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s/o Wilson thread: What do you put on your popcorn?

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In our house, we put melted butter and sea salt on our popcorn. Occasionally we might throw some shredded cheese in the bowl. Or maybe some butterscotch chips.


In the Wilson thread, Hedgehog (Hi Hedgehog! I hope you don't feel picked on! I just found your post intriguing!) remarked that she puts condensed milk on hers. And was surprised to see someone use seasoning salt. I thought it might be fun to see what other popcorn variations this group could come up with. :001_smile:



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OMG popcorn is one of my very favorite foods ever.

I love it with just sea salt, or seasoning salt, or butter and sea salt. One of my favorite ways is to use butter and then sprinkle with King Arthur Flour's Vermont Cheese Powder.


I think Cabot makes a version too.







We usually put butter, salt and grated cheese on ours.

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Mrs Spy Car (the designated pop-corn diva extraordinaire in our home) adds some salt and...dried dill weed.


Dill is her innovation. She says it makes the popcorn taste "buttery" without the butter. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it is tasty and pop-corn isn't pop-corn at our house without some dried dill.



Bill (rhymes with dill :D)

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I have a whirley pop. One of our favorite things to mix in with the corn and oil is red hots. I also make kettle corn and sometimes add some food coloring to the sugar. Other times I put chocolate in there. Sometimes we go plain salt and butter. And still others we go with some kind of savory recipe. There are some recipes here.

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We love to put olive oil, salt and smoked paprika on ours. Highly additctive. Also olive oil and Johnny's Seasoning salt. It has MSG but oh, it is delish.:lol:

We do airpopcorn. We love it so much we buy it by the 35 pound bag of kernels (Orville is the best is our humble opinion).

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I am not a big popcorn fan, but my DH and DC love it. We usually get the microwave kind ... with lots of butter. I want to get a popper. I tried to get myself one in our dirty santa family gift exchange last year...but they ran out of the one that fit the monetary limit. I think I might like fresh popped with seasoning salt :001_smile: I may have to try cayenne pepper though, I put that on everything else!

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Mrs Spy Car (the designated pop-corn diva extraordinaire in our home) adds some salt and...dried dill weed.


Dill is her innovation. She says it makes the popcorn taste "buttery" without the butter. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it is tasty and pop-corn isn't pop-corn at our house without some dried dill.



Bill (rhymes with dill :D)


We do this too--- and I agree with Mrs. Spy Car!


Additionally, I steep fresh rosemary sprigs in warm olive oil in a saucepan over low heat. Then I allow the oil to cool a bit, discard the rosemary sprigs and use that oil in my Whirly Pop. Delicious!!



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We do this too--- and I agree with Mrs. Spy Car!


Additionally, I steep fresh rosemary sprigs in warm olive oil in a saucepan over low heat. Then I allow the oil to cool a bit, discard the rosemary sprigs and use that oil in my Whirly Pop. Delicious!!




My stash is getting low, but I have enjoyed sprinkling pop-corn with smoked Spanish paprika. I think you would like it.



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Mmm....I most defiintely would! Thanks for the tip-- I have to stop at Whole Foods on my way home this afternoon and I'm going to head straight for the spice aisle to see what I can come up with!


astrid, who will undoubtedly look like this tonight: :lurk5:



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Mmm....I most defiintely would! Thanks for the tip-- I have to stop at Whole Foods on my way home this afternoon and I'm going to head straight for the spice aisle to see what I can come up with!


astrid, who will undoubtedly look like this tonight: :lurk5:




Not only does the smoked Spanish paprika (usually available in tins) give the pop-corn a nice lighty-smoky sweet picante taste, but it also imparts a color that can only be called "cheery."


Good luck at Whole Foods.



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We use an air popper, put melted butter on it, then sea salt and nutritional yeast flakes. YUMMY. My friend in Colorado and I thought we "invented" putting yeast flakes on popcorn, but apparently some theatres do this as well.


I love popcorn!

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Sprinkle a bit of dehydrated butter ...:)


Eek! (in a good way) We'll have to try this. I have a couple of cans of dehydrated butter that I purchased during a cooking phase I went through (that ended before it started) that I didn't know how to use.

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B/c ds is dairy free, we do melted Earth Balance, sea salt and nutritional yeast. I guess that's the df equivalent of salt, butter and parm cheese. All I know is it's yummy, and I eat my popcorn that way even when ds isn't around. :D

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I use extra light olive oil to cook the popcorn, then a seasoned salt...I forget the brand name, but it's one that has extra fine sea salt and dried veggies/herbs. I buy it at Whole Foods. I don't add butter or anything else (although I'm not opposed to butter; I just don't want soggy popcorn, KWIM?).

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Normally a little salt and butter with grated parmesan melted with the butter.


But, there is a divine concoction...1/2 stick butter,2 tsp honey, 2 tbsp of carmel sauce, melt together pour over popcorn and stir well.


Very, very yummy. It's a holiday cheat treat so I don't have to make popcorn balls, which for a person who does not like to cook - IS TORTURE. The natives are generally happy and quiet after such an offering.



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Wow, all of these sound so good!!


We have an air popper, and usually we melt real butter and pour half over the popcorn and sprinkle with popcorn salt, give some good shakes, then repeat with the other half of the butter/more salt.


BUT the most delicious thing I ever ate was from a popcorn street vendor here (well, most delicious popcorn I ever ate...) -- and this is actually a recipe on the bag of kernels -- he cooked bacon dices into crispy bits. He had popcorn with the bacon bits mixed in (real bacon dices) which we didn't try BUT he cooked his regular popcorn in the bacon grease instead of oil.


Oh.My.Yummness. So so so so good. Just that hint of bacon flavor....YUM. I can't convince DH to try it, but I so want to. Cook bacon up and drizzle the whole thing over the popcorn.....(sigh).


Liking the cheese ideas, though, and the different seasonings.....will have to try that next time.

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In our house, we put melted butter and sea salt on our popcorn. Occasionally we might throw some shredded cheese in the bowl. Or maybe some butterscotch chips.


In the Wilson thread, Hedgehog (Hi Hedgehog! I hope you don't feel picked on! I just found your post intriguing!) remarked that she puts condensed milk on hers. And was surprised to see someone use seasoning salt. I thought it might be fun to see what other popcorn variations this group could come up with. :001_smile:




:lol: no problem! I've had plain popcorn with condensed milk ever since I was a child - I remember watching movies with my family and wiping my finger round my popcorn bowl to get the last of the condensed milk. YUM!!!


DH introduced me to butter popcorn, which doesn't go so well with condensed milk, but very nice just the same.


(Now I am considering how long it would take me to get to the store, buy popcorn and a can of condensed milk, come back, microwave it... maybe it's too late for that now... maybe not... ;) )

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Mrs Spy Car (the designated pop-corn diva extraordinaire in our home) adds some salt and...dried dill weed.


Dill is her innovation. She says it makes the popcorn taste "buttery" without the butter. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it is tasty and pop-corn isn't pop-corn at our house without some dried dill.



Bill (rhymes with dill :D)


Dill?!! I love dill! I will have to try that out next time we have popcorn (which is a favorite food at our house and we usually do the boring salt and butter thing on ours).

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Popped in coconut oil, in a pot on the stove - topped with melted butter and popcorn salt (the super, super fine type).


DH's family actually likes to pour milk over their fresh popped popcorn, no salt, no butter, in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. Blech!

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I put this on my amazon wish list!!! (and I bookmarked the website!)




Oh man, Lara..... I LOVE my Whirly Pop. It comes with a neat little recipe booklet so you can try some neat kinds of spices, toppings and even kettle corn!



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Candy-coated popcorn. You can use any flavor of Jell-O. My kids like cherry and lemon the best.




We made bags of this as treats for the cousins last Christmas, and let me tell you, that stuff is CRACK. Everyone kept calling me and asking me for more, and I was never able to keep enough of it in the house!

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