (I had breast reduction surgery when I was 19 so I guess that counts as cosmetic surgery).


I shave but don't wax or do electrolysis or anything.


I'm not big on accessories but the shoes and bag I do own are pretty.


I do my own mani/pedi but I maintain it on a weekly basis. I won't wear open-toe shoes with a busted pedicure!


I highlight on occassion, just for fun, but have no greys yet so no need to color. I don't get my hair cut every 4-6 weeks but that is just because it grows out nicely. I do see my stylist every 3 months like clockwork.


I do all of the other things as described in the poll.

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I checked off every single one, except other. I have never thought of myself as paying that much attention to how I look, but maybe I was wrong!


I am naturally small and have never really struggled with my weight, other than noticing (since I've gotten past 40) once in a while that I've gained 10 lbs. or so, but I lose it right away.


I don't get my hair cut that often because I wear it long and mostly one length, but I wet/style or wash/style it every morning even though that means just running some leave-in conditioner through it. I color it myself.


I got my bOOks picked back up after I was finished having babies, and have never regretted it.


I give myself pedicures most of the time, but get my nails done every other week.


I love cute clothes and love to accessorize with jewelry and sometimes a scarf. I make sure I look put together enough to run into anyone I know without being embarrassed before I leave the house.


I guess I am more appearance-conscious than I realized!

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I checked "maintain weight" and "wear makeup", though I don't put much effort into my weight maintaining and I only started wearing makeup this past year because I got sick of looking at my acne, which I've had since I was a teenager. I shave my armpits often, since I'm usually wearing tank tops, but I don't shave my legs that much, because I'm usually wearing some sort of pant (jeans, linen, yoga, etc.).


DH told me once that he had prayed for a low-maintenance wife, and he sure did get one! Unfortunately, he thought he was praying for a wife with low-maintenance emotions (not appearance). I am a very emotional person, especially since I've been pregnant or nursing most of our 8-year marriage, bless his heart!

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I have my hair cut but I'm going grey gracefully; I have my moustache waxed, but don't shave my legs or armpits; I wear two bangles, two rings, four earrings (three in one ear, one in the other) and a necklace. However they are always the same: I sleep, garden and shower in my jewelry. I don't do any of the other things in the poll.



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Mrs Mungo, love your polls and threads. :D :grouphug:


Me, in case anyone's interested. ;)


Maintain my weight - I try, but don't always succeed. I'll always be a bit overweight. Hopefully, not obese ever again.


Color hair/cut - I don't color my greys at all. I do get it cut regularly.


Facial/body hair - very, very diligent about this.


Wear clothes that I think are cute, stylish, neat and/or tailored - most of the time. Need to work on this for home and classroom time. I tend to be frumpy and really bad for home and classroom. Not good at all.


Accessorize with scarves, jewelry, bags, shoes and/or something else - Scarves, I'm hopeless and they would look weird in the tropics

- Jewelry - not so good

- Bags - I'm getting more into

- Glasses - 2 new pairs that I love


Style my hair instead of just pulling it off my face (without styling it) - I CHI my hair but only for special occasions. I think it causes hair loss and don't want to be bald when I'm 60.


Manicures and Pedicures - more of a diy person if at all. I might get a professional pedicure once or twice a year, but should do it more often. I worry about infections, however.


Cosmetic Surgery - nope, no way.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Well, I have to say I'm not doing a single one of these being 3 weeks from having baby #5. My hair is crazy/uncontrollable, I have 4 outfits that fit me right now, all of which will be burned as soon as baby is born, and I don't leave the house to warrant make-up in this blasted heat. I'm certainly not at the weight I'd like to be at the moment. :glare: I'm not really lovin' life right now, and it shows.


But, on a non-pregnant day, I usually try to keep up appearances.


ETA: I do keep on top of that facial/body hair right now... eeewww..

Edited by hmsmith
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I maintain my weight (most important to me) which leads me to wear "cute" clothes. I also wear cover-up and sometimes lip gloss (that's the extent of my makeup). I also shave when needed and I shower daily.


I'm not huge on jewelry but I do like purses. I wear my hair in a ponytail pretty much daily. I would never spend money on mani/pedi or surgery. I cut my own hair.

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The only thing I do on a regular basis is keep up with the facial hair maintenance (Thanks for those genes, Dad! :glare:)


In the summer, I shave, but not so much in the winter.


I only wear makeup to weddings and bar mitzvahs or other super special events, but even then, only if I feel like it.


I've been trying to eat better to be healthy, and as a result, losing weight.


That's about it.


ETA: I get my hair professionally cut 1-2 times a year. The rest of the time I trim it up myself.

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I checked everything but mani/pedicures. I do my own nails now as the fake nails never worked for me. CONSTANT appts. to keep them on. It wasn't worth my time.


I didn't check plastic surgery but plan to have my bags under my eyes removed one day.


I didn't check maintain weight. I don't know why in my 40's I'm having this issue. Before my 40's I was the only person in my family that never struggled with weight. Now I need to lose 30 pounds again. SO frustrating. I watch EVERYTHING I put into my mouth, and everyone always tells me I don't eat much at all. I strictly limit carbs, too.

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