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Spin off from anj's book thread...What movies do you wish you had not seen?

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Are there movies that stayed with you in a negative way?


I saw a movie about rattlesnakes that had gone crazy and began attacking people right and left.


That same summer I saw a movie about a really big bear that attacked people right and left.


Both movies stayed with me for years.


The original versions of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes also haunted me for many years.


How about you?

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Sophie's Choice


I did see that ONE SCENE once when Meryl Streep was on Oprah. Good grief! I was completely blind-sided by that one! I always thought the movie was about choosing between two men!! I was sobbing, and so were other women in the audience. It has haunted me ever since.

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I did see that ONE SCENE once when Meryl Streep was on Oprah.


I didn't see it on Oprah, but I bet I know the scene you're mentioning. I saw the SCENE on tv once when we were traveling & dh was flipping through the tv channels. He stopped for a minute on that & that's what I saw of that movie. We changed the channel, but that scene has haunted me ever since.

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I watched Hunter on TV as a child, and my mom watched lots of made for TV movies- where people were kidnapped, murdered, etc. I was terrified that I was going to be murdered or kidnapped and then murdered.

But then, a stranger did drive by our home once when I was small, and I was outside playing. He turned around and came back, and as he drove by our home again he slowed down and started opening his car door. My mother saw it happen, and ran outside and called me to come in. He closed his door and drove away-we never saw him again.

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While You Were Sleeping haunted me for a while as well as Fatal Attraction and The Hand That Rocks The Cradle....


I just don't do horror flicks anymore.


The rest that were so bad I can't remember what they are....they were THAT bad!:lol:

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walked out of A Clockwork Orange early on, so I didn't really "see" the whole movie. What I saw was very disturbing to me.



My xh and I rented this as part of our first date (which turned out to be a weekend long). Neither of us had seen it.


Later that weekend, we went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


It was an omen. (No movie pun intended).

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Silence of the Lambs destroyed me for years!


I used to work the day shift in a hospital and had to leave for work at 6 am. I was literally paralyzed by fear and could not make myself walk outside into the dark winter morning to get into my car after viewing that movie. I just knew that Dr.Lechter or some other garden variety nut job was waiting to skin me alive and force me to repeat, "It puts the lotion on." *shudder*


I woke my dad up to walk me to the car. I did that a lot that winter and he never complained. :001_smile: I adore my father.

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Amityville Horror was my first horror movie and it terrified me.


Anything by Stephen King.


Halloween movies


Exorcist. Friends in college encouraged me to watch this. It was AWFUL!!!


Then, there was that movie where the main characters "killed" themselves and then brought themselves back to life somehow. I don't remember much of it, but the premise has bothered me ever since.


I'm VERY sensitive to movies and things I see on tv. I have to be very careful!

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Amityville Horror was my first horror movie and it terrified me.


Anything by Stephen King.


Halloween movies


Exorcist. Friends in college encouraged me to watch this. It was AWFUL!!!


Then, there was that movie where the main characters "killed" themselves and then brought themselves back to life somehow. I don't remember much of it, but the premise has bothered me ever since.


I'm VERY sensitive to movies and things I see on tv. I have to be very careful!




Was that movie "Flatliners?" I actually like that one. What does that say about me?:lol:

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Was that movie "Flatliners?" I actually like that one. What does that say about me?:lol:


Yes! That was it. For me, it was the whole concept of killing yourself that bothered me. The, what if it doesn't work, and they can't get you back? I listened to it, but refused to actually watch.


As far as what that says about you . . . I'm not sure . . . but if we ever go to a movie together, can I pick it out? Please? :lol:

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Yes! That was it. For me, it was the whole concept of killing yourself that bothered me. The, what if it doesn't work, and they can't get you back? I listened to it, but refused to actually watch.


As far as what that says about you . . . I'm not sure . . . but if we ever go to a movie together, can I pick it out? Please? :lol:


:lol: Yes! We'll do Pollyanna or Swiss Family Robinson.;)

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While You Were Sleeping haunted me for a while :


Might you be thinking of a different movie, by chance? I only ask because the While You Were Sleeping I saw was a cute romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman (and I just can't imagine it haunting me).

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Amityville Horror was my first horror movie and it terrified me.



Exorcist. Friends in college encouraged me to watch this. It was AWFUL!!!



Yes, I'd say both of those. Also, the Damian/Omen movies and The Shining.

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Nightmare on Elm Street gave me nightmares as a child. Why was I allowed to see movies like that?


Se7en with Brad Pitt. I had to watch the entire thing for some reason, it was horrid.


I can handle horror and suspense, but I hate it when they harm animals, that bothers the heck out of me.


Aliens 3. Dh and I went to the theater to see it, biggest waste of time as a movie.


ETA: I have some very fond memories of group showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. I can't watch Tim Curry without thinking of him in a bustier.

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For a long while after viewing them (though I no longer feel bothered by them), I wish I'd never seen:



-Hell Raiser: Hell Bound (Went with friends and didn't know anything about it--should have walked out of the theater--almost did--wish I would have)

-2001: Space Odyssey (I was terribly depressed after this movie--crying hysterically about my abysmal life--don't ask me why but that movie triggered something deep inside)

-The Doors (really disturbed by the Satanic wedding, etc...)

-Poltergeist (couldn't sleep with any doll/stuffed animal in my bedroom from then on)

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For a long while after viewing them (though I no longer feel bothered by them), I wish I'd never seen:



-Hell Raiser: Hell Bound (Went with friends and didn't know anything about it--should have walked out of the theater--almost did--wish I would have)

-2001: Space Odyssey (I was terribly depressed after this movie--crying hysterically about my abysmal life--don't ask me why but that movie triggered something deep inside)

-The Doors (really disturbed by the Satanic wedding, etc...)

-Poltergeist (couldn't sleep with any doll/stuffed animal in my bedroom from then on)


I'm with you on the doll thing. Cah-reepy! Clowns scare the bejesus out of me, too.

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A horrid film called The Light at the End of the World with Yul Brynner....I was a little kid, stuck in a movie theater with my head in my arms, cringing!


Pulp Fiction - stopped the VCR as soon as that needle hit her chest - urg!


And, as a little kid, any wolfman films gave me nightmares.


More recently, I went to Braveheart on the BIG screen with my neighbor and while she stared in fascination I had to hide my eyes and plug my ears during several scenes. Double Urg.


Oh, and, of course, what mother can stand Sophie's Choice. :-(

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I am Legend...so scary and why do you have to kill the dog?


30 Days of Night...super scary and I can still see the vampires in my mind and they were so gross and evil looking.


Sophies Choice...I too saw just the one scene on Oprah and I was so upset by it. I just couldn't believe it!! Just hearing the name of the movie again is upseting!

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I saw bits and pieces of Hannibal (and this was the tv version) and the scenes with Dr. Lecter giving Ray Liotta a labotomy while he is still alive haunts me still. I wish I had NEVER seen it.


Ugh. I wish I hadn't seen it, either.

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Someone mentioned the book version of Helter Skelter in the other thread, and I said this:


I never read Helter Skelter, but I saw (parts of) the movie and it bothered me, especially because they kept playing that crazy song. That is the one Beetle song that I cannot listen to.


To this day I cannot even look at Charles Manson's insane face. He gives me the heebie jeebies.

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Dead Man Walking, 187 and Fallen with Denzel Washington. (There should have been a clue to this one that I shouldn't watch it because everyone in the house, including visiting friends, hid behind the couch and peaked around it to watch the movie, no one would sit down!:lol:)


I have to add one more, Belly with DMX. What his character did to those girls was haunting, and it wasn't even a horror movie, well, maybe the real life kind.



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I agree with Liberty about Poltergeist - oh, I was 17 and I had to sleep with the light on for nearly a year after that one!


When I was 10 I saw Jaws - years of nightmares!!


When I was 18 and thought I was so grown up I saw Liquid Sky. My date and I couldn't even look at each other afterwards - we rode home in silence, and we were a very chatty couple.


Then, when I was dating my husband we saw Caligula - WHAT were we thinking??? We walked out about halfway through and I was shaking for hours...


Last one - Blue Velvet. We were married then and we also walked out. Since then we have been a lot more careful about what we see!

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Oh, and, of course, what mother can stand Sophie's Choice. :-(


You know, I had never seen it before I became a mother. I mentioned it once to DH, and since he's seen it, he told me the premise. We both agreed it would be best if I just. never. watch it. Ever. *shudder*

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Are there movies that stayed with you in a negative way?


I saw this when I was a child - probably eight or nine years old. I have no idea what the name of the move is, though.


A man - I think he's a scientist or researcher, but not sure - spent time in India (? I think it was India - the movie picks up after he's returned to the states and to his family). One day, there is a package for his daughter in the mail. He sees the return markings and gets very tense, but lets the girl have the package, anyway. It's a doll.


It's a psychotic, killer doll that talks to the girl while she's alone, grows to life-size at night, and systematically alienates the girl from her family while killing off each and every person in the household.


Evidently, the father really torqued off someone on his travels.


I hate that movie, and I have no idea what it's called. It stuck with me for years. I even had a doll that was really large with eyes that open and shut and could walk if you held its hands - I put it on the back steps at night for a long, long time. I think my mother finally just got rid of it.

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I once saw a movie called Dead Ringers about twin brother, psycho, murderer, gynocologists. EWWWWW


That's on my list, too. I love Jeremy Irons, but...no.


Eraserhead. The Green Mile (I walked in during the electric chair scene). Betty Blue. Pan's Labyrinth. "Adult" movies. I probably could have done with the Blair Witch Project, too.

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but I don't regret seeing them. KWIM? Just about all of my favorite movies have very disturbing scenes. I prefer to have some emotional reaction to a film, although one viewing of Sophie's Choice is more than enough.


Certain films bothered me as a child, but not many films keep me awake at night as an adult. My regretful movies would be those from my childhood...


The Blob (I was under the age of 6 when I saw this. It was on some afternoon matinee channel. Original version. Triggered my chronic insomnia.)


Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (Another afternoon movie that I saw under the age of six. I just remember Betty Davis chopping off some man's hands.)


Rosemary's Baby: Creepy. I was pretty young when I saw this. I read Helter Skelter around the same time - so I have some sort of Sharon Tate/Mia Farrow morph stuck in my brain. I can't think of one w/o thinking of the other.


The Omen: Can't listen to any chanting monk type music without being creeped out.

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