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Do you have any tattoos?

Do you have any tattoos?  

  1. 1. Do you have any tattoos?

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The other thread on tattoos had me thinking about tattoos in general. I have one cousin that has tattoos and an aunt with one that nobody can see. Nobody else in my family in my huge extended family has any tattoos (it's possible that there are some with tattoos but they haven't mentioned them and I can't see them) but when I'm out and about I see lots of them. Just wondering about our group here if we are most tattooed or not.

Edited by aggieamy
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I "inherited" an extremely negative view on tattoos from my family, it seems. I can hardly entertain a thought of getting one willingly. I dislike them greatly and I dislike needles and I cannot fathom paying somebody to mutilate my body in such a fashion. No tattoos for me, therefore. :D

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I have six.:D However, they are the size of a pencil tip and were put in place for radiation tx. One is just below my collarbone so I see it all the time. They look like blackheads if you don't know what they are.


So I voted other as it wasn't really a choice.

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A poll that I could vote other! I have three tiny dots that are used to line me up for radiation treatment for breast cancer. Didn't get them willingly, but I have them. Now I am certain I will never get a "real" tattoo because these tiny ones hurt so bad!

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I don't have any.


DH has a very small one just below his ankle bone.


I really would like to get my nose pierced and wear a teeny, tiny diamond stud in it, I think that is very pretty. If I told anyone IRL that knows me, they would be SHOCKED. I'm sure I'll never do it.

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I will try to get pics up on my blog, then post a link for those who want to see them.

I can describe them for now though. :001_smile: I put a lot of thought into them and am very happy with them, even the ones that are not as pretty as the rest.

The back of my neck has a symbol for servant. It is only visible when my hair is pulled up. On my right shoulder blade I have a celtic symbol for the Trinity, on my left shoulder a tribal cross done in a more Celtic influenced design. On my right arm I have a Trogderette(Strongbad) baking cookies and "Genesis 2:18". Brian has Trogdor, this is my nod at a matching design. It is silly looking, and meaningful and my family likes it. I knew most people wouldn't get it, I got it for me and mine. :tongue_smilie: On my right forearm I have a silhouette of a fairy with stars behind her. Each star is a birthstone for the kids. The sparks coming off her wand are Brian's birthstone.Over her is "Psalm 128".

On my left arm...the whole arm is done.Full sleeve in a traditional Asian style. There are two swans, pink paper lanterns, wind bars, water,purple and pink swirls, a phoenix, fire, rocks, a small village, a boat. It took 22 hours spread out over 2 years. There is also a symbol for "promise" on my wrist, now incorporated into the scene, but it was there first.

On my back along the left side is a dogwood tree. I got a poem about the dogwood bearing the crown as a child and loved it ever since. I have a tribal banner under that.

On my right thigh I have my first tattoo, a cross entwined with roses. It was done professionally and poorly, but it stands as meaningful anyhow. And no one except Brian or my midwife ever sees it :lol: .

On my left calf I have a cross with "Jesus" written through it and a double strand of thorns. On my right calf I have a baby in the womb, with technology trying to break through, protected by nature. Probably need to see it, but it speaks volumes about stewardship to me.

Finally my feet. I walk in the Word. On my left foot I have "Romans 3:23" and an ugly duckling. On my right foot I have "2 Corinthians 5:17" and a swan princess.

Sorry so long. I sometimes struggle with these threads because in some eyes I am "less than" for my tattoos(in real life too). I have had so many important conversations as a result of my tattoos that I see them as extremely worth it though.

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I don't have any.


DH has a very small one just below his ankle bone.


I really would like to get my nose pierced and wear a teeny, tiny diamond stud in it, I think that is very pretty. If I told anyone IRL that knows me, they would be SHOCKED. I'm sure I'll never do it.


I've always wanted to pierce my eyebrow. All the woman that I know that have it done are beautiful so my mixed up logic has me thinking that a pierced eyebrow might make me quite fetching. If you knew me IRL though you'd know that there would be no way I'd really do it. Wishful thinking.


I "inherited" an extremely negative view on tattoos from my family, it seems. I can hardly entertain a thought of getting one willingly. I dislike them greatly and I dislike needles and I cannot fathom paying somebody to mutilate my body in such a fashion. No tattoos for me, therefore. :D


I grew up with similar ideas to yours. In my family it was always thought that the only people who had a tattoo were either in the Navy or were in prison. When I was in my early twenties and living with my grandmother I got a fake tattoo at a fair and as soon as the ink dried I drove home to show her. My cousin and I laughed and laughed about what we expected her reaction to be. I got home and proudly showed it off. No reaction from her! I couldn't believe it. I asked her what she thought of it and her response was that it was cute and how long would it take to wash off. She knew me too well. :001_smile:

Edited by aggieamy
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I think we've done this before but can anyone post pics?


Nakia, what is on your wrist? That is where I'm contemplating getting one. I always hated that spot but now I like it. I don't see the point in getting one if I can't see it and appreciate it and I think the wrist is a great spot to enjoy it.


It's a small tree with swirly branches, kind of abstract. It was done to look very vintage and faded. I love love love it!! I am planning something special for my right wrist too.


I am also planning to have the word "worthy" tattooed on my foot in honor of one of my favorite bible verses that says "Walk worthy of your calling." And when/if I lose some weight I want some tiger lillies going up my side. I am trying to talk my husband into matching tattoos for our 15th anniversary in two years. I would like to incorporate our Chinese zodiac signs, a dragon and a snake. We are working on a sketch right now. So, I guess that's more than a couple more, lol. :D

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I have a horeshoe with a purple rose in it on my shouulder blade. It was a college spring break thing. I also used to have my eyebrow and tongue pierced! I went through a crazy period in my younger years. The tat is permanent and it is faded. That was the worst pain I ever experienced (worse than childbirth) and so now I have an ugly, faded, tatoo.


The upside? I am too fat to wear tank tops so no one ever sees it unless I get caught in swimsuit :D

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No tattoos here (and as far as I know, none of my adult kids have them). I'm not a fan of them, certainly not multiple publicly-visible ones, but I'm not as anti-tattoo as my husband. I could never get one because I'm pretty sure it must hurt, and I don't think the tattoo would be worth the pain.

I think an interesting sub-survey would have been to break it down by age; I'm betting us older types (I'm 50) would generally be less likely to have them than the "youngsters."

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No. I've never wanted any sort of tattoo and really don't understand the fad.


I don't see how it can be considered a fad.... I suppose that they are more acceptable now- or maybe that they no longer carry the negative connotations they once did...

But being that they have been around for thousands of years... not a fad.


IMHO, life is short. No one is going to care if I had a tattoo after I'm dead and gone. In fact - most people don't care now.

We all have our own reasons for getting them, but I think once you have one you realize they just aren't that big of a deal. I think that is why people usually get more than one. One the first one is over - all the fear of pain and the permanence leaves :)

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I once saw a group of elderly people with their saggy, baggy tattoos that had faded into a dirty-skin tone (since the ink fades over time). And I decided right there that I never, ever wanted to have something so very optional that's practically guaranteed to look like crap when I'm 80.

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There is a long story behind it that I won't get into here. I have a dot, about size of one of this guys tongue ->:tongue_smilie: on my hand.


No, it isn't something not finished. No, it isn't a gang symbol.


Seriously. You can't do that. It is like posting the name of a FABULOUS dish you make---recipe is required.


Now I will be googling 'a dot for a tattoo' all day. I won't be able to sleep tonight for wondering what the dot means. Why you have it. Why you taunt us with half stories.


I must know. please?

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Ooh I want to see that tree! It sounds really cool. I love cherry blossoms and everytime I read my fav blog I see the header http://www.byebyepie.typepad.com/ with these blossoms. I have only seen a few tattoos that look soft like this so I doubt I'd end up getting one that looked nice. I've also heard that pink fades easily.



That header is beautiful!! I bet you could take it to a tattoo artist, and they could help you figure something out that would work. The original idea for the tattoo on my back (that isn't finished) came from a children's fairy book. It is a magnolia tree with three little bluebirds and a nest with an egg (representing my 3 daughters and the baby we lost).


I don't have a picture of either except on my phone. I could send them to you on your phone, lol, if you do picture messages. I promise I'm not a stalker. :D Otherwise I will remember to post a pic of both when my back is done.

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No. Have never, will never, willingly have a tattoo.

:iagree: Not for me ... although I'm not sure what you mean by "willingly" :lol:, but I'll just agree anyway.


Oh, and I would definitely go for tattoo over any piercings! I Hate piercings!

I agree. I really dislike piercings. Again, not for me.


I once saw a group of elderly people with their saggy, baggy tattoos that had faded into a dirty-skin tone (since the ink fades over time). And I decided right there that I never, ever wanted to have something so very optional that's practically guaranteed to look like crap when I'm 80.



It's funny, because on many counts, I consider myself to be quite liberal (political stuff, social needs of a society, universal health care, etc.), but on others, I know that I'm be considered to be quite conservative and prudish (n*dism thread and this one).

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