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s/o of a s/o...Would your husband wear a mankini just for you?

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Kristen, I just knew your husband would at least entertain the thought! It sounds like he has a great sense of humor.


LL, it's a little different than a Speedo but close. If your curiosity gets the better of you, Google Borat and mankini. Trim? I am going to imagine a beard, stache, or hairy chest. LOL.


Any guys on this board care to share? TNT? Bill?

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Oh my. So I googled it....why would someone *want* their husband to do that?


I would NOT want mine to wear one....it looks, uh, gross!


I would offer favors for him NOT to wear this!


Me, too! Now we did used to have some silk boxers with snaps down both sides.....ahhh....memories! :D


Not unless he wanted me to divorce him or something.


This made me :lol::lol::lol:

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oh. em. gee.


Gotta love google images...now I won't be able to get it out of my head! LOL


No hubby would never..I wouldn't want him too. Hubby is a modest fruit of the loom guy.


Heck, he wouldn't even wear the cute silk mickey mouse boxers I got him at Disney....can't IMAGINE why!

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Okay, I just googled. Dh's reaction: :001_huh: "wow." But then he said that if I wanted him to, he would wear one. He'd wear it while doing lawn work and would wear it to the grocery store. :lol::lol::lol:


Oh, that is so awful! But I did laugh pretty hard!

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I asked my husband, "What's a mankini, and would you wear one for me?" He burst out laughing, and said, "I'll do anything for you".


ETA: I just looked at the above link... mankinis are ugly!

Edited by Jinnah
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I think Jim Carey was actually wearing Jenny McCarthy's swim suit. You can see the pictures of them earlier that day, when she is wearing the suit, then they come out later and he has it on.

I remember when those pictures first came out, I thought it was pretty funny.:lol:


I don't even like the look of it on this guy. Poor hot guy, looks like he ought to be in a circus or something.





No, my DH would not wear one, the very thought........(shudder).

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The mankini could be used as a modesty garment for those times your men are donning their kilts. Then when someone asks what's under that kilt, they could flip it up and say, "My mankini, of course!"


We know all your husbands would look hot in one, but what about Johnny Depp or those other famous guys who wear kilts? Liam Neeson?


I'm going to leave you tonight to ponder these things and perhaps give you nightmares ... or sweet dreams ... whichever it might be.

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I had to look it up.


Uh, no. I don't think I'd even want him to wear one for me. I don't even like the look of it on this guy. Poor hot guy, looks like he ought to be in a circus or something.


I actually think that guy pulls it off. (I mean the look - dirty minds! :lol: )


I was wondering what the Amazon reviews could possibly have to say about them, and I came across this review for the Borat Costume Mankini:


38 of 39 people found the following review helpful:

4.0 out of 5 stars Grandpa loves it!

I bought this for myself, but after a few tries, I just didn't get used to it,

so I gave it to my grandfather. It was an instant hit!

All the people at the "home" love seeing papa parade around the place.

I'm not sure how to top this for his next birthday.



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